Firebase Storage Error From Firebase Website - swift

Has anyone encountered this error? It is not giving a description from

The issue here is likely that you've run out of quota in our free plan. The console will be affected by this, unfortunately :(
You can verify this by performing any request (or looking in the developer console) and seeing a 402 which means you've exceeded your quota. Just upgrade your plan to a paid plan or wait until the quota refreshes (midnight PST).
We're working on a better error message here, since it's obviously not a great experience to see nothing.


Hitting TooManyRequests 429 when using GoogleCloudStorageComposeOperator

When using GoogleCloudStorageComposeOperator in Google's Cloud Composer we've started hitting TooManyRequests, HTTP 429.
The rate of change requests to the object path/file.csv exceeds the rate limit. Please reduce the rate of create, update, and delete requests.
What limit are we hitting? I think it's this limit but I'm not sure:
There is a write limit to the same object name of once per second, so rapid writes to the same object name won't scale.
Does anyone have a sane way around this issue? On retry it usually works, but would be neat to not rely on it working on retry.
It's hard to say, without details, but this is rather Storage than Composer Issue. It is described in Troubleshooting guide for Cloud Storage.
There you can find some more references to dig more about it. On Quotas and Limit page I have found:
When a project's bandwidth exceeds quota in a location, requests to
affected buckets can be rejected with a retryable 429 error or can be
throttled. See Bandwidth usage for information about monitoring your
It seems that this error is intended to be retried, so I think implementation of try/catch mechanism might be a solution.

Unable to open Google Cloud DNS page

I am unable to access Google Cloud DNS page.
All it shows is:
"DNS API is being enabled. This may take a minute or more."
Then it reloads and repeats showing the same message.
The API is already enabled, and the records I created works. No problem with DNS.
I need to modify records, but I can't because of this problem.
I tried opening the page in different computers and different browsers without addons, same result.
If there is a better place to ask, please do tell.
Thank you.
You should be able to access the page regardless of what computer / browser you're using.
If you cannot it's either a temporary outage which you can check here or a bug.
The only thing to do here is to contact paid support for more immediate help and if the time is something you can afford report this at Google's IssueTracker and get help for free - however it may take a few days. It is possible that only you are affected. Please describe the issue in as much detail as possible - this will expidete the process.

Firestore cannot see data after quota has exhausted

I am using firestore for a petproject, my daily quota has exhausted and when I opened the store to delete some data I see nothing there. Whats happening?
As the message says, you've exceeded your quota and are unable to work with the product until you upgrade to a paid plan that allows you to exceed the free tier limits.
If you feel this message is incorrect, contact Firebase support directly. Stack Overflow won't be able to help you.

Paypal sandbox giving internal server error

I am working on PayPal integration with omnipay package. Firstly It was working fine but after some time it started to show internal server error. I reached on Google and found this problem is having from last few days. I want to know, how to solve this? is PayPal solved this issue or this issue is having due to any error in my script?
my script
Error page
Finally I got my answer
The issue was I was passing wrong and cancel return URLs. These URLs are of my local server IP. when I removed this and applied a live server details it started again.
I also done some R & D and found PayPal is having this issue from last few months.
Thanks guys for your kind support!
This could be related to the downtime that sandbox has been experiencing over the last 24 hours. The internal teams were able to diagnose the problem and repair it. Can you please check to see if your code is working now? This was limited to sandbox and didn't affect production.

Suddenly getting 403 (Forbidden) errors for all assets in Google Storage

I built several sites for clients which use Google Storage for their larger media. They have all been running fine since 2010, then in the past few days all of them started getting the 403 errors.
I scanned back through my Google Storage emails, and I don't see any announcements that would be relevant. No files have changed in the client's sites.
Is anyone having a similar issue? What can I do to fix this?
Sorry to have left this hanging. The issue was caused by a credit card expiration date mismatch.
Thanks for your attention Nikita.