Using nlinfit to fit Gaussian to x,y paired data - matlab

I am trying to use Matlab's nlinfit function to estimate the best fitting Gaussian for x,y paired data. In this case, x is a range of 2D orientations and y is the probability of a "yes" response.
I have copied #norm_funct from relevant posts and I'd like to return a smoothed, normal distribution that best approximates the observed data in y, and returns the magnitude, mean and SD of the best fitting pdf. At the moment, the fitted function appears to be incorrectly scaled and less than smooth - any help much appreciated!
x = -30:5:30;
y = [0,0.20,0.05,0.15,0.65,0.85,0.88,0.80,0.55,0.20,0.05,0,0;];
% plot raw data
plot(x, y, ':rs');
axis([-35 35 0 1]);
% initial paramter guesses (based on plot)
initGuess(1) = max(y); % amplitude
initGuess(2) = 0; % mean centred on 0 degrees
initGuess(3) = 10; % SD in degrees
% equation for Gaussian distribution
norm_func = #(p,x) p(1) .* exp(-((x - p(2))/p(3)).^2);
% use nlinfit to fit Gaussian using Least Squares
[bestfit,resid]=nlinfit(y, x, norm_func, initGuess);
% plot function
xFine = linspace(-30,30,100);
plot(x, y, 'ro', x, norm_func(xFine, y), '-b');
Many thanks

If your data actually represent probability estimates which you expect come from normally distributed data, then fitting a curve is not the right way to estimate the parameters of that normal distribution. There are different methods of different sophistication; one of the simplest is the method of moments, which means you choose the parameters such that the moments of the theoretical distribution match those of your sample. In the case of the normal distribution, these moments are simply mean and variance (or standard deviation). Here's the code:
% normalize y to be a probability (sum = 1)
p = y / sum(y);
% compute weighted mean and standard deviation
m = sum(x .* p);
s = sqrt(sum((x - m) .^ 2 .* p));
% compute theoretical probabilities
xs = -30:0.5:30;
pth = normpdf(xs, m, s);
% plot data and theoretical distribution
plot(x, p, 'o', xs, pth * 5)
The result shows a decent fit:
You'll notice the factor 5 in the last line. This is due to the fact that you don't have probability (density) estimates for the full range of values, but from points at distances of 5. In my treatment I assumed that they correspond to something like an integral over the probability density, e.g. over an interval [x - 2.5, x + 2.5], which can be roughly approximated by multiplying the density in the middle by the width of the interval. I don't know if this interpretation is correct for your data.
Your data follow a Gaussian curve and you describe them as probabilities. Are these numbers (y) your raw data – or did you generate them from e.g. a histogram over a larger data set? If the latter, the estimate of the distribution parameters could be improved by using the original full data.


