How can I redirect all unknown URLs in lift framework? - scala

I'm not very familiar with lift framework and wanted to know if the following use case is possible using lift framework.
On server1, Lift is serving REST webservice at following url "/contact/"
However, if the client sends request to the following URL https://server1/contact/meet/" then it is not implemented on this specific server but "might" be implemented by another server. Can Lift redirect any such unsupported URLs to some specific server? Eg, in 302 response, can Location be specified by Lift to https://server2/contact/meet/ ?
Please note that these are unknown URLs and can't be configured statically.

Yeah, I get it. Maybe you need LiftRules.dispatch and net.liftweb.http.DoRedirectResponse. Following is the code I try to solve your trouble.
// The code should in the server1; JsonDSL will be used by JsonResponse
class Boot extends Bootable with JsonDSL {
def boot {
def initDispatch {
LiftRules.dispatch.append {
case Req("contact" :: url :: Nil, _, GetRequest) => {
() => Full(
if (url == "join") {
// or other url that match what will be implemented in server1
// your implementation, say JsonResponse
JsonResponse("server1" -> true)
} else {
// if the url part does not match simply redirect to server2,
// then you have to deal with how to process the url in server2
Anyway, hope it helps.


Is there a quick built in way to forward a request in the scala Play framework

I'm looking for something like
def proxy = Action.async { implicit req =>
//do something with req
val newRequest = r = r.path = "http://newurl");
I saw that there is a redirect method but that only allows me to pass the request parameters and not everything else, headers, etc.
I am hoping there is something built in so I don't have to build it myself.
I'm not sure if this meets your requirements, but have you had a look into Play's WS.
The action forwardTo gets an url, fetches the according page and returns it as this request's response. It's not exactly like an forward in the Spring framework but it does the job for me.
* Like an internal redirect or an proxy. The URL in the browser doesn't
* change.
public Promise<Result> forwardTo(String url) {
Promise<WS.Response> response = WS.url(url).get();
return Function<WS.Response, Result>() {
public Result apply(WS.Response response) {
// Prevent browser from caching pages - this would be an
// security issue
response().setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache, no-store");
return ok(response.getBody()).as("text/html");
(I'm using Play 2.2.3)

