Machine Epsilon: MatLab vs Maple - matlab

I'm learning about machine epsilon in single and double precision and comparing values from different programs. For example, in matlab the following code:
>> format long
>> eps
gives 2.220446049250313e-16. But the following code in Maple:
> readlib(Maple_floats);
> evalhf(DBL_EPSILON);
> quit;
gives -15
.2220446049250314 10 (where -15 is exponent).
There is a slight difference in output between the two programs. Maple appears to round up from 3 to 4. What is the reason for this difference?

Note that Maple (and Matlab) are showing you a radix-10 representation of a hardware double precision floating point number.
So perhaps you should be more concerned with the underlying hardware double precision value.
> restart:
> kernelopts(version);
Maple 2015.0, X86 64 LINUX, Feb 17 2015, Build ID 1022128
> X:=Vector(1,datatype=float[8]): # double precision container
> p:=proc(x) x[1]:=DBL_EPSILON; end proc:
> evalhf(p(X)):
> lprint(X[1]);
> printf("%Y\n", X[1]);
That last result is "formatted in byte-order-independent IEEE hex dump format (16 characters wide)", according to the documentation.
So, what does Matlab give you when you printf its eps in the equivalent format? A quick web-search seems to reveal that it'll give 3CB0000000000000 alongside that 2.220446049250313e-16 you saw.
In other words: the hardware double precision representation is the same in both systems. They are representing it differently in base 10. Note that the
base 10 value displayed by Maple has 18 decimal places. The digits past the 15th are artefacts of a sort, stored so that in general internally stored numbers can round-trip correctly for repeated conversion both ways. Note that hardware double precision relates to something between 15 and 16 decimal places. So if you want to compare between the two systems you could (and likely should) compare the stored hardware double precision values and not the base 10 representations past the 15th place.


MATLAB numeric precision when generating a numeric sequence

I was testing a operation like this:
[input] 3.9/0.1 : 4.1/0.1
[output] 39 40
don't know why 4.1/0.1 is approximated to 40. If I add a round(), it will go as expected:
[input] 3.9/0.1 : round(4.1/0.1)
[output] 39 40 41
What's wrong with the first operation?
In this Q&A I go into detail on how the colon operator works in MATLAB to create a range. But the detail that causes the issue described in this question is not covered there.
That post includes the full code for a function that imitates exactly what the colon operator does. Let's follow that code. We start with start = 3.9/0.1, which is exactly 39, and stop = 4.1/0.1, which, due to rounding errors, is just slightly smaller than 41, and step = 1 (the default if it's not given).
It starts by computing a tolerance:
tol = 2.0*eps*max(abs(start),abs(stop));
This tolerance is intended to be used so that the stop value, if within tol of an exact number of steps, is still used, if the last step would step over it. Without a tolerance, it would be really difficult to build correct sequences using floating-point end points and step sizes.
However, then we get this test:
if start == floor(start) && step == 1
% Consecutive integers.
n = floor(stop) - start;
elseif ...
If the start value is an exact integer, and the step size is 1, then it forces the sequence to be an integer sequence. Unfortunately, it does so by taking the number of steps as the distance between floor(stop) and start. That is, it is not using the tolerance computed earlier in determining the right stop! If stop is slightly above an integer, that integer will be in the range. If stop is slightly below an integer (as in the case of the OP), that integer will not be part of the range.
It could be debated whether MATLAB should round the stop number up in this case or not. MATLAB chose not to. All of the sequences produced by the colon operator use the start and stop values exactly as given by the user. It leaves it up to the user to ensure the bounds of the sequence are as required.
However, if the colon operator hadn't special-cased the sequence of integers, the result would have been less surprising in this case. Let's add a very small number to the start value, so it's not an integer:
>> a = 3.9/0.1 : 4.1/0.1
a =
39 40
>> b = 3.9/0.1 + eps(39) : 4.1/0.1
b =
39.0000 40.0000 41.0000
Floating-point numbers suffer from loss of precision when represented with a fixed number of bits (64-bit in MATLAB by default). This is because there are infinite number of real numbers (even within a small range of say 0.0 to 0.1). On the other hand, a n-bit binary pattern can represent a finite 2^n distinct numbers. Hence, not all the real numbers can be represented. The nearest approximation will be used instead, resulted in loss of accuracy.
The closest representable value for 4.1/0.1 in the computer as a 64-bit double precision floating point number is actually,
4.1/0.1 ≈ 40.9999999999999941713291207...
So, in essence, 4.1/0.1 < 41.0 and that's what you get from the range. If you subtract, for example, 41 - 4.1/0.1 = 7.105427357601002e-15. But when you round, you get the closest value of 41.0 as expected.
The representation scheme for 64-bit double-precision according to the IEEE-754 standard:
The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.
The following 11 bits represent exponent (E).
The remaining 52 bits represents fraction (F).

