Swift: Why is this immutable? - swift

Can you tell me why this code does not work?
I have several arrays of [AnyObject] that contain UILabels and UITextForm.
This func should take as parameter an array and make all the labels and the text form disabled. I've tried with map, but still i have the same problem, the compiler tells me that or the variable is a constant or that is immutable.
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: inout [AnyObject]) {
for i in 0...section.count {
if section[i] is UILabel || section[i] is UITextField {
section[i].isEnabled = false

There are many compile errors here
Issue #1 (this is just a suggestion)
inout is not needed here because you are not mutating the section array, you are mutating the objects inside it instead.
Issue #2
The inout should go before the param name (if you are using Swift 2.2)
Issue #3
You should use self when comparing with dynamicType
Issue #4
You can't write section[i].isEnabled = false because AnyObject has no member isEnabled so you should do a cast
Issue #5
You are accessing an index outside of your array so this
should become this
Code Version #1
Now your code looks like this
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: [AnyObject]) {
for i in 0..<section.count {
if section[i].dynamicType == UILabel.self {
(section[i] as? UILabel)?.enabled = false
} else if section[i].dynamicType == UITextField.self {
(section[i] as? UITextField)?.enabled = false
Code Version #2
you can iterate your elements in a safer way
you should use conditional cast instead of dynamicType comparation
you can write in
Swift 2.2
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: [AnyObject]) {
section.forEach {
switch $0 {
case let label as UILabel: label.enabled = false
case let textField as UITextField: textField.enabled = false
default: break
Swift 3.0 (beta 6)
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: [Any]) {
section.forEach {
switch $0 {
case let label as UILabel: label.isEnabled = false
case let textField as UITextField: textField.isEnabled = false
default: break
Code Version #3
Let's define a protocol to represents classes with an enabled Bool property.
Swift 2.2
protocol HasEnabledProperty:class {
var enabled: Bool { get set }
Let's conform to it UILabel and UITextLabel
extension UILabel: HasEnabledProperty { }
extension UITextField: HasEnabledProperty { }
And finally...
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: [AnyObject]) {
section.flatMap { $0 as? HasEnabledProperty }.forEach { $0.enabled = false }
Swift 3.0 (beta 6)
protocol HasEnabledProperty:class {
var isEnabled: Bool { get set }
extension UILabel: HasEnabledProperty { }
extension UITextField: HasEnabledProperty { }
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: [Any]) {
section.flatMap { $0 as? HasEnabledProperty }.forEach { $0.isEnabled = false }

try to check if let block and use optionals
func disableSectionForm(formSection section: inout [AnyObject]) {
for i in 0...section.count {
if let label = section[i] as? UILabel {
label.isEnabled = false
if let textField = section[i] as? UITextFiled {
textField.isEnabled = false


Swift UITextField target-actions as closure, problem with not removing target-actions

