Is it a bad practice to return an object in a POST via Web Api? - rest

I'm using Web Api and have a scenario where clients are sending a heartbeat notification every n seconds. There is a heartbeat object which is sent in a POST rather than a PUT, because as I see it they are creating a new heartbeat rather than updating an existing heartbeat.
Additionally, the clients have a requirement that calls for them to retrieve all of the other currently online clients and the number of unread messages that individual client has. It seems to me that I have two options:
Perform the POST followed by a GET, which to me seems cleaner from a pure REST standpoint. I am doing a creation and a retrieval and I think the SOLID principles would prefer to split them accordingly. However, this approach means two round trips.
Have the POST return an object which contains the same information that the GET would otherwise have done. This consolidates everything into a single request, but I'm concerned that this approach would be considered ill-advised. It's not a pure POST.
Option #2 stubbed out looks like this:
public HeartbeatEcho Post(Heartbeat heartbeat)
HeartbeatEcho is a class which contains properties for the other online clients and the number of unread messages.
Web Api certainly supports option #2, but just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. Is option #2 an abomination, premature optimization, or pragmatism?

The option 2 is not an abomination at all. A POST request creates a new resource, but it's quite common that the resource itself is returned to the caller. For example, if your resources are items in a database (e.g., a Person), the POST request would send the required members for the INSERT operation (e.g., name, age, address), and the response would contain a Person object which in addition to the parameters passed as input it would also have an identifier (the DB primary key) which can be used to uniquely identify the object.
Notice that it's also perfectly valid for the POST request only return the id of the newly created resource, but that's a choice you have, depending on the requirements of the client.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(Person p)
var id = InsertPersonInDBAndReturnId(p);
p.Id = id;
var result = this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, p);
result.Headers.Location = new Uri("the location for the newly created resource");
return result;

Whichever way solves your business problem will work. You're correct POST for new record vs PUT for update to existing record.
One thing you may want to consider is adding Redis to your stack and the apps can post very fast, then you could use the Pub/Sub functionality for the echo part or Blpop (blocking until record matches criteria). It's super fast and may help you scale and perfectly designed for what you are trying to do.
I've used both Redis for similar, but also RabbitMQ and with RabbitMQ we added connection to "stream" the heartbeat in real time without need for long polling.


What REST method should be used to implement a simple inter-process communication?

This is more a theorical question than a practical one.
We have a backend application that uploads csv files to a frontend application, then and only then the backend sends an empty POST request to tell the frontend to start to process those files to update its database.
For this question it doesn't matter if this is a good design (I think it isn't), what are those files, and what database is: I am only want to know better about the REST "sintax".
I'm referring to wikipedia and, but I'm not convinced about any alternative, because:
GET: Request sender doesn't receive data;
POST (the currently used): Request sender doesn't want to insert data that are on the request body (just data from external files, if existent. Also they can be insert/update/delete);
PUT: Sounds good, but again, data are not on the request body;
PATCH: Sounds best, but data are not on the body (Also, I am wrong or is it deprecated/unused?);
DELETE: Doesn't always need to delete.
I know it is habit to use POST requests to let machines yell "go!" to each other, but I never thought it was right.
What do you think - in theory - would be the proper method?
The actual reference for the semantics of the HTTP methods is the RFC 7231 and not the ones you referenced in your question.
POST is a catch all method and requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics.
4.3.3. POST
The POST method requests that the target resource process the
representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's
own specific semantics. For example, POST is used for the following
functions (among others):
Providing a block of data, such as the fields entered into an HTML
form, to a data-handling process;
Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list,
blog, or similar group of articles;
Creating a new resource that has yet to be identified by the
origin server; and
Appending data to a resource's existing representation(s).
Responses to POST requests are only cacheable when they include
explicit freshness information. However, POST caching is not widely implemented.
In these scenarios, the receiving application knows where the CSV files will be and monitors that location. When it finds one, it processes it and then deletes or archives it. The application will likely have its own criteria for considering itself ready to process, e.g. time of day, size of file etc.
If the data load on the front end takes a long time you could "partition" the updates based on "importance". How you define importance would be up to your business rules. You could then POST a list of CSV filenames/locations to the front end. The list would be ordered by importance. The front end could then update its database based on that importance. Scheduling less important data for a more appropriate time of day.
If the backend knows the difference between new users and updated users you could use PUT and POST. The front end could assign higher priority to PUT requests as they relate to new users, perhaps assigning lower priority and staggered syncing for CSV filenames in POST requests.

Should I use GET or POST REST API Method?

