In MongoDB, is 'users' a default collection? - mongodb

So I've been learning MEAN through the book 'Mean Machine' and in one of their examples we connect to a db to store user info while creating our RESTful api. Now, every time that we save the user info it gets stored in a collection named 'users' even though no where in the code does it explicitly save to a users collection. Also, when I just create an empty db it does not have the 'users' collection. So, is there something that I'm missing here? Or is 'users' a default collection in MongoDB?

Collection creation in Mongo is implicit. You can simply pretend the collection exists in your code, it will be actually created as necessary. This is keeping in line with the schema-less philosophy: you do not need to declare anything in advance, neither the names of your databases or collections nor the data structure of the documents you're going to store within them.


Get all usernames from a items user_id? (Mongodb query)

I am having some difficulty with my leaderboard for my application.
I have a database with two collections.
In my Fish collection I also have user_id. When I fetch all fish, I get everything including user_id.
However, the user_id doesn't really help me, I want to display the username belonging to that user_id.
This is how my query looks.
Fish.find().sort({weight: -1}).limit(10).exec(function(err, leaderboard) {
if(err) return res.json(500, {errorMsg: 'Could not get leaderboard'});
I feel like I need to make another query, to get all the usernames belonging to the user_ids I get from the first query. Perhaps use a loop somehow?
MongoDb is pretty new to me and don't really know what to look for.
Any advice, tips, link are much appriecated.
You may find useful information on MongoDB's Database References documentation.
The first thing to consider on using fields from different collections in MongoDB is:
MongoDB does not support joins. In MongoDB some data is denormalized, or stored with related data in documents to remove the need for joins. However, in some cases it makes sense to store related information in separate documents, typically in different collections or databases.
In your case, you might want to consider storing the information from the Fish collection as embedded documents within the users from the User collection.
If this is not an option, then you might want to use Manual References or loop over the user_ids provided in the result from your query over the Fish collection.
With the second option you may use a query to obtain the corresponding usernames from the User collection such as:

mongodb user logs storage best practice

I'm new to mongoDB and trying to figure out what would be the best way to store user logs. I identified two main solutions, but can't figure out which might be the best. If others come to mind, please feel free to share them ;)
1)The first is about storing a log in all the collections that I have. For instance, If I have the 'post', 'friends', 'sports' and 'music' collections, then I could create a log field in each document in each collection with all the logging info that I want to store.
2)The second way is to create an entire 'log' collection, each document having a type ('post', 'friends' ...) to identify the kind of log I'm storing along with the id of the document that is refered to.
What I really need is to be able to store and retrieve data (that is, everything but logs) as fast as possible. (so if I go with (1), I would have to always remove the logs from my selection queries since they would be useless most of the time)
Logs will only be accessed periodicaly (for reporting and stats mostly), yet will require to be mapped to their initial document (in case of (2)).
I will be creating logs for almost all the non log data to store (so storing logs inside each collection might be faster : one insert vs two).
Logging could also be done asynchronously to ease the load on the server.
With all that in mind, I can't really manage to find which is the best for my needs. Would anyone have any idea / comments to share ?
Thanks a lot !
How you want to access your logs will play a big part in your design decision. By what criteria will you access your log documents? Will you have to query by type (e.g. post, friends) AND id (object id of the document)? Is there some other identifying feature? This can be extra overhead as you would have to read your 'type' collection first, get the id you're after, then query your logs collection. This creates a lot more read overhead.
What I would recommend is a separate logs collection as this keeps all related data in the one place. Then, for each log document, have a 1:1 mapping between document ids for your type collections, and your log collection. e.g. If you have a friend document, use the friend document's _id field as the _id field for your document in your logs collection. That way you can directly look up your log document without a second read. If you will have multiple log records for each type document, use an array in the log document and append each log record to it using mongo's $push. This would be a very efficient log architecture in terms of storage, write ($push requires no read - 'set and forget') and lookup time (smart 1:1 mapping - no more than one query needed if you have the _id).

How to manage relation in MongoDB?

