'raco' is not recognized on the windows 10 command line - plugins

I'm trying to get familiar with DrRacket plugin framework, and I'm using the following tutorial:
I'm stuck at the step where raco is used:
When i run the command, my windows 10 operating system gives back the following error message, How can i solve this?:
'raco' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
second question:
I've also tried putting the clippy folder into a folder within my program files, in the DrRacket installation. Is this the location where Racket Plugins should reside, or can they be placed in any folder?

Add racket and raco to your Windows PATH (the directories in which Windows looks for commands).


ISCC.exe not found in powershell [duplicate]

I am trying to turn an Inno .iss file to the installer .exe over the command line.
I have found this page on the Inno website which shows you how to do this:
When I tried these commands, I got the command not found error:
'compil32' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I got the same error when trying iscc instead of compil32. I also tried compil64, as my computer is 64 bit, with the same result.
Thanks in advance.
This is basic operating system functionality. You need to either put the directories where the Inno Setup binaries are located into your system PATH, or use a fully qualified pathname to the executables when running them.

How to install avconv on windows 10?

I am working on matlab R2017a. For my project, I have to install avconv. I have searched a lot, but I only find a useful link that is this. After installing it, I run setup.exe, add following path to environment variables that is
C:\Program Files\AVCONV
After I execute my file, and it shows the same error that is this:
'avconv' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
I spent time on this, trying different solution, but found no useful help.

Compiling inno .iss file with the command line

I am trying to turn an Inno .iss file to the installer .exe over the command line.
I have found this page on the Inno website which shows you how to do this:
When I tried these commands, I got the command not found error:
'compil32' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I got the same error when trying iscc instead of compil32. I also tried compil64, as my computer is 64 bit, with the same result.
Thanks in advance.
This is basic operating system functionality. You need to either put the directories where the Inno Setup binaries are located into your system PATH, or use a fully qualified pathname to the executables when running them.

Command Prompt on Windows 8 not recognizing any commands

Here's a screenshot of the command prompt message:
It says "'$' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
I looked up how to fix it, then changed the PATH in computer properties and updated my Java like they said, but it's still not fixed.
Is gem the name of a program you're trying to run? Because you can just type gem install jekyll without the $. The gem executable would have to be in a folder that's present in the PATH variable.

SML/NJ Error in Command Prompt

So I installed SML/NJ in Windows 10 using the Windows Installer Package "smlnj-110.79", and following the instructions in this coursera video lecture, i should be able to open the command prompt and access sml by typing "sml". However, when I return "sml" I'm prompted that "sml is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". I should note that it works fine if I open the actual SML/NJ program itself. I am trying to use SML/NJ within emacs, will this affect that? Thank you!
You need to add the directory containing SML to your system path. On my machine the path entry is C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\bin\. See this for modifying the path in Windows 10. If you haven't manually edited your path before (which seems to be the case given the question) you do need to be careful to add to rather than overwrite the current path. Windows has always been clunky in making this possible. This is an article that suggests some utilities. I haven't tried them, so I can't vouch for them.