Im using Linqpad to test out my EF query and I cant seem to get my end result to include a few extra columns that represent sums of a field based on different conditions
StorePaymentInvoices table contains a FK over to CustomerStatementBatchPayments. So I need to sum the field if there is a corresponding value in StorePaymentInvoices
Getting the sums is turning out to be a real mess. Any suggestions?
Sometimes what is hard to do in one statement, ends up being easier done in multiple steps.
var retval = (
from a in CustomerStatementBatches
join b in CustomerStatementBatchPayments on a.ID equals b.CustomerStatementBatchID into grp1
from c in grp1
where a.CustomerStatementID == StatementId
group c by c.CustomerStatementBatchID into grp2
from e in grp2
select new {
StatementId = e.CustomerStatementBatch.CustomerStatementID,
BatchId = e.CustomerStatementBatchID,
Applied = CustomerStatementBatchPayments.Where(csbp => !StorePaymentInvoices.Select (pi => pi.CustomerStatementBatchPaymentID ).ToList().Contains(e.ID)).Sum (csbp => csbp.Net )
This is what Ive done to get the "conditional" sum values and I seem to be getting the correct numbers. The resulting SQL that it generates is kinda ugly, but executes in < 1 second.
var retval1 = (
from a in CustomerStatementBatches
join b in CustomerStatementBatchPayments on a.ID equals b.CustomerStatementBatchID into grp1
from c in grp1
where a.CustomerStatementID == StatementId
group c by new { a.CustomerStatementID, c.CustomerStatementBatchID} into grp2
from e in grp2.Distinct()
select new {
StatementId = e.CustomerStatementBatch.CustomerStatementID,
BatchId = e.CustomerStatementBatchID
.Select(a => new
StatementId = a.StatementId,
BatchId = a.BatchId,
AppliedTotal = (from b in CustomerStatementBatchPayments.Where(r => r.CustomerStatementBatchID == a.BatchId)
join c in StorePaymentInvoices on b.ID equals c.CustomerStatementBatchPaymentID
group b by b.CustomerStatementBatchID into g1
from d in g1
select new{ Total = (decimal?)d.Net}).DefaultIfEmpty().Sum (at => (decimal?)at.Total ) ?? 0.0m,
Unappliedtotal = (from b in CustomerStatementBatchPayments.Where(r => r.CustomerStatementBatchID == a.BatchId)
.Where(s => !StorePaymentInvoices.Any (pi => pi.CustomerStatementBatchPaymentID == s.ID ) )
select new{ Total = (decimal?)b.Net}).DefaultIfEmpty().Sum (at => (decimal?)at.Total ) ?? 0.0m
Try this
from a in db.CustomerStatementBatches
join b in db.CustomerStatementBatchPayments
//.Where(i => ...)
.GroupBy(i => i.CustomerStatementBatchesId)
.Select(i => new {
CustomerStatementBatchesId = i.Key,
SumOfPayments = i.Sum(t => t.Net)
into tmp from b in tmp.DefaultIfEmpty()
on a.CustomerStatementBatchesId equals b.CustomerStatementBatchesId
select new
StatementId = a.CustomerStatementId,
BatchId = a.CustomerStatementBatchId,
Applied = ((b == null) ? 0 : b.SumOfPayments)
The T-SQL statement is below, essentially I want to return a boolean computed field xmlHasValue
, etc= "etc..."
, xmlHasValue = CASE WHEN hdr.someVeryLongXml IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
FROM MyLeftTable hdr
inner JOIN MyRightTable lines ON hdr.pkID = lines.fkID
WHERE hdr.SomeField == 123
How can I write this in EntityFramework (Full Fx, not dotnet-core), such that EF produces the Case statement as above?
My attempt:
var query = from hdr in dbCtx.MyLeftTable
join lines in dbCtx.MyRightTable on hdr.pkID equals lines.fkID
where hdr.SomeField == 123
orderby hdr.pkID descending
select new //select into anon C# obj
pkID = hdr.pkID,
etc = "etc...",
xmlHasValue = hdr.someVeryLongXml //<== ??? stuck here ???
var anonObjList = query.AsNoTracking()
.ToList(); //exec qry on the SERVER, and fill the anon object.
