How to acquire an XML Element Value using C# - deserialization

The XML is being returned by a web API and it looks like this (but with more elements).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root response="True">
<movie title="TRON" />
I have C# that can query the Web API and then display the XML in the console. I need to be able to just display a specific element's value. For this example, I want to display the "title" element's value.
I have this C# code that just returns a blank console window.
// Process the XML HTTP response
static public void ProcessResponse(XmlDocument MovieResponse)
//This shows the contents of the returned XML (MovieResponse) in the console window//
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(MovieResponse.NameTable);
XmlNode mTitle = MovieResponse.SelectSingleNode("/root/movie/title", nsmgr);

something along these lines:
public List<string> GetMovieTitle(XDocument xdoc)
string xpath = #"//root/movie/title";
var query = xdoc.XPathSelectElements(xpath).Select(t => t.Value);
return query.ToList<string>();
More options can be found here :
Edit using XmlDocument :
static public void ProcessResponse(XmlDocument MovieResponse)
string xpath = #"//root/movie/#title";
var query = MovieResponse.SelectSingleNode(xpath).Value;
Console.WriteLine(query) ;


How to feed data table from xml file received from Web API?

My Web API returns a string looking like XML file below. I put all rows ending with \r\n to new line for readability.
{"DataTable.RemotingVersion":{"major":2,"minor":0,"build":-1,"revision":-1,"majorRevision":-1,"minorRevision":-1},"XmlSchema":" <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n
<xs:schema xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:msdata=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata\">\r\n
<xs:element name=\"Test\">\r\n
<xs:element name=\"Col1\" type=\"xs:string\" msdata:targetNamespace=\"\" minOccurs=\"0\" />\r\n
<xs:element name=\"Col2\" type=\"xs:string\" msdata:targetNamespace=\"\" minOccurs=\"0\" />\r\n
<xs:element name=\"tmpDataSet\" msdata:IsDataSet=\"true\" msdata:MainDataTable=\"Test\" msdata:UseCurrentLocale=\"true\">\r\n
<xs:choice minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\" />\r\n
</xs:schema>","XmlDiffGram":"<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata\" xmlns:diffgr=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1\">\r\n
<Test diffgr:id=\"Test1\" msdata:rowOrder=\"0\">\r\n
<Col1>Column 1 value</Col1>\r\n
<Col2>Column 2 value</Col2>\r\n
I wonder how I can feed this string to a datatable? I tried to feed the table like this
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
byte[] byteArray =Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(<above string returned by Web API>);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream( byteArray );
However, the code failed with exception
System.Xml.XmlException: 'Data at the root level is invalid, position 1
Actually, your WebAPI didn't respond with a valid XML payload but return a JSON instead :
"DataTable.RemotingVersion": {...},
"XmlSchema":"... xml schema string ...",
"XmlDiffGram": " ... xml data string ..."
So you can't read the whole string by dt.ReadXml(stream);
Also note that the xml string begins with an empty string. It's better to invoke .Trim() before reading the XML string.
A working demo:
Let's create two helper methods that read the schema & data parts into DataTable:
// read the schema into DataTable
public static void ReadSchema(DataTable dt,string schema)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
ReadXMLToMemoryStream(schema, stream);
// read the data into DataTable
public static void ReadData(DataTable dt,string xml)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
// read xml string into MemoryStream
private static void ReadXMLToMemoryStream(string xml, MemoryStream stream)
var doc = new XmlDocument();
stream.Position = 0;
To fix the issue, we need parse the related json properties (I'm using Newtonsoft.Json) :
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strReturnedFromWebApi);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
using(var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(ms))){
var json = JToken.Load(reader);
var version= json.SelectToken("$.['DataTable.RemotingVersion']");
var schema = (string)json.SelectToken("$.XmlSchema"); // the schema part
var data = (string)json.SelectToken("$.XmlDiffGram"); // the data part
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
ReadSchema(dt,schema); // read schema
ReadData(dt,data); // read data