I want to retrieve data about a bunch of resources. Let's say an Array of book id and the response is JSON Array of book objects. I want to send the request payload as JSON to the server.
Should I use GET and POST method?
I don't want to make multiple GET request for each book ID.
POST seems to be confusing as it is supposed to be used only when the request creates a resource or modifies the server state.
I want to retrieve data about a bunch of resources. Let's say an Array of book id and the response is JSON Array of book objects.
If you are thinking about passing the array of book id as the message body of the HTTP Request, then GET is a bad idea.
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
You should use POST instead
POST seems to be confusing as it is supposed to be used only when the request creates a resource or modifies the server state.
That's not quite right. POST can be used for anything -- see GraphQL or SOAP. But what you give up by using POST is the ability of intermediate components to participate in the conversation.
For example, for cases that are effectively read-only, you would like to use a safe method, because that allows pre-caching optimization, and automated retry of lost responses on an unreliable network. POST doesn't have extra semantic constraints, so you lose out.
What HTTP really wants is that you GET using the URI; this can be done in one of two relatively straightforward ways:
POST the ids to the server, to create a new resource (meaning that the server retains for itself a copy of the list of ids), and receive a new resource identifier back in exchange. Then GET using this new identifier any time you want to know the current representation of the results.
Encode the information you need into the URI itself. Most commonly, this is done using the query part of the URI, although that isn't strictly necessary. The downside here is that if the URI encoded representation of the array of ids is very long, you may have trouble with some implementations that enforce arbitrary URI limits.
There aren't always great answers:
The REST interface is designed to be efficient for large-grain hypermedia data transfer, optimizing for the common case of the Web, but resulting in an interface that is not optimal for other forms of architectural interaction.
If I understand correctly, you want to get a list of all of the items in a list, in one pull. This would be possible using GET, as REST returns the JSON it can by default be up to 100 items, and you can get more items if needed by specifying $top.
As far as writing back or to the server, POST would be what your looking for, this to my understanding would need to be one for one.
you are going to use a GET-Request and put your request-data (book-id array) in the data-section of your ajax (or whatever you're going to use) request. See How to pass parameters in GET requests with jQuery

How to handle network connectivity loss in the middle of REST POST request?

REST POST is used to create resources.
Let's say we have resource url
We want to create a new car.
We POST to "" with JSON payload containing car properties (color, weight, model, etc).
Server receives the request, creates a new car, sends a response over the network.
At this point network fails (let's say router stops working properly and ignores every packet).
Client fails with TCP timeout (like 90 seconds).
Client has no idea whether car was created or not.
Also client haven't received car resource id, so it can't GET it to check if it was created.
Now what?
How do you handle this?
You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
REST POST is used to create resources.
HTTP POST is used for lots of things. REST doesn't particularly care; it just wants resources that support a uniform interface, and hypermedia.
At this point network fails
Now what? How do you handle this? You can't simply retry creating, because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
This is a general messaging concern, not directly related to REST. The most common solution is to use the Idempotent Receiver pattern. In short, you
need to define your messages so that the receiver has enough information to recognize the request as something that has already been done.
Ideally, this is being supported at the business level.
Idempotent collections of values are often straight forward; we just need to be thinking sets, rather than lists.
Idempotent collections of entities are trickier; if the request includes an identifier for the new entity, or if we can compute one from the data provided, then we can think of our collection as a hash.
If none of those approaches fits, then there's another possibility. Instead of performing an idempotent mutation of the collection, we make the mutation of the collection itself idempotent. Think "compare and swap" - we encode into the request information that identifies the current state of the collection; is that state is still current when the request arrives, then the mutation is applied. If the condition does not hold, then the request becomes a no-op.
Translating this into HTTP, we make a small modification to the protocol for updating the collection resource. First, we GET the current representation; and in the meta data the server provides validators that can be used in subsquent requests. Having obtained the validator, the client evaluates the current representation of the resource to determine if it needs to be changed. If the client decides to make a change, then submits the change with an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header including the validator. The server, before processing the requests, then considers the validator, immediately abandoning the request with 412 Precondition Failed.
Thus, if a conditional state-changing request is lost, the client can at its own discretion repeat the request without concern that server will misunderstand the client's intent.
Retry it a limited number of times, with increasing delays between the attempts, and make sure the transaction concerned is idempotent.
because retrying will just create a duplicate (which is bad).
It is indeed, and it needs fixing, see above. It should be impossible in your system to create two entries with the same attributes. This is easily accomplished at the database level. You can attain idempotence by having the transaction return the same thing whether the entry already existed or was newly created. Or else just have it return EXISTS if the entry already exists, and adjust your client accordingly.

