Get Product Name Of USB Device From portIterator - swift

Is there a way, using IOKit or something similar that does not involve downloading additional packages from the internet, that I can use to read a USB device's product name?
This is my current code...
func printSerialPaths(portIterator: io_iterator_t) {
var serialService: io_object_t
repeat {
serialService = IOIteratorNext(portIterator)
if (serialService != 0) {
var key: CFString! = "IOCalloutDevice"
var bsdPathAsCFtring: AnyObject? = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(serialService, key, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0).takeUnretainedValue()
var bsdPath = bsdPathAsCFtring as! String?
if let path = bsdPath {
var deviceNameCString: [CChar] = [CChar](count: 128, repeatedValue: 0)
let deviceNameResult = IORegistryEntryGetName(serialService, &deviceNameCString)
let deviceName = String.fromCString(&deviceNameCString)!
print("usb Device Name: \(deviceName)")
} while serialService != 0;
I have also tried using other CFStrings, such as "Product Name" in the IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty() command as I've seen suggested elsewhere with no luck. If replacing that is all I need, where can I find the documentation for the rest of these strings?
The product name that I'm talking about is highlighted below. I'm not sure what its technical name would be.

If the io_service_t handle is to an IOUSBDevice/IOUSBHostDevice, it should have a property named "USB Product Name" (symbolic constant kUSBProductString, at least in C) - I believe that's what you're after. You can query it with IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty() as you're already doing for the "IOCalloutDevice" property, which by the way is defined as the symbolic constant kIOCalloutDeviceKey.
If those constants do not exist in Swift when importing the IOKit module, just define your own constants and file a bug (Radar) with Apple about the omission.


ITunes Library Framework in Swift 5.2

I have searched everywhere and I am unable to find a swifty example of how to use the Apple ITunesLibraryFramework. I have been trying to figure out how to use this Framework in Swift 5.2.
I want to get information directly from the Music library rather than having to rely on a XML library export file.
I have the below code in my playground and it prints nothing legible. How would I access the fields for playlists and mediaItems and be able to read them in human readable form?
I have installed the framework in the project. This is my project playground code:
import Foundation
import iTunesLibrary
var library:ITLibrary
do {
let library = try ITLibrary(apiVersion: "1.1")
let mediaItems = library.allMediaItems
let playlists = library.allPlaylists
print("Media Folder Location - \(String(describing: library.mediaFolderLocation))")
print("\nPlaylists - \(playlists)")
print("\nTracks - \(mediaItems)")
} catch let error as NSError {
This is the ITLibrary.m file that I imported the header:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <iTunesLibrary/iTunesLibrary.h>
When I run the above code in the project playground all I get is a bunch of binary data for both playlists and mediaItems. All I want to do is iterate over the data and collect information from the library for use in my program. It's probably something easy, but I haven't found it yet.
EDIT: - After using #Vincent's answer I ran into another problem with the following code:
import Foundation
import iTunesLibrary
let library = try ITLibrary(apiVersion: "1.1")
typealias tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo]
var trackInfo = TrackInfo()
struct TrackInfo {
var title = ""
var artist = ""
var album = ""
var totalTime = 0
var year = 0
var persistentID = ""
var location:URL!
let songs = library.allMediaItems
let playlists = library.allPlaylists
for playlist in playlists {
if"test-") {
print("New Playlist---------------\nName: \(")
for song in playlist.items {
trackInfo.title = song.title
print("\n\nNew Track-----------------\nTitle: \(trackInfo.title)")
if song.artist?.name != nil {
trackInfo.artist = song.artist?.name as! String
print("Artist: \(trackInfo.artist)")
trackInfo.album = song.album.title!
print("Albumn Name: \(trackInfo.album)")
trackInfo.totalTime = song.totalTime
print("Total Time: \(trackInfo.totalTime)")
trackInfo.year = song.year
print("Year: \(trackInfo.year)")
trackInfo.location = song.location!
print("Location: \(trackInfo.location!)")
var persistentID = song.persistentID
tracks.updateValue(song.persistentID, trackInfo)
The issue I'm having is getting the tracks info into the trackInfo dictionary. I'm trying to use the track persistentID (NSNumber) as the key for the dictionary, which I have declared. For some reason it isn't allowing me to use it.
Here's how you can have it print each playlist and track:
Each ITLibPlaylist or ITLibMediaItem object contains many information about each playlist/media item. To get only the name/title of each, you will have to iterate through the results to retrieve them.
For this example below, the name of each playlist's name is printed.
print("\nPlaylists -")
for playlist in playlists {
Which will print (for example):
Playlists -
For this example below, the name of each track's name is printed.
print("\nTracks -")
for mediaItem in mediaItems {
Which will print (for example):
Tracks -
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
My Favorite Things
But Not for Me
Edit: Here's the secondary solution to the secondary problem:
First things first, a dictionary should be initialised, instead of using typealias.
typealias only makes an alias for a pre existing type, like
typealias NumberWithAlotOfDecimals = Double
let a: NumberWithAlotOfDecimals = 10.1
let b: Double = 10.1
both will a and b are Double, as NumberWithAlotOfDecimals is just an alias for Double.
Here's how to initialise:
//typealias tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo] // not this
var tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo]() // but this
Secondly, nullable objects should be properly handled
if let artistName = song.artist?.name {
trackInfo.artist = artistName
if let title = song.album.title {
trackInfo.album = title
if let location = song.location {
trackInfo.location = location
print("Location: \(location)")
instead of
if song.artist?.name != nil {
trackInfo.artist = song.artist?.name as! String
Please do not use ! to force unwrap nullable objects as that will cause runtime crashes when the object is nil.
Lastly, this is the way to store key value into dictionary in Swift.
let persistentID = song.persistentID
//tracks.updateValue(song.persistentID, trackInfo) // not this
tracks[persistentID] = trackInfo // this