Extracting the values of elements (XML) which is in an array and put it in the message property in Camel

As you can see the Availability Flag, BeamId is getting repeated. How do I traverse and set the property for Availability Flag1 and so on, so that I can later fetch it with velocity template?
Code: (Its not complete)
public static HashMap<String,String> extractNameValueToProperties(String msgBody, selectedKeyList, namelist) throws Exception {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc = null;
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(msgBody)));
} catch(Exception ex) {
Exception actException = new Exception( "Exception while extracting tagvalues", ex);
throw actException;
HashMap<String,String> tagNameValueMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("*");
// Trying to enter the TransportFeasibilityResponse element
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
Node indNode = nodeList.item(i);
if (indNode.indexOf(String name)>-1);
//checking for Availability flag and similar namelist
dataKey = indNode.getTextContent();
message.setProperty(selectedKeyList[k], dataKey);
I am setting these values in my route:
<setProperty propertyName="namelist">
<setProperty propertyName="selectedKeyList">
<constant>AvailabilityFlag1,SatellitedID1,BeamID1,AvailabilityFlag2,SatellitedID2,BeamID2 </constant>
<bean beanType="com.gdg.dgdgdg.javacodename" method="extractNameValueToProperties"/>
Question: Please tell me how I can parse through the repeating elements and assign it to the property?
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but I think you could use the Splitter pattern to split your xml per Parameters tag and process each other separately and aggregate it later.
Take for example this input:
A route to process this input could be something like this:
.split(xpath("/TransportFeasibilityResponse/Parameters"), new AggregationStrategy() {
public Exchange aggregate(Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) {
List<String> beamIDs = null;
if (oldExchange == null) { // first
beamIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
beamIDs = oldExchange.getIn().getBody(List.class);
return newExchange;
.log("The final body: ${body}");
First, we split the input per Parameters tag, and then extract the BeamID from it. After that, the AggregationStrategy aggregates each message into one, grouping by BeamID.
The final message should have the a body like this:
The data I put in the body just for an example, but you could set anywhere you want into the Exchange you are manipulating inside the AggregationStrategy implementation.

How to map Json object to JPA specification for Search query

I have a RequestMaping that get a Search json class as body params.
I want to create proper Specification from this search json object so that pass to my Repository like this:
pagesResult = myRepository.findAll(mySpec)
I have problme with parsing and Dynamically add items to specification. I want to achieve something like this:
public Phones searchPhones(int pageNumber, Map<String, String> searchObject) {
List<PhoneSpecification> specificationslist = new ArrayList<>();
generateSpecifications(searchObject, specificationslist); //fill specificationList
Specification<Phone> specificationOfPhone;
for (PhoneSpecification spec :
specificationslist) {
//this is my problem , I had to dynamically increase my Specification like this:
specificationOfPhone = specificationOfPhone + Specifications.and(spec);
I finally achieve this by adding where to first specification and handle all by adding like this:
finalSpecification = Specifications.where(specificationslist.get(0)) ;
for (int i=1 ; i<specificationslist.size(); i++) {
finalSpecification = Specifications.where(finalSpecification).and(specificationslist.get(i));
You can change your code to this:
Specifications<Phone> specificationOfPhone = Specifications.where(null);
for (PhoneSpecification spec : specificationslist) {
specificationOfPhone = specificationOfPhone.and(spec);
I assumed that PhoneSpecification is extending/implements Specification<T>.
Specifications.where(null); will return empty specification which can be chained with others.
Because Specifications<T> extends Specification<T> you can use it with your findAll method.