I am new to MongoDB.I have one Master Collection user_group.The sample document is shown bellow.
And second collection user_detail
How can I maintain relation between these two collections.Should I use reference from user_group into user_detail or any other alternative?
Often, in MongoDB, the "has many" relationship is managed on the opposite side as in a relational database. A MongoDB document often will have an array of ObjectIds or group names (or whatever you're using to identify the foreign document). This is opposed to a relational database where the other side usually has a "belongs to" column.
Do be clear, this is not required. In your example, you could store an array of user details IDs in your group document if it was the most common query that you were going to make. Basically, the question you should ask is "what query am I likely to need?" and design your documents to support it.
Simple answer: You don't.
The entire design philosophy changes when you start looking at MongoDB. If I were you, I would maintain the previlege field inside the user_detail documents itself.
{"user_name":"abc","group_name":"xyz","previlege" : ["add","delete"]}
This may not be ideal if you keep changing group priviledges though. But the idea is, you make design your data storage in a way so that all the information for one "record" can be stored in one object.
MongoDB being NoSQL does not have explicit joins. Workarounds are possible, but not recommended(read MapReduce).
Your best bet is to retrieve both the documents from the mongo collections on the client side and apply user specific privileges. Make sure you have index on the group_name in the user_group collection.
Or better still store the permissions[read, del, etc] for the user in the same document after applying the join at the client side. But then, you cannot update the collection externally since this might break invariants. Everytime an update to the user group occurs, you will need to apply those permissions(privileges) yourself at the client side and save those privileges in the same document. Writes might suffer but reads will be fast(assuming a few fields are indexed, like username).

Storing secondary documents in MongoDB doc

Say User2 has these objects of data, they are stored in User2.objects as an array of objects.
If anyone other then User2 needs to query this data, like User1 needs any of those objects that pertain to them. Then it should be broken out into it's own collections of in MongoDB db right?
Because say a User1 wants to find every object like that are part of. They would need to have a reference to all the User2s they created data with then look through every object in each user, and return the one they need.
I should break those objects out into their own collections? Then I can just index user ids and each user can just query once for their own id.
Sorry if this Q is confusing I'm a little lost.
It appears as though there may be some confusion between Mongo Document structure and using authentication with MongoDB.
The documentation on how to set up user authentication for a Mongo Database is here:
If User2 needs to run a query on a collection that was created by User1, then User2 must have an account with the Database where that collection resides, and must be properly authenticated.
The example document provided is also a little confusing. It is a better idea to use key names that will be the same across all documents. For example:
{userName:"user1", name:"Marc"},
{userName:"user2", name:"Jeff"},
{userName:"user3", name:"Steve"}
is preferable to
In the second example, the username (user1, user2, etc) will have to be known in order to find out the name of the user. MongoDB does not support wildcards in queries.
The following document structure would be preferable:
user: "User2",
user: "User1",
All of the objects created by user1 could be retrieved with the following query:
> db.<your collection name>.find({user: "User1"}, {objects:1})
For more information on the MongoDB document structure, I recommend reading the following: - A great introduction to the way data is stored in MongoDB, including example documents, best practices, and an introduction to indexing.
Hopefully the above will put you on the right track in terms of deciding on a schema for your collection and creating users and setting permissions. Authentication is one of MongoDB's more advanced features, so I would begin by focusing on building an efficient schema and organizing your data correctly before worrying about authentication.
If you have any additional questions about these topics, or anything else MongoDB-related, the Community is here to help! Good Luck!

"system." In a Collection Name in MongoDB

I just discovered a bizarre behavior exhibited by MongoDB.
Apparently, any collection name with the string "system." anywhere in it will just not function correctly.
To make matters worse, it won't even tell you anything is wrong!
It's really more a matter of curiosity, but does anybody have any idea why this would happen? Is it documented somewhere?
My assumption is that it uses ""system.*" collections to store things internally (like indexes) and doesn't want you messing with them, but this doesn't seem like the correct behavior to me.
You are correct "system.*" is a reserved collection namespace used by MongoDB in each DB.
It is used to store indexes and users, etc.
SQL Server has many such tables too, and I don't believe they warn you not to use them either :)
But you could always put in a request for such functionality:
You can see them by running ...
> show collections
and you'll see something like ...
So, you can see your indexes for example:
> db.system.indexes.find()
From the MongoDB docs:
The .system.* namespaces in
MongoDB are special and contain
database system information. System
collections include:
system.namespaces lists all namespaces.
system.indexes lists all indexes.
Additional namespace / index metadata exists in the database.ns
files, and is opaque.
system.profile stores database profiling information.
system.users lists users who may access the database.
local.sources stores replica slave configuration data and state.
Information on the structure of a stored object is stored within the
object itself. See BSON .
There are several restrictions on
manipulation of objects in the system
collections. Inserting in
system.indexes adds an index, but
otherwise that table is immutable (the
special drop index command updates it
for you). system.users is modifiable.
system.profile is droppable.