I have such code a little modified from code of Eric Armstrong
Adding a closure as target to a UIButton
But there is the problem with both codes. Those from Eric does remove all target-actions on
func removeTarget(for controlEvent: UIControl.Event = .touchUpInside)
And modified code on the other hand do not remove target-actions at all. Of course it is caused by if condition, but it also means that there are no targets stored properly in Storable property.
extension UIControl: ExtensionPropertyStorable {
class Property: PropertyProvider {
static var property = NSMutableDictionary()
static func makeProperty() -> NSMutableDictionary? {
return NSMutableDictionary()
func addTarget(for controlEvent: UIControl.Event = .touchUpInside, target: #escaping (_ sender: Any) ->()) {
let key = String(describing: controlEvent)
let target = Target(target: target)
addTarget(target, action: target.action, for: controlEvent)
property[key] = target
func removeTarget(for controlEvent: UIControl.Event = .touchUpInside) {
let key = String(describing: controlEvent)
if let target = property[key] as? Target {
removeTarget(target, action: target.action, for: controlEvent)
property[key] = nil
// Wrapper class for the selector
class Target {
private let t: (_ sender: Any) -> ()
init(target t: #escaping (_ sender: Any) -> ()) { self.t = t }
#objc private func s(_ sender: Any) { t(sender) }
public var action: Selector {
return #selector(s(_:))
// Protocols with associatedtypes so we can hide the objc_ code
protocol PropertyProvider {
associatedtype PropertyType: Any
static var property: PropertyType { get set }
static func makeProperty() -> PropertyType?
extension PropertyProvider {
static func makeProperty() -> PropertyType? {
return nil
protocol ExtensionPropertyStorable: class {
associatedtype Property: PropertyProvider
// Extension to make the property default and available
extension ExtensionPropertyStorable {
typealias Storable = Property.PropertyType
var property: Storable {
get {
let key = String(describing: type(of: Storable.self))
guard let obj = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? Storable else {
if let property = Property.makeProperty() {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, key, property, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? Storable ?? Property.property
return obj
set {
let key = String(describing: type(of: Storable.self))
return objc_setAssociatedObject(self, key, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN) }
My aim is to precisely register target-actions with closures and remove them without removing all other target-actions added to given UITextField via #selector. Now I can have removed ALL or NONE of target-actions while using this approach for closure-style target actions.
Based on Eric Armstrong answer i have implemented my version.
But what I have experienced in version proposed by Eric was that when adding target actions to TextField on TableView list while cells appear and then removing this target actions from Text Fields while cells diseappear the previous code seems to remove all target actions on removeTarget(for:) exection. So when in other place in code like UITableViewCell I have added additional target action on totaly different target (UITableViewCell object, not this custom Target() objects) while cells was disappearing and then again appearing on screen and removeTarget(for) was executed then this other (external as I call them target actions) also was removed and never called again.
I consider that some problem was usage of [String: Target] dictionary which is value type and it was used in case of property getter in objc_getAssociatedObject where there was
objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? Storable ?? Property.property
So as I understand it then there wasn't objc object for given key and Storable was nil and nil-coalescing operator was called and static value type Property.property return aka [String : Dictionary]
So it was returned by copy and Target object was stored in this copied object which wasn't permanently stored and accessed in removeTarget(for:) always as nil. So nil was passed to UIControl.removetTarget() and all target actions was always cleared!.
I have tried simple replacing [String: Target] Swift dictionary with NSMutableDictionary which is a reference type so I assume it can be stored. But this simple replacement for static variable and just returning it via nil-coalesing operator caused as I assume that there as only one such storage for Target objects and then while scrolling Table View each removeForTarget() has somehow remove all target actions from all UITextFields not only from current.
I also consider usage of String(describing: type(of: Storable.self)) as being wrong as it will be always the same for given Storable type.
Ok, I think I finally solved this issue
The main problem was usage of AssociatedKey! it needs to be done like below
So I ended up with such code:
import UIKit
* Swift 4.2 for UIControl and UIGestureRecognizer,
* and and remove targets through swift extension
* stored property paradigm.
* https://stackoverflow.com/a/52796515/4415642
extension UIControl: ExtensionPropertyStorable {
class Property: PropertyProvider {
static var property = NSMutableDictionary()
static func makeProperty() -> NSMutableDictionary? {
return NSMutableDictionary()
func addTarget(for controlEvent: UIControl.Event = .touchUpInside, target: #escaping (_ sender: Any) ->()) {
let key = String(describing: controlEvent)
let target = Target(target: target)
addTarget(target, action: target.action, for: controlEvent)
property[key] = target
print("ADDED \(ObjectIdentifier(target)), \(target.action)")
func removeTarget(for controlEvent: UIControl.Event = .touchUpInside) {
let key = String(describing: controlEvent)
if let target = property[key] as? Target {
print("REMOVE \(ObjectIdentifier(target)), \(target.action)")
removeTarget(target, action: target.action, for: controlEvent)
property[key] = nil
extension UIGestureRecognizer: ExtensionPropertyStorable {
class Property: PropertyProvider {
static var property: Target?
func addTarget(target: #escaping (Any) -> ()) {
let target = Target(target: target)
addTarget(target, action: target.action)
property = target
func removeTarget() {
let target = property
removeTarget(target, action: target?.action)
property = nil
// Wrapper class for the selector
class Target {
private let t: (_ sender: Any) -> ()
init(target t: #escaping (_ sender: Any) -> ()) { self.t = t }
#objc private func s(_ sender: Any) { t(sender) }
public var action: Selector {
return #selector(s(_:))
deinit {
print("Deinit target: \(ObjectIdentifier(self))")
// Protocols with associatedtypes so we can hide the objc_ code
protocol PropertyProvider {
associatedtype PropertyType: Any
static var property: PropertyType { get set }
static func makeProperty() -> PropertyType?
extension PropertyProvider {
static func makeProperty() -> PropertyType? {
return nil
protocol ExtensionPropertyStorable: class {
associatedtype Property: PropertyProvider
// Extension to make the property default and available
extension ExtensionPropertyStorable {
typealias Storable = Property.PropertyType
var property: Storable {
get {
guard let obj = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.property) as? Storable else {
if let property = Property.makeProperty() {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.property, property, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.property) as? Storable ?? Property.property
return obj
set {
return objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.property, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) }
private struct AssociatedKeys {
static var property = "AssociatedKeys.property"