Play Framework REST with basic authentication and SSL

I am new to this authentication area. I searched a lot but was not able to find a way to authenticate the REST calls made to the Play server. What are the various ways and best practice?
A very easy way is to use Action Composition. For a sample, take a look at this Gist provided by Guillaume Bort: If you want to use it in an async action, you can write something like:
def BasicSecured[A](username: String, password: String)(action: Action[A]): Action[A] = Action.async(action.parser) { request =>
request.headers.get("Authorization").flatMap { authorization =>
authorization.split(" ").drop(1).headOption.filter { encoded =>
new String(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(encoded.getBytes)).split(":").toList match {
case u :: p :: Nil if u == username && password == p => true
case _ => false
}.map(_ => action(request)).getOrElse {
Future.successful(Unauthorized.withHeaders("WWW-Authenticate" -> """Basic realm="Secured Area""""))
SSL does not have anything to do with basic authentication. You can use HTTPS for API either directly or through a front-end HTTP server like ngnix. There are pretty good details in Play documentation on this subject.
basically, I have taken the answer from #centr and tried to make it a little more readable. See if you prefer this version of the same code. Tested thoroughly, works as expected.
def BasicSecured[A](username: String, password: String)(action: Action[A]): Action[A] = Action.async(action.parser) { request =>
val submittedCredentials: Option[List[String]] = for {
authHeader <- request.headers.get("Authorization")
parts <- authHeader.split(' ').drop(1).headOption
} yield new String(decodeBase64(parts.getBytes)).split(':').toList
submittedCredentials.collect {
case u :: p :: Nil if u == username && p == password => action(request)
}.getOrElse {
Future.successful(Unauthorized.withHeaders("WWW-Authenticate" -> """Basic realm="Secured Area""""))
If we are just talking about basic auth, you don't need any external module. Basically, you could implement it using action composition.
Here is a full example of it.
If you also need authorization, you could simply combine the previous example with Deadbolt. It will allow you to provide access to some group of clients and deny access to others.
SSL support does not have anything to do with the authentication. However, is explained in the Play Documentation
Read the following Readme/article: Securing Single Page Apps and REST Services and check out the corresponding sample application (same link).
It explains how to do what you're asking.
For Scala, Secure Social is probably the best estabilished solution. You will find plenty of documentation and examples at the given link.
You can also take a look at Play2-auth as another valid option.
You will find even more possibilities on Play 2 Modules list.
If you want/need to bake your own solution, it will probably still be useful to look into code of existing solutions for inspiration and ideas. Nevertheless, my general advice towards anything related with security is NOT to implement it yourself unless you really need it (and/or really know what you're doing).
BTW, there's absolutely nothing specific about REST here. You're essentially protecting your controllers methods, so it doesn't matter whether their invocation was triggered by a REST call or not.
A filter could be used as well. The following is based on Play 2.5.
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
override def apply(nextFilter: RequestHeader => Future[Result])
(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Future[Result] = {
val auth = requestHeader.headers.get("Authorization")
val invalidResult = Future.successful(
Unauthorized.withHeaders("WWW-Authenticate" -> """Basic realm="Secured"""")
if (auth.isEmpty) {
else {
val credentials = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(auth.get.split(" ").drop(1).head.getBytes)).split(":")
if (credentials.length < 2) {
else {
for {
authVerify <- verify(credentials(0), credentials(1))
r <- {
if (authVerify) {
nextFilter(requestHeader).map { result: Result => result }
else {
} yield {
def verify(username: String, password: String): Future[Boolean]

Play Framework Redirect all traffic

I'm slowly converting a REST API from Rails to Scala. I've got some methods working with play, but others have to fall back to the Rails server.
I want all requests to go through Play, but if they aren't implemented yet to redirect. Specifically if URL requested is* then it should be redirected to*, with URL and all params in tact. I've tried this route:
GET /api/v1/*path
But now I don't know what to do with it.
If your route is
GET /api/v1/*path controllers.Api.v1(path: String)
Then your controller function would look something like this:
object Api extends Controller { request =>
val queryString: String = if(request.rawQueryString.nonEmpty) "?" + request.rawQueryString else ""
def v1(path: String) = Action {
TemporaryRedirect("" + path + queryString )

