Difference between binary relevance and one hot encoding? - encoding

Binary relevance is a well known technique to deal with multi-label classification problems, in which we train a binary classifier for each possible value of a feature:
On the other side, one hot encoders (OHE) are commonly used in natural language processing to encode a categorical feature taking multiple values as a binary vector:
Can we consider that these two concepts are the same one? Or are there technical differences?

Both methods are different.
1. One-Hot encoding
In one-hot encoding, vector is considered.
Above diagram represents binary classification problem.
2. Binary Relevance
In binary relevance, we do not consider vector. Following diagram represents class label generation using binary relevance method which is using scalar value.


FAMD encoding type

I have a quick question and I don't know if its the right question to ask. I am using a dataset that very much needs dimensionality reduction for a clustering analysis. I want to use FAMD (FACTOR ANALYSIS OF MIXED DATA) as I believe it is best for my dataset of numerical and categorical variables. I believe FAMD uses one hot encoding to transfer categorical variables to numerical before reducing dimensions. Is it possible to use a different encoding method such as binary encoding for FAMD? Thanks in advance for the feedback.

Classifying Algorithm for time series data

I have time series data(one instance of 30 seconds) as shown in the figure, I would like to know the what kind of classifying algorithms I could use.
This is how the data looks in time and frequency domain
In the image we have 2 classes(one represented in blue and the other in orange).On the left section of the image we have data represented in the time-domain and on the right its equivalent Fourier-Transform.
I am thinking of using LSTM to train the data for both domains and also converting the above representations into an image and use CNNs to train.
Any Suggestion such as a better algorithm or a better representation of data would help.
One architecture suited to your needs is WaveNet.
The WaveNet architecture is constructed to deal with very long sequences (your sequences are reasonably long) and has been shown to outperform LSTM based RNNs on several tasks in the original paper.
I am not sure what you mean by
converting the above representations into an image and use CNNs to train
so I would suggest sticking to recurrent models or WaveNet for sequence classification.

How to use multiple labels as targets in Neural Net Pattern Recognition Toolbox?

I am trying to use the Neural Net Pattern Recognition toolbox in MATLAB for recognizing different types of classes in my dataset. I have a 21392 x 4 table, with the columns 1-3 which I would like to use as predictors and the 4th column has the labels with 14 different categories (strings like Angry, Sad, Happy, Neutral etc.). It seems that the Neural Net Pattern Recognition toolbox, unlike the MATLAB Classification Learner toolbox doesn't allow me to import the table and automatically extract the predictors and responses from it. Moreover, I am unable to either specify the inputs and targets to the neural network manually as it isn't showing up in the options.
I looked into the examples like the Iris Dataset, Wine Dataset, Cancer Dataset etc., but all of them only have 2-3 classes as outputs which are being Identified (and encoded in binary like 000, 010, 011 etc.) and the labels are not string type unlike mine like Angry, Sad, Happy, Neutral etc. (total 14 different classes). I would like to know how I can use my table as input to the neural network pattern recognition toolbox, or otherwise, any way in which I can extract the data from my table and use it in the toolbox. I am new to using the toolbox, so any help in this regard would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
The first step to use the Neural Net Pattern Recognition Toolbox is to convert the table to a numeric array, as neural networks work only with numeric arrays, not other datatypes directly. Considering the table as my_table, it can be converted to a numeric array using
my_table_array = table2array(my_table);
From my_table_array, the inputs (predictors) and outputs/targets can be extracted. But, it is imperative to mention that the inputs and outputs need to be transposed (as the data is needed to be in column format for the toolbox, each column is one datapoint, and each row is the feature), which can easily be accomplished using:-
inputs = inputs'; %(now of dimensions 3x21392)
labels = labels'; %(now of dimensions 1x21392)
The string type labels (categorical) can be converted to numeric values using a one-hot encoding technique with categorical, followed by ind2vec:
my_table_vector = ind2vec(double(categorical(labels)));
Now, the my_table_vector (final targets) and inputs (final input predictors) can easily be fed to the neural network and used for classification/prediction of the target labels.

