Package Manager Console wont inialize - powershell

I am trying to user the package manager console it will not get past Initializing PowerShell Host....
I try to open PowerShell directly and I get
I have had this before and eventually had to restore computer to prior date. I tried that and it changed nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?
Information under event viewer says
Windows PowerShell has started an IPC listening thread on process: 22300 in AppDomain: DefaultAppDomain.

I Restored computer again and this worked. I tried this once, it didn't work, but it did on third time of trying.

Clearing cache did the trick for me, no idea why though.


VSCode Remote Server stuck on initializing server

I'm currently trying to access a remote server using VS Code's Remote SSH extension. I haven't had a problem when using it before (that was around a month ago) but today when I tried to access the server I ran into some trouble.
I have the hostname and everything configured in a config file, and so I just click on that option and type in the password. However, VS Code seems to be stuck on "Opening Remote..." for the past hour or so. The dialogue I get in the terminal is as follows:
username#host's password:
Running remote connection script
Acquiring lock on /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989/
Installing to /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989...
Downloading with wget
Does anybody know what the problem might be? Is this normal?
As soon as I posted this the connection was successfully made. However, I would also like to still know what the problem was and if it normally takes around an hour, and what this process might be doing. I also believe it would be helpful to the community overall.
Thank you.
I've faced the same issue just now and realized that firewall protection has something to do with it.
As soon as I disabled it, the remote connection was established and I managed to see my code again.

Unable to invoke web-request for script called in scheduled task for service account

We have a Powershell script which downloads some zip files from a website and we have called the script in a scheduled task.
The problem is we are not getting the zip files even after the scheduled task is finished successfully. We are using a service account for that. Running the script manually downloads the zip file without any issues. Also, for another user which we use to login into the server, the task is working fine.
The issue started after our service account got locked out because of too many failed attempts in some other system.
I have tried bypassing the execution policy but no luck.
I have tried creating a similar new task but no luck.
I tried Start-in option to provide the task the location of the script but no luck.
After too much troubleshooting, I found the error in the Powershell logs in Event Viewer. Please find the error below:
Error Message = Unable to connect to the remote server
Fully Qualified Error ID = WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
This shows that the task is unable to invoke the web request. Can this be a permission issue? If yes, then how can I provide the required access?
I troubleshooted a bit more and found that the issue is with the proxy. Can somebody tell me how can I resolve this issue? For the local user it is working fine. Even I am able to access the webpage manually through IE. Shall I import proxy settings from IE? If yes then how to do that?
I finally figured out the solution for this. I added proxy details in the script which will force the Invoke web request command to send the request to that proxy server. This thing has resolved my issue.
Mitesh Agrawal

How to restart an exe when it is exits in windows 10?

I have a process in windows which i am running in startup. Now i need to make it if somehow that process get killed or stopped i need to restart it again in Windows 10?
Is there any way. Process is a HTTP server which if somehow stopped in windows i need to restart it. I have tried of writing a power-shell in which I'll check task-list status of process and then if not found I'll restart but that is not a good way. Please suggest some good way to do it.
I have a golang exe; under a particular scenario my process got killed or stopped i need to start it up again automatically. This has to be done imediately after the exe got killed. What is the best way to achieve this?
I will give you a brief rundown. You can enable Audit Process Termination in local group policy of the machine as shown below. In your case, success audits would be enough. Please note that the pic is for Windows 7. It may change with OS.
Now every time a process gets terminated, a success event will be generated and written to the security eventlog.
This will allow you to create a task scheduler that triggers on the generation of this event that calls a script that would run the process again. Simple right?
Well, you might have some trouble setting that task up especially when you want to pass details about the generating event to the script. This should help you get through that.
You can user Task scheduler for this purpose. There is a option of "restart on failure" which can be selected and whenever your process get failed it will restart again.
Reference :-

Access Denied Error when issuing Install-AzureWinRMCertificate

I have been working diligently to get Dynamics Installed on Azure, I have made it a good way through the Example-1VM.ps1 before encountering a failure to 'Install-AzureWinRMCertificate' error message indicating access denied.  The error is coming while running the PowerShell script 'New-NAVAdminSession.ps1'  I can see from looking in Azure, much of the work has been done properly from the Example-1VM.ps1 file, but I'm not sure what is next,  Can I manually install the certificate and if so may I know how?  If not, how do I correct this so I can re-run the Example-1VM.ps1 script.
Thanks to Walter slapping me upside the head (kindly of course) to double check if I was running PowerShell ISE as Administrator I was able to get this resolved.
Once I exited PowerShell ISE and re-entered the desktop application with the option 'run as Administrator' all worked fine.
Just goes to show sometimes we are too close to our own problems.
Cheers Walter
According to your error log, it seems a permission issue. Please close your PowerShell and run PowerShell Run as Administrator.

Error launching PowerShell - Cannot perform operation because object "runspace" has already been disposed

When attempting to launch powershell, I get the following message:
The shell cannot be started. A failure occurred during initialization:
Cannot perform operation because object "runspace" has already been disposed.
Object name: 'runspace'.
I can't seem to find any solutions via the google. Does anyone know if it's possible to uninstall/reinstall powershell from scratch?
I guess it's not an absolute fix, but to anyone with the same problem: Restart your computer. I think I had some windows updates pending, as they deployed on reboot and then the problem went away.
Closing this question as this worked for me.