Non-symbolic derivative at all sample points including boundary points

Suppose I have a vector t = [0 0.1 0.9 1 1.4], and a vector x = [1 3 5 2 3]. How can I compute the derivative of x with respect to time that has the same length as the original vectors?
I should not use any symbolic operations. The command diff(x)./diff(t) does not produce a vector of the same length. Should I first interpolate the x(t) function and then take its derivative?
Different approaches exist to calculate the derivative at the same points as your initial data:
Finite differences: Use a central difference scheme at your inner points and a forward/backward scheme at your first/last point
Curve fitting: Fit a curve through your points, calculate the derivative of this fitted function and sample them at the same points as the original data. Typical fitting functions are polynomials or spline functions.
Note that the curve fitting approach gives better results, but needs more tuning options and is slower (~100x).
As an example, I will calculate the derivative of a sine function:
t = 0:0.1:1;
y = sin(t);
Its exact derivative is well known:
dy_dt_exact = cos(t);
The derivative can approximately been calculated as:
Finite differences:
dy_dt_approx = zeros(size(y));
dy_dt_approx(1) = (y(2) - y(1))/(t(2) - t(1)); % forward difference
dy_dt_approx(end) = (y(end) - y(end-1))/(t(end) - t(end-1)); % backward difference
dy_dt_approx(2:end-1) = (y(3:end) - y(1:end-2))./(t(3:end) - t(1:end-2)); % central difference
Polynomial fitting:
p = polyfit(t,y,5); % fit fifth order polynomial
dp = polyder(p); % calculate derivative of polynomial
The results can be visualised as follows:
figure('Name', 'Derivative')
hold on
plot(t, dy_dt_exact, 'DisplayName', 'eyact');
plot(t, dy_dt_approx, 'DisplayName', 'finite difference');
plot(t, polyval(dp, t), 'DisplayName', 'polynomial');
legend show
figure('Name', 'Error')
hold on
plot(t, abs(dy_dt_approx - dy_dt_exact)/max(dy_dt_exact), 'DisplayName', 'finite difference');
plot(t, abs(polyval(dp, t) - dy_dt_exact)/max(dy_dt_exact), 'DisplayName', 'polynomial');
legend show
The first graph shows the derivatives itself and the second graph plots the relative errors made by both methods.
One clearly sees that the curve fitting method gives better results than the finite differences, but it is ~100x slower. The curve fitting methods has a relative error of order 10^-5. Note that the finite differences approach becomes better when your data is sampled more densely or you use a higher order scheme. The disadvantage of the curve fitting approach is that one has to choose a good polynomial order. Spline functions may be better suited in general.
A 10x faster sampled dataset, i.e. t = 0:0.01:1;, results in the following graphs:

Normalize histogram within the range of 0 to 1 [duplicate]

