how to create single instance of jersey Client for multiple request - rest

Hi I am here using jersey.1.19.1 API Client for Rest full web service.
I came to know that creating an instance of Client is an expensive.
As I am creating instance of it every time i call the web service,
response is delayed which it leads affecting the performance.
So is there any other way in creating instance of Client for multiple request.
and also how to over come in delay even for creating single instance of a Client
Is it a right approach to create a Client object pooling as that of connection pooling or one Client object for one user. Even is there any other best way for creating Client object

As there is no much info provided to have a clue on your structure, something along these lines will help
Create an instance variable of the jersey client
private Client client = null;
In a method that returns client, check if that field is null, if it is initialise it, otherwise return same instance
if(client == null)
client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
return client;


Vertx to mongoDB connections

I'm working on a Java/vertx project where the backend is MongoDB (I used to work with Elixir/Erlang since some time, and I'm quite new to vertx but I believe it's the best fit). Basically, I have an http API handled by some HttpServerVerticles which need to store data to (or retrieve data from) the mongo db and to send the appropriate reply to the API caller. I'm looking for the right pattern to implement the queries and the handling of the replies.
From the official guide and some tutorials, I see that for a relational JDBC database, it is necessary to define a dedicated verticle that will handle queries asynchronously. This was my first try with the mongo client but it introduces a lot of boilerplate.
On the other hand, from the mongo client documentation I read that it's Completely non-blocking and that it has its own connection pool. Does that mean that we can safely (from vertx event loop point of view), define and use the mongo client directly in the http verticle ?
Is there any alternative pattern ?
Versions : vertx:3.5.4 / mongodb:4.0.3
It's like that: mongo connection pool is exactly like SQL-db pool synchronous and blocking in it's nature, but is wrapped with non-blocking vert.x API around.
So, instead of a normal blocking way of
JsonObject obj = mongo.get( someQuery )
you have rather a non-blocking call out of the box:
mongo.findOne( 'collectionName', someQuery ){ AsyncResult<JsonObject> res ->
JsonObject obj = res.result()
doStuff( obj )
That means, that you can safely use it directly on the event-loop in any type of verticle without reinventing the asyncronous wheel over and over again.
At our client we use mongodb-driver-rx. Vertx has support for RX (vertx-rx-java) and it fits pretty well on mongodb-driver-rx.
For more information see:

In GWT RPC, How to send raw deserialized response object to client?

I know this is a bit hacky but current circumstances can't allow me to rewrite certain aspects of the application.
rpcService.someServiceCall(String someParameter,
new AsyncCallback<LargeClientObject>(){
Basically, we have a very large response from the server to client called LargeClientObject. The deserialization on the client side is taking a very long time to unmarshal. I was wondering what the best way would be to send deserialized data (raw JSON) to the client so that the client doesn't have to waste time deserializing it.
I was wondering if there was a way to simply do:
rpcService.someServiceCall(String someParameter,new ASyncCallback_WithNoClientSerialization<LargeClientObject>(){
FYI,I've tried using RequestFactory to load ClientObjects but it has many custom objects which would take forever to write RequestProxies for and I'd have to refactor most of the existing application.
I think you may consider two approaches.
A. Call a servlet to get a,JSON response without using RPC.
B. Use the existing RPC service but change the return type to String instead of LargeClientObject, and pass a JSON string.
You probably have to test which approach works better.

Is it correct to use Post instead of Get to fetch data in Web API

I am currently creating Restful API through ASP.Net WebAPI technology. I have 2 questions related to WebAPI
I had done below:
Created below method in Controller class:
public HttpResponseMessage PostOrderData(OrderParam OrderInfo)
Based on Parameter OrderInfo, Query the SQL Server and get list of orders.
Set the Response.Content with the collection object:
List<Orders> ordList = new List<Orders>();
//filled the ordList from SQL query result
var response = Request.CreateResponse<List<Orders>>(HttpStatusCode.OK, ordList);
On Client side,
OrderParam ordparam = new OrderParam();
response = client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/order", ordparam).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
List<Orders> mydata = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Orders>>().Result;
So question: is it fine to Post the data to server to Get the data i.e. usage of Post data insted of Get is correct? Is there any disadvantage in approach? (One disadvantage is: I will not able to query directly from browser) I have used Post here because parameter "OrderParam" might extend in future and there might be problem due to increase in Length of URL due to that.
2nd Question is: I have used classes for parameter and for returning objects i.e. OrderParam and Orders. Now consumer (clients) of this web api are different customers and they will consume API through .Net (C#) or through Jquery/JS. So do we need to pass this class file containing defination of OrderParam and Orders classes manually to each client? and send each time to client when there will be any change in above classes?
Thanks in advance
Typically no.
POST is not safe nor idempotent - as such cannot be cached. It is meant to be used for cases where you are changing the state on the server.
If you have a big critieria, you need to redesign but in most cases, URL fragments or querystring params work. Have a look at OData which uses querystring for very complex queries and uses GET.
With regard to second question, also no. Server can expose schema (similar to WSDL) or docs but should not know about the client.
Yes you can, RESTFUL is nothing to do with Security, it is just a Convention and for Web API you can use it because you do not need any caching for web api.

