Getting weirdly formatted NSDictionary value [closed] - swift

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Closed 6 years ago.
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var nsarray:[NSMutableDictionary] = [["object":["uid":["age":"26","gender":"male"]]]]
That is how it looks. I want to get the value "uid", so when it prints it is just "uid". Currently it is printing:

I want to get the "uid" value. Meaning when it prints it is just "uid". "uid" is a placeholder for a unique ID so I won't know what the uid is.
It looks like "object" key contains another dictionary, which has exactly one element. To get the first key, call allKeys to get keys, convert them to Array, and pick the the initial element:
let d = nsarray[0]["object"] as! NSDictionary


Convert array into comma separated value of String [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have an array and I want to convert it into String but separated each element by '","
List<String> list = ["India","China","USA"];
var string = list.join(',');
print(string); //output = "India,China,USA"

How do I sort an array of an array in Swift 5 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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For example I have
How do i sort it so that it returns in Highest to lowest value B, C, A
You can do in following way:
a.sort {
return $0.last as! Int > $1.last as! Int
Don't forget to add additional checks while using this code, case where the last item is not an integer or there is an array not in the expected format. Otherwise, it will lead to a crash.

How to fetch a particular part of a string from the same string in Swift? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to fetch a part of string from a string. E.g. I have a string say sampleStringUrl which holds "". So, I want to get only "" from sampleStringUrl.
Like that you want to get Host URL.
var urlString = ""
var url = URL(string: urlString)
var domain = url?.host
print(domain!) //

Accessing values - Swift [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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You are given a dictionary crypt of type [String:String] which has values for all lowercase letters. The crypt dictionary represents a way to encode a message. For example, if crypt["h"] = "#" and crypt["i"] = "!" the encoded version of the message "hi" will be "#!".
The thing is that i have to Write code that would take any string containing only lower case letters and spaces and encode it using the crypt dictionary. I have successfully failed trying to write the code so i ended up just using a single print statement
If you have any idea you would like to share, please do so.
Thank you
Does this do what you're looking for:
let message = "hi"
let encryptedMessage = { crypt[String($0)]! }.joined()
If you're unfamiliar with it, mapping a string iterates through each character, doing something to it, and returning that string. $0 refers to the first parameter (in this case #1 of 1, but 0-indexed).
As Dopapp suggests, map is the most elegant solution. If you want to see the steps broken out a bit, you can do it the long way.
var message = "hi"
var crytpedMessage = ""
for char in message {
let newChar = crypt[String(char)]

How to search for a duplicate in a given string using scriptlet? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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How can I search for a duplicate in a given string using a scriptlet?
ScripletInput= a,b,c,a
Here the letter 'a' is repeating. If it is repeating more than once, then it should exit, else it can go ahead.
Please see Remove occurrences of duplicate words in a string
The code below will remove duplicates in a string.
<script type="text/javascript">
str=prompt("Enter String::","");
arr=new Array();
unique=new Array();