Matlab Precision is only 8 digits?

Quoting from:
By default, MATLAB® uses 16 digits of precision.
But why when I write 900000000+2 (8 zeros after 9) it returns 900000002 but writing 900000000+2 (9 zeros after 9)returns 9.0000e+09
isn't this an 8 digit precision?
you use the format command to control how many digits to be printed. help formatto see more details. Try format long g and rerun your command to see more digits.
By default, MATLAB® uses 16 digits of precision.
this refers to computation precision, not the printing precision. By default, MATLAB defines variables as double, which usually is accurate up to 16 digits. But you can print such double precision number in lower previsions (controlled by the format command)

TI Basic Numeric Standard

Are numeric variables following a documented standard on TI calculators ?
I've been really surprised noticing on my TI 83 Premium CE that this test actually returns true (i.e. 1) :
0.1 -> X
0.1 -> Y
0.01 -> Z
I was expecting this to fail, assuming my calculator would use something like IEEE 754 standard to represent floating points numbers.
On the other hand, calculating 2^50+3-2^50 returns 0, showing that large integers seems use such a standard : we see here the big number has a limited mantissa.
TI-BASIC's = is a tolerant comparison
Try 1+10^-12=1 on your calculator. Those numbers aren't represented equally (1+10^-12-1 gives 1E-12), but you'll notice the comparison returns true: that's because = has a certain amount of tolerance. AFAICT from testing on my calculator, if the numbers are equal when rounded to ten significant digits, = will return true.
TI-BASIC uses a proprietary BCD float format
TI floats are a BCD format that is nine bytes long, with one byte for sign and auxilliary information and 14 digits (7 bytes) of precision. The ninth byte is used for extra precision so numbers can be rounded properly.
See a source linked to by #doynax here for more information.

Maximum double value (float) possible in MATLAB (64-bit)

I'm aware that double is the default data-type in MATLAB.
When you compare two double numbers that have no floating part, MATLAB is accurate upto the 17th digit place in my testing.
a=12345678901234567 ; b=12345678901234567; isequal(a,b) --> TRUE
a=123456789012345671; b=123456789012345672; isequal(a,b) --> printed as TRUE
I have found a conservative estimate to be use numbers (non-floating) upto only 13th digit as other functions can become unreliable after it (such as ismember, or the MEX functions ismembc etc).
Is there a similar cutoff for floating values? E.g., if I use shares-outstanding for a company which can be very very large with decimal places, when do I start losing decimal accuracy?
a = 1234567.89012345678 ; b = 1234567.89012345679 ; isequal(a,b) --> printed as TRUE
a = 123456789012345.678 ; b = 123456789012345.677 ; isequal(a,b) --> printed as TRUE
isequal may not be right tool to use for comparing such numbers. I'm more concerned about up to how many places should I trust my decimal values once the integer part of a number starts growing?
It's usually not a good idea to test the equality of floating-point numbers. The behavior of binary floating-point numbers can differ drastically from what you may expect from base-10 decimals. Consider the example:
>> isequal(0.1, 0.3/3)
ans =
Ultimately, you have 53 bits of precision. This means that integers can be represented exactly (with no loss in accuracy) up to the number 253 (which is a little over 9 x 1015). After that, well:
>> (2^53 + 1) - 2^53
ans =
>> 2^53 + (1 - 2^53)
ans =
For non-integers, you are almost never going to be representing them exactly, even for simple-looking decimals such as 0.1 (as shown in that first example). However, it still guarantees you at least 15 significant figures of precision.
This means that if you take any number and round it to the nearest number representable as a double-precision floating point, then this new number will match your original number at least up to the first 15 digits (regardless of where these digits are with respect to the decimal point).
You might want to use variable precision arithmetics (VPA) in matlab. It computes expressions exactly up to a given digit count, which may be quite large. See here.
Check out the MATLAB function flintmax which tells you the maximum consecutive integers that can be stored in either double or single precision. From that page:
flintmax returns the largest consecutive integer in IEEE® double
precision, which is 2^53. Above this value, double-precision format
does not have integer precision, and not all integers can be
represented exactly.

