Add new parameter for activity in bpsim in SPARX - enterprise-architect

I am using the simulation tool bpsim with SPARX Enterprise Architect. I want to add Added Value parameter to be used in each activity for simulation as I am already doing with ProcessingTime and Cost etc... How can I do to declare a new parameter? how can I use it in each activity? Can I have statistics about this parameter in simulation report?


Crystal Reports dynamic parameter

In Crystal Reports 2020, I have a dynamic parameter. Since there can be 100000's of values, the user does not want to scroll through all of them,but wants an option to enter the value in a search box (like when we set Static parameter) and then add it to Selected Values box.
Is it possible?
Here is the relevant portion of a KnowledgeBase Article:
SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public
1381361 - Dynamic Parameter List of Values are displayed in batches in Crystal Reports and in SAP BI LaunchPad
How to change the batch size?
Crystal Reports dynamic prompt list of values are displayed in blocks of values. How to change the number of values per block?
Dynamic Parameter Lists of Values are displayed in a list of pages, is there any way to change the number of values displayed per page?
When refreshing a report in Crystal Reports, or in SAP BI LaunchPad, Dynamic Parameter shows the List of values in batches, how to display the List of Values in one single list instead of multiple groups?
SAP Crystal Reports 2013
SAP Crystal Reports 2016
SAP Crystal Reports 2020
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3
Reproducing the Issue
In Crystal Reports designer, create a report off any data source.
Create a a Dynamic Parameter, and add it to the report.
Save the report to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository.
Refresh the report in Crystal Reports, or in SAP BI LaunchPad.
When prompted by the parameter, notice that not all values displayed in one list, it displays in multiple batch.
How to only show one list with all the values?
Large list of values for dynamic parameter are displayed in batch of 200 values.
There is no option to turn off the functionality of displaying dynamic parameter list of values in batch, but it is possible to increase the number of values per batch by modifying the following options:
For Crystal Reports: PromptingLOVBatchSize
For the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform: crystal_max_number_list_of_values
Therefore, to display all the values in one batch, increase the value of the batch to be greater than the maximum number of values you expect for your largest list of values.
WARNING The following resolution involves editing the Microsoft Registry. Using the Microsoft Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems. Use the Microsoft Registry Editor at your own risk. For more information see the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1323322
For Crystal Reports designer:
Close the Crystal Reports designer.
Open the Microsoft Registry Editor. ( regedit )
In the Microsoft Registry Editor, navigate to the following path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\ReportView
Modify the value for the option: PromptingLOVBatchSize from the default value of 200, to a greater value like: 5000

How can we add calculated custom fields on a process in Azure Devops Boards

How can we add calculated custom fields on a process in Azure DevOps Boards. Is there any extensions that can be used for creating a Calculated custom field?
Azure DevOps support rollups in the backlogs only: Display rollup progress or totals.
To use your own logic, you can:
Create an extension (for example WSJF (Weighted Shortest Job First)).
Use az boards work-item to get, calculate, and update fields.
Use Excel to create calculated columns and publish fields: Bulk add or modify work items with Excel
If you mean creating a custom field Calculated to your project process. You can follow below steps.
1, Go to organization settings -->Process-->Select the process which your project is currently using.
If your project is using the System processes: Agile, Basic, Scrum, and CMMI. You need to create Inherited processes. For System processes are locked from being changed. See System versus inherited processes.
After you select your project process. You can select work item types to add the custom field. See Add a custom field.
2, If your project was using System processes. After you created the Inherited process, and added the custom field. You need to change your project process to this newly created inherited process. See Change the project process.

Anylogic: How can you link a population with a source

how is it possible that the sourceof a process model only creates the agents out of a population and in best case at once? In my model the source is creating more agents than the size of the population.
thx in advance
Using a Source it is not possible to output already existing Agents of a population from it, as the source is always creating them at the time of output.
You have two possibilities:
Instead of a Source, use the Process Modelling element Enter at
the start of your process flow. Using the function
enter.take(myPopulation.get(index)) you can input your already
existing population members. This way you can also input them "at once".
In the Source properties under Advanced - Population select your
custom population. Whenever the source creates a new Agent, it will
get added to this population. Note: The Agent type of the population
must be the same as the Agent type defined in the Source.

Anylogic - pedestrian library

Is there a way to add agents through pedSource but give them nominal values for added parameters?
We have different parameters within a specific agent that are in a DB and want them to be initialized when agent is created in population.
We tried doing it using the advanced option in pedSource but the "from DB " option does not have our added parameters, only the default ones for pedestrian agent.
good to see you here :-)
Sounds like you need to create your own Agent Type to be used for your pedestrians. Create a new agent type and set it up to be used as pedestrians as below:
Next, make your PedSource object create these MyPeds and not the default peds:
Now, you can add your parameters to MyPed as you like. Let's say it has 1 param myParam. To load values from the dbase, also create a MyPed population (drag in the MyPed class onto Main), set it as below:
Last, you need to tell the source object to add any MyPed created to your new population as it will fill the params:
hope this helps

Sparx EA Reporting - Understanding Loops

I am trying to create a Sparx Enterprise Architect Report and need some assistance in understanding the Reporting Sections and how loops are processed. My intention is to get as simple report of a process diagram, and then show all linked requirements.. the structure would be as follows:
List of Elements in Package (as a table)
Then for each Element
List of Linked Requirements (as a table)
This is how I have setup the configuration:
The template fragment is simply a query that returns all requirements which are linked to elements within the current package.
There must be an easier way to simply list specific elements in a package. then re-iterate the same list of elements to process their connections?