Evaluate Irrational with Julia - constants

Julia has the built-in constant pi, with type Irrational.
julia> pi
π = 3.1415926535897...
julia> π
π = 3.1415926535897...
julia> typeof(pi)
Coming from SymPy, which has the N() function, I would like to evaluate pi (or other Irrationals, such as e, golden, etc.) to n digits.
In [5]: N(pi, n=50)
Out[5]: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
Is this possible? I am assuming that pi is based on its mathematical definition, rather than just to thirteen decimal places.

Sure, you can set the BigFloat precision and use big(π). Note that the precision is binary; it's counted in bits. You should be safe if you set the precision to at least log2(10) + 1 times the number of digits you need.
julia> setprecision(BigFloat, 2000) do
#printf "%.200f" big(π)
Here I've set the precision a little higher than it needs to be for just 200 digits.
The digits are computed in the GNU MPFR library.

Julia has an interface for the SymPy package:
# Pkg.add("SymPy") ## initial installation of package
using SymPy
julia> N(PI, 50)
Note that SymPy uses the uppercase PI to distinguish it's object from the lowercase pi in native Julia. You'll also need the native SymPy installed on your computer to get full functionality here.
Other comments:
see here for a longer tutorial on Julia SymPy with a lot of good examples.


I need a very precise number, but ipython is rounding it wrong [duplicate]

I have two integer values a and b, but I need their ratio in floating point. I know that a < b and I want to calculate a / b, so if I use integer division I'll always get 0 with a remainder of a.
How can I force c to be a floating point number in Python 2 in the following?
c = a / b
In 3.x, the behaviour is reversed; see Why does integer division yield a float instead of another integer? for the opposite, 3.x-specific problem.
In Python 2, division of two ints produces an int. In Python 3, it produces a float. We can get the new behaviour by importing from __future__.
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> a = 4
>>> b = 6
>>> c = a / b
>>> c
You can cast to float by doing c = a / float(b). If the numerator or denominator is a float, then the result will be also.
A caveat: as commenters have pointed out, this won't work if b might be something other than an integer or floating-point number (or a string representing one). If you might be dealing with other types (such as complex numbers) you'll need to either check for those or use a different method.
How can I force division to be floating point in Python?
I have two integer values a and b, but I need their ratio in floating point. I know that a < b and I want to calculate a/b, so if I use integer division I'll always get 0 with a remainder of a.
How can I force c to be a floating point number in Python in the following?
c = a / b
What is really being asked here is:
"How do I force true division such that a / b will return a fraction?"
Upgrade to Python 3
In Python 3, to get true division, you simply do a / b.
>>> 1/2
Floor division, the classic division behavior for integers, is now a // b:
>>> 1//2
>>> 1//2.0
However, you may be stuck using Python 2, or you may be writing code that must work in both 2 and 3.
If Using Python 2
In Python 2, it's not so simple. Some ways of dealing with classic Python 2 division are better and more robust than others.
Recommendation for Python 2
You can get Python 3 division behavior in any given module with the following import at the top:
from __future__ import division
which then applies Python 3 style division to the entire module. It also works in a python shell at any given point. In Python 2:
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> 1/2
>>> 1//2
>>> 1//2.0
This is really the best solution as it ensures the code in your module is more forward compatible with Python 3.
Other Options for Python 2
If you don't want to apply this to the entire module, you're limited to a few workarounds. The most popular is to coerce one of the operands to a float. One robust solution is a / (b * 1.0). In a fresh Python shell:
>>> 1/(2 * 1.0)
Also robust is truediv from the operator module operator.truediv(a, b), but this is likely slower because it's a function call:
>>> from operator import truediv
>>> truediv(1, 2)
Not Recommended for Python 2
Commonly seen is a / float(b). This will raise a TypeError if b is a complex number. Since division with complex numbers is defined, it makes sense to me to not have division fail when passed a complex number for the divisor.
>>> 1 / float(2)
>>> 1 / float(2j)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't convert complex to float
It doesn't make much sense to me to purposefully make your code more brittle.
You can also run Python with the -Qnew flag, but this has the downside of executing all modules with the new Python 3 behavior, and some of your modules may expect classic division, so I don't recommend this except for testing. But to demonstrate:
$ python -Qnew -c 'print 1/2'
$ python -Qnew -c 'print 1/2j'
c = a / (b * 1.0)
In Python 3.x, the single slash (/) always means true (non-truncating) division. (The // operator is used for truncating division.) In Python 2.x (2.2 and above), you can get this same behavior by putting a
from __future__ import division
at the top of your module.
Just making any of the parameters for division in floating-point format also produces the output in floating-point.
>>> 4.0/3
>>> 4 / 3.0
>>> 4 / float(3)
>>> float(4) / 3
Add a dot (.) to indicate floating point numbers
>>> 4/3.
This will also work
>>> u=1./5
>>> print u
If you want to use "true" (floating point) division by default, there is a command line flag:
python -Q new foo.py
There are some drawbacks (from the PEP):
It has been argued that a command line option to change the
default is evil. It can certainly be dangerous in the wrong
hands: for example, it would be impossible to combine a 3rd
party library package that requires -Qnew with another one that
requires -Qold.
You can learn more about the other flags values that change / warn-about the behavior of division by looking at the python man page.
For full details on division changes read: PEP 238 -- Changing the Division Operator
from operator import truediv
c = truediv(a, b)
from operator import truediv
c = truediv(a, b)
where a is dividend and b is the divisor.
This function is handy when quotient after division of two integers is a float.