how to use UITextField.delegate textFieldDidEndEditing in rxSwift 4.0

_ = textField.rx.text.orEmpty.filter({ (text) -> Bool in
text.count > 12
return true
}).subscribe(onNext: { (text) in
let tempText:String = text
self.textField.text = (tempText as NSString).substring(to: 12)
it has someBug,i need use textFieldDidEndEditing
You can use delegate proxy pattern in RxSwift.
First we need to set delegate UITextField to DelegateProxyType
class RxTextFieldDelegateProxy: DelegateProxy<UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate>, DelegateProxyType, UITextFieldDelegate {
init(textField: UITextField) {
super.init(parentObject: textField, delegateProxy: RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.self)
static func registerKnownImplementations() {
self.register { RxTextFieldDelegateProxy(textField: $0)}
static func currentDelegate(for object: UITextField) -> UITextFieldDelegate? {
return object.delegate
static func setCurrentDelegate(_ delegate: UITextFieldDelegate?, to object: UITextField) {
object.delegate = delegate
Second we can define properties by ourself in RxSwift.
extension Reactive where Base: UITextField {
public var delegate: DelegateProxy<UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate> {
return RxTextFieldDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
public var editingDidEnd: Observable<String> {
return delegate.sentMessage(#selector(UITextFieldDelegate.textFieldDidEndEditing(_:))).map { value in
guard let textField = value[0] as? UITextField else { return "" }
return textField.text! }
Third usage:
myTextField.rx.editingDidEnd.subscribe(onNext: { value in
}).disposed(by: bag)
RxSwift 4.0
If you want to user UITextField delegate method you have use `controlEvent.
var bag = DisposeBag()
Now put observer in viewDidLoad method.
override func viewDidLoad() {
.subscribe(onNext: {
print("Editing done")
}).disposed(by: bag)

