Selenium IDE Log Page Load Times - selenium-ide

I would like to get a high-level view of load page performance. How can I get Selenium IDE to log time whilst my Test Case is running and store time at each step. Any suggestions on how to do this?


Experiencing GUI delays in Oracle SQL Developer

I use the Data Import Wizard (DIW) for file loading. And lately, simply right clicking on a table and then selecting the DIW option to bring up the wizard, I experience a 1-2 minute lag before the GUI dialog box even comes up. Furthermore, as I progress thru the steps of the DIW GUI, each step will delay 1-2 minutes before moving on to the next. So all together, using the DIW can typically take me > 10 min.
What could be causing this and how might I remedy the issue?
I'm using Oracle SQL Dev version:
Finally was able to update to the current v19.2 and no longer experience any delays.

Protractor test fails when launch directly on Windows Server 2012

I use Protractor 3.0.0 to measure UI performances of a web app.
I need to launch my test suites on a virtual machine running on Windows Server 2012. They run perfectly on my personal computer, but on the VM the tests go crazy:
My tests don't always properly click on dropdown menus (e.g. my debug messages indicate that the click on the logout link in a dropdown menu was successful but nothing happens)
When filling text fields A and B with values "valueA" and "valueB" in a form, the tests sometimes sends "valueAvalueB" in the field B
I tried launching tests with PhantomJS, and I still have the same problem with dropdown menus (I didn't check the values of text fields yet). In addition, the performance measurements seem to be too optimistic.
Does anyone encountered the same problem? I couldn't find anything describing that kind of problem...
I launch my tests directly from the VM (not using remote WebDriver or something).
Ok Link Pham this is what I feared... Headless browsers could fix the issues, but we want to measure times spent displaying items and refreshing them. Headless browsers could give too optimistic results (as I observed with PhantomJS when I gave it a try). I will try with headless Chrome.
I guess I will have a bunch of other questions, but your answer properly covers the scope of this specific question so I will close it. Thank you again .

Want to execute single step in selenium web driver

I am using selenium webdriver to do automation of web application.(I am using eclipse)
In my test, I have written the code to login the page by credential, then click some links and go to a particular page.Now on that page i am filling fields through drop down and all and its not working.
So My question is if i changing my code to work with drop down,then to test this again i need to run test case from starting.Means again it it will login page will load and go through various links and then reach to that page.
So can not directly execute that steps only like we do in selenium IDE???
Again and again executing from starting is really screwing my time...??
Is there any way/shortcut?? Please suggest me.
Selenium IDE is in-browser, it's then normal you can run at any step. But if your cookies have expired, you'll have to reauthent. It's not a Selenium problem, it's how websites work.
In your tests, you'll always have to start from scratch if your cases involve athent process, unless you manage to get a fine control over your cookies.
You can always make a quick http call to the website you want to connect to with HTTPClient for example, just to get the cookie back, then use it in webdriver with something like
driver.manage().addCookie(new Cookie("foo", "bar", "", "/", null));
then go to the page you need. Notice that this solution solves the Authent problem only, and does not control the state of the tested web-application (data previously posted, etc...).
At our company, we make an extensive use of selenium, and have a lot of tests relying on it, it's therefore a problem we know something about and we are aware of the frustation it can cause.
We use a pretty different solution to get a productivity boost on tests.
In fact, we're using a Groovy Shell-based solution which allows us to go back and forth while developping the tests and keep our browsers open. Groovy is a JVM scripting language that is really easy for a Java dev (almost all Java code is valid Groovy code) and it's really dynamic.
So you can download groovy, run groovy shell (groovysh is the command), then line by line you can launch and interact with the browser xhile your written code is saved to a buffer. When you've done with your test, export the code and put it in Eclipse. It's faster than restarting every time from scratch. Magic lines for starting with selenium are
groovy.grape.Grape.grab(autoDownload: true, group : 'org.seleniumhq.selenium', module : 'selenium-firefox-driver', version : '2.37.1')
import org.openqa.selenium.*
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.*
driver = new FirefoxDriver()
From this point, the browser window is always open, and you develop right in groovy (or java). It's like a selenium-ide, but in groovy, and can be integrated in your developement workflow (but there is a bit of work to do)
This example works for Firefox (as you've probably guessed ;-)) but you can adapt it as you like. We have from this constructed a bunch of tools to develop our tests quickly and iteratively. We found this to be a great savior.
In the case you described, the tests will always return to step 1, therefore, you need to execute your automation suite from the beginning.
Tip for the future, separate your test cases to shorter ones (as Alexander suggested), so you if you need, you can easily use only the cases that needed and relevant to the module you currently working on.
There is nothing different answer..runs from first step...
And my kind advice is that to use a break point in eclipse at which u r guess of failing...and run the eclipse program in debug mode vth continuously pressing F6 key.
The excecution will be slowed and display will be step by step mode which u can easily trace the exact location at which u r code is breaking...

GWT development with Eclipse

I am developing a GWT app using eclipse and I was wondering if there is a way to hot swap client code changes I make without having to do a full Google Compile each time. Currently when I modify my code, I do a Google compile and then click the Reload server button, then I refresh my browser to pick up the changes. This is starting to get a bit painful as it takes 10 - 20 sec to do a full compile when I may have only modified a UI string so was wondered is there a quicker way.
If you want to see your changes in client code, hit the refresh button in your browser.
If you need debug functions, use Debug As => Web Application. It may be a little (or a lot) slower to start depending on a browser.
If you don't need debug functionality, use Run As => Web Application. It starts faster. You will still see all errors in Development Mode and Console tabs.
If you make changes to server-side code, you have to reload the web server, using the dedicated button of the dedicated Development Mode view in Eclipse.
You never need to recompile unless the plugin tells you to do it.
To add to Andrei's answer Assuming we are changing functionality invoked on button click.
1) We usually change lines of code in the function invoked and click the button again in the UI. No need of reloaing the entire application using refresh button.
2) If the change involves code that cannot be hotswapped - example class changes like adding new a class variable, then you need to refresh browser. You can sometimes ignore the eclipse warning complaining that it cannot hot-swap.
3) If you run out of memory then you need to close and relaunch dev mode.
4) If your server side is hogging memory then it might be better idea to use external server rather than jetty to avoid time consumed on server restart for every dev mode launch.

Salesforce: I just hit my server processing time limit

I'm a relatively new developer who uses the IDE on eclipse.
What are some things I could do to avoid this happening in the future? I heard that using Eclipse might not be the efficient way of doing things in general... but I'm very used to it.
Any hints/advice/guidance would be appreciated.
Was it a VF page that timed out? You need to figure out what's taking so long. Do you have an infinite loop, or inefficient loops that are chewing up thousands of statements executed?
Set up a log under Setup > Monitoring > Debug Logs and then run your script again. Check out the profiling and governor limit information at the bottom. It should give you an idea of where time is being spent.
If you are talking about callout then you can set higher timeout.
In Eclipse can be another type of timeout - during saving files. If you mean this then you should save file(s) one more time.
I'm working with SF for half a year and I have been using Eclipse for developing stuff. I can say that there are no problems with using it.
The issue resolved itself when I migrated to the stand-alone IDE.