Difference between i-vector and d-vector

could someone please explain the difference between i-vector and d-vector? All I know about them is that they are widely used in speaker/speech recognition systems and they are kind of templates for representing speaker information, but I don't know the main differences.
I-vector is a feature that represents the idiosyncratic characteristics of the frame-level features' distributive pattern. I-vector extraction is essentially a dimensionality reduction of the GMM supervector (although the GMM supervector is not extracted when computing the i-vector). It's extracted in a similar manner with the eigenvoice adaptation scheme or the JFA technique, but is extracted per sentence (or input speech sample).
On the other hand, d-vector is extracted using DNN. To extract a d-vector, a DNN model that takes stacked filterbank features (similar to the DNN acoustic model used in ASR) and generates the one-hot speaker label (or the speaker probability) on the output is trained. D-vector is the averaged activation from the last hidden layer of this DNN. So unlike the i-vector framework, this doesn't have any assumptions about the feature's distribution (the i-vector framework assumes that the i-vector, or the latent variable has a Gaussian distribution).
So in conclusion, these are two distinct features extracted from totally different methods or assumptions. I recommend you reading these papers:
N. Dehak, P. Kenny, R. Dehak, P. Dumouchel, and P. Ouellet, "Front-end factor analysis for speaker verification," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 788-798, 2011.
E. Variani, X. Lei, E. McDermott, I. L. Moreno, and J. G-Dominguez, "Deep neural networks for small footprint text-dependent speaker verification," in Proc. ICASSP, 2014, pp. 4080-4084.
I don't know how to properly characterize the d-vector in plain language, but I can help a little.
The identity vector, or i-vector, Is a spectral signature for a particular slice of speech, usually a sliver of a phoneme, rarely (as far as I can see) as large as the entire phoneme. Basically, it's a discrete spectrogram expressed in a form isomorphic to the Gaussian mixture of the time slice.
Thanks to those who provided comments and a superior answer. I updated this only to replace the incorrect information from my original attempt.
A d-vector is extracted from a Deep NN, the mean of the feature vectors in the DNN's final hidden layer. This becomes the model for the speaker, used to compare against other speech samples for identification.

Clustering: a training dataset of variable data dimensions

I have a dataset of n data, where each data is represented by a set of extracted features. Generally, the clustering algorithms need that all input data have the same dimensions (the same number of features), that is, the input data X is a n*d matrix of n data points each of which has d features.
In my case, I've previously extracted some features from my data but the number of extracted features for each data is most likely to be different (I mean, I have a dataset X where data points have not the same number of features).
Is there any way to adapt them, in order to cluster them using some common clustering algorithms requiring data to be of the same dimensions.
Sounds like the problem you have is that it's a 'sparse' data set. There are generally two options.
Reduce the dimensionality of the input data set using multi-dimensional scaling techniques. For example Sparse SVD (e.g. Lanczos algorithm) or sparse PCA. Then apply traditional clustering on the dense lower dimensional outputs.
Directly apply a sparse clustering algorithm, such as sparse k-mean. Note you can probably find a PDF of this paper if you look hard enough online (try scholar.google.com).
[Updated after problem clarification]
In the problem, a handwritten word is analyzed visually for connected components (lines). For each component, a fixed number of multi-dimensional features is extracted. We need to cluster the words, each of which may have one or more connected components.
Suggested solution:
Classify the connected components first, into 1000(*) unique component classifications. Then classify the words against the classified components they contain (a sparse problem described above).
*Note, the exact number of component classifications you choose doesn't really matter as long as it's high enough as the MDS analysis will reduce them to the essential 'orthogonal' classifications.
There are also clustering algorithms such as DBSCAN that in fact do not care about your data. All this algorithm needs is a distance function. So if you can specify a distance function for your features, then you can use DBSCAN (or OPTICS, which is an extension of DBSCAN, that doesn't need the epsilon parameter).
So the key question here is how you want to compare your features. This doesn't have much to do with clustering, and is highly domain dependant. If your features are e.g. word occurrences, Cosine distance is a good choice (using 0s for non-present features). But if you e.g. have a set of SIFT keypoints extracted from a picture, there is no obvious way to relate the different features with each other efficiently, as there is no order to the features (so one could compare the first keypoint with the first keypoint etc.) A possible approach here is to derive another - uniform - set of features. Typically, bag of words features are used for such a situation. For images, this is also known as visual words. Essentially, you first cluster the sub-features to obtain a limited vocabulary. Then you can assign each of the original objects a "text" composed of these "words" and use a distance function such as cosine distance on them.
I see two options here:
Restrict yourself to those features for which all your data-points have a value.
See if you can generate sensible default values for missing features.
However, if possible, you should probably resample all your data-points, so that they all have values for all features.