Spray Authentication method with BasicAuth

Spray is hard!! I now know that my knowledge on HTTP protocol is not nearly enough and API design isn't easy. However, I still very much want my practice app to work. I'm writing this authentication for POST/PUT/DELETE method. It appears that there are at least two ways to do this: BasicAuth or write a custom directive.
I found this article:
I'm trying it out because it looks simple.
The compile and run stages are fine, and the server runs. However, when I'm trying to send a PUT request to test the implementation (using Python's Httpie: http PUT username=username token=123), the feedback is:HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Here's my route:
pathPrefix("sec-company") {
path("casper") {
//first examine username and token
authenticate(BasicAuth(CustomUserPassAuthenticator, "company-security")) {userProfile =>
post { ctx =>
entity(as[Company.Company]) { company =>
complete {
Here is my implementation of UserPassAuthenticator:
object CustomUserPassAuthenticator extends UserPassAuthenticator[UserProfile] {
def apply(userPass: Option[UserPass]) = Promise.successful(
userPass match {
case Some(UserPass(user, token)) => getUserProfile(user, token)
case _ => None
First of all, is this the right way to implement authentication? Second, where does UserPassAuthenticator find the username and password?? Can I send back a better HTTP header other than 404 to indicate failed authentication?
If this is far from correct, is there any tutorial on authentication that I can follow? TypeSafe's Spray templates are more about overall patterns and less about Spray's functionality!
Thank you!
I had the same problem, even after looking at (which says it's for an older version of Akka but it still seems to apply) I came up with the following:
trait Authenticator {
def basicUserAuthenticator(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): AuthMagnet[AuthInfo] = {
def validateUser(userPass: Option[UserPass]): Option[AuthInfo] = {
for {
p <- userPass
user <- Repository.apiUsers(p.user)
if user.passwordMatches(p.pass)
} yield AuthInfo(user)
def authenticator(userPass: Option[UserPass]): Future[Option[AuthInfo]] = Future { validateUser(userPass) }
BasicAuth(authenticator _, realm = "Private API")
I mix in this trait into the Actor that runs the routes and then I call it like this:
pathPrefix("api") {
authenticate(basicUserAuthenticator) { authInfo =>
path("private") {
get {
authorize(authInfo.hasPermission("get") {
// ... and so on and so forth
The AuthInfo object returned by the validateUser method is passed as a parameter to the closure given to the authorize method. Here it is:
case class AuthInfo(user: ApiUser) {
def hasPermission(permission: String) = user.hasPermission(permission)
In Spray (and HTTP), authentication (determining whether you have a valid user) is separate from authorization (determining whether the user has access to a resource). In the ApiUser class I also store the set of permissions the user has. This is a simplified version, my hasPermission method is a bit more complex since I also parametrize permissions, so it's not just that a particular user has permission to do a get on a resource, he might have permission to read only some parts of that resource. You might make things very simple (any logged-in user can access any resource) or extremely complex, depending on your needs.
As to your question, when using HTTP BASIC authentication (the BasicAuth object), the credentials are passed in the request in an Authorization: header. Your HTTP library should take care of generating that for you. According to the HTTP standard, the server should return a 401 status code if the authentication was incorrect or not provided, or a 403 status code if the authentication was correct but the user doesn't have permissions to view the content.

Basic Play framework routing and web sockets example

I'm trying to learn how to use web sockets in Play 2.1, and I'm having trouble getting the web socket URL to work with my app's routing configuration. I started with a new Play application and the Play framework documentation on websockets.
Here is my conf/routes:
# Home page
GET / controllers.Application.index
# Websocket test site
GET /wstest controllers.Application.wstest
Then I added the wstest function to my controller class:
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Websocket Test"))
def wstest = WebSocket.using[String] { request =>
// Log events to the console
val in = Iteratee.foreach[String](println).mapDone { _ =>"Disconnected")
// Send a single 'Hello!' message
val out = Enumerator("Hello!")
(in, out)
However, so far, I can only access the websocket with the URL ws://localhost:9000/wstest (using the sample code at I was looking at the sample/scala/websocket-chat app that comes with the Play framework, and it uses the routing configuration file to reference the websocket, like this:
var WS = window['MozWebSocket'] ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket
var chatSocket = new WS("")
I tried replacing my websocket URL with #routes.Application.wstest.webSocketURL() and #routes.Application.wstest. The first one doesn't compile. The second one compiles, but the client and server don't exchange any messages.
How can I use my Play routing configuration to access this websocket? What am I doing wrong here?
Here is a screenshot of my compilation error, "Cannot find any HTTP Request Header here":
Without the compiler error it's hard to guess what might be the problem.
Either you have to use parens because of the implicit request, i.e. #routes.Application.wstest().webSocketURL(), or you have no implicit request in scope which is needed for the webSocketURL call.
Marius is right that there was no implicit request in scope. Here's how to get it in scope:
Update the index function in the controller:
def index = Action { implicit request =>
Ok(views.html.index("Websocket Test"))
Add the request as a curried parameter to index.scala.html:
#(message: String)(implicit request: RequestHeader)
#main(message) {
var output;
function init() {
output = document.getElementById("output");
function testWebSocket() {
websocket = new WebSocket("#routes.Application.wstest.webSocketURL()");
And now the RequestHeader is in scope.