How to generate noise using specific variance - matlab

In the matlab function awgn() that is used to add noise to a signal, is there a way specify the variance?
In general, I would have simply done noisevec = sqrt(2)*randn(length(X),1); creates a noise vector of variance 2. Then the noisy observations are
Y = X+noisevec
But, I would like to apply awgn() and then check if the variance of noise is indeed as specified by the user. How to do that?
% add noise to produce
% an SNR of 10dB, use:
X = sin(0:pi/8:6*pi);
Y = awgn(X,10,'measured');
UPDATE : Based on the solution, the output should be same when generating noise with specific variance using the awgn() given in the answer/ solution provided and when using without awgn(). Is something wrong in my understanding? Here is how I checked.
x = rand(1,10); $generating source input
snr =10;
variance = 0.1;
%This procedure is based on the answer
y1 = awgn(x, snr, 'measured');
y1 = x + (y1 - x) * sqrt(variance / var(y1 - x));
%This is the traditional way, without using awgn()
y2 = x+sqrt(variance)*randn(1,10);
y1 is not equal to y2. I wonder why?

awgn does not generate a noise with a specific variance. But if you have to generate a noise with a specific variance, you may consider defining your own noise generator which could be simply scaling the noise up or down to the desired level:
function y = AddMyNoise(x, variance)
y = awgn(x, 10, 'measured');
y = x + (y - x) * sqrt(variance / var(y - x));
UPDATE: Note that this method of forcing the output to have a specific variance could be dangerous: It will give strange outputs if x has few elements. In the limit of x being a scalar, this approach will add a fixed value of +-sqrt(variance) to x. No white noise anymore. But if you have more than a few data points, you will get a reasonably white noise.


BPSK modulation and SNR : Matlab

Considering an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) communication channel where a signal taking values from BPSK modulation is being transmitted. Then, the received noisy signal is :y[k] = s[k] + w[k] where s[k] is either +1,-1 symbol and w[k] is the zero mean white gaussian noise.
-- I want to estimate the signal s and evaluate the performance by varing SNR from 0:40 dB. Let, the estimated signal be hat_s.
So, the graph for this would have on X axis the SNR range and on Y Axis the Mean Square Error obtained between the known signal values and the estimates i.e., s[k] - hat_s[k]
Question 1: How do I define signal-to-noise ratio? Would the formula of SNR be sigma^2/sigma^2_w. I am confused about the term in the numerator: what is the variance of the signal, sigma^2, usually considered?
Question 2: But, I don't know what the value of the variance of the noise is, so how does one add noise?
This is what I have done.
N = 100; %number of samples
s = 2*round(rand(N,1))-1;
%bpsk modulation
y = awgn(s,10,'measured'); %adding noise but I don't know
the variance of the signal and noise
%estimation using least squares
hat_s = y./s;
mse_s = ((s-hat_s).^2)/N;
Please correct me where wrong. Thank you.
First I think that it is important to know what are the things we have an a BPSK system:
The constellation of a BPSK system is [-A , A] in this case [-1,1]
the SNR will vary from 0 db to 40 db
I thing that the answer is in this function:
y = awgn( ... ); from matlab central:
y = awgn(x,snr) adds white Gaussian noise to the vector signal x. The
scalar snr specifies the signal-to-noise ratio per sample, in dB. If x
is complex, awgn adds complex noise. This syntax assumes that the
power of x is 0 dBW.
y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower) is the same as the syntax above, except that
sigpower is the power of x in dBW.
y = awgn(x,snr,'measured') is the same as y = awgn(x,snr), except that
awgn measures the power of x before adding noise.
you use y = awgn(x,snr,'measured'), so you do not need to worry, beacuse matlab carries all for you, measure the power of the signal, and then apply to channel a noise with the variance needed to get that SNR ratio.
let's see how can this happen
SNRbit = Eb/No = A^2/No = dmin^2 /4N0
the constelation [A,-A] in this case is [-1,1] so
10 log10(A^2/N0) = 10 log10(1/N0) = SNRbitdb
SNRlineal = 10^(0.1*SNRdb)
so with that:
noise_var=0.5/(EbN0_lin); % s^2=N0/2
and the signal will be something like this
y = s + sqrt(noise_var)*randn(1,size);
so in your case, I will generate the signal as you do:
>> N = 100; %number of samples
>> s = 2*round(rand(N,1))-1; %bpsk modulation
then prepare a SNR varies from 0 to 40 db
>> SNR_DB = 0:1:40;
after that calulating all the posible signals:
>> y = zeros(100,length(SNR_DB));
>> for i = 1:41
y(:,i) = awgn(s,SNR_DB(i),'measured');
at this point the best way to see the signal is using a constellation plot like this:
>> scatterplot(y(:,1));
>> scatterplot(y(:,41));
you can see a bad signal 0 db noise equal power as signal and a very good signal signal bigger than 40 DB noise. Eb/No = Power signal - Power noise db, so 0 means power noise equal to power of signal, 40 db means power of signal bigger bigger bigger than power of noise
then for you plot calculate the mse, matlab has one function for this
err = immse(X,Y) Description
err = immse(X,Y) calculates the mean-squared error (MSE) between the
arrays X and Y. X and Y can be arrays of any dimension, but must be of
the same size and class.
so with This:
>> for i = 1:41
err(i) = immse(s,y(:,i));
>> stem(SNR_DB,err)
For plots, and since we are working in db, it should be beeter to use logarithmic axes

