Ionic icon as button - ionic-framework

I have a search bar at the header and wish to be able to link a click event to one icon.
Here is the header code:
<div class="item-input-inset" style="padding:5px">
<label class="item-input-wrapper" style="background-color:#FFF">
<i class="icon ion-ios-search placeholder-icon" style="font-size:20px"></i>
<input ng-model="search_text" type="text" placeholder="Search"
focus-me my-enter="new_search(search_text)">
<i class="icon ion-android-close placeholder-icon" style="font-size:20px;" ng-click="clear_search_text()"></i>
As can be seen, there are two icons. the second one has a ng-click that never fires once tapped. In fact, when clicked, it's like i had clicked on the input.
Is there any solution for this situation?


Angular logging click 2 times on one click

I'm trying to create 2 buttons, power on and power off, that have click events for their respected statuses. I have them as radio buttons, but i wanted them to be submitted on click without a submit button, like a switch. So i decide to just have them as pseudo forms, and add click listeners to each to release the event data.
I was testing this by logging the click, and when i click on, the console logs 2 clicks, despite clicking it once.
component snippet
onClick(data: any) {
html snippet
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
class="power-toggle on btn btn-lg btn-success"
<input type="radio" name="power" value="power-on" autocomplete="off">
class="power-toggle off btn btn-lg btn-danger active"
<input type="radio" name="power" value="power-off" autocomplete="off" checked>
why is this happening? how can i fix it? is there a way to submit the radio value as is without a submit button or turning the button into a submit button?
You need to bind the click function to the input and not the label.
Please find the plunker example here :
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
class="power-toggle on btn btn-lg btn-success"
<input (click)="onClick($event)" type="radio" name="power" value="power-on" autocomplete="off">
class="power-toggle off btn btn-lg btn-danger active"
<input (click)="onClick('off')" type="radio" name="power" value="power-off" autocomplete="off" checked>

Good pattern for hiding ion-nav-bar on login and not having a back button just after login?

Below is the template code to a page in my app. You can see that I am using the ion-nav-bar. I would like to disable the ion-nav-bar on the login screen and to not have a back button to go back to the login screen.
The best solution I can come up with is to remove <ion-nav-bar> from the login page and add an ng-show directive to <ion-nav-back-button> that tests if the previous page is login and hides the tag in that case.
Is there any better design pattern for this?
<ion-view view-title="Sales">
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
<ion-content class="padding">
<ionic-datepicker input-obj="datepickerObject">
<button class="button button-block button-positive"> {{datepickerObject.inputDate | date:'dd - MMMM - yyyy'}}</button>
<div class="list list-inset">
<label class="item item-input">
<input type="text" placeholder="Amount" ng-model="data.amount">
<button class="button button-block button-stable" ng-click="enter()">Save</button>
To your ion-view, you need to add the hide-nav-bar directive and set it to true to hide it on this page.
Like so
<ion-view hide-nav-bar="true">
This will hide the whole nav-bar when you enter the view
For hiding back button just add this tag to your view just like this
<ion-view title="Login" hide-back-button="true">

AngularJs radio buttons are connected when using ng-form with ng-repeat

See this plnkr
When using a ng-form tag on an ng-repeat which contains a radio button group, the radio buttons are linked so if you check a radio button in one ng-repeat it will deselect in all the other ng-repeats. This puzzles me as the model of the ng-repeat is otherwise isolated from the other items. This is not only an issue when using ng-repeat. It also occurs when having multiple instances of a custom directive with isolated scope which renders a
<div ng-form name="myForm">
In the Plnkkr try adding a number of items and check the radio buttons on some of the items.
They should be independent, but they are not.
Is this a bug in Angular?
If not why does it work this way and how can I work around it?
<form name="mainForm" ng-submit="submitAll()">
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-form="subForm">
<input type="text" required name="name" ng-model=""/>
<input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="r1" ng-model="" /> r1
<input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="r2" ng-model="" /> r2
<span ng-show="$error.required">required</span>
<button type="button" ng-disabled="subForm.$invalid" ng-click="submitOne(item)">Submit One</button>
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="mainForm.$invalid">Submit All</button>
Those radio buttons are "connected" by a browser since you are giving them the same name. Just drop the name attribute and things start to work as expected:
As per your last comment, I have tried this out and it works. I'm not using the built-in angular validation but I believe it works all the same and is very simple
<li ng-repeat="item in items" ng-form="subForm">
<input type="text" required name="name" ng-model=""/>
<input type="radio" value="r1" ng-model="" /> r1
<input type="radio" value="r2" ng-model="" /> r2
<span ng-show="''">required</span>
<button type="button" ng-disabled="subForm.$invalid ||''" ng-click="submitOne(item) ">Submit One</button>
See my working example at
The trick is using ng-show="''" to show the validation error and to disable the "Submit One" button.
In my honest opinion angular form validation and browser validation with checkboxes and radios is not very solid.

bootstrap icon text is dim

So I have three bootstrap buttons in a row, all inside of a form:
a <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> that submits the form
a <a class="btn btn-inverse"><i class="icon-edit icon-white"></i> Edit</a> button right next to it.
a <a class="btn btn-success"><i class="icon-plus icon-white"></i> New</a> button right next to that one.
For some reason, the "Edit" text is in gray, while the text of the other two buttons is white -- any ideas why this might be happening?
You may either look upon as suggested in #Marronsuisse comment or you can use
<a class="btn btn-inverse" style="color:#FFF">
<i class="icon-edit icon-white"></i> Edit</a>
Also, beg me pardon, but it might be looking as gray to your eyes due to it's black can verify the same with this
<a class="btn btn-inverse" style="font-weight:bolder">
<i class="icon-edit icon-white"></i> Edit</a>

How do I click on a button in Selenium IDE using only the text associated with the button and not its position?

this is the dom source of the button I want to click on
<div class="footer clearFloat">
<div class="left">
<div class="right">
<input class="button" value="Next step" id="dpTransportResultSelectLink[7]" type="submit">
This is the x-path "/html/body[#id='transport-results']/div[#id='master']/div[#id='master_center']/div[#id='page_content']/div[#id='contentPad']/form[#id='fare_5']/div[2]/div[2]"
How do I frame my locator using "[SB_XML]", irrespective of the form Id?
I've tested it as an xpath but not in Selenium
lemme know how it goes