Xtext Code Generation: Get raw String from XBlockExpression - code-generation

Currently I am working on code generation based on an Xtext-DSL. Now I am facing the following problem:
I'm generating an .xtend file with my own implementation of the IGenerator interface. Everything works flawless but I can't access the raw String from an XBlockExpression in my DSL. I can only access the EMF-AST with all the attributes but re-generating the raw code from the model seems like a lot of overhead since I really just need all the code from withtin the XBlockExpression.
Does anybody have an idea?

you can always access the textual representation via the so called node model. the class NodeModelUtilsgives you access to it e.g. by calling findActualNodeFor. The resulting INode can be asked for its text


VSCode ANTLR4 Plugin: Export Call Graph to JSON?

The vscode-antlr4 plugin for VisualStudio Code has a nice call-graph feature which visualizes (as a dendrogram) how grammar (and lexer) rules interact. You can save the graphic as SVG.
Is there a way to export the information as JSON? I wouldn't mind going into the plugin's code to find a way to do it.
My aim is to create reachability graphs for individual rules, i.e. graphs that show from which other rules a particular rule can be reached (transitively). The "calls" and "is-called" information from the call-graph feature would be a nice starting point.
The data for the call graph comes from a source context instance (for each grammar file there's a single source context to manage all details for it). See the function getReferenceGraph, which collects the relations into a map object. You can use that object to generate a JSON object from it. Or you create another function, taking this one as template, to generate the JSON directly, without the overhead required for the UI.

Initialize buildable Matlab Simulink Model with parameters from SQLite Database

Context: I have a huge Simulink Model that is going to be used for automated simulations on a Debian 10. Therefore it has to be built as standalone C-Code using the Matlab Coder. This code is then called to start the simulation.
What I need: I need to find a way to initialize my built model with ~500 parameters. These change with each simulation run and are stored in a SQLite file. The goal is to have parameters written to the database, then start the Model which reads the parameters from SQLite during initialization (presumably using the InitFcn Model Callback, although I'm open to alternatives).
What I have tried:
Direct SQL interface: I tried to use a direct Matlab-SQL interface such as JDBC (since I don't have access to the Database-toolbox) but those are not supported for Code generation.
Write a C-function that reads the SQLite file, then call the function during initialization in the InitFcn Callback using coder.ceval like this:
data = 0;
err = coder.ceval('read_function',4, 2, 12, coder.wref(data));
parameter = data;
Problem here is that coder.wref is not supported in Matlab and therefore doesn't work in the InitFcn. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)
This only seems to work inside a Matlab-Function-Block:
Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of block_diagram 'Model'.
Caused by:
The coder.wref function is not supported in MATLAB.
So my problem with the second approach is, that I can't call the C-function during initialization.
Using a Matlab-function-Block to read the parameters isn't really an option, since I would have to route all the signals out which makes maintaining and further development of the model really hard. Also my suggestion is, that the model would not even run because the parameters are needed to initialize the model.
Is there a way to make one of the above approaches work? If yes, how? Where is my mistake?
Is there another (simpler) option to pass the data as an array or struct to my model?
Database looks like this:
Identifier Default
latitude 52.5
longitude 13.4
electricity_consumption 4000.0
ventilation_stream 50.0
PV_peak 30.0
PV_orientation 0.0
no_vessels 28.0
heatpump_exists 1.0
hotwater_consumption 1000.0
After having spent so much time on this issue, I would like to share my experience on this problem:
SQLite: This approach did not work out for me because the direct SQL-Matlab interfaces are not supported for code generation.
It is in fact possible to write a C-function, that reads from SQLite and call that function in a Matlab-function-block via coder.ceval wich allows to read in a signal during simulation. This works for code generation (Simulink coder) as well. However this will not work for initialization (see question).
So none of my original approaches ended up working.
Workaround: I ended up switching to an approach based on the Simulink RSIM-target wich generates code (also for Linux) and can be parametrized via a .mat file wich contains all the parameters. The .mat file can be modified to update parameters. This required some additional code wich automates this step. Also the model configuration for RSIM is a bit tricky.

NsPerstentContainer name in Appdelegate conventions in Core Data setup

I'm programming my fist SwiftApp got stuck setting up Core data. Since I'm integrating it into existing code I can't have Xcode set it up on Prohect init anymore. Furthermore I als want to understand what the lines of code actually do. Since all Core libraries are secret I am stuck with Apple's Docs which are not very clear on the matter.
Pfew... with that out of the way here is the question; What is the significance of the name passed to...
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "Core_Data")
...in the App Delegate file. I had set it up before but during compilation Xcode complained that it could not find the specified Name's module. Changing it to my project's name, the core data file I had created or the name of the Database passed to the menu when adding a Core Data file did not seem to help at all. Searching the web and a few tutorials people just fly over it and it is still very much unclear to me.
Any help would be much appreciated!
The string passed there is used for two things. If you were to pass the string Foo, Core Data would attempt:
To find the data model by looking for Foo.xcdatamodel or Foo.xcdatamodeld.
To find (or create) the persistent store, using the name Foo.sqlite.
Even an incorrect string value (i.e. one that doesn't match the name of your data model) should not cause a compilation error. It might cause an error at run time if iOS can't find the named data model.

tastypie hydrate() not getting called

I am new to tastypie. I have a tastypie model resource where I want to use hydrate() to take serialized data from the client and turn it into a proper format that the data model can use. I have tried hydrate() hydrate_foo() but it seems all the hydrate() functions are not getting called, while dehydrate() will always get called. In my resource model, there're also obj_get(), obj_update(). Are there restrictions/constraints as to how the hydrate() function should be defined in the resource model so that I could use it to manipulate data submitted by the client?
I know this post is pretty old but, since documentation and examples on Tastypie are very limited, I'm adding my small experience here.
Without code it is hard to give a proper answer but I've seen that hydrate methods are only called if we explicitly call in the obj_create function the full_hydrate method as follows:
bundle = self.full_hydrate(bundle)
I thought they were automatically called by Tastypie but it seems not the case.

WCF Data Service with EF fails to expose imported functions

(I am also using .NET 4.0 and VS 2010.)
I created a function import returning a complex type, as explained at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896231.aspx. The function import and new complex type appear in my .edmx file and in the Designer.cs file. However, the function does not appear when I view the service in the browser, and when I add or update a service reference in the client project, the function does not appear there either - as is to be expected, given the first result.
Creating an imported function and using it seems conceptually very simple and straightforward, and one would think it would just work, as Microsoft's step-by-step instructions appear to suggest: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc716672.aspx#Y798 (which article shows the SP returning entity types - I tried this also, and it doesn't work for me either).
This blog post shows the addition of a method to the DataService class, which Microsoft's instructions omit: http://www.codegain.com/articles/wcf/miscellaneous/how-to-use-stored-procedure-in-wcf-data-service.aspx I tried adding one method returning a list of entity types and another returning a list of complex types, and still had no success. I still could not access the functions, either directly via the browser or from the client application via a service reference.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("*", ServiceOperationRights.All);
MS would do well to add a note to the walkthroughs stating that the above bit of code must be there. (It may be better to enable each operation explicitly than to use "*".)
http://www.codegain.com/articles/wcf/miscellaneous/how-to-use-stored-procedure-in-wcf-data-service.aspx shows that line of code. Also, something it is there in the code, commented out, when one creates the WCF Data Service. Some of us like to delete commented-out code that we aren't using and that seems irrelevant - perhaps doing so a bit prematurely, sometimes.