Will App Store Update Erase Core Data/NSUserDfeaults? - swift

My app uses Core Data to store multiple entries, and NSUserDefaults to store a value. If I publish an update to the app store, will it erase that info? I have not adjusted the code for the Core Data; however, I added code for a nil/non-existent case for the NSUserDefaults

No, updating an app does not erase the app's data, even if the app uses Core Data or NSUserDefaults. Deleting and reinstalling an app removes app data stored on the device, but doesn't touch any cloud data the app may have stored.


iOS iCloud document change notification

Can you, in Swift get a change notification when a document in the apps's iCloud Drive container changes?
For example I am testing a simple concept where I am storing all app data as a json string in the app's iCloud Drive container and I am loading it when the app launches. I can retrieve and save the json string on demand on multiple devices, but I am wondering if there is a way to get a change notification sent to an app when the file is changed on another device.
If so, some direction would be appreciated.
If you are using UIDocument, you can register for UIDocumentStateChangedNotification (for a particular document), otherwise if you are looking for changes in the App's iCloud container you need to use NSMetaDataQuery which is described in Discovering an App's Documents in Document-Based App Programming Guide for iOS

Coredata iPhone to iPad/Mac with iCloud?

We have finished writing an iPhone App that uses coredata.
In further versions we plan to add an iPad App that is able to display the data collected by the iPhone App (and of corse modify, use it) to give more interaction possibilities to the user.
My question is: Is it possible to move existing coredata (of already installed apps on iphones) to the cloud and read that data out with an iPad application?
If yes: can you point me in the right direction of where to start?
If no: is there another alternative to access coredata created with an iPhone App with an iPad app?
When using Core Data's built in iCloud support it doesn't matter what kind of device you're on, only that the Core Data stack is initialized the same way. Any iOS device or Mac can use the same iCloud store, and data created on one can be read on another.
One crucial detail though: If you already have a data store and you add iCloud support, those pre-existing records do not automatically get migrated to the cloud. iCloud works based on transaction logs, and transaction logs are only created when you save changes. Existing data that doesn't immediately change generates no transactions, and therefore doesn't go to the cloud.
If you have existing data when you add iCloud, you'll need to migrate the data to a new data store to force transactions for those existing records. You can do this fairly easily using NSPersistentStoreCoordinator's migratePersistentStore:toURL:options:withType:error: method. It's not hard, but it's not always obvious that it's necessary.
To get started, I first suggest watching Apple's WWDC videos on iCloud-- especially WWDC 2012's session 227, Using iCloud with Core Data. Next, I suggest extreme caution, because as of today Core Data's iCloud support is still, shall we say, far from being the most reliable of Apple's APIs.

RestKit and iCloud directory backup policies

I am working on an IOS 5.0+ project that uses the latest RestKit to download, map and persist core data. I am looking for a definitive answer on Apple's iCloud storage guidelines with RestKit. Do I need to take any extra steps to make sure the data downloaded for use in the app is not automatically backed up to an iCloud account.Do I need to alter the default location for the directories used. Thanks in advance.
If your Core Data store is not saved in an ubiquity container (See: URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:) it will never be synced.
Also in the Using iCloud in Conjunction with Core Data section of the documentation they state:
Setting up your Core Data store to handle iCloud requires only a
little extra effort on your part. The steps you must follow depend on
whether you are using a single Core Data store as a central library
for your app or whether you are creating separate stores for
individual documents.
You have to do some explicit changes for synchronization. If you read the documents further, they mention some keys like NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey. If you search for this in the RestKit source, you will not find it - this is because RestKit does not sync with iCloud automatically (and they can not because iCloud is an app level synchronization framework).
Our app was just rejected for storing our database in the Documents folder. The seed file or app content in the database has got 3.3MB. We also store user created content in the database of course. The official statement is: 2.23 Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected
So now we are checking out on Technical Q&A QA1719 to prevent the database from being synced to iCloud.

iPhone, Where do I have to save user generated files if I want them to stay there after an app Upgrade (new release)? is Documents directory good?

I have an app that lets user record their own audio.
By now I'm saving those files into Documents directory.
My question is: if I will release a new version of that app, will user recorded files get deleted?
Is there a better place to store user generated audio files?
Should I use NSUserDefaults for data that stay even after app upgrade?
NSUserDefaults is used for storing settings (objects of Key-Value Coding compliant classes)
Other data such files you should store in Documents folder, wich survive between updates (if you don't delete it yourself, of course :)
Both the Documents directory and NSUserDefaults survive application updates. Choosing which to use depends on the kind of your data.
if I will release a new version of that app, will user recorded files get deleted?
Is there a better place to store user generated audio files?
Should I use NSUserDefaults for data that stay even after app upgrade?
Only if your data is small.

NSUserDefaults saved data making it to the app store

If I have some saving in NSUserDefaults whilst debugging my app, and then I submit it to the store, will the stuff be stored on that too? or does it get cleared when saved for a new distribution?
The code will be there, but the things that you saved will not package with the app.