Is there an alternative to the deprecated enclosingClass method in Scala refelection library? - scala

I am writing a macro to get the enclosing val/var definition. I can get the enclosing val/var symbol, but I can not get the defining tree. One solution here suggested using enclosingClass:
But all the enclosing-tree style API is deprecated:
Is there a way to implement the functionality of enclosingClass? Or to get a tree from a symbol?

Reasons for deprecation are
Starting from Scala 2.11.0, the APIs to get the trees enclosing by
the current macro application are deprecated, and the reasons for that
are two-fold. Firstly, we would like to move towards the philosophy of
locally-expanded macros, as it has proven to be important for
understanding of code. Secondly, within the current architecture of
scalac, we are unable to have c.enclosingTree-style APIs working
robustly. Required changes to the typechecker would greatly exceed the
effort that we would like to expend on this feature given the
existence of more pressing concerns at the moment. This is somewhat
aligned with the overall evolution of macros during the 2.11
development cycle, where we played with c.introduceTopLevel and
c.introduceMember, but at the end of the day decided to reject them.
If you're relying on the now deprecated APIs, consider using the new
c.internal.enclosingOwner method that can be used to obtain the names
of enclosing definitions. Alternatively try reformulating your macros
in terms of completely local expansion...
Regarding getting a tree from a symbol
there's no standard way to go from a symbol to a defining tree
Why do you need def macro to get the enclosing val/var definition?
Maybe macro annotatations can be enough


What is the difference between Clojure REPL and Scala REPL?

I’ve been working with Scala language for a few months and I’ve already created couple projects in Scala. I’ve found Scala REPL (at least its IntelliJ worksheet implementation) is quite convenient for quick development. I can write code, see what it does and it’s nice. But I do the procedure only for functions (not whole program). I can’t start my application and change it on spot. Or at least I don’t know how (so if you know you are welcome to give me piece of advice).
Several days ago my associate told me about Clojure REPL. He uses Emacs for development process and he can change code on spot and see results without restarting. For example, he starts the process and if he changes implementation of a function, his code will change his behavior without restart. I would like to have the same thing with Scala language.
P.S. I want to discuss neither which language is better nor does functional programming better than object-oriented one. I want to find a good solution. If Clojure is the better language for the task so let it be.
The short answer is that Clojure was designed to use a very simple, single pass compiler which reads and compiles a single s-expression or form at a time. For better or worse there is no global type information, no global type inference and no global analysis or optimization. Clojure uses clojure.lang.Var instances to create global bindings through a series of hashmaps from textual symbols to transactional values. def forms all create bindings at global scope in this global binding map. So where in Scala a "function" (method) will be resolved to an instance or static method on a given JVM class, in Clojure a "function" (def) is really just a reference to an entry in the table of var bindings. When a function is invoked, there isn't a static link to another class, instead the var is reference by symbolic name, then dereferenced to get an instance of a clojure.lang.IFn object which is then invoked.
This layer of indirection means that it is possible to re-evaluate only a single definition at a time, and that re-evaluation becomes globaly visible to all clients of the re-defined var.
In comparison, when a definition in Scala changes, scalac must reload the changed file, macroexpand, type infer, type check, and compile. Then due to the semantics of classloading on the JVM, scalac must also reload all classes which depend on methods in the class which changed. Also all values which are instances of the changed class become trash.
Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. Obviously Clojure's approach is simpler to implement, however it pays an ongoing cost in terms of performance due to continual function lookup operations forget correctness concerns due to lack of static types and what have you. This is arguably suitable for contexts in which lots of change is happening in a short timeframe (interactive development) but is less suitable for context when code is mostly static (deployment, hence Oxcart). some work I did suggests that the slowdown on Clojure programs from lack of static method linking is on the order of 16-25%. This is not to call Clojure slow or Scala fast, they just have different priorities.
Scala chooses to do more work up front so that the compiled application will perform better which is arguably more suitable for application deployment when little or no reloading will take place, but proves a drag when you want to make lots of small changes.
Some material I have on hand about compiling Clojure code more or less cronological by publication order since Nicholas influenced my GSoC work a lot.
Clojure Compilation [Nicholas]
Clojure Compilation: Full Disclojure [Nicholas]
Why is Clojure bootstrapping so slow? [Nicholas]
Oxcart and Clojure [me]
Of Oxen, Carts and Ordering [me]
Which I suppose leaves me in the unhappy place of saying simply "I'm sorry, Scala wasn't designed for that the way Clojure was" with regards to code hot swapping.

