Kafka consumer group do not list newly added topic - apache-kafka

I am using kafka 0.10. 4 topics are present in my kafka consumer group name consumer-group. I am adding new topic to the same consumer-group.
When I execute the command
bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list localhost:9092 --zookeeper localhost:2181
all my old 4 topics gets listed.
But my newly added topic is not getting list down. Further Kafka Consumer not processing any messages from the 5th topic.
when tried kafka-consumer-console.sh, able to see the messages in console. But not received via the consumer-group
How to resolve this?


Kafka consumer group description does not include all topics [duplicate]

What I want to achieve is to be sure that my Kafka streams consumer does not have lag.
I have simple Kafka streams application that materialized one topic as store in form of GlobalKTable.
When I try to describe consumer on Kafka by command:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group my-application-id
I can't see any results. And there is no error either. When I list all consumers by:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all-groups
my application consumer is listed correctly.
Any idea where to find additional information what is happening that I can't describe consumer?
(Any other Kafka streams consumers that write to topics can be described correctly.)
If your application does only materialize a topic into a GlobalKTable no consumer group is formed. Internally, the "global consumer" does not use subscribe() but assign() and there is no consumer group.id configured (as you can verify from the logs) and no offset are committed.
The reason is, that all application instances need to consume all topic partitions (ie, broadcast pattern). However, a consumer group is designed such that different instances read different partitions for the same topic. Also, per consumer group, only one offset can be committed per partition -- however, if multiple instance read the same partition and would commit offsets using the same group.id the commits would overwrite each other.
Hence, using a consumer group while "broadcasting" data does not work.
However, all consumers should expose a "lag" metrics records-lag-max and records-lag (cf https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#consumer_fetch_monitoring). Hence, you should be able to hook in via JMX to monitor the lag. Kafka Streams includes client metrics via KafkaStreams#metrics(), too.

Unable to describe Kafka Streams Consumer Group

What I want to achieve is to be sure that my Kafka streams consumer does not have lag.
I have simple Kafka streams application that materialized one topic as store in form of GlobalKTable.
When I try to describe consumer on Kafka by command:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group my-application-id
I can't see any results. And there is no error either. When I list all consumers by:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all-groups
my application consumer is listed correctly.
Any idea where to find additional information what is happening that I can't describe consumer?
(Any other Kafka streams consumers that write to topics can be described correctly.)
If your application does only materialize a topic into a GlobalKTable no consumer group is formed. Internally, the "global consumer" does not use subscribe() but assign() and there is no consumer group.id configured (as you can verify from the logs) and no offset are committed.
The reason is, that all application instances need to consume all topic partitions (ie, broadcast pattern). However, a consumer group is designed such that different instances read different partitions for the same topic. Also, per consumer group, only one offset can be committed per partition -- however, if multiple instance read the same partition and would commit offsets using the same group.id the commits would overwrite each other.
Hence, using a consumer group while "broadcasting" data does not work.
However, all consumers should expose a "lag" metrics records-lag-max and records-lag (cf https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#consumer_fetch_monitoring). Hence, you should be able to hook in via JMX to monitor the lag. Kafka Streams includes client metrics via KafkaStreams#metrics(), too.

Kafka topics not created empty

I have a Kafka cluster consisting on 3 servers all connected through Zookeeper. But when I delete a topic that has some information and create the topic again with the same name, the offset does not start from zero.
I tried restarting both Kafka and Zookeeper and deleting the topics directly from Zookeeper.
What I expect is to have a clean topic When I create it again.
I found the problem. A consumer was consuming from the topic and the topic was never actually deleted. I used this tool to have a GUI that allowed me to see the topics easily https://github.com/tchiotludo/kafkahq. Anyway, the consumers can be seen running this:
bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

How to seperate a consumer from consumer group without losing offset?

I have a logstash kafka consumer group subscribing nearly 20topics which isn't performing well for a particular high priority kafka topic to process, so I've decided to remove one topic out of the consumer group and launch a separate consumer group for high priority topics, but unfortunately with that i'm losing the offset that was there in old consumer group.
Is there anyway I can start the new logstash consumer group with the initial offset from last consumer group?
You can use kafka scripts to set offset for new group.
Sample scenario:
Stop application.
Check current offset for group. You can use following command. The output will contains information about current offset, log end offset, lag, etc for each topic.
./bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group groupId --describe
Set offset for new group id, that will be used by new application (suppose the offset for topic you would like to switch is 10001)
./bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group newGroupId --to-offset 10001 --topic topicName --reset-offsets --execute
Remove topicName from topics list for old application.
Set up new logstash configuration with newGroupId group id.
Start old and new logstash applications.

Kafka 10.2 new consumer vs old consumer

I've spent some hours to figure out what was going on but didn't manage to find the solution.
Here is my set up on a single machine:
1 zookeeper running
3 broker running (on port 9092/9093/9094)
1 topic with 3 partitions and 3 replications (each partition are properly assigned between brokers)
I'm using kafka console producer to insert messages. If i check the replication offset (cat replication-offset-checkpoint), I see that my messages are properly ingested by Kafka.
Now I use the kafka console consumer (new):
sudo bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic testTopicPartitionned2
I dont see anything consumed. I tried to delete my logs folder (/tmp/kafka-logs-[1,2,3]), create new topics, still nothing.
However when I use the old kafka consumer:
sudo bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic testTopicPartitionned2
I can see my messages.
Am I missing something big here to make this new consumer work ?
Thanks in advance.
Check to see what setting the consumer is using for auto.offset.reset property
This will affect what a consumer group without a previously committed offset will do in terms of setting where to start reading messages from a partition.
Check the Kafka docs for more on this.
Try providing all your brokers to --bootstrap-server argument to see if you notice any differnce:
sudo bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --from-beginning --topic testTopicPartitionned2
Also, your topic name is rather long. I assume you've already made sure you provide the correct topic name.