How to seperate a consumer from consumer group without losing offset? - apache-kafka

I have a logstash kafka consumer group subscribing nearly 20topics which isn't performing well for a particular high priority kafka topic to process, so I've decided to remove one topic out of the consumer group and launch a separate consumer group for high priority topics, but unfortunately with that i'm losing the offset that was there in old consumer group.
Is there anyway I can start the new logstash consumer group with the initial offset from last consumer group?

You can use kafka scripts to set offset for new group.
Sample scenario:
Stop application.
Check current offset for group. You can use following command. The output will contains information about current offset, log end offset, lag, etc for each topic.
./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group groupId --describe
Set offset for new group id, that will be used by new application (suppose the offset for topic you would like to switch is 10001)
./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group newGroupId --to-offset 10001 --topic topicName --reset-offsets --execute
Remove topicName from topics list for old application.
Set up new logstash configuration with newGroupId group id.
Start old and new logstash applications.


Consumer do not join a consumer group

I am using kafka-python and I want to consume messages from a topic. For monitoring reasons, I want to create a consumer and assign it to a consumer'group.
I am using the following functions:
server = KafkaConsumer(, bootstrap_servers = str(ip_address)+':'+str(ip_port) , client_id =str('_dispatcher', group_id='xxxxxx')
However, when monitoring the consumer groups using:
bash --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all-groups
I still see that the consumer is not added to the consumer groups and the consumer group is not rebalancing. Could someone explain to me what is the problem with Kafka?

Kafka - command to fetch the current offset committed by this consumer

I am going through the documentation and didn't find a way apart from using "committed" method to fetch the current committed offset per partition of this current consumer , consumer group.
Is there a simple way , command to find out the same committed offset of a consumer ?
You can use the Kafka tool as described in the documentation checking consumer position
> bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group my-group

How to create a new consumer group in kafka

I am running kafka locally following instructions on quick start guide here,
and then I defined my consumer group configuration in config/ so that my consumer can pick messages from the defined
Running the following command,
bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
results in,
test-consumer-group <-- defined in conf/
console-consumer-67807 <-- when connecting to kafka via
I am able to connect to kafka via a python based consumer that is configured to use the provide i.e test-consumer-group
First of all, I am not able to understand how/when kafka creates consumer groups. It seems it loads the conf/ at some point of time and additionally it implicitly creates consumer-group (in my case console-consumer-67807) when connecting via
How can I explicitly create my own consumer group, lets say my-created-consumer-group ?
You do not explicitly create consumer groups but rather build consumers which always belong to a consumer group. No matter which technology (Spark, Spring, Flink, ...) you are using, each Kafka Consumer will have a Consumer Group. The consumer group is configurable for each individual consumer.
It seems it loads the conf/ at some point of time and additionally it implicitly creates consumer-group (in my case console-consumer-67807) when connecting via
If you do not tell your console consumer to actually make use of that file it will not be taken into consideration.
There are the following alternatives to provide the name of a consumer group:
Console Consumer with property file (--consumer.config)
This is how the file config/ should look like
# consumer group id
And this is how you would then ensure that the console-consumer takes this into consideration:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test-topic --from-beginning --consumer.config /path/to/config/
Console consumer with --group
For console consumers the consumer group gets created automatically with prefix "console-consumer" and suffix something like a PID, unless you provide your own consumer group by adding --group:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test-topic --from-beginning --group my-created-consumer-group
Standard code-based consumer API
When using the standard JAVA/Scala/... Consumer API you could provide the Consumer Group through the properties:
Properties settings = new Properties();
settings.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "basic-consumer");
// set more properties
KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(settings)) {

delete specific messages from kafka topic __consumer_offsets

I want to delete all messages that are contained in the __consumer_offsets table that start with a given key (resetting one particular consumer group without affecting the rest).
Is there a way to do this?
Kafka comes with a ConsumerGroupCommand tool. You cand find some information in the Kafka documentation.
If you plan to reset a particular Consumer Group ("myConsumerGroup") without affecting the rest you can use
> bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --reset-offsets --group myConsumerGroup --topic topic1 --to-latest
Depending on your requirement you can reset the offsets for each partition of the topic with that tool. The help function or documentation explain the options.

how to get the all messages in a topic from kafka server

I would like to get all the messages from beginning in a topic from server.
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic testTopic --from-beginning
When using the above console command, I would like to able to get all messages in a topic from the beginning but I couldn't consume all the messages in a topic from beginning using java code.
You can get all messages using the following command:
cd Users/kv/kafka/bin
./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic topicName --from-beginning --max-messages 100
The easiest way would be to start a consumer and drain all the messages. Now I don't know how many partitions you have in your topic and whether you already have a an existing consumer group or not, but you have a few options:
Have a look at this API:
1) If you already have a consumer in the same consumer group, and still want to start consuming from the beginning, you should use the seek option listed in the API doc and set the offset to 0 for each consumer in the group. This would start consuming from the beginning.
2) Otherwise, you can start a few consumers in a new consumer group & you would not have to worry about seek.
PS: Please remember to provide more details about your setup in the future if you have more questions on Kafka. A lot of things depend on how you have configured your infrastructure & how you would prefer it to be and would thus vary from case to case.
TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, 0);
List<TopicPartition> partitions = Arrays.asList(topicPartition);
Just change the consumer group
ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG - to new group id
and set
sample code-
props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "newID");
props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");