How to restart an exe when it is exits in windows 10? - powershell

I have a process in windows which i am running in startup. Now i need to make it if somehow that process get killed or stopped i need to restart it again in Windows 10?
Is there any way. Process is a HTTP server which if somehow stopped in windows i need to restart it. I have tried of writing a power-shell in which I'll check task-list status of process and then if not found I'll restart but that is not a good way. Please suggest some good way to do it.
I have a golang exe; under a particular scenario my process got killed or stopped i need to start it up again automatically. This has to be done imediately after the exe got killed. What is the best way to achieve this?

I will give you a brief rundown. You can enable Audit Process Termination in local group policy of the machine as shown below. In your case, success audits would be enough. Please note that the pic is for Windows 7. It may change with OS.
Now every time a process gets terminated, a success event will be generated and written to the security eventlog.
This will allow you to create a task scheduler that triggers on the generation of this event that calls a script that would run the process again. Simple right?
Well, you might have some trouble setting that task up especially when you want to pass details about the generating event to the script. This should help you get through that.

You can user Task scheduler for this purpose. There is a option of "restart on failure" which can be selected and whenever your process get failed it will restart again.
Reference :-


Windows Services - How can I find the darktable instance in windows services

I accidentally screwed up my darktable configuration, so I reloaded it from scratch. To avoid losing all my recorded changes I have done to my pictures, I wrote a powershell backup script for the darktable database. I want to launch this script from the windows task scheduler when ever I launch darktable. I have found the event id which indicates in the security log of a new process has occurred which I should be able to use to automatically launch my backup script from task scheduler. I want to add code to the script to check the services to see if darktable is actually running and only perform the backup if it is. Anyone know how I can identify this?

The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server timed out after 60 seconds. Happens only when running through the task scheduler

I'm troubleshooting an Selenium script that runs through the Task Scheduler on a Windows Server. It's running in PowerShell using version 3.0.1 of the Selenium module (found here: with the Edge browser (the one with Chromium).
The "The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL [localhost] timed out after 60 seconds." error has been quite persistent and only appears when run through the Task Scheduler. The script runs fine when running manually through ISE.
Also to note, there's another script that is more or less the same as the one having the issue, albeit using a slightly different url (same site). This second script runs without issue through the task scheduler. They're performing the same sequence of actions which is why I'm not entirely sure why it would fail for one script but not the other.
I haven't found a suitable solution while looking at other posters facing the same issue. Any help is much appreciated!
I had the same issue. I tried all kinds of code changes but the only step that worked for me was to change the Security Options in Task Scheduler.
Task (right-click) > Properties > General > Switch from Run whether user is logged on or not to Run only when the user is logged on.
I guess this would be a temporary solution. I'll keep looking and update this if I find a better solution.

KDB script keeps crashing

I've been finding recently that my KDB launch script is crashing. I need to restart my computer and then it will run fine. I launch KDB from a CMD prompt and I can't figure out where to look to see what process is running in the background which is causing it to crash. Does anybody know what I should check?
Trying running a blank kdb instance with just:
set QHOME=C:\q
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\q\w32
and then
q -p 1234
(doesn't need to be in a batch script, you should be able to just run those commands in a cmd prompt). If kdb comes up then kdb isn't the problem.
Then try to manually load the startup script to see if the problem is there:
q)system"l C:\\q\\ServerFiles\\server.q"
If this works fine then the problem isn't there. The last place it can be is in the database/directory load, so load that:
q)system"l c:\\q\\files"
If none of these cause an error then something else is affecting your kdb instance, either something running on a timer (check .z.ts) or something is connecting externally
So I did finally discover what the issue was. I had a few instances of KDB that would run via Task Scheduler in the evening and then close. One of the instances wouldn't end and so it was continually running. This would cause KDB to crash since there was already an instance running. The restart would stop the process so it could be run again. I deleted the task scheduler event and recreated it and now the event runs KDB and closes the way it is supposed to. Thanks for all of the help in trying to figure this out!

How do I (administrator) gracefully close a window process running in another user session using powershell on Windows 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services

If I run the following command in my session...
(Get-Process -Id $pid).CloseMainWindow()
I am able to gracefully shut down a process (no modal windows or other popups arise).
If, however, the pid is in another user's session on the same machine (running RDS), the process does not close, and CloseMainWindow() returns FALSE (it returns TRUE if it's running in my own session). It also works if I run the powershell from the other user's session.
I specifically need a way to gracefully shut down the program as the program has a few important cleanup actions required to keep its database in order. So stop-process or process.kill() will not work.
After lengthy research, it does not seem possible to do this. There is, however, a solution which met at least some of my requirements.
You can create a Windows Scheduled Task which is triggered on session disconnect. This allows you to run a cleanup job as the user, rather than as the administrator, which allows programs to exit gracefully.
It has two major drawbacks....
It is called even if the user just has a minor network interruption (so you have to build a wait() function in the script to sleep for a bit and then check if it is still disconnected - not a clean solution.
It isn't called during a log-off event. For that you need to use a logoff script triggered by GPO.
Hope this helps someone in the future.

Scheduled Job & Balloon tip

I am looking for a way to run a job on a schedule and also alert the user to that running job. Specifically, I am using PowerShell to manage a computer lab scenario, and between sessions I want to refresh the environment, clean off the desktop, reset shortcuts pinned to the task bar for the next session, etc. But I want to warn anyone sitting at the machine that this is about to happen. However, my scripts that use Balloontips very successfully as regular scripts don't work as scheduled jobs. They run, and I have verified they run as the user in question, by creating a Scheduled Job that rights a text file to the user desktop. But Balloon Tips don't actually appear. Is there some secret to getting this to work, or is this a form of "interaction" that a scheduled job just can't do?
I also tried an alternative approach, launching the browser with a web page warning of the impending cleanup. That also didn't work. Suggesting some limits to what can be done as a Scheduled Job.
I would much rather go the very "integrated with the OS" route of the balloon tips, but for the life of me it seems like that just isn't an option. So, any other suggestions for providing user info by way of a scheduled job?
Since this runs in Session 0 where GUI interaction doesn't exist you must resort to some other mechanism.
You say this happens between sessions. You could show your ballon via another "notification script" that is executed from within your ScheduledJob. You have options here. For example:
Add entry to registry Run key that will self delete on run. Shows popup when user logs in (session change ? ). Entry executes posh script which parameters you could craft, i.e. (powershell -File notify.ps1 -ArgumentList "Operation bla bla..")
Add ScheduledTask that doesn't run in Session 0 (regular task). You need to do that only once. Every next time you run this job to show notification to the user from within main script via schtasks run or ScheduledTasks module depending on your system.
Add a ScheduledTask that check periodically EventLog for the input of your main script. The task would start on logon and subscribe to event log notifications. I don't like this as the script must run non-stop.