IdentityServer3 supported browsers - identityserver3

I am trying to find the official documentation for the supported browser list for IdentityServer3. Does anyone know a link or such? I have been crawling the official documentation and have not found a full list as of yet.. Hopefully, I have just over looked it.

If you mean the default views, they utilize the following js libs - so you're better off the browser support for these:
=> source code, external js libs
Angular 1.3.1
Boostrap 3.0.3
jQuery 1.11
When that is said, all views can be overriden and implemented by you - so you can decide yourself what your browser support level is.
To quote Brock Allen on what's the intended default browser support
We don't support deprecated browsers. IIRC we agreed to IE9 and above. In fact much of the login or consent pages won't work for you if you're in IE7 I'd imagine.
=> source of quote


How to implement inversifyJS basic example intro html page

I can't find example with html page or any live example for browsers (html page).
I need basic example just what to import lib and make one class.
I found on :
InversifyJS compiles to clean, simple JavaScript code which runs on
any browser, in Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine that supports
ECMAScript 5 (or newer).
To use InversifyJS in a web browser you are going to need Webpack. You need to bundle your app just like when working with any other frontend library these days. We don't have an official example but I found this blog and the code is available on GitHub

Use navigator.geolocation or $cordovaGeolocation in Ionic

Since I basically can get the same info with both approaches, I'm wondering which is the preferred one and what are the advantages using one over the other?
$cordovaGeolocation is angular wrapper over plain javascript plugin, developed by ionic. Now question is why ngCordova was introduced,in simple words to deal it as plugin service as module and inject plugin wrapper as dependency to only particular controller or service.
On Pratical level, cordova developers were having issues with plugins on angular project. One simple issue was that $scope does not get updated sometimes in simple plugins callback.
Quoting from ionic blog post :
The services support promises to make it easier to deal with their
asynchronous nature and ensure scope data is properly updated.
So my conclusion is, you should go with $cordovaGeolocation.
As far as I remember, on Android that plugin does not do anything at all, and on iOS it prevents the OS asking for access to location over and over.
Overall the plugin totally conforms the html5 specs, so you shouldn't change anything in your calling code (in js) if you use the plugin.
And the plugin has a good documentation here:
It is worth noting that according to the current and oficial documentation (see cordova geolocation doc), there is no need to use $cordovaGeolocation, but rather the global object navigator.geolocation.

Accurate browser detection/redirect possible using JavaScript?

Please forgive me if this answer is somewhere else on this site or online. If it is, I sure haven't found it in the past several days of searching.
What I am hoping to find is an "accurate" method of detecting a browser and redirecting to a simple, static page if not a recent browser.
The samples I have found until now often have not provided an accurate representation of the actual browser being used. For instance:
When testing with Navigator 9, I'll get a message that I'm using Firefox 2
When testing with Maxthon 3, it reports I'm using IE 9.
My site displays correctly in all the current browsers I've been testing it with. But I wish I could have a basic static page for those .01% who still are using an old browser for whatever reason. They could still get some basic information from my site, as well as encouraged to update to a more current browser.
If anyone has any useful suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate them.
Thanks so much.
Browser detection is never perfect, for a variery of reasons. If you are using jQuery, you should look into jQuery.browser.
I'd try to detect the browser on the server side and do an HTTP redirect if the browser is something non-standard. Most decent frameworks have functionality to detect the browser from the user agent string. Again, this is not perfect, mainly because of the data browsers report. Also, if Maxthon reports it's IE, that's because it is based on IE and therefore the layout engine should be the same.
So you either
support a small number of browsers and cater for their quirks, sending all other browsers to a basic page (this sucks for future versions of browsers because they might be standards-compliant but they will still display your very basic page), or
you have a standards-compliant page for all browsers and then you define alternatives for the ones that give you problems.
I'd go for the second option. It usually all boils down to one version for all browsers, and a number of hacks for various versions of IE. Also, remember to avoid padding in your CSS and use margins instead.
In the end, you probably shouldn't be testing for browsers and version numbers, but supported features. Try using Modernizr.
The $.browser property is deprecated in jQuery 1.3. On jQuery support site, they strongly recommend to use the detection feature ( instead of the jQuery.browser property.
Actually, this has been answered already in another question, please check here How can you detect the version of a browser?

Automatic web tester for 404 links?

Is there any test framework or software that can automatically go through a site and find 404 errors from links?
You could use an extension for your favourite browser, i.e. LinkChecker for Firefox.
Are you looking for a tool that does complete validation/checking of the site? Or one that does use-case testing of specific parts of the site.
For the latter I recommend TestPlan, it has the ability to check the headers of pages and work with the so-called "meta" response of the page.
The original web-site is no longer available but the project is now hosted on Launchpad.
For the former it isn't the best tool, but as part of a test framework it is easy enough to get it to scan through links on the site looking for errors.
If you're running on Windows there is this one.

Adding to the browser user agent string?

I have a plug-in that handles its own url schema (something like mystuf:// ). If a user clicks on such a link when the plug-in isn't installed (s)he gets an ugly error. So I extended my installer to write into the Registry (for Internet Explorer) and the user.js (for Firefox) to ADD a custom string to the user agent string. These additions survive a browser upgrade nicely (Microsoft uses this technique to indicate the presence of the dotNet Framework).
Now I need to extend this to Apple Safari and Google Chrome on all supported platforms.
To be clear: I'm not looking how to REPLACE the user agent string, but how to amend it with additional information.
Any hint?
I faced a similar problem and I implemented this in the same way as apple do for iTunes as described in this SO question. Finding information on how to create the Firefox plugin was more tricky, but the answer to my question was a great help. The Firefox (or mozilla) plugin will be used by all mozilla based browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) and you will therefore be able to use the same javascript to detect the firefox plugin in all of these browsers and therefore determine whether your plugin/custom protocol/application is installed.
As Google Chrome supports the Netscape Plugin API ( ), the Firefox way might be a good starting point also there.