Swift 4.2 computed variable [String:Bool] does not assign value correctly

[MacOS 10.14.1, Xcode 10.1, Swift 4.2]
I'm working on creating a getopt style CLI argument processor whilst practising Swift. In my design, I decided to create a computed variable, represented as a [String:Bool] dictionary, that can be checked to see if an option (key) is just a switch (value = true) or whether it may include parameters (value = false). So I've written the code below, all of which is, at the moment, in my small (300 lines) main.swift file.
The code works correctly in a playground, but in my Swift Xcode project, whilst the dictionary's keys are correct, values are always false and inconsistent with the printed messages.
let options = "cwt:i:o:"
//lazy var optionIsSwitch : [String:Bool] = { (This will be moved to a class)
var optionIsSwitch : [String:Bool] = {
var tmpOptionIsSwitch : [String:Bool] = [:]
let optionsStrAsArray = Array(options)
let flags = Array(options.filter { !":".contains($0) } )
for thisOption in 0...flags.count-1 {
var posInOptionsStr = 0
while posInOptionsStr < optionsStrAsArray.count-1 && flags[thisOption] != optionsStrAsArray[posInOptionsStr] {
posInOptionsStr += 1
if posInOptionsStr < optionsStrAsArray.count-1 && optionsStrAsArray[posInOptionsStr+1] == ":" {
tmpOptionIsSwitch[String(flags[thisOption])] = false
print("\(flags[thisOption]) is FALSE")
} else {
tmpOptionIsSwitch[String(flags[thisOption])] = true
print("\(flags[thisOption]) is TRUE")
return tmpOptionIsSwitch
I've stepped through the code in my project to observe the execution sequence, and found it to be correct. As per the first image, tmpOptionIsSwitch returns a dictionary containing the right keys but all the values are set to false, which is inconsistent with the print statements.
As part of my debugging activities, I copied the above code into a Swift Playground where I found it gave the correct results, as per the image below.
Has anyone has such an issue? Is there something I've done wrong?

