How to find the usages of a Scala class'es constructor in IntelliJ? - scala

Is there a possibility to find the usages of a Scala class'es constructor in IntelliJ?
When using "Find Usages" on such constructor, it also applies to every usage of the class'es signature (since the signature is shared between the class and its constructor).

You can do this in IDEA(my version is 2020.2.4) Find Usages Settings...:

I don't think IDEA allows you to do it directly, but you can kind of achieve this by temporarily adding a new parameter, compiling and looking at errors (this will "find" pattern matches using this class as well).


Is there an alternative to the deprecated enclosingClass method in Scala refelection library?

I am writing a macro to get the enclosing val/var definition. I can get the enclosing val/var symbol, but I can not get the defining tree. One solution here suggested using enclosingClass:
But all the enclosing-tree style API is deprecated:
Is there a way to implement the functionality of enclosingClass? Or to get a tree from a symbol?
Reasons for deprecation are
Starting from Scala 2.11.0, the APIs to get the trees enclosing by
the current macro application are deprecated, and the reasons for that
are two-fold. Firstly, we would like to move towards the philosophy of
locally-expanded macros, as it has proven to be important for
understanding of code. Secondly, within the current architecture of
scalac, we are unable to have c.enclosingTree-style APIs working
robustly. Required changes to the typechecker would greatly exceed the
effort that we would like to expend on this feature given the
existence of more pressing concerns at the moment. This is somewhat
aligned with the overall evolution of macros during the 2.11
development cycle, where we played with c.introduceTopLevel and
c.introduceMember, but at the end of the day decided to reject them.
If you're relying on the now deprecated APIs, consider using the new
c.internal.enclosingOwner method that can be used to obtain the names
of enclosing definitions. Alternatively try reformulating your macros
in terms of completely local expansion...
Regarding getting a tree from a symbol
there's no standard way to go from a symbol to a defining tree
Why do you need def macro to get the enclosing val/var definition?
Maybe macro annotatations can be enough

Scala Prohibit allocation of value classes

According to the documentation on value classes, they may be allocated under a number of circumstances:
Allocation Summary
a value class is treated as another type.
a value class is assigned to an array.
doing runtime type tests, such as pattern matching.
Is there anyway to say,throw a compilation error if these circumstances occur?
There is nothing built-in (AFAIK).
You could write an SBT plugin which inspects the .class files after compile task finishes (using a library like BCEL, ASM, etc.) and fails if it finds any value class constructor calls.
Alternately, you should be able to do the same with a compiler plugin (unfortunately, documentation I was able to find is quite old) with a little more difficulty.

Scala: Difference between file.class and file$.class from scalac

When I use scalac to compile file.scala, I end up with 2 outputs, file.class and file$.class. What is the difference between these files and which is the appropriate one to then run? I get distinctly different error messages between executing "scala file" vs "scala file$".
Scala objects get compiled to classes ending in "$" because you're allowed to have an "ordinary" class with the same name. But the object's methods are also exposed as static methods on the "ordinary" class, so that they can be called under the names you would expect. This is an artifact of trying to represent the scala semantics in a way that make sense to Java / the JVM, and I would encourage you to regard it as an implementation detail rather than something important.
(#MattPutnam's answer is correct that anonymous classes, including closures, are compiled to class files with $es in their name, but that's not what's causing your file$.class in this particular instance)
Use scala file. If you're interested in the implementation details you might also want to try java -cp /path/to/scala-library.jar file.
file$.class is some inner anonymous class. In Java they're very explicit, but they can be easy to miss in Scala. If you use any method that takes a function, there's an implicit anonymous class there. Post the code and I'll point it out.

class file optimization with the scala compiler

I have some class file inside a jar. Now I am searching for a way to optimize that class file using some components(most notably the Inliners) of the scala compiler.
My idea is to :
use the ICodeReader to emit ICode from class file
use an instance of the Inliner class in order to achieve the desired optimization
I am not know if that´s the right way to go
The problem is that
How to use the ICodeReader in order to read a class file and produce the needed ICode. ICodeReader inherits from ClassfileParser. The sole method that is for me more probable to use is parse(file: AbstractFile, root: Symbol) but the problem the root argument.
Any help is welcome
The Scala compiler acts on the source code and on the results of the intermediate step to produce bytecode, and will try to apply, if enabled, several optimisation.
In your case, if I understood right, you do not have the sources but the compiled classes, and I would not expect you being able to use a feature of Scala compiler on compiled classes.
What you should be looking to, in my understanding, is a bytecode optimizer , such as ProGuard, which is able to take existing bytecode and optimize it without having access to the source code

Is there a method_missing in scala?

similar to the one in Ruby
Yes, as of Scala 2.9 with the -Xexperimental option, one can use the Dynamic trait
(scaladoc). Classes that extend Dynamic get the magical method applyDynamic(methodName, args) which behaves like Ruby's method_missing.
Among other things, the Dynamic trait can be useful for interfacing with dynamic languages on the JVM.
The following is no longer strictly true with the Dynamic trait found in [experimental] Scala 2.9. See the answer from Kipton Barros, for example.
However, Dynamic is still not quite like method_missing, but rather employs compiler magic to effectively rewrite method calls to "missing" methods, as determined statically, to a proxy (applyDynamic). It is the approach of statically-determining the "missing" methods that differentiates it from method_missing from a polymorphism viewpoint: one would need to try and dynamically forward (e.g. with reflection) methods to get true method_missing behavior. (Of course this can be avoided by avoiding sub-types :-)
No. Such a concept does not exist in Java or Scala.
Like Java, all the methods in Scala are 'bound' at compile time (this also determines what method is used for overloading, etc). If a program does compile, said method exists (or did according to the compiler), otherwise it does not. This is why you can get the NoSuchMethodError if you change a class definition without rebuilding all affected classes.
If you are just worried about trying to call a method on an object which conforms to a signature ("typed duck typing"), then perhaps you may be able to get away with structural typing. Structural typing in Scala is magical access over reflection -- thus it defers the 'binding' until runtime and a runtime error may be generated. Unlike method_missing this does not allow the target to handle the error, but it does allow the caller to (and the caller could theoretically call a defined methodMissing method on the target... but this is probably not the best way to approach Scala. Scala is not Ruby :-)
Not really. It doesn't make sense. Scala is a statically-typed language in which methods are bound at compile time; Ruby is a dynamically-typed language in which messages are passed to objects, and these messages are evaluated at runtime, which allows Ruby to handle messages that it doesn't directly respond to, à la method_missing.
You can mimic method_missing in a few ways in Scala, notably by using the Actors library, but it's not quite the same (or nearly as easy) as Ruby's method_missing.
No, this is not possible in Scala 2.8 and earlier.