I have the query below, and its sql code. It's running really slow, so it was re written in sql, now I'm just not sure how to convert the sql back to a lambda expression.
This is the part of the expression giving me the problems, somewhere in
records = records
.Include(r => r.Employer)
.Include(r => r.Contractor)
.Include(r => r.RecordProducts)
.ThenInclude(rp => rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant)
.Where(r => EF.Functions.Like(r.Employer.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%")
|| EF.Functions.Like(r.Contractor.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%")
|| r.RecordProducts.Any(rp => EF.Functions.Like(rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%") && rp.IsActive == true));
the any clause does an exist and some funky stuff in the sql where clause below
SELECT [t].[Id], [t].[StartDate], [t].[EndDate], [t].[WitnessName], [t].[SourceCode], [t].[JobsiteName], [t].[ShipName], [t].[EmployerCode]
SELECT DISTINCT [r].[RecordID] AS [Id], [r].[StartDate], [r].[EndDate], [r.Witness].[FullName] AS [WitnessName], CASE
THEN [r.Source].[SourceCode] ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [SourceCode], CASE
WHEN [r].[JobsiteID] IS NOT NULL
THEN [r.Jobsite].[JobsiteName] ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [JobsiteName], CASE
THEN [r.Ship].[ShipName] ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [ShipName], CASE
WHEN [r].[EmployerID] IS NOT NULL
THEN [r.Employer].[DefendantCode] ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [EmployerCode]
FROM [Records] AS [r]
LEFT JOIN [Ships] AS [r.Ship] ON [r].[ShipID] = [r.Ship].[ShipID]
LEFT JOIN [Jobsites] AS [r.Jobsite] ON [r].[JobsiteID] = [r.Jobsite].[JobsiteID]
LEFT JOIN [Sources] AS [r.Source] ON [r].[SourceID] = [r.Source].[SourceID]
LEFT JOIN [Witnesses] AS [r.Witness] ON [r].[WitnessID] = [r.Witness].[WitnessID]
LEFT JOIN [Defendants] AS [r.Contractor] ON [r].[ContractorID] = [r.Contractor].[DefendantID]
LEFT JOIN [Defendants] AS [r.Employer] ON [r].[EmployerID] = [r.Employer].[DefendantID]
WHERE ([r].[IsActive] = 1) AND (([r.Employer].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%' OR [r.Contractor].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%') OR EXISTS (
FROM [Records_Products] AS [rp]
INNER JOIN [Product_Defendant] AS [rp.ProductDefendant] ON [rp].[DefendantProductID] = [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantProductID]
INNER JOIN [Defendants] AS [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant] ON [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantID] = [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantID]
WHERE ([rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%' AND ([rp].[IsActive] = 1)) AND ([r].[RecordID] = [rp].[RecordID])))
) AS [t]
ORDER BY [t].[SourceCode]
Here is the new sql that works better, just not sure how to convert it back to a lambda expression
SELECT [t].[Id]
,[r.Witness].[FullName] AS [WitnessName]
THEN [r.Source].[SourceCode]
ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [SourceCode]
WHEN [r].[JobsiteID] IS NOT NULL
THEN [r.Jobsite].[JobsiteName]
ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [JobsiteName]
THEN [r.Ship].[ShipName]
ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [ShipName]
WHEN [r].[EmployerID] IS NOT NULL
THEN [r.Employer].[DefendantCode]
ELSE N'zzzzz'
END AS [EmployerCode]
FROM [Records] AS [r]
LEFT JOIN [Ships] AS [r.Ship] ON [r].[ShipID] = [r.Ship].[ShipID]
LEFT JOIN [Jobsites] AS [r.Jobsite] ON [r].[JobsiteID] = [r.Jobsite].[JobsiteID]
LEFT JOIN [Sources] AS [r.Source] ON [r].[SourceID] = [r.Source].[SourceID]
LEFT JOIN [Witnesses] AS [r.Witness] ON [r].[WitnessID] = [r.Witness].[WitnessID]
LEFT JOIN [Defendants] AS [r.Contractor] ON [r].[ContractorID] = [r.Contractor].[DefendantID]
