WARN org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - Request method 'POST' not supported - rest

Os is Mac Os Maverick.
In a jhipster context (last version, 1.2.2), I get an error when I request the default application on an entity I have just generate using yo jhipster:entity generator.
I run a yo jhipster to create a vanilla application with mongodb as database, java 7 and nothing special.
Then I run grunt build and grunt server for hot reload on the client part and mvn spring-boot:run for the server side app.
When I go to the http://localhost:8080/ url, I get the normal page. I can sign in with either the user or admin login.
I run the yo jhipster:entity foo to get an exemple of rest service in the back end.
When I request for the foo resource with the URL http://localhost:8080/#/foo, I get the page to CRUD the resource as it is said on the jhipster website.
But when I try to create a foo item with the modal form, I get an error on the back end server log ([WARN] org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - Request method 'POST' not supported).
I can't figure out how to solve this.
Do I miss something in the documentation ?
Do you have any idea, hint ?
I have the same issue using H2 as development database instead of mongodb.

This might be due to MongoDB, if you have a date field.
We will release very soon a new and improved Entity sub-generator, which should work better for you. While testing it, I had a serialization issue with MongoDB and a date field, and I corrected it in this new version. This is due to Jackson which can't serialize Joda Time dates (the correct annotations were only generated for SQL databases, not NoSQL databases)


How can I set grafana 7 to work with warp10 2.7.x?

I've just install a fresh warp10 standalone server version 2.7.2.
Using beamium to send data into it and seeing the data via the VScode plugin is OK and I can see graph in GTS preview.
I've also installed a fresh grafana and warp10-plugin following the warp10 recommandation on the ovh github.
When execution a default warp10 query (via editor), grafana add some strings in the query, like the start or end value, so in the end the query look like:
1609947849757000 'start' STORE
'2021-01-06T15:44:09.757Z' 'startISO' STORE
1610034249757000 'end' STORE
'2021-01-07T15:44:09.757Z' 'endISO' STORE
86400000000 'interval' STORE
199538106 '__interval' STORE
199538 '__interval_ms' STORE
[ 'host.local.domain' ] 'host_list' STORE
But when executing, there is an error poping in the warp10 logs, after decryption it tell:
Exception at '=>1609947849757000<= 'start' STORE '2021-01-06T15:44:09.757Z'' in section [TOP]
It seems that it don't take the LONG (DOUBLE?) number for what it is, and try to match a function with the same name that don't exists.
On grafana side, I don't have any valuable help, it tell me:
WarpScript Failure on Line -1, Unable to read x-warp10-error-line and x-warp10-error-line headers in server answer
Do I miss something ?
==== Edit: 2021-01-07 17:32 UTC
After first reply, doing other test:
I've tryied the same query, and the error is still the same.
Warpscript failure
But in VScode this query works:
'token' $RTOKEN
'class' '~.*'
'labels' {}
'end' '2021-01-07T17:35:28.086Z'
'timespan' 21600000000
I've also try to use the bartender stuff in grafana and it work fine too...
So everything should work, I must miss the obvious.
Can Java version have an impact ?
If the datasource is working, you didn't miss anything.
Do you use the built in warpscript editor ? Make sure you ticked the "WarpScript Editor" checkbox:
Then, do the simplest FETCH request you can do, or copy paste the code you did in VSCode.
You can define your own variables too in the datasource configuration. It is usefull for tokens.
I just setup Grafana 7.3.6 + ovh plugin to check, it seems there is no regression issue.
The full WarpScript can be found in the browser console.
The header error is linked to Grafana 7, no problem with Grafana 6.x. Install Grafana 6.x if you want WarpSript detailed errors.
Edit: Issue is now fixed and merged into ovh github master.
If you want to test another Warp 10 data source, you can use the credential and advices in this article. You just need to go before covid lockdown to find relevant office beertender data...

WSO2 Carbon 404 Error Redirection for Webapp Deployment?

