SML/NJ Error in Command Prompt - emacs

So I installed SML/NJ in Windows 10 using the Windows Installer Package "smlnj-110.79", and following the instructions in this coursera video lecture, i should be able to open the command prompt and access sml by typing "sml". However, when I return "sml" I'm prompted that "sml is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". I should note that it works fine if I open the actual SML/NJ program itself. I am trying to use SML/NJ within emacs, will this affect that? Thank you!

You need to add the directory containing SML to your system path. On my machine the path entry is C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\bin\. See this for modifying the path in Windows 10. If you haven't manually edited your path before (which seems to be the case given the question) you do need to be careful to add to rather than overwrite the current path. Windows has always been clunky in making this possible. This is an article that suggests some utilities. I haven't tried them, so I can't vouch for them.


ISCC.exe not found in powershell [duplicate]

I am trying to turn an Inno .iss file to the installer .exe over the command line.
I have found this page on the Inno website which shows you how to do this:
When I tried these commands, I got the command not found error:
'compil32' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I got the same error when trying iscc instead of compil32. I also tried compil64, as my computer is 64 bit, with the same result.
Thanks in advance.
This is basic operating system functionality. You need to either put the directories where the Inno Setup binaries are located into your system PATH, or use a fully qualified pathname to the executables when running them.

'raco' is not recognized on the windows 10 command line

I'm trying to get familiar with DrRacket plugin framework, and I'm using the following tutorial:
I'm stuck at the step where raco is used:
When i run the command, my windows 10 operating system gives back the following error message, How can i solve this?:
'raco' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
second question:
I've also tried putting the clippy folder into a folder within my program files, in the DrRacket installation. Is this the location where Racket Plugins should reside, or can they be placed in any folder?
Add racket and raco to your Windows PATH (the directories in which Windows looks for commands).

'code' is not recognized as an internal or external command - Microsoft Visual studio Code

I am using visual studio code for develop my react application. I just wanted to open the project in the IDE using CLI, using "code ." command. Although it was perfectly working previously, now shows an error as below.
'code' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Can someone help me out to solve this matter?
This sounds like an issue with your environment variables rather than a problem with VS Code itself.
When you run the code command in Windows Command Prompt (cmd), Windows searches all commands on your path for one named code, and executes that command. VS Code installs a command with this name that opens the editor, normally located here on Windows:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin
It may be that your path no longer contains this particular directory for some reason.
You can edit your path directly to add it:
From the Start menu, type "variables" and choose the option to "Edit environment variables for your account".
Locate the PATH entry and edit it.
Add the directory where the code command exists, e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\bin.
The path editor may appear slightly different depending on what version of Windows you are running.
My case was different rather than general solution for this question. I saw that the number of solutions which says the probelm exists with the environment valriables. In the new release it provides a setup file only.
Before downloading, there are certain properties to be selected.When I just redownloaded the set up and run it , it starts working perfectly.

In emacs eshell auto-completion, how to return function instead of file name?

I have a file named: "mytest.bat", when I type:
myt (tab)
The autocomplete return me the whole file name "mytest.bat", instead of "mytest" as a function.
How can I get the function name "mytest" instead of the file name in eshell autocompletion?
From seeenter code hereing a batch file in your question. Assuming now, you're on windows, this seems to be a normal behavior to me. Windows adds a convenience layer while in cmd which let's you write mytest instead of mytest.bat. There is an environment variable to customize this behavior. I can't remember it's name anymore, though. Maybe somebody else can shed some light on this as I can't reproduce anymore as I'm using Linux for years now. Anyway, if you've ever seen Mono (aka .NET for Linux / Mac OS) programs run on either Linux or Mac OS from console then you noticed that you most likely stated the whole file name foo.exe. This is what you now see in emacs happening. And you can do just this in emacs shell:
alias mytest mytest.bat
See: emacs manual.

Batch file in eclipse path variables not found

I want to start a batch-script in my eclipse. (Instructions here: How to run a batch script (.bat file) from eclipse)
In my batch file i need some commands like pear or phing.
I put the path to these commands into my environment variable called PATH.
(Works fine with cmd manually)
After starting the script, I'm getting this error:
'pear' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If I type pear by hand, it doesn't work either.
You need to restart Eclipse after changing the system environment; environment variable changes requires any process that is already running to be restarted in order for that application to pick up the changes.
Another option might be to put the full path to those commands in the .bat file so that it doesn't rely on the system environment in order to work properly.
Tip: Make sure to close and start eclipse afresh for PATH variable changes to take effect. Using the Restart option in File menu may not help here.