Scala formatter - show named parameter

I have a relatively large Scala code base that does not use named parameters for any function/class calls. Rather than going in and manually entering it, which would be a very tedious process, I was looking at a formatter to do the job. The best I found is scalariform, but I'm not sure whether I can even write a rule for something so complex.
I'm curious if anyone has ran into a similar problem and found a powerful formatter.
The Scala Refactoring library might be something you could use. You will need some knowledge of Scala's Abstract Syntax Tree representation.
Why do you want to use named parameters throughout your code base? I like IntelliJ's default which is to suggest to name boolean arguments (only).

How can I reify a Symbol in order to pass it into runtime?

Macro contexts in Scala come with two handy methods: reifyType and reifyTree which essentially generate code that, when executed at runtime, will return the Type or Tree being reified.
I wonder if there is some way to achieve something similar with Symbols - some kind of reifySymbol method?
We didn't implement reifySymbol yet, but it might be decently emulated by wrapping a symbol in an Ident and then reifying the resulting tree. Pull requests are welcome as well :)

How to use CoffeeScript together with Google Closure

Recently I have started to use Google Closure Tools for my javascript development. Until now, I have used to write my code in CoffeeScript, however, the javascript generated by CoffeeScript seems to be incompatible with Google Closure Compiler's advanced mode.
Is there any extension to the CoffeeScript compiler adding Google Closure support?
There are various tools that aiming to make CoffeeScript usable with Google Closure Tools. I will describe three of them:
Bolinfest's CoffeeScript fork
Fixed function binding, loops, comprehensions, in operator and various other incompatibilities
Fixed classes syntax for Google Closure
Automatic generation of #constructor and #extends annotations
Automatically inserts goog.provide statement for each class declared
Python's like include namespace as alias support translated to goog.require and goog.scope
Constructor has to be the very first statement in the class
Cannot use short aliases for classes inside the class (i.e. class My.Long.Named.Car cannot be refered as Car in class definition as pure CoffeeScript allows)
User written JsDoc comments don't get merged with compiler generated ones
Missing provide equivalent for include
No support for type casting, this can be done only by inserting pure javascript code inside backticks "`"
Based on outdated CoffeeScript 1.0
My CoffeeScript fork
Disclaimer: I am the author of this solution
This solution is inspired by the Bolinfest's work and extends it in these ways:
Constructor can be placed anywhere inside the class
Short aliases for classes work using goog.scope
User written JsDoc comments get merged with compiler generated, user written #constructor and #extends annotations are replaced by generated
Each namespace is provided or included mostly once, namespace, that is provided is never included. You can provide namespace by keyword provide
Support for typecasting using cast<typeToCastTo>(valueToBeCast) syntax
Based on CoffeeScript 1.6
Steida's Coffee2Closure
Unlike the two solutions above, Steida's Coffee2Closure is postprocessor of javascript code generated by upstream nontweaked CoffeeScript. This approach has a one major advantage, that it will need no or only slight updates with continued development of CoffeeScript and still be actual. However, by the very nature of this approach, some of the features cannot be delivered. Currently it fixes only classes and bindings, loops, in operator and few other incompatibilities. It has no support for automatic annotation generation, type casting or custom keywords.

Why do web development frameworks tend to work around the static features of languages?

I was a little surprised when I started using Lift how heavily it uses reflection (or appears to), it was a little unexpected in a statically-typed functional language. My experience with JSP was similar.
I'm pretty new to web development, so I don't really know how these tools work, but I'm wondering,
What aspects of web development encourage using reflection?
Are there any tools (in statically typed languages) that handle (1) referring to code from a template page (2) object-relational mapping, in a way that does not use reflection?
Please see lift source. It doesn't use reflection for most of the code that I have studied. Almost everything is statically typed. If you are referring to lift views they are processed as Xml nodes, that too is not reflection.
Specifically referring to the <> issue:
When <> is encountered in the code, Lift makes a few guesses, how the original name should have been (different naming conventions) and then calls java.lang.Class.forName to get the class. (Relevant code in LiftSession.scala and ClassHelpers.scala.) It will only find classes registered with addToPackages during boot.
Note that it is also possible (and common) to register classes and methods manually. Convention is still that all transformations must be of the form NodeSeq => NodeSeq because that is the only thing which makes sense for an untyped HTML/XHTML output.
So, what you have is Lift‘s internal registry of node transformations on one side, and on the other side the implicit registry of the module. Both types use a simple string lookup to execute a method. I guess it is arguable if one is more reflection based than the other.