Get FB likes, shares and comments for a URL using PHP - with no limit [closed] - facebook

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How can I simple get count of likes, shares and comments from a URL using PHP?
The method using FQL or didnt work anymore.
I need also about 1000 requests per day, I need solution with request limit more then 1000.

I think that FQL became deceprated by the beginning of August. I've solved this problem using graph API and stating the fields argument
the fields likes and comments would give you a list of people who liked or commented on it, the .limit(0) means that you don't need any exact names mentioned and .summary(true) gives you more detailed info on it - the number of likes/comments.
I hope this explanation helps, you can find more info here


Can I get the number of likes from a facebook page without being the admin? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My question is that. I'm trying to get the likes of a facebook page with facebook apigraph explorer but I can't get the count. I have look for other answers but they don't work to me so I'm thinking that it is because I'm not administrator, could be ?
I think that it is a simple thing so it have to be possible, as I can see the likes of a page entering in it on facebook.
I know that with /namepage/likes I can get all the likes but I need the count of all of them. For example:
but I don't get the count of all of them.
Plese could you tell me How can i get the number of likes and what I'm getting?
Solved the previous versions of the api (before 2.5) works like I said at first
humorcabron?fields=likes.summary(true). At newer versions what I was looking for is humorcabron?fields=fan_count

Getting the locations of facebook likes [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am curious; is it at all possible to somehow get data about the locations of likers (those who have a public location anyway) on facebook pages?
I'm merely curious for statistical reasons whether A or B is more popular in country Z, etc....
I assume its not possible without a bit of coding but any points as to what would be the way to look into creating something to trawl a likes list?
There's the page_fans_country metric of the Page's insights edge, e.g.
to get the lifetime likes by country for the CocaCola page. You can use this with an App Access Token like this:
where {app_access_token} is the App Access Token you want to use.

facebook api get users tagged_places [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to know if there is a way to get through facebook api information about the tagged places of my friends without asking them for permission?
furthermore can I get the tagged places of users that are not in my friends list.
It seems that this was once possible using the /checkin endpoint however at this point in time it looks like this method is no longer available.
Taken from the Facebook documentation:
This document refers to a feature that was removed after Graph API v1.0.
From the changelog, you can see that this feature was totally removed:
Endpoints no longer available in v2.0:
/me/checkins has been removed, along with the user_checkins permission.
Further down in the document they continue to list the permissions that have been removed:
All friends_* permissions have been removed. They include:
It seems that it is simply no longer possible to access the data you need. FYI this changelog information was posted on April 30th, 2014 - so it's been like this for a while.

Is there a way to get the ID of a message thread in Facebook? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I have the URL of a facebook thread from a user's messages, is there a way to get the id of that thread? I get how to construct a url given an id, but not the other way around.
The URL can have two formats:
I need to be able to handle both cases.
SELECT thread_fbid
FROM unified_thread
WHERE single_recipient = <USER ID>
This gives exactly what you want. The problem is:
(#298) You must be a developer of the application
Please read unified_thread still not open for public?
So, one actual workaround would be to loop on all the threads from as long as you didn't find one which:
has only 2 participants (because some threads are group conversations and you don't want them),
and contains the participant who is the person represented by a user ID/username.
This has to be done manually, using your favorite language.

Dynamically generated page URLs don't work this morning [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This morning dynamically generated links to FB pages from our app stopped working. Link to a page like this used to work just fine, now it requires page name
Why would this be changed? Was there a problem with old pages link format?
We tweaked our code to take into account page name and made it work. But if a user changes the name of a page the link to this page will break, until we refresh the list of pages in our db. We'll write a chron job that will refresh the list of page names for all users using our app multiple times a day, but we'd prefer not having to do that.
Anyone else ran into this issue? What was your workaround (other than the above)?
While this is probably an off-topic question, you can get the page url using the graph api: and looking at the link property. As to why Facebook changed this, you would have to ask them at their developer group or log a bug.