Can't find pydev console prompt in eclipse - eclipse

So I'm working on two machines and they both have Eclipse and Pydev on them. The first machine has a console that has a prompt where I can type in and execute commands when I run on:
The second machine doesn't have the same prompt and I can't figure out how to get it:
I've been looking around online and the closest piece of advice I found is that I need to find the console button on the menu bar next to the tabs and select to show/hide the prompt, but as you can see it's doesn't show up on the second machine. Does anyone know how to I can get the console prompt on the second machine?

Found the issue. I was using PyDev 2.8.2 which didn't support the prompt, I updated to 4.5.4 (higher versions don't show up in my eclipse) and now I'm able to see it.


How to replicate the following Spyder behavior in VSCode?

I'm new to coding Python in VSCode. Previously I used Spyder but decided to move to VSCode as the project management seems better in it (I could easily switch to other files/folders by clicking on the path, just like in PyCharm). But I really need this one workflow which I still have not managed to do it in VSCode.
write some codes like Selenium.
Click run (F5)
The selenium browser opens up.
I could use the Ipython terminal to access the code interactively (find the element in the browser etc) and send new command.
I would like to have this workflow in VSCode. Im also quite overwhelmed by the difference in these 2 IDEs, for example, in VSCode, you have integrated terminal, a debugging console and an output tab, while im used to have only one-for-all Ipython tab.
Ok, I figured out what I need. Basically I just need to right click on the python file that I want to run on the side bar. Then I have to select 'run current file in interactive window'. The only difference is on the Ipython console, I have to use shift+Enter to send my input instead of just clicking enter. But its not a big deal.

Cannot Find the DrRacket IDE

Hi Guys? Newbie Question here. I am getting started with How to Design Programs. I need the DrRacket IDE to follow through the book but I cannot seem to get a hold of it from the website.
The install I got opens a command prompt. How do I get the DrRacket GUI part to start, or which package should I install.Racket Screenshot
When I installed my copy, it created a Start menu group called "Racket" for me (under "All Programs"), with the "DrRacket" item in it, that is set up to run "C:\Program Files\Racket\DrRacket.exe".
Try finding this executable, and if you do, you can start it by typing "DrRacket" at your command prompt:
C:\Program Files\Racket> DrRacket
I'm on different version of Windows, but it should be similar, for you.

Unable to execute code on Jupyter Notebook

I have been watching tutorials on data mining using python. I have installed Anaconda Python 3.5 package for windows 64 bit with default installation. I have made the program available to all users on my laptop. I am running windows 10 64 bit. I am able to open Jupyter notebook on localhost at http://localhost:8888 and browse to the folder than contains iPython notebook file. I can type commands in the text box but could not execute them. I don't know if this can be fixed by changing the current configuration. I have attached two screenshots for references. It is weird that the play button is missing. Instead a next button is shown at the same place. It will be greatly appreciated if someone could walk me through the steps. I do not know how to generate logs for debugging. But I am willing to try. Thanks everyone!
The info here says try shift+enter or green rectangle button. Would it not be easier to just save the file and run it from terminal with python (file)?
Try the "Cell" dropdown and "Run all" or while in the cell (the side highlight would be green), do shift + enter at same time.
Ipython has two modes: One to edit/run. Another to navigate.

Call ./.../bin/spark-submit in eclipse (Pydev) console when running program

Current situation which works fine:
I'm currently programming my Pyspark files in eclipse with the Pydev plugin
I manually execute these files in the ubuntu shell with the following command:
Desired situation:
When I press the "run" button in eclipse, eclipse will call the command mentioned above and show the console output in the eclipse console.
Is this possible and if yes, could someone give me a clue on how to do it?
Thank you!
I would recommend an external launch.
From the Run menu, choose External Tools | External Tools Configurations... and then create a launch configuration specifying the command you want to run.
You can generalize the command a little by using Variables For example:
Location: ${workspace_loc:/myprojectname}/../bin/spark-submit
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/myprojectname}
Arguments: ${workspace_loc:/myprojectname/}
This is what a screenshot of the configuration looks like.
Additionally, in the Common tab you have a control over whether the output is captured in a console (the default) and/or redirected to a file. In this example screenshot, the output comes to a console and is written to a file back in my project:
Output file: ${workspace_loc:/myprojectname/build_output}

Ipython in pydev interactive debugging console(eclipse)

I have ipython working in pydev when using the normal interactive console, however when entering debug mode the console reverts to the standard pydev console. If I close this console and re-open it, ipython returns and I can use it as normal. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
Actually since PyDev version 3.0 you can attache a IPython console to a debug-session:
To enable that feature, go to window > preferences > PyDev > Interactive Console and check 'Connect console to Debug Session?'.
Then only hassle is that you have to re-open a new IPython-console every time you re-launch the program in debug-mode.
Actually, Eclipse itself can have multiple consoles open at the same time... if you want, you can create multiple console views and pin a different console to each view (if you don't pin the console, one console will be shown on top of the other and you'll have to do the switching from one to the other manually).
As it is now, the debug console is not the same as the interactive console (it's a simpler version because of issues with the eclipse integration, although there are plans to be able to attach an interactive console to a debug session).
So, what you described is what should really happen (not really a bug).