How to connect to a SVC endpoint? - soap

Given a URL that ends with .svc and that is supposed to run a SOAP web service, how can I get some data from it?
I tried:
to access it via a web browser
to access it via the Python's library Zeep
to access it via the Microsoft utilitary svcutil.exe
In all cases, I get a timeout error:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time.
Does it mean that the web service does not work, or that I do things the wrong way?

Importantly - there is a big distinction between "service not active" (and by that I mean no listener on port 80), and "port not open in firewall".
If the problem were simply that you didn't have a service listening on port 80, you would have gotten something like "connection reset" or "connection rejected" as an error.
Instead, you appear to have gotten a timeout, which implies that either the SYN from the client doesn't reach the server, or the SYN/ACK from the server doesn't reach the client. [ You could verify this by doing a packet capture for port 80 on both client and server ]
I would be tempted to check any firewall in front of the server to see that it's letting port 80 traffic through from your client.

Diagnosing Connectivity Issues
Without more details it is difficult to say, but given your timeout error:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time.
This indicates a network connectivity error at the TCP level, so it is likely web service is not active on the port your are using (default of 80 for http, 443 for https).
In a comment you said you pinged the URL and it responded normally - I assume this means you pinged the hostname. If this is responding normally it means the server is active, but that doesn't tell you anything about the availability of the web service on that server.
telnet %hostname% %port%
where %port% is 80 for http or 443 for https, or something else if there is a port number in the URL you are using (e.g.
If ping works and telnet does not connect, then the service is not active.
I suspect this is the case. If the service was active and it was simply that you requesting the data incorrectly, I believe you'd get a different error message - e.g. a valid HTTP response with status code 500 or 404 or similar.
Getting Data from a Web Service
As to your original question as to how to get data from it - once you verify that the service is active, the method to get the data will depend on the specification of the service - i.e.:
which HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) does it support
what parameters it requires
what format it requires the parameters in
are the parameters in the query string or POST body.
To interact with a web service there are many command line tools that can be used, as well as the options you have tried, including:
POSTMan Google Chrome Plugin
In windows Powershell, the Invoke-WebRequest
Getting Data from a SOAP Web Service
As you have said it is a SOAP web service, if you have the URL for the wsdl, you can often interract with it using Powershell SOAP WebService Proxies.
The wsdl location varies, but is often at a URL that looks something like.
Also if it's configured correctly, just loading the URL in a browser will present a page with a link to the wsdl.
The general idea is:
$Proxy = New-WebserviceProxy $URI –Namespace X
$Proxy | get-member -MemberType Method
This will return a list of methods on the proxy that you can invoke as powershell methods. Any types defined in the wsdl that are needed for arguments, or returned from methods will be available within the namespace X. Invoking the methods will proxy the request to the service, taking care of serializing parameters and serializing results into powershell objects.


Fiddler can't track the traffic but httpAnalyzer can (connection looks like websockets)

I need to explore the traffic from one program.
The program makes something like a connection through the WebSockets.
Fiddler displays this:
Request Headers: CONNECT 144.***:443 HTTP/1.0
Response: HTTP/1.0 200 Connection Established
End empty body.
But the HTTP analyzer displays full information after that response, and that information continues flowing. Very likely like WebSockets (one connection and receive more answers).
And fiddler display zero traffic.
How can I explore such traffic through the fiddler?
A CONNECT call is always the first command a client sends if it uses a Proxy. Translated CONNECT just means: Please start a connection to the following server and that port. Through that connection the real HTP calls are then transmitted. Therefore CONNECT is not a real HTTP
Fiddler does not show the content of CONNECT requests/responses to port 443 endpoints because those connections are HTTPS/TLS protected (hence the shown data would be useless). You need to enable HTTPS decryption and install the Fiddler root CA certificate into the client app/OS to see the decrypted content of those connections.

GWT with http loadbalancer gives invalid SID value

I have 2 openfire servers and an elastic loadbalancer over them and built a gwt application that using http bind at port 7070
when connecting directly to one server it works good but when it connects to the loadbalancer on port 7070 it’s not working and output an error with 404 invalid SID value
When the load balancer is working at tcp mode it works fine but when its http mode it doesn’t work and i need to make a sticky session for it
That's because once BOSH session is established on one machine then it's tied to this machine. Without enabling sticky session on the ELB subsequent requests from the client can be routed to the second server, on which there is no BOSH session that maches the request, which in turn results in invalid SID (because SID doesn't exist on the other machine).
Alternative solution would be (if the machines would also expose public IP) to return "host" information in the BOSH response therefore client could use that information and then make subsequent requests to correct machine. But if that's not possible, they ou have to use "sticky session".