MDQueryGetResultAtIndex and UnsafeRawPointer in Swift 3

I'm having trouble exploring the results of a Spotlight search in Swift 3 using MDQuery. I expect MDQueryGetResultAtIndex to yield an MDItem, and in C/Objective-C, that assumption works, and I can call MDItemCopyAttribute on it to explore the item. Here, for example, I successfully get the pathname of a found item:
MDItemRef item = (MDItemRef)MDQueryGetResultAtIndex(q,i);
CFStringRef path = MDItemCopyAttribute(item,kMDItemPath);
But in Swift 3, MDQueryGetResultAtIndex returns an UnsafeRawPointer! (it's a pointer-to-void in C). To get past that, I've tried, for example:
if let item = MDQueryGetResultAtIndex(q, 0) {
let ptr = item.bindMemory(to: MDItem.self, capacity: 1)
let path = MDItemCopyAttribute(ptr.pointee, kMDItemPath)
but that crashes, and logging shows that ptr.pointee is an NSAtom. It is quite evident that my personal UnsafeRawPointer mojo is not working (and to be frank I've always found this confusing).
How would I transform this UnsafeRawPointer into something I can successfully call MDItemCopyAttribute on?
I can get over this hump by putting my Objective-C code into an Objective-C helper object and calling it from Swift; but I'd like to write a pure Swift solution.
Similarly, I could probably rewrite my code to use the higher-level NSMetadataQuery, and I may well do so; but my original Objective-C code using the lower-level MDQueryRef works fine, so now I'm curious how to turn it directly into Swift.
Complete code for those who would like to try this at home:
let s = "kMDItemDisplayName == \"test\"" // you probably have one somewhere
let q = MDQueryCreate(nil, s as CFString, nil, nil)
MDQueryExecute(q, CFOptionFlags(kMDQuerySynchronous.rawValue))
let ct = MDQueryGetResultCount(q)
if ct > 0 {
if let item = MDQueryGetResultAtIndex(q, 0) {
// ...
The problem in your code
if let item = MDQueryGetResultAtIndex(q, 0) {
let ptr = item.bindMemory(to: MDItem.self, capacity: 1)
let path = MDItemCopyAttribute(ptr.pointee, kMDItemPath)
is that the UnsafeRawPointer is interpreted as a pointer to an
MDItem reference and then dereferenced in ptr.pointee, but
the raw pointer is the MDItem reference, so it is dereferenced
once too often.
The "shortest" method to convert the raw pointer to an MDItem reference
is unsafeBitCast:
let item = unsafeBitCast(rawPtr, to: MDItem.self)
which is the direct analogue of an (Objective-)C cast.
You can also use the Unmanaged methods
to convert the raw pointer to an unmanaged reference and from there
to a managed reference (compare How to cast self to UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> type in swift):
let item = Unmanaged<MDItem>.fromOpaque(rawPtr).takeUnretainedValue()
This looks a bit more complicated but perhaps expresses the intention
more clearly. The latter approach works also with (+1) retained
references (using takeRetainedValue()).
Self-contained example:
import CoreServices
let queryString = "kMDItemContentType ="
if let query = MDQueryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, queryString as CFString, nil, nil) {
MDQueryExecute(query, CFOptionFlags(kMDQuerySynchronous.rawValue))
for i in 0..<MDQueryGetResultCount(query) {
if let rawPtr = MDQueryGetResultAtIndex(query, i) {
let item = Unmanaged<MDItem>.fromOpaque(rawPtr).takeUnretainedValue()
if let path = MDItemCopyAttribute(item, kMDItemPath) as? String {

Get the name of a connected screen Swift

Does anyone know of a way to get the screen name, or model name/number from a display that is connected to the system? I've been looking around for quite some time to see if there is a way to do this. The only method I've seen anyone post only works with a deprecated API (CGDisplayIOServicePort), (and there's not replacement listed for that API), so that isn't really an option.
Basically, I am wanting to give the user a list of connected screens to display the output of the app, and I feel like giving them a list of names of the displays would be much more elegant and nicer than whatever the ID is that is returned from NSScreen or CGGetActiveDisplayList, etc. It has to possible, when you go to the display preferences in OS X it gives you the names of the displays there. Anyone have any ideas?
macOS 10.15 Catalina introduced a new property localizedName for getting the external display name:
NSScreen.screens.forEach {
You can get the names of connected screens directly from IOReg
func screenNames() -> [String] {
var names = [String]()
var object : io_object_t
var serialPortIterator = io_iterator_t()
let matching = IOServiceMatching("IODisplayConnect")
let kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault,
if KERN_SUCCESS == kernResult && serialPortIterator != 0 {
repeat {
object = IOIteratorNext(serialPortIterator)
let info = IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(object, UInt32(kIODisplayOnlyPreferredName)).takeRetainedValue() as NSDictionary as! [String:AnyObject]
if let productName = info["DisplayProductName"] as? [String:String],
let firstKey = Array(productName.keys).first {
} while object != 0
return names
let names = screenNames()

