Publish pyflakes and sloccount Jenkinsfile - jenkins-workflow

Is it possible to publish pyflakes stats and slocount using Jenkinsfile.
I suceeded publishing a junit file but do not know how two proceed wuth this two technos above
I used step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'xunit.xml'])
Do pyflakes and slocount have ab equivalent ?

Found the answer. Those plugins are not compatible yet
Find the link where the compatible plugins are


Set Assembly Info in VS2008 VCPROJ over BuildPipline

I need to integrate an older VS2008 project for WINCE6, without .NET, into an AzurePipline. This works very well with msbuild. Now I am looking for a way to set the version number in the version info.
Ready-made extensions did not work with the old project.
Probably the best way is to use a property of msbuild. I just don't know how to process the version number in the project.
Has anyone ever done something like this? Thanks for your suggestions.
In your build pipeline on Azure DevOps, you can add an Assembly Info task to set assembly information of your application.
Here I find some Assembly Info task extensions from the Marketplace. You can install one suitable extension from them to your organization and then call the related task in your build pipeline.
Below is a similar topic as reference:

Using sln.DotSettings in TeamCity dotcover runner

I am using an NUnit 3 runner in a TeamCity 9.1.6 step. I've chosen "JetBrains dotCover" as the .NET Coverage tool, and now I'd like this step to use the xxx.sln.DotSettings file that we've put in source control and that we're sharing across devs in Visual Studio, rather than to duplicate settings to TeamCity Filters, Attribute Filters etc. Is this possible in TeamCity?
It is not possible from the box now. It is a great idea, could you create an issue here
But there is a simple workaround:
you could parse dotSettins manually on the first step
publish configuration parameters using ##teamcity[setParameter name='ddd' value='fff'] TeamCity service message (see for details
use those configuration parameters in the appropriate fields for dotCover like %ddd%

How to use Jenkins Build Keeper Plugin

I would like to use the Jenkins 'Build Keeper Plugin' but I don't know how. The plugin site doesn't describe how to use it. Plugin Site
On this page I found the extension points which I would like to use, e.g. the org.jenkins_ci.plugins.build_keeper.KeepFirstFailedPolicy
But in the configuration part of my project, I can't find any place to configure it to use that policy. So where do I have to add it?
Jenkins version is 1.544
Have you tried to open Job configuration page and look for settings ?
For example it is another plugin but it is very similar : Build Discard plugin, may be you will use it for your purposes:
Build discard old build settings
You can configure it in the job under the section Build Environment.
For screenshots see also
If used from within a pipeline, it is enough to write
That is unfortunately not an interface to the plugin, just a jobs setting, but can solve it when You want to keep all builds, or decide within the build if to keep it.

Step by Step guide for Sonar Plugin Development

I have gone through the but unfortunately it does not give detailed steps.
Can some one help me understand how I need to call a code review tool that uses ANTLR for parsing the code files and then capture the output into Sonar
As well how do I start maintaining the rules based on XPATH for my code analysis tool on Sonar as it is done for Java/Javascript?
A good starting point is to have a look at the code of existing plugins:
I suggest that you use the sonar dev mailing list : dev at sonar dot codehaus dot org.
Developing a Sonar plugin can't simply covered by a "guide"...

NQunit.NUnit getting started guide

does anybody know of a good tutorial for getting started with NQUnit.NUnit.
I've installed it to my test project via nuget and am unsure what the blank.js and async.js files are all about, should I rename these to match my files under test or do I just add my asyncronous and syncronous tests to the respective files.
Find the answer in the following link:
NQUnit: JavaScript testing within .NET / CI