Get registered devices Google Homegraph - actions-on-google

Is it possible to receive a list with all registered devices, homes and rooms from a Google account with a google actions?
Basically I want to create an action which allows to send notifications to a specific google home device.
I know that this might somehow involve using the Homegraph API. I thought that request sync might do the job but I didn't get it to work. I don't know how to find out the agentUserID.
Anyone experience with using the homegraph API?
Thank you in advance.

No it is not possible to use the API to get a list of devices at the user level. The API only allows one to get the devices per user per action.
It also does not allow one to get the homes and rooms for a Google account.


How to address users in facebook analytics server-to-server

Hi here's my problem:
I would like to send events to Facebook Analitycs asynchronously from my server. And my users are on iOs.
My problem is that I need to somehow identify my event server to the specific user. What I’ve seen so far are those solutions:
Use advertiser_id: IDFA for iOs, it's not GDPR compliant, so I can’t store it for async server event
Use attribution/Mobile_cookie: I don't know how retrieve a attribution number or mobile cookie from an iOS device? And I'm not sure if it is GDPR compliant to store it?
Populate and use app_user_id: Would it be enough to track user from the server without advertiser_id or attribution?
To rephrase it:
For asynchronous event send from the server (not the mobile device), how can we identify the user properly on facebook analytics?
With attribution/Mobile_cookie that we previously saved in database?
Or is app_user_id is enough to identify and recouple event on facebook analytics?
If you have link or information on how to do that it will help us a lot.

How to dynamically change content depending on data from Facebook analytics?

Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API so there is no way to push content to a users phone based on segments anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that I want to analyse Facebook analytic data programatically and display different products to my customers based on how they use the app, to do this I need access to Facebook analytics through a PHP SDK or JavaScript SDK. How do I access Facebook analytics programatically? I can't find anything in their PHP SDK which would let me do this.
Furthermore, I want to push notifications to specific segments of users, now that Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API, how can this be accomplished?
Could it be worth switching to Firebase / Google analytics, would these services allow me to accomplish these tasks?
Analytics is primarily about post-event analysis, vs real-time optimization. All of the products you mention focus on post-event analysis and don't support you reading data out for a single individual (i.e. the current user), through an API or otherwise.

Developer Access to Google Assistant Conversation History

I am developing a Google Assistant app for Google Home, and about to launch the app. I am wondering, once my app is live on the Google Assistant platform, whether I (as a developer) would have access to all of the conversation histories as users interact with my app.
If so, does Actions on Google / Google have some sort of interface to view / download the history? Or, do I have to log and capture the history myself? I thought the history will be really helpful for me to improve my app.
Many thanks!
It depends a bit on how you have built your Action.
If you have built it with one of the templates - then no, you don't have access to the conversations.
If you have built it with the Actions SDK or with Dialogflow, then you will have access to quite a bit of information that is delivered to your fulfillment webhook. If you have intents that do not send anything to your webhook - you will not get that information.
There are tools that help you examine conversation flow, see where users get stuck or fall out of the conversation, or how they're using your Action. Most of them have good integration with the Actions on Google libraries. I use a combination of Chatbase,, and Google Analytics.

Facebook App with Standard Setting without Ad Management

We have tried to create an App that will be able to access only Reporting and Insights for a user via Marketing Insights API. I have noticed that the requirement for Basic access is listed as:
"Apps should create sufficient ads that pass ad review and do not contain bad creatives"
But my App is NOT intended to create ads. It is a data reporting App and without standard access I have to add each user into Ads API under Advertising Accounts section of the App Settings. I would like to use this app across FB accounts of my clients to only pull data related to the ads. Could you please help me understand how to accomplish this without having to create a separate Dev app for each client?
You could try to apply directly for the Standard Access tier. In that form you can explain your use case and then it will be processed.
I would advise to already make various valid requests from your Development Tier to show you have a correct implementation.

SMS notification when selected friends are online

I have an idea to develop a Facebook app which notifies the user through SMS when his/her friends come online. The user can pre-select the friends he/she wanted to get SMS notifications of.
This is my first attempt at developing for Facebook so I have zero experience and knowledge about the platform. I just want to know if my idea for such an app is possible? Does Facebook have an API for SMSes? Or do they let 3rd party messaging APIs (such as this one I came across) to work with them.
Thank you.
A Facebook app is actually ran off of your server and you can do anything that you want as long as you stay inside the limits of what you requested as far as information the app needs. As far and getting the information it is relatively easy. I made a extremely complicated app in 3 days. Once you read and get how to pull certain information, the rest is cake walk