How to normalize a histogram such that the area under the probability density function is equal to 1?
My answer to this is the same as in an answer to your earlier question. For a probability density function, the integral over the entire space is 1. Dividing by the sum will not give you the correct density. To get the right density, you must divide by the area. To illustrate my point, try the following example.
[f, x] = hist(randn(10000, 1), 50); % Create histogram from a normal distribution.
g = 1 / sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-0.5 * x .^ 2); % pdf of the normal distribution
bar(x, f / sum(f)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
bar(x, f / trapz(x, f)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
You can see for yourself which method agrees with the correct answer (red curve).
Another method (more straightforward than method 2) to normalize the histogram is to divide by sum(f * dx) which expresses the integral of the probability density function, i.e.
dx = diff(x(1:2))
bar(x, f / sum(f * dx)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
Since 2014b, Matlab has these normalization routines embedded natively in the histogram function (see the help file for the 6 routines this function offers). Here is an example using the PDF normalization (the sum of all the bins is 1).
data = 2*randn(5000,1) + 5; % generate normal random (m=5, std=2)
h = histogram(data,'Normalization','pdf') % PDF normalization
The corresponding PDF is
Nbins = h.NumBins;
edges = h.BinEdges;
x = zeros(1,Nbins);
for counter=1:Nbins
midPointShift = abs(edges(counter)-edges(counter+1))/2;
x(counter) = edges(counter)+midPointShift;
mu = mean(data);
sigma = std(data);
f = exp(-(x-mu).^2./(2*sigma^2))./(sigma*sqrt(2*pi));
The two together gives
hold on;
An improvement that might very well be due to the success of the actual question and accepted answer!
EDIT - The use of hist and histc is not recommended now, and histogram should be used instead. Beware that none of the 6 ways of creating bins with this new function will produce the bins hist and histc produce. There is a Matlab script to update former code to fit the way histogram is called (bin edges instead of bin centers - link). By doing so, one can compare the pdf normalization methods of #abcd (trapz and sum) and Matlab (pdf).
The 3 pdf normalization method give nearly identical results (within the range of eps).
A = randn(10000,1);
centers = -6:0.5:6;
d = diff(centers)/2;
edges = [centers(1)-d(1), centers(1:end-1)+d, centers(end)+d(end)];
edges(2:end) = edges(2:end)+eps(edges(2:end));
title('HIST not normalized');
h = histogram(A,edges);
title('HISTOGRAM not normalized');
[counts, centers] = hist(A,centers); %get the count with hist
title('HIST with PDF normalization');
h = histogram(A,edges,'Normalization','pdf')
title('HISTOGRAM with PDF normalization');
dx = diff(centers(1:2))
normalization_difference_trapz = abs(counts/trapz(centers,counts) - h.Values);
normalization_difference_sum = abs(counts/sum(counts*dx) - h.Values);
The maximum difference between the new PDF normalization and the former one is 5.5511e-17.
hist can not only plot an histogram but also return you the count of elements in each bin, so you can get that count, normalize it by dividing each bin by the total and plotting the result using bar. Example:
Y = rand(10,1);
C = hist(Y);
C = C ./ sum(C);
or if you want a one-liner:
bar(hist(Y) ./ sum(hist(Y)))
Edit: This solution answers the question How to have the sum of all bins equal to 1. This approximation is valid only if your bin size is small relative to the variance of your data. The sum used here correspond to a simple quadrature formula, more complex ones can be used like trapz as proposed by R. M.
The area for each individual bar is height*width. Since MATLAB will choose equidistant points for the bars, so the width is:
delta_x = x(2) - x(1)
Now if we sum up all the individual bars the total area will come out as
So the correctly scaled plot is obtained by
bar(x, f/sum(f)/(x(2)-x(1)))
The area of abcd`s PDF is not one, which is impossible like pointed out in many comments.
Assumptions done in many answers here
Assume constant distance between consecutive edges.
Probability under pdf should be 1. The normalization should be done as Normalization with probability, not as Normalization with pdf, in histogram() and hist().
Fig. 1 Output of hist() approach, Fig. 2 Output of histogram() approach
The max amplitude differs between two approaches which proposes that there are some mistake in hist()'s approach because histogram()'s approach uses the standard normalization.
I assume the mistake with hist()'s approach here is about the normalization as partially pdf, not completely as probability.
Code with hist() [deprecated]
Some remarks
First check: sum(f)/N gives 1 if Nbins manually set.
pdf requires the width of the bin (dx) in the graph g
[f,x]=hist(randn(N,1),Nbins); % create histogram from ND
%METHOD 4: Count Densities, not Sums!
dx=diff(x(1:2)); % width of bin
g=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*x.^2) .* dx; % pdf of ND with dx
% 1.0000
bar(x, f/sum(f));hold on
plot(x,g,'r');hold off
Output is in Fig. 1.
Code with histogram()
Some remarks
First check: a) sum(f) is 1 if Nbins adjusted with histogram()'s Normalization as probability, b) sum(f)/N is 1 if Nbins is manually set without normalization.
pdf requires the width of the bin (dx) in the graph g
%%METHOD 5: with histogram()
h = histogram(randn(N,1), 'Normalization', 'probability') % hist() deprecated!
for counter=1:Nbins
midPointShift=abs(edges(counter)-edges(counter+1))/2; % same constant for all
dx=diff(x(1:2)); % constast for all
g=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*x.^2) .* dx; % pdf of ND
% Use if Nbins manually set
%new_area=sum(f)/N % diff of consecutive edges constant
% Use if histogarm() Normalization probability
% 1.0000
% No bar() needed here with histogram() Normalization probability
hold on;
plot(x,g,'r');hold off
Output in Fig. 2 and expected output is met: area 1.0000.
Matlab: 2016a
System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit
Linux kernel 4.6
For some Distributions, Cauchy I think, I have found that trapz will overestimate the area, and so the pdf will change depending on the number of bins you select. In which case I do
[N,h]=hist(q_f./theta,30000); % there Is a large range but most of the bins will be empty
There is an excellent three part guide for Histogram Adjustments in MATLAB (broken original link, link),
the first part is on Histogram Stretching.

