Step by Step guide for Sonar Plugin Development - plugins

I have gone through the but unfortunately it does not give detailed steps.
Can some one help me understand how I need to call a code review tool that uses ANTLR for parsing the code files and then capture the output into Sonar
As well how do I start maintaining the rules based on XPATH for my code analysis tool on Sonar as it is done for Java/Javascript?

A good starting point is to have a look at the code of existing plugins:

I suggest that you use the sonar dev mailing list : dev at sonar dot codehaus dot org.
Developing a Sonar plugin can't simply covered by a "guide"...


generating documentation from annotated brightscript sources

I am starting working on roku, and I am searching for a tool that is able to parse annotations/comments and automatically build documentation from sources.
basically what I want is a doxygen/javadoc/jsdoc -like tool for brightscript.
Is there something available?
You can use jsdocs paired with the brighterscript-jsdocs plugin:
Setup instructions can be found on the project website.

How do I use JavaFX in Eclipse 2021-06 JRE x86_64_16.0.2

There are a couple postings on this topic, but I can't get this to work with the latest version of Eclipse. I am using the JRE that comes with 2021-06, the one it puts in p2, x86_64_16.0.2.
I have tried various configurations of User Libraries, Maven dependencies, setting PATH_TO_FX, searching Eclipse Marketplace for JavaFX-as-a-plugin, e.g.,
How do I use JavaFX 11 in Eclipse? (2.5 years old)
On a couple more elaborate examples, a couple builds had a scattering of missing methods, which I assume is due to JavaFX being somewhat in flux or instructions being quite outdated. I can get a simple Hello, World to build with javafx-sdk-17.0.1 as a User Library (what I'm doing now) and also some of the other configurations. When I try to launch Hello, World with various build-able configurations, I keep getting
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
Well, I was a bit too quick. I kept playing around, and adding quotes in the VM arg seems to work,
--module-path="C:\Program Files\Java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls
If the project is not a module project, the Used Library goes on the Classpath in the project properties, Libraries tab. If it is a module project, it goes on the Modulepath,and the following file must be in the src with this minimal information:
module <myProject> {
requires javafx.controls;
exports <myPackageContainingFXAppClass>;
I just don't get it why people prefer to search half of the internet for tutorials instead of just consulting the official documentation first. Here it is: It seems to be the best hidden secret that there actually is documentation for JavaFX that one could start with.
I just did the test. Googling for "javafx documentation" gives as the first search result.
I use --module-path=${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules=javafx.controls.
Obviously PATH_TO_FX needs to be defined in Preferences->Run/Debug->String Substitution.

Is there any documentation available for Hydrograph Tool?

I want to understand how to start using the Hydrograph Tool (GitHub link below). There is no wiki associated with this project couldn't find any steps to compile/build the repo code.
Here is the installation guide. I haven't tried it myself, so can't tell you for sure if there are any gotchas with the installation process.
Did you happen to check the readme file? There is a clear link -

How to use Jenkins Build Keeper Plugin

I would like to use the Jenkins 'Build Keeper Plugin' but I don't know how. The plugin site doesn't describe how to use it. Plugin Site
On this page I found the extension points which I would like to use, e.g. the org.jenkins_ci.plugins.build_keeper.KeepFirstFailedPolicy
But in the configuration part of my project, I can't find any place to configure it to use that policy. So where do I have to add it?
Jenkins version is 1.544
Have you tried to open Job configuration page and look for settings ?
For example it is another plugin but it is very similar : Build Discard plugin, may be you will use it for your purposes:
Build discard old build settings
You can configure it in the job under the section Build Environment.
For screenshots see also
If used from within a pipeline, it is enough to write
That is unfortunately not an interface to the plugin, just a jobs setting, but can solve it when You want to keep all builds, or decide within the build if to keep it.

NQunit.NUnit getting started guide

does anybody know of a good tutorial for getting started with NQUnit.NUnit.
I've installed it to my test project via nuget and am unsure what the blank.js and async.js files are all about, should I rename these to match my files under test or do I just add my asyncronous and syncronous tests to the respective files.
Find the answer in the following link:
NQUnit: JavaScript testing within .NET / CI