numerical integration for Gaussian function - indefinite integral

My approach
fun = #(y) (1/sqrt(pi))*exp(-(y-1).^2).*log(1 + exp(-4*y))
This gives NaN.
So I tried plotting it.
y= -10:0.1:10;
plot(y,exp(-(y-1).^2).*log(1 + exp(-4*y)))
Then understood that domain (siginificant part) is from -4 to +4.
So changed the limits to
However I do not want to always plot the graph and then know its limits. So is there any way to know the integral directly from -Inf to Inf.
If your integrals are always of the form
I would use a high-order Gauss–Hermite quadrature rule.
It's similar to the Gauss-Legendre-Kronrod rule that forms the basis for quadgk but is specifically tailored for integrals over the real line with a standard Gaussian multiplier.
Rewriting your equation with the substitution x = y-1, we get
The integral can then be computed using the Gauss-Hermite rule of arbitrary order (within reason):
>> order = 10;
>> [nodes,weights] = GaussHermiteRule(order);
>> f = #(x) log(1 + exp(-4*(x+1)))/sqrt(pi);
>> sum(f(nodes).*weights)
ans =
I'd note that the function below builds a full order x order matrix to compute nodes, so it shouldn't be made too large.
There is a way to avoid this by explicitly computing the weights, but I decided to be lazy.
Besides, event at order 100, the Gaussian multiplier is about 2E-98, so the integrand's contribution is extremely minimal.
And while this isn't inherently adaptive, a high-order rule should be sufficient in most cases ... I hope.
function [nodes,weights] = GaussHermiteRule(n)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Find the nodes and weights for a Gauss-Hermite Quadrature integration.
if (n < 1)
error('There is no Gauss-Hermite rule of order 0.');
elseif (n < 0) || (abs(n - round(n)) > eps())
error('Given order ''n'' must be a strictly positive integer.');
n = round(n);
% Get the nodes and weights from the Golub-Welsch function
n = (0:n)' ;
b = n*0 ;
a = b + 0.5 ;
c = n ;
[nodes,weights] = GolubWelsch(a,b,c,sqrt(pi));
function [xk,wk] = GolubWelsch(ak,bk,ck,mu0)
% Calculate the approximate* nodes and weights (normalized to 1) of an orthogonal
% polynomial family defined by a three-term reccurence relation of the form
% x pk(x) = ak pkp1(x) + bk pk(x) + ck pkm1(x)
% The weight scale factor mu0 is the integral of the weight function over the
% orthogonal domain.
% Calculate the terms for the orthonormal version of the polynomials
alpha = sqrt(ak(1:end-1) .* ck(2:end));
% Build the symmetric tridiagonal matrix
T = full(spdiags([[alpha;0],bk,[0;alpha]],[-1,0,+1],length(alpha),length(alpha)));
% Calculate the eigenvectors and values of the matrix
[V,xk] = eig(T,'vector');
% Calculate the weights from the eigenvectors - technically, Golub-Welsch requires
% a normalization, but since MATLAB returns unit eigenvectors, it is omitted.
wk = mu0*(V(1,:).^2)';
I've had success with transforming such infinite-bounded integrals using a numerical variable transformation, as explained in Numerical Recipes 3e, section 4.5.3. Basically, you substitute in y=c*tan(t)+b and then numerically integrate over t in (-pi/2,pi/2), which sweeps y from -infinity to infinity. You can tune the values of c and b to optimize the process. This approach largely dodges the question of trying to determine cutoffs in the domain, but for this to work reliably using quadrature you have to know that the integrand does not have features far from y=b.
A quick and dirty solution would be to look for a position, where your function is sufficiently small enough and then taking it as limits. This assumes that for x>0 the function fun decreases montonically and fun(x) is roughly the same size as fun(-x) for all x.
%// A small number
epsilon = eps;
%// Stepsize for searching bound
stepTest = 1;
%// Starting position for searching bound
position = 0;
%// Not yet small enough
smallEnough = false;
%// Search bound
while ~smallEnough
smallEnough = (fun(position) < eps);
position = position + stepTest;
%// Calculate integral
integral(fun, -position, position)
If your were happy with plotting the function, deciding by eye where you can cut, then this code will suffice, I guess.