Swift find superview of given class with generics

I guess I'm struggling with generics. I want to create simple UIView extension to find recursively a superview of class passed in the function param. I want the function to return optional containing obviously either nil, or object visible as instance of provided class.
extension UIView {
func superviewOfClass<T>(ofClass: T.Type) -> T? {
var currentView: UIView? = self
while currentView != nil {
if currentView is T {
} else {
currentView = currentView?.superview
return currentView as? T
Any help much appreciated.
Swift 3/4
This is a more concise way:
extension UIView {
func superview<T>(of type: T.Type) -> T? {
return superview as? T ?? superview.compactMap { $0.superview(of: type) }
func subview<T>(of type: T.Type) -> T? {
return subviews.compactMap { $0 as? T ?? $0.subview(of: type) }.first
let tableView = someView.superview(of: UITableView.self)
let tableView = someView.subview(of: UITableView.self)
No need to pass in the type of the class you want (at least in Swift 4.1)…
extension UIView {
func firstSubview<T: UIView>() -> T? {
return subviews.compactMap { $0 as? T ?? $0.firstSubview() as? T }.first
I'm using this.
// Lookup view ancestry for any `UIScrollView`.
if let scrollView = view.searchViewAnchestors(for: UIScrollView.self) {
print("Found scrollView: \(scrollView)")
Extension is really a single statement.
extension UIView {
func searchViewAnchestors<ViewType: UIView>(for viewType: ViewType.Type) -> ViewType? {
if let matchingView = self.superview as? ViewType {
return matchingView
} else {
return superview?.searchViewAnchestors(for: viewType)
With this alternative implementation below, you can actually let the call site determine what type to look for, but I found it somewhat unconventional.
extension UIView {
func searchInViewAnchestors<ViewType: UIView>() -> ViewType? {
if let matchingView = self.superview as? ViewType {
return matchingView
} else {
return superview?.searchInViewAnchestors()
You can call it like this.
if let scrollView: UIScrollView = view.searchInViewAnchestors() {
print("Found scrollView: \(scrollView)")

Is there a way to set associated objects in Swift?