Machine Epsilon: MatLab vs Maple

I'm learning about machine epsilon in single and double precision and comparing values from different programs. For example, in matlab the following code:
>> format long
>> eps
gives 2.220446049250313e-16. But the following code in Maple:
> readlib(Maple_floats);
> evalhf(DBL_EPSILON);
> quit;
gives -15
.2220446049250314 10 (where -15 is exponent).
There is a slight difference in output between the two programs. Maple appears to round up from 3 to 4. What is the reason for this difference?
Note that Maple (and Matlab) are showing you a radix-10 representation of a hardware double precision floating point number.
So perhaps you should be more concerned with the underlying hardware double precision value.
> restart:
> kernelopts(version);
Maple 2015.0, X86 64 LINUX, Feb 17 2015, Build ID 1022128
> X:=Vector(1,datatype=float[8]): # double precision container
> p:=proc(x) x[1]:=DBL_EPSILON; end proc:
> evalhf(p(X)):
> lprint(X[1]);
> printf("%Y\n", X[1]);
That last result is "formatted in byte-order-independent IEEE hex dump format (16 characters wide)", according to the documentation.
So, what does Matlab give you when you printf its eps in the equivalent format? A quick web-search seems to reveal that it'll give 3CB0000000000000 alongside that 2.220446049250313e-16 you saw.
In other words: the hardware double precision representation is the same in both systems. They are representing it differently in base 10. Note that the
base 10 value displayed by Maple has 18 decimal places. The digits past the 15th are artefacts of a sort, stored so that in general internally stored numbers can round-trip correctly for repeated conversion both ways. Note that hardware double precision relates to something between 15 and 16 decimal places. So if you want to compare between the two systems you could (and likely should) compare the stored hardware double precision values and not the base 10 representations past the 15th place.

What is the Small "e" in Scientific Notation / Double in Matlab

when I calculate a very small number, matlab gives
What is this?
I can interpret it as 1.12345*10^(-15)
or its 1.12345*e^(-15)
I am in very hurry. Sorry for the stupid question.
e represents exponential. Its the scientific notation of writing numbers.
The base is 10. For example:
1e2 =100
1e-2= 0.01
e represents scientific notation as Rahul said but it is base 10, not base e.
Run the following code to confirm.
It gives you
ans = 10

Import large integer in matlab

I have to import a large integer (1000 digits) into matlab to run some calculations on it. However, when I import it I seem to loose accuracy due to the fact that matlab uses the scientific notation.
Is there any way that I can get the actual integer?
Here's the actual data I have to import:
Such a large integer cannot be represented in IEEE floating point standard. Check out this answer for the largest double that can be represented without losing precision (its 1.7977e+308). That can be obtained by typing realmax in MATLAB.
You can use vpi (available here, as mentioned in comment) or you can use the MATLAB in-built vpa.
This is how you use vpa
You can check the following:
The answer of the above is 1000 as expected. Do not forget to put your expression in quotes. Otherwise, you are passing inifinity to vpa instead of the 1000 digit number.
If you want to use vpi, its a beautiful toolbox, go ahead, download it. Go into its root directory and run the following command:
Well, the advantage with vpi is as follows:
The output of vpi:
a=vpi(<<Your 1000 digit number in quotes>>); %output prints 1000 digits on screen.
The output of vpa:
R=vpa(<<Your 1000 digit number in quotes>>);
this prints:
R =
Also, with vpi, you can do something like this:
b-a %output of this yields 1.
I somehow cannot do the operation of b-a in vpa and obtain the answer 1.

MATLAB 4 decimal point precision calculation

In MATLAB, is there any way at all to make it do all calculations using only 4 digits after decimal ?
If I write fprintf('%85.83f\n',single(1.1566)), its not exactly 1.1566. For my specific problem I cannot afford to accumulate those extra digits.
I want all internal calculations to be done on this precision only.
By default MATLAB conducts all operations with double precision. If you want your operations to use a lower precision, you can use variable precision arithmetic, which is part of the Symbolic Math Toolbox. In your case, first set the precision to 4 significant digits using the digits function, and then declare and manipulate variables using the vpa function:
old_precision = digits; % Save the old precision
vpa(1/3 + 1/2)
digits(old_precision); % Set the precision back
will output
>> vpa(1/3+1/2)
ans =
Another example:
>> digits(3);
>> a = 5.4;
>> vpa(a)+1/3
ans =
The MathWorks offer a Fixed-Point Toolbox which might meet OP's needs.
However, if OP's statement I cannot afford to accumulate those extra digits is code for I want faster execution and don't mind the loss of precision I fear that OP may be out of luck. On modern digital computers with either 32- or 64-bit (or both) floating-point computations built into the hardware, computations at a non-hardware-precision will have to be done in software and are likely to be noticeably slower.