LEFT JOIN [Defendants] AS [r.Employer] ON [r].[EmployerID] = [r.Employer].[DefendantID]
SELECT [rp].[RecordID]
FROM [Records_Products] AS [rp]
INNER JOIN [Product_Defendant] AS [rp.ProductDefendant] ON [rp].[DefendantProductID] = [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantProductID]
INNER JOIN [Defendants] AS [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant] ON [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantID] = [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantID]
[rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%'
AND ([rp].[IsActive] = 1)
) AS RecordProduct ON [r].[RecordID] = RecordProduct.[RecordID]
WHERE ([r].[IsActive] = 1)
[r.Employer].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%'
OR [r.Contractor].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%'
OR RecordProduct.RecordID IS NOT NULL --OR EXISTS ( -- SELECT 1 -- FROM [Records_Products] AS [rp] -- INNER JOIN [Product_Defendant] AS [rp.ProductDefendant] ON [rp].[DefendantProductID] = [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantProductID] -- INNER JOIN [Defendants] AS [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant] ON [rp.ProductDefendant].[DefendantID] = [rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantID] -- WHERE ([rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant].[DefendantCode] LIKE (N'%' + 'cert') + N'%' -- AND ([rp].[IsActive] = 1)) AND ([r].[RecordID] = [rp].[RecordID]) -- ) )) AS [t]ORDER BY [t].[SourceCode]OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 500 ROWS ONLY
The linq expression you supplied and the SQL generated do not match. For one, the linq expression is performing an Include on the various related tables which would have included all of those entity columns in the top-level SELECT which are not present in your example SQL. I also don't see conditions in the Linq expression for the Take 500 & OrderBy, or IsActive assertion on Record.
To be able to help determine the source of any performance concern we need to see the complete Linq expression and the resulting SQL.
Looking at the basis of the Linq expression you provided:
records = records
.Include(r => r.Employer)
.Include(r => r.Contractor)
.Include(r => r.RecordProducts)
.ThenInclude(rp => rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant)
.Where(r => EF.Functions.Like(r.Employer.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%")
|| EF.Functions.Like(r.Contractor.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%")
|| r.RecordProducts.Any(rp => EF.Functions.Like(rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant.DefendantCode, "%" + input.DefendantCode + "%") && rp.IsActive == true));
There are a few suggestions I can make:
There is no need for the Functions.Like. You should be able to achieve the same with Contains.
Avoid using Include and instead utilize Select to retrieve the columns from the resulting structure that you actually need. Populate these into ViewModels or consume them in the code. The less data you pull back, the better optimized the SQL can be for indexing, and the less data pulled across the wire. Consuming entities also leads to unexpected lazy-load scenarios as systems mature and someone forgets to Include a new relation.
records = records
.Where(r => r.IsActive
&& (r.Employer.DefendantCode.Contains(input.DefendantCode)
|| r.Contractor.DefendantCode.Contains(input.DefendantCode)
|| r.RecordProducts.Any(rp => rp.IsActive
&& rp.ProductDefendant.Defendant.DefendantCode.Contains(input.DefendantCode))
.OrderBy(r => r.SourceCode)
.Select(r => new RecordViewModel
// Populate the data you want here.
This also adds the IsActive check, OrderBy, and Take(500) based on your sample SQL.
I am trying to reproduce this query in Slick.