Codefluent Potentially dangerous Request.Form value with richtext fields

After adding the multivalue (flags) enumeration solution (which works very well, thank you) from
to our MVC project we are now getting the dreaded "Potentially dangerous Request.Form value" on richtext fields across the board that we're using to generate html with a wysiwyg editor (summernote in this case).
If I remove summernote and just submit plain text the fields work perfectly, however putting any html code into the text input generates the error.
Fortunately, the error is coming out of the code just added (above) for the multi-enumeration on line 246:
Exception Details: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Description="...rem ipsum <strong>dolor</stron...").
Source Error:
Line 244: continue;
Line 245:
Line 246: Add(name, nvc[name]);
Line 247:
Line 248: }
For clarity, here is the whole method in question:
private void AddRange(NameValueCollection nvc)
foreach (string name in nvc)
// handle MultiSelectList templates
const string listSelectedToken = ".list.item.Selected";
const string listValueToken = ".list.item.Value";
if (name.EndsWith(listSelectedToken))
List<bool> bools = CodeFluent.Runtime.Utilities.ConvertUtilities.SplitToList<bool>(nvc[name], ',');
string propertyName = name.Substring(0, name.Length - listSelectedToken.Length);
string valueKey = propertyName + listValueToken;
List<string> keys = CodeFluent.Runtime.Utilities.ConvertUtilities.SplitToList<string>(nvc[valueKey], ',');
int j = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
if (bools[j])
if (sb.Length > 0)
Add(propertyName, sb.ToString());
if (name.EndsWith(listValueToken))
Add(name, nvc[name]);
Have I missed something in the multi-value implementation?
I don't think this error is related to the use of a multi-valued enumeration. In fact you post a value for the Description field that contains HTML tags (strong). By default ASP.NET prevents this and throw a validation exception.
If you expect your users to enter HTML, you must instruct ASP.NET to authorize HTML.
Change the EntityValueProvider
AddRange(context.HttpContext.Request.Unvalidated.Form); // Add Unvalidated
Or use the web.config: validateRequest or requestValidationMode
<pages validateRequest="false" />
<httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" />
Use AllowHtmlAttribute
public class Sample
public string Description {get;set;}
Or ValidateInputAttribute
[HttpPost, ValidateInput(true, Exclude = "Description")]
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)

how to programmatically access the builtin properties of an open xml worddoc file

i would like to access some built in properties(like author,last modified date,etc.) of an open xml word doc file. i would like to use open xml sdk2.0 for this purpose. so i wonder if there is any class or any way i could programmatically access these builtin properties.
An explanation of the following method can be found here, but pretty much you need to pass in the properties that you want to get out of the core.xml file to this method and it will return the value:
public static string WDRetrieveCoreProperty(string docName, string propertyName)
// Given a document name and a core property, retrieve the value of the property.
// Note that because this code uses the SelectSingleNode method,
// the search is case sensitive. That is, looking for "Author" is not
// the same as looking for "author".
const string corePropertiesSchema = "";
const string dcPropertiesSchema = "";
const string dcTermsPropertiesSchema = "";
string propertyValue = string.Empty;
using (WordprocessingDocument wdPackage = WordprocessingDocument.Open(docName, true))
// Get the core properties part (core.xml).
CoreFilePropertiesPart corePropertiesPart = wdPackage.CoreFilePropertiesPart;
// Manage namespaces to perform XML XPath queries.
NameTable nt = new NameTable();
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);
nsManager.AddNamespace("cp", corePropertiesSchema);
nsManager.AddNamespace("dc", dcPropertiesSchema);
nsManager.AddNamespace("dcterms", dcTermsPropertiesSchema);
// Get the properties from the package.
XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(nt);
// Load the XML in the part into an XmlDocument instance.
string searchString = string.Format("//cp:coreProperties/{0}", propertyName);
XmlNode xNode = xdoc.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsManager);
if (!(xNode == null))
propertyValue = xNode.InnerText;
return propertyValue;
You can also use the packaging API:
using System.IO.Packaging.Package;
using (var package = Package.Open(path))
package.PackageProperties.Creator = Environment.UserName;
package.PackageProperties.LastModifiedBy = Environment.UserName;
That works also for other open XML formats like power point.
I think that Is the best way.