We are using WSO2 Carbon 4.2.0 through the WSO2 Application Server (AS) package. In replacing an older, highly customized Carbon installation (provided by a company that no longer supports the product, has abandoned it and refuses to work on it, and left us no details on how/what they modified in Carbon), we have deployed a couple web applications in the webapps container as they were deployed before in the older instance. We have changed our WebContextRoot in the carbon.xml from the default "/" to a sub-URL of ex: "/stuff", as is also detailed in the self-answered SO question here. However the answer given there is not detailed in what the OP actually encountered when he modified his WSO2 instance.
In testing the above configuration we noticed that if a user were to go to a non-existent web address on the server, depending on the format of the URL they are either:
redirected to a blank page;
receive a "500 Internal server error" (I suspect this is the embedded Tomcat?);
get sent to the Carbon login page (which we definitely do not want to happen for security reasons); or
get an XML document stating:
<faultString> The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) /stuff/services/nonexistantservicename </faultString>
At least in the case of missing content we wish the user to be sent to a standardized 404 error page, or at the least be sent an HTTP 404 error by the server. For services the XML error is palatable, we can deal with that.
The only option for us right now to circumvent this issue is to place a proxy in front of the WSO2 instance, which would be another layer to manage and tune, and possibly degrade performance. Please know that I am not a programmer but just an admin with DevOps experience. I would not know how to handle this with e.g. a Java solution or re-coding parts of WSO2. Customizing the core product would also hamper future upgrades of WSO2, a scenario we are trying to dig ourselves out of now as detailed above. Is there no internal WSO2 mechanism to handle non-existent content? Can we not redirect any errors to a standard canned response page?

Retrieving Project Metrics using Rest API and Timemachine from SonarQube

I'm trying to retrieve projects metrics using the REST Api. Therefore I first query the projects using "/api/projects/index". Afterwards I retrieve the metrics using "/api/metrics/search". Both works fine. And I result with:
[id:35476, k:com.test:TestProject, nm:TestProject, qu:TRK, sc:PRJ]
[custom:false, description:Cyclomatic complexity, direction:-1, domain:Complexity, hidden:false, id:10019, key:complexity, name:Complexity, qualitative:false, type:INT]
Now I wanted to retrieve a projects metrics. Therefore I use the following URL:
There the server retruns only: [{"cols":[],"cells":[]}]
This surprices me, because when I enter the WebInterface of sonar for the project, I can see numbers. I tried some other metrics, however all ended with the same result. What am I doing wrong?
You didn't mention server version, so I'll assume the latest: 5.2.
I got the same result for a bare query (http://nemo.sonarqube.org/api/timemachine/index), and for a query which specified resource but not metrics (http://nemo.sonarqube.org/api/timemachine/index?resource=org.sonarsource.sonarqube%3Asonarqube).
So I'm guessing there's a problem with either your resource or metric id. Try using the keys (com.test&%3ATestProject, and complexity) instead.
And yes, the ids you got back from the other web services should work here, but what's meant by "id" can be a little... ah... variable from service to service to service.

Customer Account Data API (through Aggcat) always returns 400 response code

I set up an application with the Intuit Customer Account Data API and am running a Rails app using Aggcat gem (https://github.com/cloocher/aggcat). I had to replace my certificate and followed the instructions for OpenSSL found here. Under My Apps I uploaded the new public certificate and changed the settings on Aggcat to use the new private key file generated with it.
I can run client.scope(1) but when I try to run anything else (such as client.institutions) I get a bad request error (400). Any ideas what the problem could be? I've tried re-generating the certificate multiple times and no luck.
According IPP's site,
400 - Bad Request represents - If the URL or variables are not in the correct format this error will display.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/customer_account_data_api/0700_error_codes
I've not tried CAD calls using ruby but I use the sample JAVA app(IPP).
You can run the sample java app ( by configuring the devkit logger in debug mode) and capture the raw request/response and URL(and parameters) and compare the same which you're getting in your ruby example. That might help you to debug these issues.
Otherwise, you can also try the other two ruby examples which are available here-

Using SQL Server CE 4.0 with Entity Framework on Windows Azure

I am using SQL Server CE 4.0 with WebApi on Windows Azure Websites. I have been successfully able to deploy SQL Server CE. The weird problem I am facing is that my site is able to log me in using the same DB but I am not able to use any of the controllers to fetch the data.
I am using same connection string for both. The only difference is that for logging in I am using WebSecurity as I have enabled OAuth on the site.
Can someone throw some light on how to debug and fix this issue? The error I am getting for the calls is
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification
starting at index 0.
However the same string works for authentication, change password, adding OAuth connections etc.
Thanks in advance
I connected to the site using FTP. I was not giving the site name as domain name and it was denying me access earlier. On connecting, I got hold of the Web.config file and I found something interesting. While publishing the site, the web.config was modified to add another connectionstring with the name of context_DatabasePublish.
This string had following details connectionString="ContextName_DatabasePublish.ConnetionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
Also there was a new section called context added to the entityframework section of the config file with all the details for the context to use but again pointing to same connection string. The provider it is using is sql and not sqlce. I believe that is the reason it was failing.
I uploaded my normal config file and the site started working. I need to explore more on to why and how the new connection string got added. I will post the details in comments.