Finding values of x for a given y when approaching a limit

I'm trying to find two x values for each y value on a plot that is very similar to a Gaussian fn. The difficulty is that I need to be able to find the values of x for several values of y even when the gaussian fn is very close to zero.
I can't post an image due to being a new user, however think of a gaussian function and then the regions where it is close to zero on either side of the peak. This part where the fn is very close to reaching zero is where I need to find the x values for a given y.
What I've tried:
When the fn is discrete: I have tried interp1, however I get the error that it is not strictly monotonic increasing because of the many values that are close to zero.
When I fit a two-term gaussian:
I use fzero (fzero(function-yvalue)) however I get a lot of NaN's. These might be from me not having a close enough 'guess' value??
Does anyone have any other suggestions for me to try? Or how to improve what I've already attempted?
Thanks everyone
I've added a picture below. The data that I actually have is the blue line, while the fitted eqn is in red. The eqn should be accurate enough.
Again, I'm trying to pick out x values for a given y where y is very small (approaching 0).
I've tried splitting the function into left and right halves for the interpolation and fzero method.
Thanks for your responses anyway, I'll have a look at bisection.
Fitting a Gaussian seems to be uneffective, as its deviation (in the x-coordinate) from the real data is noticeable.
Since your data is already presented as a numeric vector y, the straightforward find(y<y0) seems adequate. Here is a sample code, in which the y-values are produced from a perturbed Gaussian.
x = 0:1:700;
y = 2000*exp(-((x-200)/50).^2 - sin(x/100).^2); % imitated data
y0 = 1e-2; % the y-value to look for
i = min(find(y>y0)); % first entry above y0
if i == 1
x1 = x(i);
x1 = x(i) - y(i)*(x(i)-x(i-1))/(y(i)-y(i-1)); % linear interpolation
i = max(find(y>y0)); % last entry above y0
if i == numel(y)
x2 = x(i);
x2 = x(i) - y(i)*(x(i)-x(i+1))/(y(i)-y(i+1)); % linear interpolation
fprintf('Roots: %g, %g \n', x1, x2)
Output: Roots: 18.0659, 379.306
The curve looks much like your plot.