Get a Swift Variable's Actual Name as String

So I am trying to get the Actual Variable Name as String in Swift, but have not found a way to do so... or maybe I am looking at this problem and solution in a bad angle.
So this is basically what I want to do:
var appId: String? = nil
//This is true, since appId is actually the name of the var appId
if( appId.getVarName = "appId"){
appId = "CommandoFurball"
Unfortunately I have not been able to find in apple docs anything that is close to this but this:
varobj.self or reflect(var).summary
however, this gives information of what is inside the variable itself or the type of the variable in this case being String and I want the Actual name of the Variable.
This is officially supported in Swift 3 using #keyPath()
Example usage would look like:
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", #keyPath(Person.firstName), "Wendy")
In Swift 4 we have something even better: \KeyPath notation
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", \Person.mother.firstName, "Wendy")
// or
let keyPath = \Person.mother.firstName
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", keyPath, "Andrew")
The shorthand is a welcome addition, and being able to reference keypaths from a variable is extremely powerful
As per the updated from this answer, it is supported in Swift 3 via #keyPath
NSPredicate(format: "%K == %#", #keyPath(Person.firstName), "Andrew")
This is my solution
class Test {
var name: String = "Ido"
var lastName: String = "Cohen"
let t = Test()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: t)
for child in mirror.children {
print(child.label ?? "")
print will be
This works:
struct s {
var x:Int = 1
var y:Int = 2
var z:Int = 3
var xyz = s()
let m = Mirror(reflecting: xyz)
for p in m.children {
print(p.label as Any)
I've come up with a swift solution, however unfortunately it doesn't work with Ints, Floats, and Doubles I believe.
func propertyNameFor(inout item : AnyObject) -> String{
let listMemAdd = unsafeAddressOf(item)
let propertyName = Mirror(reflecting: self).children.filter { (child: (label: String?, value: Any)) -> Bool in
if let value = child.value as? AnyObject {
return listMemAdd == unsafeAddressOf(value)
return false
}.flatMap {
return $0.label!
}.first ?? ""
return propertyName
var mutableObject : AnyObject = object
let propertyName = MyClass().propertyNameFor(&mutableObject)
It compares memory addresses for an object's properties and sees if any match.
The reason it doesn't work for Ints, Floats, and Doubles because they're not of type anyobject, although you can pass them as anyobject, when you do so they get converted to NSNumbers. therefore the memory address changes. they talk about it here.
For my app, it didn't hinder me at all because I only needed it for custom classes. So maybe someone will find this useful. If anyone can make this work with the other datatypes then that would be pretty cool.
Completing the accepted answer for extensions:
The property needs to be #objc.
var appId: String? {
You need to use #keyPath syntax, \ notation is not supported yet for extensions.
The best solution is Here
From given link
import Foundation
extension NSObject {
// Retrieves an array of property names found on the current object
// using Objective-C runtime functions for introspection:
func propertyNames() -> Array<String> {
var results: Array<String> = [];
// retrieve the properties via the class_copyPropertyList function
var count: UInt32 = 0;
var myClass: AnyClass = self.classForCoder;
var properties = class_copyPropertyList(myClass, &count);
// iterate each objc_property_t struct
for var i: UInt32 = 0; i < count; i++ {
var property = properties[Int(i)];
// retrieve the property name by calling property_getName function
var cname = property_getName(property);
// covert the c string into a Swift string
var name = String.fromCString(cname);
// release objc_property_t structs
return results;