Coming from Objective-C you can call function objc_setAssociatedObject between 2 objects to have them maintain a reference, which can be handy if at runtime you don't want an object to be destroyed until its reference is removed also. Does Swift have anything similar to this?
Here is a simple but complete example derived from jckarter's answer.
It shows how to add a new property to an existing class. It does it by defining a computed property in an extension block. The computed property is stored as an associated object:
import ObjectiveC
// Declare a global var to produce a unique address as the assoc object handle
private var AssociatedObjectHandle: UInt8 = 0
extension MyClass {
var stringProperty:String {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectHandle) as! String
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectHandle, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
If you need to support getting the value of an uninitialized property and to avoid getting the error unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value, you can modify the getter like this:
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectHandle) as? String ?? ""
The solution supports all the value types as well, and not only those that are automagically bridged, such as String, Int, Double, etc.
import ObjectiveC
final class Lifted<T> {
let value: T
init(_ x: T) {
value = x
private func lift<T>(x: T) -> Lifted<T> {
return Lifted(x)
func setAssociatedObject<T>(object: AnyObject, value: T, associativeKey: UnsafePointer<Void>, policy: objc_AssociationPolicy) {
if let v: AnyObject = value as? AnyObject {
objc_setAssociatedObject(object, associativeKey, v, policy)
else {
objc_setAssociatedObject(object, associativeKey, lift(value), policy)
func getAssociatedObject<T>(object: AnyObject, associativeKey: UnsafePointer<Void>) -> T? {
if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(object, associativeKey) as? T {
return v
else if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(object, associativeKey) as? Lifted<T> {
return v.value
else {
return nil
A possible
Class extension (Example of usage)
extension UIView {
private struct AssociatedKey {
static var viewExtension = "viewExtension"
var referenceTransform: CGAffineTransform? {
get {
return getAssociatedObject(self, associativeKey: &AssociatedKey.viewExtension)
set {
if let value = newValue {
setAssociatedObject(self, value: value, associativeKey: &AssociatedKey.viewExtension, policy: objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
I wrote a modern wrapper available at https://github.com/b9swift/AssociatedObject
You may be surprised that it even supports Swift structures for free.
Obviously, this only works with Objective-C objects. After fiddling around with this a bit, here's how to make the calls in Swift:
import ObjectiveC
// Define a variable whose address we'll use as key.
// "let" doesn't work here.
var kSomeKey = "s"
func someFunc() {
objc_setAssociatedObject(target, &kSomeKey, value, UInt(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN))
let value : AnyObject! = objc_getAssociatedObject(target, &kSomeKey)
Update in Swift 3.0
For example this is a UITextField
import Foundation
import UIKit
import ObjectiveC
// Declare a global var to produce a unique address as the assoc object handle
var AssociatedObjectHandle: UInt8 = 0
extension UITextField
var nextTextField:UITextField {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectHandle) as! UITextField
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectHandle, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
Klaas answer just for Swift 2.1:
import ObjectiveC
let value = NSUUID().UUIDString
var associationKey: UInt8 = 0
objc_setAssociatedObject(parentObject, &associationKey, value, objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
let fetchedValue = objc_getAssociatedObject(parentObject, &associationKey) as! String
Just add #import <objc/runtime.h> on your brindging header file to access objc_setAssociatedObject under swift code
The above friend has answered your question, but if it is related to closure properties, please note:
import UIKit
public extension UICollectionView {
typealias XYRearrangeNewDataBlock = (_ newData: [Any]) -> Void
typealias XYRearrangeOriginaDataBlock = () -> [Any]
// MARK:- associat key
private struct xy_associatedKeys {
static var originalDataBlockKey = "xy_originalDataBlockKey"
static var newDataBlockKey = "xy_newDataBlockKey"
private class BlockContainer {
var rearrangeNewDataBlock: XYRearrangeNewDataBlock?
var rearrangeOriginaDataBlock: XYRearrangeOriginaDataBlock?
private var newDataBlock: BlockContainer? {
get {
if let newDataBlock = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &xy_associatedKeys.newDataBlockKey) as? BlockContainer {
return newDataBlock
return nil
set(newValue) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, xy_associatedKeys.newDataBlockKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC)
convenience init(collectionVewFlowLayout : UICollectionViewFlowLayout, originalDataBlock: #escaping XYRearrangeOriginaDataBlock, newDataBlock: #escaping XYRearrangeNewDataBlock) {
let blockContainer: BlockContainer = BlockContainer()
blockContainer.rearrangeNewDataBlock = newDataBlock
blockContainer.rearrangeOriginaDataBlock = originalDataBlock
self.newDataBlock = blockContainer
For 2022, now very simple:
// Utils-tags.swift
// Just a "dumb Swift trick" to add a string tag to a view controller.
// For example, with UIDocumentPickerViewController you need to know
// "which button was clicked to launch a picker"
import UIKit
private var _docPicAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0
extension UIDocumentPickerViewController {
public var tag: String {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &_docPicAssociationKey)
as? String ?? ""
set(newValue) {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &_docPicAssociationKey,