How to avoid invalid concurrent modifications in EF 4

I have a 3-tier application:
Client application
Server application
Database server
The server uses Entity Framework 4 to read and write data to/from the database.
Imagine following situation:
Client application creates an instance of an entity with a RowVersion property. At this point in time, the property is equal to null.
Client application sends a request "Save this instance in the database" to the server.
Server saves the object in the database and automatically sets the value of the RowVersion property. But at the client side, that value is still equal to null.
Client application modifies the object it created in the first step, sends a request to the server and the server gets a concurrency exception when trying to save the new version of the object.
Are there any standard mechanisms for solving this type of problem?
I dont know how the system works inside (think communication between Client and Server goes using some API). As I see you trying to handle the situation when 2 clients modifying same entity and you need to notify the client if he is trying to save the version that is older that current.
So I will do next:
On step 3 server must return the version ID (first save of entity)
Next modification of entity by client will have a version id and you need to check if current version id is equal or older than you
have on server (think that rowversion is timestamp)
Server logic will handle this states and send to client response: saved a new version (if current version is equal and will send back
new version id) or false state if version is older (other client made
modification already).
This is it in simplified way.
Looks like in this article you will find the implementation that is very close to your needs:

Is it a bad practice to return an object in a POST via Web Api?

I'm using Web Api and have a scenario where clients are sending a heartbeat notification every n seconds. There is a heartbeat object which is sent in a POST rather than a PUT, because as I see it they are creating a new heartbeat rather than updating an existing heartbeat.
Additionally, the clients have a requirement that calls for them to retrieve all of the other currently online clients and the number of unread messages that individual client has. It seems to me that I have two options:
Perform the POST followed by a GET, which to me seems cleaner from a pure REST standpoint. I am doing a creation and a retrieval and I think the SOLID principles would prefer to split them accordingly. However, this approach means two round trips.
Have the POST return an object which contains the same information that the GET would otherwise have done. This consolidates everything into a single request, but I'm concerned that this approach would be considered ill-advised. It's not a pure POST.
Option #2 stubbed out looks like this:
public HeartbeatEcho Post(Heartbeat heartbeat)
HeartbeatEcho is a class which contains properties for the other online clients and the number of unread messages.
Web Api certainly supports option #2, but just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. Is option #2 an abomination, premature optimization, or pragmatism?
The option 2 is not an abomination at all. A POST request creates a new resource, but it's quite common that the resource itself is returned to the caller. For example, if your resources are items in a database (e.g., a Person), the POST request would send the required members for the INSERT operation (e.g., name, age, address), and the response would contain a Person object which in addition to the parameters passed as input it would also have an identifier (the DB primary key) which can be used to uniquely identify the object.
Notice that it's also perfectly valid for the POST request only return the id of the newly created resource, but that's a choice you have, depending on the requirements of the client.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Person p)
var id = InsertPersonInDBAndReturnId(p);
p.Id = id;
var result = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, p);
result.Headers.Location = new Uri("the location for the newly created resource");
return result;
Whichever way solves your business problem will work. You're correct POST for new record vs PUT for update to existing record.
One thing you may want to consider is adding Redis to your stack and the apps can post very fast, then you could use the Pub/Sub functionality for the echo part or Blpop (blocking until record matches criteria). It's super fast and may help you scale and perfectly designed for what you are trying to do.
I've used both Redis for similar, but also RabbitMQ and with RabbitMQ we added connection to "stream" the heartbeat in real time without need for long polling.