JOIN LEFT B AS B1 ON B1.aId = && B1.condition = 'b1'
JOIN LEFT B AS B2 ON B2.aId = && B2.condition = 'b2'
- (no condition, the query in a plain way)
- WHERE B1.status = 'delete' OR B2.status = 'delete'
- WHERE ((B1.status = 'read' AND B2.status <> 'delete') OR (B1.status <> 'delete' AND B2.status = 'read')
- WHERE B1.status = 'write' AND B2.status = 'write'
- WHERE B1.status = 'full' AND B2.status = 'full'
- WHERE ((B1.status = 'full' AND B2.status = 'write') OR (B1.status = 'write' AND B2.status = 'full')
I am not sure if this is possible
Up to now I have something like this
val query = for { ((a, b1Opt), b2Opt) <- ATable.aQuery join
BTable.BQuery on ((joinTable, bTable) => === _.AId && bTable.condition === "b1") join
BTable.BQuery on ((joinTable, bTable) => === _.AId && bTable.condition === "b2")
} yield (a, b1Opt, b2Opt)
and I am trying something like this
val filterB = query {
case (a, b1Opt, b2Opt) => {
bStatus match {
case "delete" => => b1.status === "delete") || => b2.status === "delete")
From what you've described, the two successive left joins of table B on table A's id should translate to something similar to the following:
val joinQuery = for {
((a, b1), b2) <- tableA joinLeft tableB on ( (x, y) => === y.aId && y.condition === "b1" )
joinLeft tableB on ( (x, y) => = y.aId && y.condition === "b2" )
} yield (a, b1, b2)
And a where condition of B1.status = 'delete' and B2.status = 'delete' should look like this:
val filterB = joinQuery.filter{ case (_, b1, b2) =>
b1.filter(_.status === "delete").isDefined && b2.filter(_.status === "delete").isDefined
Note that with the left joins, b1 and b2 are wrapped in Option, hence the using of isDefined for the and operation.
As another side note, it might be worth considering to filter table B with B.condition = 'b?' to a reduced B1 and B2 before performing the left joins.
I'd like to map the following SQL to EF query. I found a few similar topics, but still failed to achieve the mapping. {0}...{2} are SQL parameters.
SELECT TaskGroup.Project AS Project
SUM(Datediff(minute, WorkLog.StartTime, WorkLog.EndTime)) / 60 AS Hours
FROM WorkLog INNER JOIN TaskDefinition ON WorkLog.TaskDefinitionID = TaskDefinition.ID
INNER JOIN TaskGroup ON TaskDefinition.TaskGroupID = TaskGroup.ID
WHERE WorkLog.EmployeeID = {0} AND WorkLog.Status = 5 AND
WorkLog.StartTime >= {1} AND WorkLog.EndTime < {2}
GROUP BY TaskGroup.Project
What about this?
var query = (from wl in WorkLog
join td in TaskDefinition on wl.TaskDefinitionID equals td.ID
join tg in TaskGroup on td.TaskGroupID equals tg.ID
where wl.EmployeeID == { 0} && wl.Status == 5
&& wl.StartTime >= { 1} && wl.EndTime < { 2}
select new
Project = tg.Project,
StartTime = wl.StartTime,
EndTime = wl.EndTime
.GroupBy(o => o.Project)
.Select(g => new
Project = g.Key,
Hours = g.Sum(o => (o.EndTime - o.StartTime).Minutes) / 60
Please anyone can help me to write this sql query into Linq.
case when exists(
select C.ClassifierID
from dbo.ProductClassifiers C
where C.ProductID=130 and C.ClassifierID=P.ID)
then 'Yes' else 'No' end
from dbo.Classifier P
var retVal = (from s in dataContext.ProductClassifiers
join k in dataContext.Classifier
on s.ClassifierId equals k.Id
where s.ProductId == 30
select new {write here what values you want to get like s.Id,k.Name etc}).ToList();
Here's an attempt:
var query = from p in dataContext.Classifiers
select new {
p.Selected = dataContext.ProductClassifiers
.Where(c => c.ProductID == 130 &&
c.ClassifierID == p.ID)
(That will make the Selected property Boolean rather than Yes/No, but that's usually going to be easier to work with.)
You should look at what the translated SQL looks like though, and in particular what the query plan is like compared with your original.
Untested, but hopefully works:
var q = classifier.Select(
p => new {
Set_selected = productClassifiers
.Select(c => c.ProductID == 130 && c.ClassifierID == p.ID)
.Any() ? "Yes" : "No"
The code assumes that you have two IEnumerable<T> representing the Classifier and ProductClassifiers tables.