How to send HTTP Commands through Port 80

Breif Description of what I am trying to accomplish. So I am working with Crestrons Simpl+ software. My job is to create a module for a sound masking system called QT Pro. Now, QT Pro has an API where you can control it via HTTP. I need a way to establish a connection with the QT Pro via HTTP( I have everything I need, IP, Username, Password).
Whats the problem? I have just started working with this language. Unfortunately there isn't as much documentation as I would like, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I know I need to create a socket connection via TCP on port 80. I just don't know what I'm supposed to send through it.
Here is an example:
If I were to put this into the URL box, and fill it in correctly. then it would change the values that I specify. Am I supposed to send the entire thing? Or just after cmd.htm? Or is there some other way I'm supposed to send data? I'd like to stay away from the TCP/IP Module so I can keep this all within the same module.
You send
GET /cmd.htm?cmd=setOneZoneData&ZN=Value&mD=Value&mN=Value&auxA=Value&auxB=Value&autoR=Value HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Connection: close
(End with a couple of newlines.)
If you need to use HTTP basic authentication, then also include a header like
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
where the gibberish is the base64-encoded version of username:password.
But surely there is some mechanism for opening HTTP connections already there for you? Just blindly throwing out headers like this and hoping the response is what you expect is not robust, to say the least.
To see what is going on with your requests and responses, a great tool is netcat (or telnet, for that matter.)
Do nc address 80 to connect to server address on port 80, then paste your HTTP request:
GET /cmd.htm HTTP/1.1
Host: address
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Connection: close
and see what comes back. SOMETHING should come back. (Remember to terminate with two newlines.)
To see what requests your browser is sending when you do something that works, you can listen like this: nc -l -p 8080.
Then direct your browser to localhost:8080 with the rest of the URL as before, and you'll see the request that was sent. (Then you can type back to see how the browser handles the response.)

Connect to C++ REST sdk SERVER on Windows from LAN

I have a server written on C++ REST SDK.
There's http_listener which listens to "http://localhost:34568".
When I try to send a request in browser or from the client to localhost it works fine and I get the responses from my server. But the point is to use the application in network. And here where the problem comes.
When I try to request the server from the other PC using IP( I get "HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid."
I'm aware that that could be some firewall issues but it's turned off. Also I tried to set port rules in brandmauer and it didn't help.
And even more! I got XAMPP running Apache server and when I do the same thing but with ( I do get the response from Apache and have an access.
Anybody had something similar or somebody knows what the problem is about?
Listen to local ip address or to your network name (dns):
"" or
So, if you have multiple network adapters, you can choose which one.

Paw returns wrong web page compared to browsers

The requests appear to be sent to the wrong host (not entirely sure which host they're being sent to as that response can be sent by 4 different servers).
Chrome returns the right JSON response:
Paw's NSURLConnection library too :
But the default Paw HTTP Library returns a 404 Not Found :
You have actually 2 local servers listening on port 8000, one listens only IPv6 connections (note: it's the default for PHP apps) and another one listening for IPv4 connections.
When you connect to "localhost" you don't specify which IP protocol you want to use, and it sounds like most clients (including Chrome, ASIHTTPRequest and NSURLConnection in Paw) choose to connect to the IPv6 first. Whereas the Paw HTTP Library chooses to connect to IPv4 (we made that choice as IPv4 is still widely used, and wanted to avoid bugs as much as possible).
So when you run your main web app specifying localhost:8000 the server (PHP in your case) actually listens to [::1]:8000 (which is the IPv6 equivalent to, and I guess your other server listens to the actual IPv4 Chrome and the other libraries connect to [::1]:8000 (IPv6) and get your main PHP application, whereas "Paw HTTP Library" connect to (IPv4) that hits your other server, which returns the 404 we can see in the video.
What you need to do is to specify the actual IP instead of localhost. Use http://[::1]:8000/plans to connect to your main app that listens for IPv6.