mod() operation weird behavior

I use mod() to compare if a number's 0.01 digit is 2 or not.
if mod(5.02*100, 10) == 2
The result is mod(5.02*100, 10) = 2 returns 0;
However, if I use mod(1.02*100, 10) = 2 or mod(20.02*100, 10) = 2, it returns 1.
The result of mod(5.02*100, 10) - 2 is
ans =
Could it be possible that this is a bug for matlab?
The version I used is R2013a. version 8.1.0
This is not a bug in MATLAB. It is a limitation of floating point arithmetic and conversion between binary and decimal numbers. Even a simple decimal number such as 0.1 has cannot be exactly represented as a binary floating point number with finite precision.
Computer floating point arithmetic is typically not exact. Although we are used to dealing with numbers in decimal format (base10), computers store and process numbers in binary format (base2). The IEEE standard for double precision floating point representation (see, what MATLAB uses) specifies the use of 64 bits to represent a binary number. 1 bit is used for the sign, 52 bits are used for the mantissa (the actual digits of the number), and 11 bits are used for the exponent and its sign (which specifies where the decimal place goes).
When you enter a number into MATLAB, it is immediately converted to binary representation for all manipulations and arithmetic and then converted back to decimal for display and output.
Here's what happens in your example:
Convert to binary (keeping only up to 52 digits):
5.02 => 1.01000001010001111010111000010100011110101110000101e2
100 => 1.1001e6
10 => 1.01e3
2 => 1.0e1
Perform multiplication:
1.01000001010001111010111000010100011110101110000101 e2
x 1.1001 e6
+ 1.01000001010001111010111000010100011110101110000101
Cutting off at 52 digits gives 1.111101011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e8
Note that this is not the same as 1.11110110e8 which would be 502.
Perform modulo operation: (there may actually be additional error here depending on what algorithm is used within the mod() function)
mod( 1.111101011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e8, 1.01e3) = 1.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100000000e0
The error is exactly -2-44 which is -5.6843x10-14. The conversion between decimal and binary and the rounding due to finite precision have caused a small error. In some cases, you get lucky and rounding errors cancel out and you might still get the 'right' answer which is why you got what you expect for mod(1.02*100, 10), but In general, you cannot rely on this.
To use mod() correctly to test the particular digit of a number, use round() to round it to the nearest whole number and compensate for floating point error.
mod(round(5.02*100), 10) == 2
What you're encountering is a floating point error or artifact, like the commenters say. This is not a Matlab bug; it's just how floating point values work. You'd get the same results in C or Java. Floating point values are "approximate" types, so exact equality comparisons using == without some rounding or tolerance are prone to error.
>> isequal(1.02*100, 102)
ans =
>> isequal(5.02*100, 502)
ans =
It's not the case that 5.02 is the only number this happens for; several around 0 are affected. Here's an example that picks out several of them.
x = 1.02:1000.02;
ix = mod(x .* 100, 10) ~= 2;
To understand the details of what's going on here (and in many other situations you'll encounter working with floats), have a read through the Wikipedia entry for "floating point", or my favorite article on it, "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic". (That title is hyperbole; this article goes deep and I don't understand half of it. But it's a great resource.) This stuff is particularly relevant to Matlab because Matlab does everything in floating point by default.