RESTful idempotence

I'm designing a RESTful web service utilizing ROA(Resource oriented architecture).
I'm trying to work out an efficient way to guarantee idempotence for PUT requests that create new resources in cases that the server designates the resource key.
From my understanding, the traditional approach is to create a type of transaction resource such as /CREATE_PERSON. The the client-server interaction for creating a new person resource would be in two parts:
Step 1: Get unique transaction id for creating the new PERSON resource:::
**Client request:**
**Server response:**
200 OK
Step 2: Create the new person resource in a request guaranteed to be unique by using the transaction id:::
**Client request**
PUT /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}
first_name="Big bubba"
**Server response**
201 Created // (If the request is a duplicate, it would send this
PersonKey="398u4nsdf" // same response without creating a new resource. It
// would perhaps send an error response if the was used
// on a transaction id non-duplicate request, but I have
// control over the client, so I can guarantee that this
// won't happen)
The problem that I see with this approach is that it requires sending two requests to the server in order to do to single operation of creating a new PERSON resource. This creates a performance issues increasing the chance that the user will be waiting around for the client to complete their request.
I've been trying to hash out ideas for eliminating the first step such as pre-sending transaction-id's with each request, but most of my ideas have other issues or involve sacrificing the statelessness of the application.
Is there a way to do this?
The solution that we ended up going with was for the client to acquire a UUID and send it along with the request. A UUID is a very large number occupying the space of 16 bytes (2^128). Contrary to what someone with a programming mind might intuitively think, it is accepted practice to randomly generate a UUID and assume that it is a unique value. This is because the number of possible values is so large that the odds of generating two of the same number randomly are low enough to be virtually impossible.
One caveat is that we are having our clients request a UUID from the server (GET uuid/). This is because we cannot guarantee the environment that our client is running in. If there was a problem such as with seeding the random number generator on the client, then there very well could be a UUID collision.
You are using the wrong HTTP verb for your create operation. RFC 2616 specifies the semantic of the operations for POST and PUT.
Paragraph 9.5:
POST method is used to request
that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as
a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line
Paragraph 9.6
PUT method requests that the
enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI.
There are subtle details of that behavior, for example PUT can be used to create new resource at the specified URL, if one does not already exist. However, POST should never put the new entity at the request URL and PUT should always put any new entity at the request URL. This relationship to the request URL defines POST as CREATE and PUT as UPDATE.
As per that semantic, if you want to use PUT to create a new person, it should be created in /CREATE_PERSON/{transaction_id}. In other words, the transaction ID returned by your first request should be the person key used to fetch that record later. You shouldn't make PUT request to a URL that is not going to be the final location of that record.
Better yet, though, you can do this as an atomic operation by using a POST to /CREATE_PERSON. This allows you with a single request to create the new person record and in the response to get the new ID (which should also be referred in the HTTP Location header as well).
Meanwhile, the REST guidelines specify that verbs should not be part of the resource URL. Thus, the URL to create new person should be the same as the location to get the list of all persons - /PERSONS (I prefer the plural form :-)).
Thus, your REST API becomes:
to get all persons - GET /PERSONS
to get single person - GET /PERSONS/{id}
to create new person - POST /PERSONS with the body containing the data for the new record
to update existing person or create new person with well-known id - PUT /PERSONS/{id} with the body containing the data for the updated record.
to delete existing person - DELETE /PERSONS/{id}
Note: I personally prefer not using PUT for creating records for two reasons, unless I need to create a sub record that has the same id as an already existing record from a different data set (also known as 'the poor man's foreign key' :-)).
Update: You are right that POST is not idempotent and that is as per HTTP spec. POST will always return a new resource. In your example above that new resource will be the transaction context.
However, my point is that you want the PUT to be used to create a new resource (a person record) and according to the HTTP spec, that new resource itself should be located at the URL. In particular, where your approach breaks is that the URL you use with the PUT is a representation of the transactional context that was created by the POST, not a representation of the new resource itself. In other words, the person record is a side effect of updating the transaction record, not the immediate result of it (the updated transaction record).
Of course, with this approach the PUT request will be idempotent, since once the person record is created and the transaction is 'finalized', subsequent PUT requests will do nothing. But now you have a different problem - to actually update that person record, you will need to make a PUT request to a different URL - one that represents the person record, not the transaction in which it was created. So now you have two separate URLs your API clients have to know and make requests against to manipulate the same resource.
Or you could have a complete representation of the last resource state copied in the transaction record as well and have person record updates go through the transaction URL for updates as well. But at this point, the transaction URL is for intends and purposes the person record, which means it was created by the POST request in first place.
I just came across this post:
Simple proof that GUID is not unique
Although the question is universally ridiculed, some of the answers go into deeper explanation of GUIDs. It seems that a GUID is a number of 2^128 in size and that the odds of randomly generating two of the same numbers of this size so low as to be impossible for all practical purposes.
Perhaps the client could just generate its own transaction id the size of a GUID instead of querying the server for one. If anyone can discredit this, please let me know.
I'm not sure I have a direct answer to your question, but I see a few issues that may lead to answers.
Your first operation is a GET, but it is not a safe operation as it is "creating" a new transaction Id. I would suggest POST is a more appropriate verb to use.
You mention that you are concerned about performance issues that would be perceived by the user caused by two round trips. Is this because your user is going to create 500 objects at once, or because you are on a network with massive latency problems?
If two round trips are not a reasonable expense for creating an object in response to a user request, then I would suggest HTTP is not the right protocol for your scenario. If however, your user needs to create large amounts of objects at once, then we can probably find a better way of exposing resources to enable that.
Why don't you just use a simple POST, also including the payload on your first call. This way you save on extra call and don't have to spawn a transaction:
POST /persons
response would be:
server-internally an id would be generated. for simplicity i would go for an artifial primary key (e.g. auto-increment id from database).