"Frequency" shift in discrete FFT in MATLAB

(Disclaimer: I thought about posting this on math.statsexchange, but found similar questions there that were moved to SO, so here I am)
The context:
I'm using fft/ifft to determine probability distributions for sums of random variables.
So e.g. I'm having two uniform probability distributions - in the simplest case two uniform distributions on the interval [0,1].
So to get the probability distribution for the sum of two random variables sampled from these two distributions, one can calculate the product of the fourier-transformed of each probabilty density.
Doing the inverse fft on this product, you get back the probability density for the sum.
An example:
function usumdist_example()
x = linspace(-1, 2, 1e5);
dx = diff(x(1:2));
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(numel(x));
% take two uniform distributions on [0,0.5]
intervals = [0, 0.5;
0, 0.5];
hold all;
for i=1:size(intervals,1)
% construct the prob. dens. function
P_x = x >= intervals(i,1) & x <= intervals(i,2);
plot(x, P_x);
% for each pdf, get the characteristic function fft(pdf,NFFT)
% and form the product of all char. functions in Y
if i==1
Y = fft(P_x,NFFT) / NFFT;
Y = Y .* fft(P_x,NFFT) / NFFT;
y = ifft(Y, NFFT);
x_plot = x(1) + (0:dx:(NFFT-1)*dx);
plot(x_plot, y / max(y), '.');
My issue is, the shape of the resulting prob. dens. function is perfect.
However, the x-axis does not fit to the x I create in the beginning, but is shifted.
In the example, the peak is at 1.5, while it should be 0.5.
The shift changes if I e.g. add a third random variable or if I modify the range of x.
But I can't get figure how.
I'm afraid it might have to do with the fact that I'm having negative x values, while fourier transforms usually work in a time/frequency domain, where frequencies < 0 don't make sense.
I'm aware I could find e.g. the peak and shift it to its proper place, but seems nasty and error prone...
Glad about any ideas!
The problem is that your x origin is -1, not 0. You expect the center of the triangular pdf to be at .5, because that's twice the value of the center of the uniform pdf. However, the correct reasoning is: the center of the uniform pdf is 1.25 above your minimum x, and you get the center of the triangle at 2*1.25 = 2.5 above the minimum x (that is, at 1.5).
In other words: although your original x axis is (-1, 2), the convolution (or the FFT) behave as if it were (0, 3). In fact, the FFT knows nothing about your x axis; it only uses the y samples. Since your uniform is zero for the first samples, that zero interval of width 1 is amplified to twice its width when you do the convolution (or the FFT). I suggest drawing the convolution on paper to see this (draw original signal, reflected signal about y axis, displace the latter and see when both begin to overlap). So you need a correction in the x_plot line to compensate for this increased width of the zero interval: use
x_plot = 2*x(1) + (0:dx:(NFFT-1)*dx);
and then plot(x_plot, y / max(y), '.') will give the correct graph:

FFTW and fft with MatLab

I have a weird problem with the discrete fft. I know that the Fourier Transform of a Gauss function exp(-x^2/2) is again the same Gauss function exp(-k^2/2). I tried to test that with some simple code in MatLab and FFTW but I get strange results.
First, the imaginary part of the result is not zero (in MatLab) as it should be.
Second, the absolute value of the real part is a Gauss curve but without the absolute value half of the modes have a negative coefficient. More precisely, every second mode has a coefficient that is the negative of that what it should be.
Third, the peak of the resulting Gauss curve (after taking the absolute value of the real part) is not at one but much higher. Its height is proportional to the number of points on the x-axis. However, the proportionality factor is not 1 but nearly 1/20.
Could anyone explain me what I am doing wrong?
Here is the MatLab code that I used:
function [nooutput,M] = fourier_test
Nx = 512; % number of points in x direction
Lx = 50; % width of the window containing the Gauss curve
x = linspace(-Lx/2,Lx/2,Nx); % creating an equidistant grid on the x-axis
input_1d = exp(-x.^2/2); % Gauss function as an input
input_1d_hat = fft(input_1d); % computing the discrete FFT
input_1d_hat = fftshift(input_1d_hat); % ordering the modes such that the peak is centred
plot(real(input_1d_hat), '-')
hold on
plot(imag(input_1d_hat), 'r-')
The answer is basically what Paul R suggests in his second comment, you introduce a phase shift (linearly dependent on the frequency) because the center of the Gaussian described by input_1d_hat is effectively at k>0, where k+1 is the index into input_1d_hat. Instead if you center your data (such that input_1d_hat(1) corresponds to the center) as follows you get a phase-corrected Gaussian in the frequency domain:
Nx = 512; % number of points in x direction
Lx = 50; % width of the window containing the Gauss curve
x = linspace(-Lx/2,Lx/2,Nx); % creating an equidistant grid on the x-axis
x=fftshift(x); % <-- center
input_1d = exp(-x.^2/2); % Gauss function as an input
input_1d_hat = fft(input_1d); % computing the discrete FFT
input_1d_hat = fftshift(input_1d_hat); % ordering the modes such that the peak is centered
plot(real(input_1d_hat), '-')
hold on
plot(imag(input_1d_hat), 'r-')
From the definition of the DFT, if the Gaussian is not centered such that maximum occurs at k=0, you will see a phase twist. The effect off fftshift is to perform a circular shift or swapping of left and right sides of the dataset, which is equivalent to shifting the center of the peak to k=0.
As for the amplitude scaling, that is an issue with the definition of the DFT implemented in Matlab. From the documentation for the FFT:
For length N input vector x, the DFT is a length N vector X,
with elements
X(k) = sum x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= k <= N.
The inverse DFT (computed by IFFT) is given by
x(n) = (1/N) sum X(k)*exp( j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= n <= N.
Note that in the forward step the summation is not normalized by N. Therefore if you increase the number of points Nx in the summation while keeping the width Lx of the Gaussian function constant you will increase X(k) proportionately.
As for signal leaking into the imaginary frequency dimension, that is due to the discrete form of the DFT, which results in truncation and other effects, as noted again by Paul R. If you reduce Lx while keeping Nx constant, you should see a reduction in the amount of signal in the imaginary dimension relative to the real dimension (compare the spectra while keeping peak intensities in the real dimension equal).
You'll find additional answers to similar questions here and here.

How to normalize a histogram in MATLAB?

