Classifying Algorithm for time series data - neural-network

I have time series data(one instance of 30 seconds) as shown in the figure, I would like to know the what kind of classifying algorithms I could use.
This is how the data looks in time and frequency domain
In the image we have 2 classes(one represented in blue and the other in orange).On the left section of the image we have data represented in the time-domain and on the right its equivalent Fourier-Transform.
I am thinking of using LSTM to train the data for both domains and also converting the above representations into an image and use CNNs to train.
Any Suggestion such as a better algorithm or a better representation of data would help.

One architecture suited to your needs is WaveNet.
The WaveNet architecture is constructed to deal with very long sequences (your sequences are reasonably long) and has been shown to outperform LSTM based RNNs on several tasks in the original paper.
I am not sure what you mean by
converting the above representations into an image and use CNNs to train
so I would suggest sticking to recurrent models or WaveNet for sequence classification.


Deep Learning on Encrypted Images

Suppose we have a set of images and labels meant for a machine-learning classification task. The problem is that these images come with a relatively short retention policy. While one could train a model online (i.e. update it with new image data every day), I'm ideally interested in a solution that can somehow retain images for training and testing.
To this end, I'm interested if there are any known techniques, for example some kind of one-way hashing on images, which obfuscates the image, but still allows for deep learning techniques on it.
I'm not an expert on this but the way I'm thinking about it is as follows: we have a NxN image I (say 1024x1024) with pixel values in P:={0,1,...,255}^3, and a one-way hash map f(I):P^(NxN) -> S. Then, when we train a convolutional neural network on I, we first map the convolutional filters via f, to then train on a high-dimensional space S. I think there's no need for f to locally-sensitive, in that pixels near each other don't need to map to values in S near each other, as long as we know how to map the convolutional filters to S. Please note that it's imperative that f is not invertible, and that the resulting stored image in S is unrecognizable.
One option for f,S is to use a convolutional neural network on I to then extract the representation of I from it's fully connected layer. This is not ideal because there's a high chance that this network won't retain the finer features needed for the classification task. So I think this rules out a CNN or auto encoder for f.

Use a trained neural network to imitate its training data

I'm in the overtures of designing a prose imitation system. It will read a bunch of prose, then mimic it. It's mostly for fun so the mimicking prose doesn't need to make too much sense, but I'd like to make it as good as I can, with a minimal amount of effort.
My first idea is to use my example prose to train a classifying feed-forward neural network, which classifies its input as either part of the training data or not part. Then I'd like to somehow invert the neural network, finding new random inputs that also get classified by the trained network as being part of the training data. The obvious and stupid way of doing this is to randomly generate word lists and only output the ones that get classified above a certain threshold, but I think there is a better way, using the network itself to limit the search to certain regions of the input space. For example, maybe you could start with a random vector and do gradient descent optimisation to find a local maximum around the random starting point. Is there a word for this kind of imitation process? What are some of the known methods?
How about Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN, Goodfellow 2014) and their more advanced siblings like Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks? There are plenty of proper research articles out there, and also more gentle introductions like this one on DCGAN and this on GAN. To quote the latter:
GANs are an interesting idea that were first introduced in 2014 by a
group of researchers at the University of Montreal lead by Ian
Goodfellow (now at OpenAI). The main idea behind a GAN is to have two
competing neural network models. One takes noise as input and
generates samples (and so is called the generator). The other model
(called the discriminator) receives samples from both the generator
and the training data, and has to be able to distinguish between the
two sources. These two networks play a continuous game, where the
generator is learning to produce more and more realistic samples, and
the discriminator is learning to get better and better at
distinguishing generated data from real data. These two networks are
trained simultaneously, and the hope is that the competition will
drive the generated samples to be indistinguishable from real data.
(DC)GAN should fit your task quite well.

Face Recognition based on Deep Learning (Siamese Architecture)

I want to use pre-trained model for the face identification. I try to use Siamese architecture which requires a few number of images. Could you give me any trained model which I can change for the Siamese architecture? How can I change the network model which I can put two images to find their similarities (I do not want to create image based on the tutorial here)? I only want to use the system for real time application. Do you have any recommendations?
I suppose you can use this model, described in Xiang Wu, Ran He, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan A Light CNN for Deep Face Representation with Noisy Labels (arXiv 2015) as a a strating point for your experiments.
As for the Siamese network, what you are trying to earn is a mapping from a face image into some high dimensional vector space, in which distances between points reflects (dis)similarity between faces.
To do so, you only need one network that gets a face as an input and produce a high-dim vector as an output.
However, to train this single network using the Siamese approach, you are going to duplicate it: creating two instances of the same net (you need to explicitly link the weights of the two copies). During training you are going to provide pairs of faces to the nets: one to each copy, then the single loss layer on top of the two copies can compare the high-dimensional vectors representing the two faces and compute a loss according to a "same/not same" label associated with this pair.
Hence, you only need the duplication for the training. In test time ('deploy') you are going to have a single net providing you with a semantically meaningful high dimensional representation of faces.
For a more advance Siamese architecture and loss see this thread.
On the other hand, you might want to consider the approach described in Oren Tadmor, Yonatan Wexler, Tal Rosenwein, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Amnon Shashua Learning a Metric Embedding for Face Recognition using the Multibatch Method (arXiv 2016). This approach is more efficient and easy to implement than pair-wise losses over image pairs.

