Paypal sandbox giving internal server error - paypal

I am working on PayPal integration with omnipay package. Firstly It was working fine but after some time it started to show internal server error. I reached on Google and found this problem is having from last few days. I want to know, how to solve this? is PayPal solved this issue or this issue is having due to any error in my script?
my script
Error page

Finally I got my answer
The issue was I was passing wrong and cancel return URLs. These URLs are of my local server IP. when I removed this and applied a live server details it started again.
I also done some R & D and found PayPal is having this issue from last few months.
Thanks guys for your kind support!

This could be related to the downtime that sandbox has been experiencing over the last 24 hours. The internal teams were able to diagnose the problem and repair it. Can you please check to see if your code is working now? This was limited to sandbox and didn't affect production.


Keycloak randomly disable user accounts?

Recently there have been occurrences where users suddenly receive the message "account is disabled, contact your administrator" when trying to log in. For one user, clearing his cache and restarting his PC solved the issue, for another, he just waited for a while. The version of keycloak being used it 17.0.0.
Does anybody know what causes this situation to incorrectly occur? And if so, any advice on how to resolve this? Thank you !!

Getting ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.list) while trying to setup kubernetes for the first time

I am totally new on Kubernetes, I am reading the book: Getting Started with Kubernetes from Jonathan Baier. After all the billing process from Google I was able to setup my project both in GCP and in my system, but then the book says that I need to execute:.
The first time, it reached the point from the following picture:
I had to cancel it, because it took too much time. The second time it was able to pass that message, but then 3 error messages appears:
I saw in another post a similar issue, and someone said that gcloud needed a downgrade to version 167. But I am not sure if that also applies to this issue,
All I had to do was open that link the error message gave me, then activate/enable the Compute Engine API, wait for some mins and then exute the kube-up script again..
Hope it can help someone later is not working?

Maybe someone knows what the cause of the error? I am trying to come and continue the activation of your NVP / SOAP API Apps, but the server responds with an error. Someone knows what's going on?enter image description here
UPDATE: It looks like over the weekend the app services went back online, so all should be fixed now. Let me know if you encounter any issues with it, and definitely very sorry for any issues this downtime caused you.
At the moment there are some issues at, which is affecting the site and ability to create new applications. The teams are working on the servers that are affected and will hopefully have more information soon. I'll update as soon as I have more details though.

Suddenly getting 403 (Forbidden) errors for all assets in Google Storage

I built several sites for clients which use Google Storage for their larger media. They have all been running fine since 2010, then in the past few days all of them started getting the 403 errors.
I scanned back through my Google Storage emails, and I don't see any announcements that would be relevant. No files have changed in the client's sites.
Is anyone having a similar issue? What can I do to fix this?
Sorry to have left this hanging. The issue was caused by a credit card expiration date mismatch.
Thanks for your attention Nikita.

Why am I getting this WSDL SOAP error with

I have my script email me when there is a problem creating a recurring transaction with I received the following at 5:23AM Pacific time:
WSDL: Couldn't load from '' :
failed to load external entity ""
And of course, when I did exactly the same thing that the user did, it worked fine for me.
Does this mean's API is down? Their knowledge base simply sucks and provides no information whatsoever about this problem. I've contacted the company, but I'm not holding my breath for a response. Google reveals nothing. Looking through their code, nothing stands out. Maybe an authentication error?
Has anyone seen an error like this before? What causes this?
Maybe as a back up you can cache the WSDL file locally and in case of network issues use the local copy. I doubt it changes often so if you refresh it weekly that should be satisfactory as the file will probably not be stale by then.