Static framework linked to Cocoapod not found in Main project - swift

I'm trying to add a static framework (Moya) to my private Cocoapod project through Carthage.
My goal is to include Moya as a static framework in my private Cocoapod (SwiftModel) and use Moya as well in my main project (as SwiftModel has a dependency to it).
I've added Moya to my framework by doing the following steps:
link framework in podspec file
s.vendored_frameworks = 'SwiftModel/Carthage/Build/iOS/Moya.framework'
add Moya to private framework (Link Binary With Libraries)
So inside my Pods project it looks like this:
Trying to add the path to "Framework Header Search Path" did not made any changes. I've tried to add it in the main project and in pods project.
When just building the private pod everything works fine and Moya is recognized. However if I want to build the main project (that includes my private pod) I'm always getting this error:
framework not found Moya for architecture arm64

As your error states that
framework not found Moya for architecture arm64
It means that Moya is not available for arm64 architecture, but your main project has following architectures;- arm64, armv7, armv7s. Remove the arm64 from your main project's valid architecture.
Also try to add -Objc in other link flags.
Try adding libz to the link library section of you project
iOS Support matrix:-


Swift Package Manager (package successfully added, but Module not found)

I'm new in Swift. I want to create iOS app that can connect to PostgreSQL database. First I found library that should be added to my project via Swift Package Manager. Using tutorial I added required library to my project successfully (File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency):
list of added packages from SPM
But when I try to import this module into my view controller, Xcode shows error that module is not found:
not found
I tried several times to rebuild my project, created new project just for testing this issue. Also I found information about build phases and added this lib as a dependency:
build phases
But I still get error: "No such module PostgreSQL".
Can anyone help me?
I found solution by myself. I compiled C static library "libpq" (can be found in PostgreSQL sources) and added it to my swift project. Included this library by adding special bridging header file. Finally I got what I wanted.
P.S. If someone what to repeat, he or she should know: static C library must be compiled for iOS device architecture (and also in iOS simulator architecture which differs from iOS device arch.).

Linking dynamic library within static framework

I am building the static iOS framework upon multiple libraries in Xcode. One of them should be the I cannot use cocoapods or carthage. So far I imported .frameworks within the .framework and it works pretty well. However uses static library (.a file) with bunch of headers. It works well in dynamic type of .frameworks (or iOS app project) but in static project I get these errors on including of the .a files:
error: /Applications/ can't locate file for: -lCardIO
error: /Applications/ file: -lCardIO is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
error: /Applications/ can't locate file for: -lopencv_core
error: /Applications/ file: -lopencv_core is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
error: /Applications/ can't locate file for: -lopencv_imgproc
error: /Applications/ file: -lopencv_imgproc is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
Regarding these errors I downloaded the source codes of and it looks that there is dynamic .framework target waiting for build. I tried to use this one instead of .a files and headers - so my project at least can be builded. Because the does not contatin architectures for simulator (which, by the way, it should with this release 5.2.2) I am not able to test it in unit tests, so when I test this solution on device I get this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/CardIO.framework/CardIO
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/55D3AF7F-83F4-4B3D-A667-0FCO93CCC441/App/AppDemo
Reason: no suitable image found.
So far my knowledge+google+stackoverflow is stuck here, because it looks that xcode does not support the .framework within .framework this way.
To this moment I spent two days with this "issue", so the question is: Does exist any solution for including dynamic library into static framework? Or any solution to include into static framework?
Well actually the solution was more stupid than I would think (as always). Just to include in the .framework go to "Project Description -> Build Settings -> Library search paths" and type the path where should xcode look for the libraries. This approach solves the first one issue of this post - this means the implementation of the .a libraries and headers.
At this moment I cannot guarantee it will work in releases based on my framework so I will update this post to confirm it later. I hope it helps someone...

How to add Cocoa pod dependency to custom framework swift

I am using GVRSDK library pod in my custom framework but if i add this some other project target its not getting import. I am using module map because the library was not getting import in custom framewotk
error: using bridging header with framework target is unsupported.
Compilation Error due to adding private header in umbrella header Include of non modular header inside framework module .
Next i added Module Map File it got imported in Framework swift file. If i
import it in some other swift target it throwing error module not found.
You should speciafied in your Podfile for which target you wanna install your pods
target 'FrameworkName' do
pod 'GVRSDK'
After that you can add the framework to your app from Build Phases -> Embed Frameworks

Using Carthage in frameworks

I have created two frameworks in Xcode.
Within each framework I use Carthage to get external frameworks.
I have the following setup(Hope it makes sense):
- MyNetworksFramework
-- Framework reference(via Carthage): Alamofire
- MyUIFramework
-- Framework reference(via Xcode): NetworksFramework
-- Framework reference(via Carthage): RxSwift
- MyApp
-- Framework reference(via Xcode): UIFramework
I have had no problems in the Emulator, but when running on a device I get errors like:dyld: Library not loaded... RxSwift.
I have added each of my custom frameworks to embedded frameworks under "General".
Am I missing some external framework setting?
I had the same issue in the past. What was needed to get this fixed is to run the carthage copy-frameworks command that they mention on Github. But rather than put the copy-frameworks build phase on each of the frameworks, is you need to put the copy-frameworks in your MyApp build phase. In your case in MyApp you would add Alamofire and RXSwift. Also remove the copy-frameworks from MyNetworksFramework and MyUIFramework.
This is what my script in Build Phases looks like:

Including a static library in a Xcode project

I have developed a static library using the "iPhone OS->Library->Cocoa Touch Static Library" of Xcode. I compiled it and it works fine. Then I wanted to include this library in a new project. Here is what I've done :
Create a new Xcode project "View-based application"
Project->Add To Project : I added my static library .xcodeproj file
Project->Edit Active Target
In General tab : I've added the static library in the "Direct Dependencies"
In Build tab : I've added the path of the headers in the "Header Search Paths" In "Search Paths" section
Then I tried to use one of the classes I've put in my static library, but I get a linking error :
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_GenUIImage", referenced from:
Objc-class-ref-to-GenUIImage in TestViewController.o
Symbol(s) not found
Collect2: Id returned 1 exit status
I do not get what I did wrong. Please help.
Thanks in advance
I found the solution. I dragged & dropped the .a (library file) into the "Link Binary With Libraries" of the main project target.
However I have an other problem.
My static library contains a class that needs the AudioToolbox framework. I added it in my static library. However I need to add the framework also inside the project. Is there a way to avoid duplicating the framework in the main project?