How does a neural network produce an array?

I've been studying Neural Networks, specifically the implmentation provided by this incredible online book. In the example network provided, we're shown how to create a neural network that classifies the MNIST training data to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
The network is configured so that the input stimuli represents a discrete range of thresholded pixel data from a 24x24 image; at the output, we have ten signal paths which represent each of the different solutions for the input images; these are used classify a handwritten digit from zero to nine. In this implementation, a handwritten '3' would drive a strong signal down the third output path.
Now, I've seen that Neural Networks can be applied to far more 'unpredictable' output solutions; for example, take the team who taught a network to recognize the hair on a human:
Surely in the application above, we couldn't use a fixed output array length because the number of points that would qualify within an image would vary just so wildly between different samples. Can anyone recommend what kind of pattern would have been used to accomplish this?
In the interest of completeness, I'm going to propose that the team could have employed a kind of 'line following robot' for the classification task. So for an input image, a network could be trained by using a small range of discrete commands (LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN) for a fixed period t and train the network to control the robot like an Etch-a-Sketch.
Alternatively, we could implement a network which would map pixels one-to-one, and define whether individual pixels contributed to hair; but this wouldn't be compatible with different image resolutions.
So, do either of these solutions sound plausable? If so, are these basic implementations of a known generic solution for this kind of problem? What approach would you use?

How do neural networks handle large images where the area of interest is small?

If I've understood correctly, when training neural networks to recognize objects in images it's common to map single pixel to a single input layer node. However, sometimes we might have a large picture with only a small area of interest. For example, if we're training a neural net to recognize traffic signs, we might have images where the traffic sign covers only a small portion of it, while the rest is taken by the road, trees, sky etc. Creating a neural net which tries to find a traffic sign from every position seems extremely expensive.
My question is, are there any specific strategies to handle these sort of situations with neural networks, apart from preprocessing the image?
Using 1 pixel per input node is usually not done. What enters your network is the feature vector and as such you should input actual features, not raw data. Inputing raw data (with all its noise) will not only lead to bad classification but training will take longer than necessary.
In short: preprocessing is unavoidable. You need a more abstract representation of your data. There are hundreds of ways to deal with the problem you're asking. Let me give you some popular approaches.
1) Image proccessing to find regions of interest. When detecting traffic signs a common strategy is to use edge detection (i.e. convolution with some filter), apply some heuristics, use a threshold filter and isolate regions of interest (blobs, strongly connected components etc) which are taken as input to the network.
2) Applying features without any prior knowledge or image processing. Viola/Jones use a specific image representation, from which they can compute features in a very fast way. Their framework has been shown to work in real-time. (I know their original work doesn't state NNs but I applied their features to Multilayer Perceptrons in my thesis, so you can use it with any classifier, really.)
3) Deep Learning.
Learning better representations of the data can be incorporated into the neural network itself. These approaches are amongst the most popular researched atm. Since this is a very large topic, I can only give you some keywords so that you can research it on your own. Autoencoders are networks that learn efficient representations. It is possible to use them with conventional ANNs. Convolutional Neural Networks seem a bit sophisticated at first sight but they are worth checking out. Before the actual classification of a neural network, they have alternating layers of subwindow convolution (edge detection) and resampling. CNNs are currently able to achieve some of the best results in OCR.
In every scenario you have to ask yourself: Am I 1) giving my ANN a representation that has all the data it needs to do the job (a representation that is not too abstract) and 2) keeping too much noise away (and thus staying abstract enough).
We usually dont use fully connected network to deal with image because the number of units in the input layer will be huge. In neural network, we have specific neural network to deal with image which is Convolutional neural network(CNN).
However, CNN plays a role of feature extractor. The encoded feature will finally feed into a fully connected network which act as a classifier. In your case, I dont know how small your object is compare to the full image. But if the interested object is really small, even use CNN, the performance for image classification wont be very good. Then we probably need to use object detection(which used sliding window) to deal with it.
If you want recognize small objects on large sized image, you should use "scanning window".
For "scanning window" you can to apply dimention reducing methods: