Xcode 8 not including iOS 10 - ios10

I just upgraded to Xcode 8 through App Store, but I cannot find the iOS 10 simulator anywhere.
When I startup the Simulator, it is running iOS 8.4, and if I select "Download Simulators" I only get options of up to iOS 9.3.
Having read other threads it seems like iOS 10 is supposed to be pre selected, but it is not for me.
I even deleted Xcode and reinstalled from App store, but still no iOS 10.
I have looked at the similar thread Where can I download the iOS 10 simulator runtime file?, but that seems to be problems with the beta-version of Xcode, and doesn't work for me.

As a last desperate attempt to solve this, I did a complete re-install of Xcode8. It solved mine issues. Before installing Xcode8 I deleted:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Xcode
And it worked!
The answer described here did not work for me.


Error when opening simulator with iOS 8 beta

I have recently installed Xcode 6 beta in OS X Mavericks, with which comes the iOS simulator for iOS 8.
using this new Xcode I have create one new project and run it on simulator with iOS 8, but when opening the simulator, it always get the error
Unable to boot the iOS Simulator
So, pls tell me how to solve this error?
Quit both the simulator and Xcode. If that doesn't fix it, reboot your Mac.
Welcome to the world of beta builds!
Be sure you "select" your new Xcode version before launching / downloading updates.
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode6-Beta6.app/Contents/Developer/
If you're already seeing Simulator troubles, try rebooting too.
Make sure that you load X-Code 6 and not 5.
Run your project.
If fails to load, try clicking on the menu at the top on the iOS Simulator button and reset the device. Resetting the device seems to do the trick for me.
Also, make sure you are on the laatst x-code version

IOS simulator failed to install application? in Xcode 5

Currently it shows only black screen. So i'm unable to Reset simulator.
But in iOS 6.1 app is working good.
I got this problem before 15 days.
you first delete all XCode related file which is being installed. and reinstall your XCODE 5.
you can refer following link for uninstalling XCODE
You can refer this similar question
Xcode5 Facing strange issue with testing app iOS Simulator failed to install the application
currently it shows only black screen.SO i'm unable to Reset simulator
By writing this you mean you can not access even iOS simulator > Reset Content and Settings ???????? If you can then try it.
I had tried these, and still had the problem, even after reinstalling Xcode 5. So I ran from Xcode again. Same thing, error -3. I stopped the app from Xcode, but I decided not to reset. Instead I decided to manually start the app in the sim. It took a few seconds, but it ran. Pressed stop. Reran the build from Xcode, and it worked.

Use iOS 5 Simulator in XCode 5?

It seems that XCode 5 only comes with the iOS 6 and 7 simulators. Is there a way to use the iOS 5 simulator with XCode 5?
If you're using Xcode 5 under OS X v10.8 then if you go to Preferences -> Downloads you should see the 5.0 and 5.1 simulators available under 'Components'. You can download and install directly from there.
If you're using Xcode 5 under OS X v10.9 then the iOS 5 simulator is no longer available.
In terms of lessons to learn, Apple did exactly the same thing with iOS 4 and the transition from OS X v10.7 to v10.8. So it's not unreasonable to expect that from now on Apple is going to supply simulators only for the version of iOS that was current when that OS X came out and the one before it.
Since Mavericks and Xcode 5.1, iOS5 Simulator is now gone :(
Seems Apple want us to focus on iOS7 and iOS6. (iOS5 now holds only < 1 to 5 % total on active AppStore devices)
While there is no 5.1 simulator under Mavericks, you still can connect up an old iPad1 to do your testing.
Additional Simulators can be installed from Xcode -> Preference -> Downloads -> Components
However, in case of Xcode 5.x iOS 5 simulator cannot be installed since Mavericks doesn’t allows it.
Apple document for Xcode 5 link
This doesn't technically answer your question, but that's how I do it in practice:
You can have Xcode 4 and 5 installed simultaneously on the system. Xcode4 does have support for iOS 5. You just need to download Xcode4 from the downloads page and rename the app before installing to the system (so that you don't copy it over Xcode 5).
Edit: this solution is not working anymore. Used to work but currently crashes for me.
If you still have the old version of XCode you can try giving a symbolic link as explained in this post : https://stackoverflow.com/a/18957939/2415693
I was able to run iOS 5.0 simulator using Xcode 5 on Lion. But after upgrade to Maverick it didn't work the same way it did on Lion. May be there is a way, but not the same as before...
I'm running Mavericks, but I have Mountain Lion as a virtual partition under Parallels Desktop. Under Xcode 5.0.2 downloads the iOS 5.0 and 5.1 simulators are showing up, and I've downloaded them, but sadly I can't seem to select them when running an app.
The 5.1 simulator as such runs fine if I select in manually, it's just that I can't seem to deploy apps on it from Xcode, even though I'm setting my deployment target to 5.1.1.
To satisfy my curiosity I've also got Mountain Lion running from an external hard disk (without the virtual machine) and I get the same results: no deploying apps from Xcode 5 to iOS 5.1.1

xib edit getting crash in xcode5

I have an application which is totally developed in xcode 4.6 ad now it is in app store also. Now i'm going to update the app in iOS7 also for that i upgraded my mac OS and xcode. my mac OS version is 10.8.5 and i installed xcode 5 also. Now my problem is xcode getting crash immediately when i edit and save the xib.
I tried all these ways.
1. Xcode 5 crashes -- Xcode quit unexpectedly
2. uninstall my xcode completely using this sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all and install again
You can try this :
When you open a xib file that was created in Xcode 4 in Xcode 5 you are prompted to upgrade the file to the new format. You want to only do it if all the people working on the project use Xcode 5 because the new files can’t be opened by older versions of Xcode.
Refer this links :
How to disable Xcode 5 automatically upgrade xibs to iOS7 appearance
I hope it will be helpful.
Yes this was the problem with Xcode version DP4 and DP5. IF you are using these version then your Xcode5 will get crashed while adding/Editing XIB"S. I guess you should use Full version XCODE5 . This problem will be resolved.
Reset your simulator. And delete old app in simulator. I think this may work.

Xcode 3 wont allow me to Install Xcode toolset

So I attempted at giving Xcode 4 a swing, after uninstalled XCode 3, and it failed me.With all the shortcuts out of place i didn't feel at home. So i uninstalled XCode 4, and began installing Xcode 3 once again. but this time. I am no longer allowed to download the Xcode Toolset.!
At first i assumed that the Xcode toolset would someone works it way into the instillation and it would all work out. but after installing this more that 3x on my computer I cannot seem to FIND XCODE at ALL! nor can i find iOS simulator or any other software. What do i have to do inorder to fix this?
I think this is happening because I inappropriately uninstalled Xcode 3 the first time, I used an application called App Zapper rather than running the -sudeo command...
You can install Xcode 3 on Lion using the following method:
Mount the Xcode 3.2.6 DMG
Open Terminal
Enter the commands:
open "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg"
Use at your own risk as Xcode 3 is not supported by Apple on OSX Lion.
If you are installing alongside Xcode 4, make sure to install into a different directory (create this in Finder first), and then you can untick all the boxes apart from the Essentials and it'll run just fine.
Source: http://anatomicwax.tumblr.com/post/8064949186/installing-xcode-3-2-6-on-lion-redux
Just a heads-up: on Mountain Lion and Mavericks (and quite possibly on other versions as well, but I only "tested" this two...) this causes a kernel panic at startup, so I would advise against installing Xcode 3 on them.
If you already did that, and need some help, here and here are some information.