Proper way to add noise to signal

In many areas I have found that while adding noise, we mention some specification like zero mean and variance. I need to add AWGN, colored noise, uniform noise of varying SNR in Db. The following code shows the way how I generated and added noise. I am aware of the function awgn() but it is a kind of black box thing without knowing how the noise is getting added. So, can somebody please explain the correct way to generate and add noise. Thank you
SNR = [-10:5:30]; %in Db
snr = 10 .^ (0.1 .* SNR);
for I = 1:length(snr)
noise = 1 / sqrt(2) * (randn(1, N) + 1i * randn(1, N));
u = y + noise .* snr(I);
I'm adding another answer since it strikes me that Steven's is not quite correct and Horchler's suggestion to look inside function awgn is a good one.
Either MATLAB or Octave (in the communications toolbox) have a function awgn that adds (white Gaussian) noise to attain a desired signal-to-noise power level; the following is the relevant portion of the code (from the Octave function):
if (meas == 1) % <-- if using signal power to determine appropriate noise power
p = sum( abs( x(:)) .^ 2) / length(x(:));
if (strcmp(type,"dB"))
p = 10 * log10(p);
if (strcmp(type,"linear"))
np = p / snr;
else % <-- in dB
np = p - snr;
y = x + wgn (m, n, np, 1, seed, type, out);
As you can see by the way p (the power of the input data) is computed, the answer from Steven does not appear to be quite right.
You can ask the function to compute the total power of your data array and combine that with the desired s/n value you provide to compute the appropriate power level of the added noise. You do this by passing the string "measured" among the optional inputs, like this (see here for the Octave documentation or here for the MATLAB documentation):
y = awgn (x, snr, 'measured')
This leads ultimately to meas=1 and so meas==1 being true in the code above. The function awgn then uses the signal passed to it to compute the signal power, and from this and the desired s/n it then computes the appropriate power level for the added noise.
As the documentation further explains
By default the snr and pwr are assumed to be in dB and dBW
respectively. This default behavior can be chosen with type set to
"dB". In the case where type is set to "linear", pwr is assumed to be
in Watts and snr is a ratio.
This means you can pass a negative or 0 dB snr value. The result will also depend then on other options you pass, such as the string "measured".
For the MATLAB case I suggest reading the documentation, it explains how to use the function awgn in different scenarios. Note that implementations in Octave and MATLAB are not identical, the computation of noise power should be the same but there may be different options.
And here is the relevant part from wgn (called above by awgn):
if (strcmp(type,"dBW"))
np = 10 ^ (p/10);
elseif (strcmp(type,"dBm"))
np = 10 ^((p - 30)/10);
elseif (strcmp(type,"linear"))
np = p;
if (strcmp(out,"complex"))
y = (sqrt(imp*np/2))*(randn(m,n)+1i*randn(m,n)); % imp=1 assuming impedance is 1 Ohm
y = (sqrt(imp*np))*randn(m,n);
If you want to check the power of your noise (np), the awgn and awg functions assume the following relationships hold:
np = var(y,1); % linear scale
np = 10*log10(np); % in dB
where var(...,1) is the population variance for the noise y.
Most answers here forget that SNR is specified in decibels. Therefore, you shouldn't encounter 'division by 0' error, because you should really divide by 10^(targetSNR/10) which is never negative nor zero for real targetSNR.
This 'should not divide by 0' problem could be easily solved if you add a condition to check if targetSNR is 0 and do these only if it is not 0. When your target SNR is 0, it means it's pure noise.
function out_signal = addAWGN(signal, targetSNR)
sigLength = length(signal); % length
awgnNoise = randn(size(signal)); % orignal noise
pwrSig = sqrt(sum(signal.^2))/sigLength; % signal power
pwrNoise = sqrt(sum(awgnNoise.^2))/sigLength; % noise power
if targetSNR ~= 0
scaleFactor = (pwrSig/pwrNoise)/targetSNR; %find scale factor
awgnNoise = scaleFactor*awgnNoise;
out_signal = signal + awgnNoise; % add noise
out_signal = awgnNoise; % noise only
You can use randn() to generate a noise vector 'awgnNoise' of the length you want. Then, given a specified SNR value, calculate the power of the orignal signal and the power of the noise vector 'awgnNoise'.
Get the right amplitude scaling factor for the noise vector and just scale it.
The following code is an example to corrupt signal with white noise, assuming input signal is 1D and real valued.
function out_signal = addAWGN(signal, targetSNR)
sigLength = length(signal); % length
awgnNoise = randn(size(signal)); % orignal noise
pwrSig = sqrt(sum(signal.^2))/sigLength; % signal power
pwrNoise = sqrt(sum(awgnNoise.^2))/sigLength; % noise power
scaleFactor = (pwrSig/pwrNoise)/targetSNR; %find scale factor
awgnNoise = scaleFactor*awgnNoise;
out_signal = signal + awgnNoise; % add noise
Be careful about the sqrt(2) factor when you deal with complex signal, if you want to generate the real and imag part separately.