RESTful way to create multiple items in one request

I am working on a small client server program to collect orders. I want to do this in a "REST(ful) way".
What I want to do is:
Collect all orderlines (product and quantity) and send the complete order to the server
At the moment I see two options to do this:
Send each orderline to the server: POST qty and product_id
I actually don't want to do this because I want to limit the number of requests to the server so option 2:
Collect all the orderlines and send them to the server at once.
How should I implement option 2? a couple of ideas I have is:
Wrap all orderlines in a JSON object and send this to the server or use an array to post the orderlines.
Is it a good idea or good practice to implement option 2, and if so how should I do it.
What is good practice?
I believe that another correct way to approach this would be to create another resource that represents your collection of resources.
Example, imagine that we have an endpoint like /api/sheep/{id} and we can POST to /api/sheep to create a sheep resource.
Now, if we want to support bulk creation, we should consider a new flock resource at /api/flock (or /api/<your-resource>-collection if you lack a better meaningful name). Remember that resources don't need to map to your database or app models. This is a common misconception.
Resources are a higher level representation, unrelated with your data. Operating on a resource can have significant side effects, like firing an alert to a user, updating other related data, initiating a long lived process, etc. For example, we could map a file system or even the unix ps command as a REST API.
I think it is safe to assume that operating a resource may also mean to create several other entities as a side effect.
Although bulk operations (e.g. batch create) are essential in many systems, they are not formally addressed by the RESTful architecture style.
I found that POSTing a collection as you suggested basically works, but problems arise when you need to report failures in response to such a request. Such problems are worse when multiple failures occur for different causes or when the server doesn't support transactions.
My suggestion to you is that if there is no performance problem, for example when the service provider is on the LAN (not WAN) or the data is relatively small, it's worth it to send 100 POST requests to the server. Keep it simple, start with separate requests and if you have a performance problem try to optimize.
Facebook explains how to do this:
Simple batched requests
The batch API takes in an array of logical HTTP requests represented
as JSON arrays - each request has a method (corresponding to HTTP
method GET/PUT/POST/DELETE etc.), a relative_url (the portion of the
URL after, optional headers array (corresponding
to HTTP headers) and an optional body (for POST and PUT requests). The
Batch API returns an array of logical HTTP responses represented as
JSON arrays - each response has a status code, an optional headers
array and an optional body (which is a JSON encoded string).
Your idea seems valid to me. The implementation is a matter of your preference. You can use JSON or just parameters for this ("order_lines[]" array) and do
POST /orders
Since you are going to create more resources at once in a single action (order and its lines) it's vital to validate each and every of them and save them only if all of them pass validation, ie. you should do it in a transaction.
I've actually been wrestling with this lately, and here's what I'm working towards.
If a POST that adds multiple resources succeeds, return a 200 OK (I was considering a 201, but the user ultimately doesn't land on a resource that was created) along with a page that displays all resources that were added, either in read-only or editable fashion. For instance, a user is able to select and POST multiple images to a gallery using a form comprising only a single file input. If the POST request succeeds in its entirety the user is presented with a set of forms for each image resource representation created that allows them to specify more details about each (name, description, etc).
In the event that one or more resources fails to be created, the POST handler aborts all processing and appends each individual error message to an array. Then, a 419 Conflict is returned and the user is routed to a 419 Conflict error page that presents the contents of the error array, as well as a way back to the form that was submitted.
I guess it's better to send separate requests within single connection. Of course, your web-server should support it
You won't want to send the HTTP headers for 100 orderlines. You neither want to generate any more requests than necessary.
Send the whole order in one JSON object to the server, to: server/order or server/order/new.
Return something that points to: server/order/order_id
Also consider using CREATE PUT instead of POST