How to normalize a histogram such that the area under the probability density function is equal to 1?
My answer to this is the same as in an answer to your earlier question. For a probability density function, the integral over the entire space is 1. Dividing by the sum will not give you the correct density. To get the right density, you must divide by the area. To illustrate my point, try the following example.
[f, x] = hist(randn(10000, 1), 50); % Create histogram from a normal distribution.
g = 1 / sqrt(2 * pi) * exp(-0.5 * x .^ 2); % pdf of the normal distribution
bar(x, f / sum(f)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
bar(x, f / trapz(x, f)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
You can see for yourself which method agrees with the correct answer (red curve).
Another method (more straightforward than method 2) to normalize the histogram is to divide by sum(f * dx) which expresses the integral of the probability density function, i.e.
dx = diff(x(1:2))
bar(x, f / sum(f * dx)); hold on
plot(x, g, 'r'); hold off
Since 2014b, Matlab has these normalization routines embedded natively in the histogram function (see the help file for the 6 routines this function offers). Here is an example using the PDF normalization (the sum of all the bins is 1).
data = 2*randn(5000,1) + 5; % generate normal random (m=5, std=2)
h = histogram(data,'Normalization','pdf') % PDF normalization
The corresponding PDF is
Nbins = h.NumBins;
edges = h.BinEdges;
x = zeros(1,Nbins);
for counter=1:Nbins
midPointShift = abs(edges(counter)-edges(counter+1))/2;
x(counter) = edges(counter)+midPointShift;
mu = mean(data);
sigma = std(data);
f = exp(-(x-mu).^2./(2*sigma^2))./(sigma*sqrt(2*pi));
The two together gives
hold on;
An improvement that might very well be due to the success of the actual question and accepted answer!
EDIT - The use of hist and histc is not recommended now, and histogram should be used instead. Beware that none of the 6 ways of creating bins with this new function will produce the bins hist and histc produce. There is a Matlab script to update former code to fit the way histogram is called (bin edges instead of bin centers - link). By doing so, one can compare the pdf normalization methods of #abcd (trapz and sum) and Matlab (pdf).
The 3 pdf normalization method give nearly identical results (within the range of eps).
A = randn(10000,1);
centers = -6:0.5:6;
d = diff(centers)/2;
edges = [centers(1)-d(1), centers(1:end-1)+d, centers(end)+d(end)];
edges(2:end) = edges(2:end)+eps(edges(2:end));
title('HIST not normalized');
h = histogram(A,edges);
title('HISTOGRAM not normalized');
[counts, centers] = hist(A,centers); %get the count with hist
title('HIST with PDF normalization');
h = histogram(A,edges,'Normalization','pdf')
title('HISTOGRAM with PDF normalization');
dx = diff(centers(1:2))
normalization_difference_trapz = abs(counts/trapz(centers,counts) - h.Values);
normalization_difference_sum = abs(counts/sum(counts*dx) - h.Values);
The maximum difference between the new PDF normalization and the former one is 5.5511e-17.
hist can not only plot an histogram but also return you the count of elements in each bin, so you can get that count, normalize it by dividing each bin by the total and plotting the result using bar. Example:
Y = rand(10,1);
C = hist(Y);
C = C ./ sum(C);
or if you want a one-liner:
bar(hist(Y) ./ sum(hist(Y)))
Edit: This solution answers the question How to have the sum of all bins equal to 1. This approximation is valid only if your bin size is small relative to the variance of your data. The sum used here correspond to a simple quadrature formula, more complex ones can be used like trapz as proposed by R. M.
The area for each individual bar is height*width. Since MATLAB will choose equidistant points for the bars, so the width is:
delta_x = x(2) - x(1)
Now if we sum up all the individual bars the total area will come out as
So the correctly scaled plot is obtained by
bar(x, f/sum(f)/(x(2)-x(1)))
The area of abcd`s PDF is not one, which is impossible like pointed out in many comments.
Assumptions done in many answers here
Assume constant distance between consecutive edges.
Probability under pdf should be 1. The normalization should be done as Normalization with probability, not as Normalization with pdf, in histogram() and hist().
Fig. 1 Output of hist() approach, Fig. 2 Output of histogram() approach
The max amplitude differs between two approaches which proposes that there are some mistake in hist()'s approach because histogram()'s approach uses the standard normalization.
I assume the mistake with hist()'s approach here is about the normalization as partially pdf, not completely as probability.
Code with hist() [deprecated]
Some remarks
First check: sum(f)/N gives 1 if Nbins manually set.
pdf requires the width of the bin (dx) in the graph g
[f,x]=hist(randn(N,1),Nbins); % create histogram from ND
%METHOD 4: Count Densities, not Sums!
dx=diff(x(1:2)); % width of bin
g=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*x.^2) .* dx; % pdf of ND with dx
% 1.0000
bar(x, f/sum(f));hold on
plot(x,g,'r');hold off
Output is in Fig. 1.
Code with histogram()
Some remarks
First check: a) sum(f) is 1 if Nbins adjusted with histogram()'s Normalization as probability, b) sum(f)/N is 1 if Nbins is manually set without normalization.
pdf requires the width of the bin (dx) in the graph g
%%METHOD 5: with histogram()
h = histogram(randn(N,1), 'Normalization', 'probability') % hist() deprecated!
for counter=1:Nbins
midPointShift=abs(edges(counter)-edges(counter+1))/2; % same constant for all
dx=diff(x(1:2)); % constast for all
g=1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*x.^2) .* dx; % pdf of ND
% Use if Nbins manually set
%new_area=sum(f)/N % diff of consecutive edges constant
% Use if histogarm() Normalization probability
% 1.0000
% No bar() needed here with histogram() Normalization probability
hold on;
plot(x,g,'r');hold off
Output in Fig. 2 and expected output is met: area 1.0000.
Matlab: 2016a
System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit
Linux kernel 4.6
For some Distributions, Cauchy I think, I have found that trapz will overestimate the area, and so the pdf will change depending on the number of bins you select. In which case I do
[N,h]=hist(q_f./theta,30000); % there Is a large range but most of the bins will be empty
There is an excellent three part guide for Histogram Adjustments in MATLAB (broken original link, link),
the first part is on Histogram Stretching.