Using API to auto send emails created outside Marketo - email

I want to create a bi-wekly digest email from various content. I have already created a scraper that will scrape relevant content from across the web and create a beautiful html email. This is all done outside Marketo application.
Now, is there a way or API available in marketo that I can use to auto-send this bi-weekly email outside Marketo application?
There is a create email API but not sure how this works.
Any kind of direction will be highly appreciated.


Embedding Power BI dashboard in an email

I have developed a dashboard in Power BI that I would like to embed in an email body - Outlook, Gmail etc. Is this possible please and has anyone been successful at doing this?
No, embedding requires a lot of javascript code and a modern browser to work. Currently it is not possible to get this working in an e-mail body, because it will violate event basic security policies. Embed it in a web application hosted somewhere (or if the recipients has access to it, you can leave it in Power BI Service) and send and link to it (you can add an image if you want) in the e-mail.

I have created email in marketing cloud, on submitting email form I want to populate thank you message based on the client language

I have created email in marketing cloud, in email I have Email form, once client fills the details and submits the form I want to populate thank you message based on the client language.
I have created Interactive email page to achieve this, but I'm not able to get URL parameters for language code in interactive email page.
Can anyone please help me with this.
Thanks in Advance!
At this stage, interactive email form doesn't allow you to pass parameters to the cloud page. That's a limitation on the feature. However, I noticed we can access the standard parameters that are generally available within the cloud page using Personalization Strings
Btw, post for all Salesforce related questions on Salesforce Stack Exchange

how do i email form submissions through url's

I would like to set up a form on my Shopify website. I want the content of the form to be sent to me via email. So I would like to use the get method and set the forms action attribute to a URL that will send me an email with the submissions.
The question is, how do I send an email through URL's? Or do I need to use API for this? Is it possible at all? Or is it gonna be possible for me to submit the form to a page?
I have already tried searching some similar questions, but nothing was satisfying.
Sending an email is something that is done on a back-end of the server. With Shopify it's not possible because you don't have access to the back-end.
But the default Shopify contact form does send you an email when it's submitted, so you can use it. You can modify its fields, copy it to other pages, etc.
If you want more customization options, or more control you'll have to use a service. Shopify recommends Wufoo or Jotform. But you can use whatever you like.
One additional thing. If you have a server somewhere where you can access the back-end, you can send your form data there and email it yourself with PHP or any other language that can run there and send emails.

I'm using Amazon S3 and want to create a form that sends out an email when submitted. How can i do this?

So the form i previously created didn't work because my site is hosted in Amazon S3. I just want a simple form that sends an email when the user clicks submit.
form is at the bottom
Any ideas on how to make this form work and send an email?
You'll need a back-end service to help you send the email.
You can use a Lambda function to send the email, then setup an API gateway to funnel your requests to the Lambda function.
Then in your static website, use Javascript to issue Ajax calls to the API gateway when the form is submitting.
A static site on S3 can't process form submissions so you can't do this with just S3. You could either create your own server process to handle form submissions, possibly on EC2 or Lambda, or you could use a service like Wufoo forms.
The other respondents are correct in that you'll need a back-end service. One popular option is formspree. Another alternative would be posting a form's contents to something like Slack or HipChat using webhooks, such as explained in this blog post.

sendgrid email via X-SMTP

I am trying to figure out how can I make it possible to send an email from my
application to Sendgrid and have it come back.
I want to use coldfusion to send an email using X-SMTP API. I found a documentation
online here but still wondering if there's any documentation available other
than the web API one?
SendGrid's Event Webhook is the only way to get email reads on an individual basis. This will POST an event to your server every time an email is read (among several other events).
The only "pull" based solution to get individual email events from SendGrid is the bounces endpoint, which will tell you when an email bounces (and is certainly not read), but nothing else.
If you want to retrieve individual read events from SendGrid, you'll need to connect the Event Webhook to an external service like, and then leveraging their API to get individual events.