How to check if a text field is empty or not in swift

I am working on the code below to check the textField1 and textField2 text fields whether there is any input in them or not.
The IF statement is not doing anything when I press the button.
#IBOutlet var textField1 : UITextField = UITextField()
#IBOutlet var textField2 : UITextField = UITextField()
#IBAction func Button(sender : AnyObject)
if textField1 == "" || textField2 == ""
//then do something
Simply comparing the textfield object to the empty string "" is not the right way to go about this. You have to compare the textfield's text property, as it is a compatible type and holds the information you are looking for.
#IBAction func Button(sender: AnyObject) {
if textField1.text == "" || textField2.text == "" {
// either textfield 1 or 2's text is empty
Swift 2.0:
guard let text = descriptionLabel.text where !text.isEmpty else {
text.characters.count //do something if it's not empty
if let text = descriptionLabel.text where !text.isEmpty
//do something if it's not empty
Swift 3.0:
guard let text = descriptionLabel.text, !text.isEmpty else {
text.characters.count //do something if it's not empty
if let text = descriptionLabel.text, !text.isEmpty
//do something if it's not empty
Better and more beautiful use
#IBAction func Button(sender: AnyObject) {
if textField1.text.isEmpty || textField2.text.isEmpty {
another way to check in realtime textField source :
#IBOutlet var textField1 : UITextField = UITextField()
override func viewDidLoad()
self.textField1.addTarget(self, action: Selector("yourNameFunction:"), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.EditingChanged)
func yourNameFunction(sender: UITextField) {
if sender.text.isEmpty {
// textfield is empty
} else {
// text field is not empty
if let ... where ... {
Swift 3:
if let _text = theTextField.text, _text.isEmpty {
// _text is not empty here
Swift 2:
if let theText = theTextField.text where !theTextField.text!.isEmpty {
// theText is not empty here
guard ... where ... else {
You can also use the keyword guard :
Swift 3:
guard let theText = theTextField.text where theText.isEmpty else {
// theText is empty
return // or throw
// you can use theText outside the guard scope !
print("user wrote \(theText)")
Swift 2:
guard let theText = theTextField.text where !theTextField.text!.isEmpty else {
// the text is empty
// you can use theText outside the guard scope !
print("user wrote \(theText)")
This is particularly great for validation chains, in forms for instance. You can write a guard let for each validation and return or throw an exception if there's a critical error.
As now in swift 3 / xcode 8 text property is optional you can do it like this:
if ((textField.text ?? "").isEmpty) {
// is empty
if (textField.text?.isEmpty ?? true) {
// is empty
Alternatively you could make an extenstion such as below and use it instead:
extension UITextField {
var isEmpty: Bool {
return text?.isEmpty ?? true
if (textField.isEmpty) {
// is empty
use this extension
extension String {
func isBlankOrEmpty() -> Bool {
// Check empty string
if self.isEmpty {
return true
// Trim and check empty string
return (self.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) == "")
like so
// Disable the Save button if the text field is empty.
let text = nameTextField.text ?? ""
saveButton.isEnabled = !text.isBlankOrEmpty()
A compact little gem for Swift 2 / Xcode 7
#IBAction func SubmitAgeButton(sender: AnyObject) {
let newAge = String(inputField.text!)
if ((textField.text?.isEmpty) != false) {
label.text = "Enter a number!"
else {
label.text = "Oh, you're \(newAge)"
Maybe i'm a little too late, but can't we check like this:
#IBAction func Button(sender: AnyObject) {
if textField1.text.utf16Count == 0 || textField2.text.utf16Count == 0 {
Okay, this might be late, but in Xcode 8 I have a solution:
if(textbox.stringValue.isEmpty) {
// some code
} else {
//some code
I used UIKeyInput's built in feature hasText: docs
For Swift 2.3 I had to use it as a method instead of a property (as it is referenced in the docs):
if textField1.hasText() && textField2.hasText() {
// both textfields have some text
Swift 4.x Solution
#IBOutlet var yourTextField: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
yourTextField.addTarget(self, action: #selector(actionTextFieldIsEditingChanged), for: UIControlEvents.editingChanged)
#objc func actionTextFieldIsEditingChanged(sender: UITextField) {
if sender.text.isEmpty {
// textfield is empty
} else {
// text field is not empty
Swift 4.2
You can use a general function for your every textField just add the following function in your base controller
// White space validation.
func checkTextFieldIsNotEmpty(text:String) -> Bool
if (text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty)
return false
return true
I just tried to show you the solution in a simple code
#IBAction func Button(sender : AnyObject) {
if textField1.text != "" {
// either textfield 1 is not empty then do this task
//show error here that textfield1 is empty
It's too late and its working fine in Xcode 7.3.1
if _txtfield1.text!.isEmpty || _txtfield2.text!.isEmpty {
//is empty
Swift 4/xcode 9
IBAction func button(_ sender: UIButton) {
if (textField1.text?.isEmpty)! || (textfield2.text?.isEmpty)!{
Easy way to Check
if TextField.stringValue.isEmpty {