Getting wslite.http.HTTPClientException: 404 Not Found. Verified the Soap Address is correct - groovyws

I am using groovy wslite plugin to make a soap call. I am getting wslite.http.HTTPClientException: 404 Not Found. Can someone help me to debug the issue.
Groovy code
def client = new SOAPClient(Helper.getConfigValue(''))
try {
def response = client.send(SOAPAction: SOAP_NAMESPACE + SOAP_ACTION_START_PROCESS,
sslTrustAllCerts: true) {
header {
body {
getNotificationRequest('xmlns': SOAP_NAMESPACE) {

You probably did this alredy, here I ask anyway: Have you verified that the resource exists under the path/url you are trying to retrieve it from?
404 often indicate that the host is not available.


Unit testing NancyFX API - ConfigurableBootstrapper Exception

Im trying to get nunit test setup for my Nancy API. I have a very simpLe end point:
this.Get["/"] = _ =>
return Negotiate
.WithModel(" API is running")
When I try to test it with this test:
this._browser = new Browser(with => {
with.Module(new IndexModule());
var result = this._browser.Get("/", with => { with.HttpRequest(); });
Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.OK));
I get ConfigurableBootstrapper Exception and with message of "OhNoes".
If I change the return to:
return "API is running";
It works. I think I might be missing something in the test setup to allow the negotiated return.
Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
There will be a clue in the "Oh Noes" exception - probably something like;
Try adding
with.Header("Accept", "application/json")
or similar to your request setup. By default I think the testing browser requests HTML content, which Negotiate will want to render in a view. See here under the section "Default response processors"

HttpResponseException: Internal Server Error

Weirdest thing I have seen in a while. I run my API call through Postman and have no problems at all making a GET request. However, the groovy code below pulls Internal Server Error. I am not able to pull even debug to understand if I am actually getting a 5xx error or my code is legitimately broken.
Additionally I have had code like this work in the past, I re-pulled that working code and have the same error. Curious if my Maven config settings would be causing the issue as well (Not sure where I would have to debug). I have also tried messing with the URIbuilder line to see if changing the endpoints would help.
Thanks for helping
abstract class HTTTPClient {
protected runGetRequest(String endpointPassedIn, RESTClient Client){
URIBuilder myEndpoint = new URIBuilder(new URI(Client.uri.toString() + endpointPassedIn))
//Error happens at the next Line
Client.get(uri: myEndpoint, contentType: ContentType.JSON)
LazyMap Response = unprocessedResponse.getData() as LazyMap
return Response
#Singleton(lazy = true)
class RequestService extends HTTTPClient {
private String auth = "myAuth"
private String baseURL = ''
private RESTClient client = setClient(baseURL, auth)
public buildResponseList(int pagesToPull) {
String endpoint = 'site/address.json?page='
ArrayList responseList = []
for (int i = 1; i <= pagesToPull; i++) {
LazyMap Response = runGetRequest(endpoint + i, client)
for (row in Response) {
//TODO Add in items call here
return conversationList
The error was due to encoding in the Authorization, was on the server side, not the code side

How can I redirect all unknown URLs in lift framework?

I'm not very familiar with lift framework and wanted to know if the following use case is possible using lift framework.
On server1, Lift is serving REST webservice at following url "/contact/"
However, if the client sends request to the following URL https://server1/contact/meet/" then it is not implemented on this specific server but "might" be implemented by another server. Can Lift redirect any such unsupported URLs to some specific server? Eg, in 302 response, can Location be specified by Lift to https://server2/contact/meet/ ?
Please note that these are unknown URLs and can't be configured statically.
Yeah, I get it. Maybe you need LiftRules.dispatch and net.liftweb.http.DoRedirectResponse. Following is the code I try to solve your trouble.
// The code should in the server1; JsonDSL will be used by JsonResponse
class Boot extends Bootable with JsonDSL {
def boot {
def initDispatch {
LiftRules.dispatch.append {
case Req("contact" :: url :: Nil, _, GetRequest) => {
() => Full(
if (url == "join") {
// or other url that match what will be implemented in server1
// your implementation, say JsonResponse
JsonResponse("server1" -> true)
} else {
// if the url part does not match simply redirect to server2,
// then you have to deal with how to process the url in server2
Anyway, hope it helps.

convenience method in spray (soon to be akka-http) to create a Location header w/ host port & contextRoot ?

When I create an object through POST in my Spray app I'd like to return a 201 status, together with a Location header that has the absolute URI of the newly created resource (including host port & contextRoot of my app)
Here is an example code fragment from my application...
post {
respondWithHeaders(Location( fullyQualifiedUri("/movies"))) {
entity(as[MovieImpl]) { (movieToInsert: MovieImpl) => {
Note that I now have to write the method 'fullyQualifiedUri' to return
a URI with host, port, etc. It would be nice if Spray did that for me
Side note:
I think that having the Location header include the absolute URI of the newly
created resource makes it easier on my REST API's clients (although it does seem that there are a variety of opinions on this.)
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.
To build the URI you'll need the Id of the newly created resource. Then you can use the requestInstance directive to get the incoming request URI and build the new resource URI from it. You also need to set the return code to Created to meet your requirements:
post {
requestInstance { request =>
val movieId = ???
respondWithHeaders(Location( request.uri.withPath(request.uri.path / movieId))) {
entity(as[MovieImpl]) { (movieToInsert: MovieImpl) => {

504 error accessing Kinvey handshake(Rest api)

I have been trying to get the Kinvey handshake for the REST api to work for a while now but have not had any luck. I am using libgdx's net class to send the http request. Wverytime I send the request I get a 504(Gateway Timeout) error. I am following the instructions on the website so I am not sure why I would get that error.
Here is my attempt:
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET);
request.setHeader("GET", "/appdata/:App_key");
request.setHeader("Host:", "");
String authHeader = "Basic " + Base64Coder.encodeString("App_key:App_secret");
request.setHeader("Authorization:", authHeader);
System.out.println("HTTP REQUEST: " + request.getHeaders());
responseListener listener = new responseListener() {
public void handleHttpResponse (HttpResponse httpResponse) {
HttpStatus status = httpResponse.getStatus();
if (status.getStatusCode() >= 200 && status.getStatusCode() < 300) {
System.out.println("HTTP SUCCESS!");
} else {
System.out.println("HTTP ERROR: " + status.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("HTTP :" + httpResponse.getResultAsString());
public void failed(Throwable t) {
System.out.println("REQUEST FAILED!" +t.getMessage());
};, listener);
As far as I can tell, there is something wrong with the header. I have tested the Url which takes me to a login screen. The login works after I put in the App key as the user name and the Master secret as the password. Is there something obviously wrong? Is there a way I can debug this further?
I'm an engineer at Kinvey and can help you out with this.
A couple things:
first, there are some extra headers there that you don't need. While they might not be the cause of the issue, it is still safe to remove:
request.setHeader("GET", "/appdata/:App_key");
request.setHeader("Host:", "");
Note that GET is set when you create the HttpRequest, and Host is set when you define the URL.
Second, get rid of the colon after "authorization" when setting your header, make it look like this:
request.setHeader("Authorization", authHeader);
Also, you mention that it works with your master secret but not with your app secret? Can you ensure that you are base64 encoding both?
One last thing-- ensure that you replace App_Key with your actual app key, in the URL as well as in the headers.