Using nlinfit to fit Gaussian to x,y paired data

I am trying to use Matlab's nlinfit function to estimate the best fitting Gaussian for x,y paired data. In this case, x is a range of 2D orientations and y is the probability of a "yes" response.
I have copied #norm_funct from relevant posts and I'd like to return a smoothed, normal distribution that best approximates the observed data in y, and returns the magnitude, mean and SD of the best fitting pdf. At the moment, the fitted function appears to be incorrectly scaled and less than smooth - any help much appreciated!
x = -30:5:30;
y = [0,0.20,0.05,0.15,0.65,0.85,0.88,0.80,0.55,0.20,0.05,0,0;];
% plot raw data
plot(x, y, ':rs');
axis([-35 35 0 1]);
% initial paramter guesses (based on plot)
initGuess(1) = max(y); % amplitude
initGuess(2) = 0; % mean centred on 0 degrees
initGuess(3) = 10; % SD in degrees
% equation for Gaussian distribution
norm_func = #(p,x) p(1) .* exp(-((x - p(2))/p(3)).^2);
% use nlinfit to fit Gaussian using Least Squares
[bestfit,resid]=nlinfit(y, x, norm_func, initGuess);
% plot function
xFine = linspace(-30,30,100);
plot(x, y, 'ro', x, norm_func(xFine, y), '-b');
Many thanks
If your data actually represent probability estimates which you expect come from normally distributed data, then fitting a curve is not the right way to estimate the parameters of that normal distribution. There are different methods of different sophistication; one of the simplest is the method of moments, which means you choose the parameters such that the moments of the theoretical distribution match those of your sample. In the case of the normal distribution, these moments are simply mean and variance (or standard deviation). Here's the code:
% normalize y to be a probability (sum = 1)
p = y / sum(y);
% compute weighted mean and standard deviation
m = sum(x .* p);
s = sqrt(sum((x - m) .^ 2 .* p));
% compute theoretical probabilities
xs = -30:0.5:30;
pth = normpdf(xs, m, s);
% plot data and theoretical distribution
plot(x, p, 'o', xs, pth * 5)
The result shows a decent fit:
You'll notice the factor 5 in the last line. This is due to the fact that you don't have probability (density) estimates for the full range of values, but from points at distances of 5. In my treatment I assumed that they correspond to something like an integral over the probability density, e.g. over an interval [x - 2.5, x + 2.5], which can be roughly approximated by multiplying the density in the middle by the width of the interval. I don't know if this interpretation is correct for your data.
Your data follow a Gaussian curve and you describe them as probabilities. Are these numbers (y) your raw data – or did you generate them from e.g. a histogram over a larger data set? If the latter, the estimate of the distribution parameters could be improved by using the original full data.