PayPal SDK error: "Sorry we cannot connect to PayPal" - paypal

I'm testing a new feature for a site I've built for a client that uses the Braintree SDK (using the PHP SDK + a simple custom UI, not the drop-in UI) to process PayPal payments. We've tested pretty extensively in sandbox mode, and are now trying to test in production mode with small transactions; but even though I've followed the steps to "go live" in the documentation (, when a user clicks the button to authenticate with PayPal, the popup window that opens just shows an extremely vague error message: "Sorry we cannot connect to PayPal. Please try again in a few minutes."
Is there some way I can get more clarity into what exactly is going wrong? The access token I'm using to create the Braintree gateway on the server side is valid for production, as far as I can tell, so I don't know what else the problem could be. I've seen a couple other questions where this type of error message is mentioned, but those all seem to have been non-US developers trying to set up sandbox accounts for US companies. My client and I are both in the US, and sandbox testing worked fine.


PayPal REST API working in Sandbox, but not in live (using Node SDK)

we have a web app written in Node where we have a payment page that uses the PayPal REST API.
We have been testing the payment page using sandbox for a few weeks now without any errors and we went through the whole approval process to enable direct credit card payments on our account, but when we change the credentials and URL on our app to the ones from live, we get a Client Authentication error.
We have gone over this issue with integration experts over the phone (for hours) and opened a ticket with PayPal support and no one has been able to help us.
This is our debug ID:
Debug ID for sandbox: 7b06479ae1ef3 (successful payment)
Debug ID for live: 8843fb4d4cbcf (failed payment)
Exact same code, only thing that changes are our credentials and URL.
The few people we have talked to in PayPal point to it as a credentials issue, but we have created a new app in our dashboard and gotten new credentials only to get the same error.
What could be going on?
Is switching from sandbox to live not as simple as just switching the URL and Client/Secret?

Paypal DG Express Cannot Use Sandbox. Live Account Works Fine

I have a Paypal Digital Goods Express payment form created using their wizard.
When I use our live account it works fine. But when I use the sandbox Business (Seller) account I created, when a user clicks on the 'Buy' button, the popup window appears with only this message:
SetExpressCheckout API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Short Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity Code:
I did some research and saw this article:
It suggests that our hosting company needs to update their PHP/TLS, but I did the Curl test and it properly returns a 200 OK.
I also saw this Stackoverflow article:
Paypal "SetExpressCheckout" API method has stopped working with sandbox seller account
...where the problem was the wrong sandbox endpoint, but I've made sure that the endpoint is indeed:
...and it still doesn't work.
I've tried clearing my browser cache, using different computers to test and all with the same result.
Any ideas?
did you enable Digital Goods feature on your sandbox accounts?
If you have not enabled it on your sandbox account, please contact MTS(Merchant Technical Support)
to toggle it for your sandbox account.

How can I simulate an error using Paypal Payments Pro sandbox?

How do I simulate an error with PayPal Payments Pro? I am trying to simulate things such as Suspected Fraud, Declined cards etc.
We are using Magento Commerce Enterprise edition and would love to be able to see errors from the user interface. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are developing using the PayPal sandbox.
On the Developer Central site (, log in and go to Dashboard >> Sandbox >> Accounts. Find the email address for the PayPal Payments Pro account. Click on it, then click Profile. On the Settings tab, make sure that Negative Testing is enabled.
Once Negative Testing is enabled, make sure that the order total matches one of PayPal's error codes (you can see the full list here). For example, to simulate error code 15005 (which is your basic "card was declined" error), run a transaction for $150.05.
More info available here.
Edit 7/7/2017: Changed instructions to reflect the current location of the negative test mode toggle, and changed the link to PayPal's dev documentation.

Setting up Zencart with Paypal

To begin: I am trying to setup Zencart with Paypal. I have followed all of Paypal and Zencart's instructions:
Putting in Paypal's API username, password and signature code into Zencart's Payment Module section. Checked the "live" environment.
I then tried buying a product on the website and got the following error message:
Zen Cart message: We are sorry for the inconvenience. The PayPal account
authentication settings are not yet set up, or the API security information
is incorrect.
Security error
Security header is not valid
I have tried looking up the answer but everything I see says to make sure the environment is not in sandbox and that everything is typed in correctly. I have tripled checked and the API is typed in correctly and it is set to live.... what else can I do?
Moving on, I have tried to setup the sandbox but am unfamiliar with how to use Paypal's sandbox. So I reconfigured Zencart to "sandbox mode" with the appropriate sandbox API and I set up box a sandbox account for a merchant and private buyer but I don't know how to use them. Should I go back to the Zencart store and register with my new "Paypal sandbox private buyer email"? And will checking out using this email they gave me work as just a test... I don't want to go through with the checkout if I'm going to get billed...
Thank you for any help:)
The best place to get support on Zen Cart issues is directly on the Zen Cart support forum at
Further, an existing article already explains the basics of the problem you describe:
It is absolutely critical that the THREE parts of your API settings (username, password, signature) be copied EXACTLY from PayPal's site into your store's admin settings screen.
There's no need to use sandbox unless you're a programmer writing new features for payment processing. So be sure to check the "Live" radio-button. (I realize you already mentioned that. Just adding this for clarity.)
You can also get more details on exactly what is coming back from PayPal by turning on debug logging in the module's settings.
PayPal tech support is available at - they can look at your actual transmissions and at your account, and sort out a problem if there's something wrong with the API signature details.

s2Member subscription modification button not working in PayPal SandBox mode?

This question is relevant only for those familiar with the WP plugin "s2Member".
I've been trying to allow a "Free Subscriber" (level #0) to modify her subscription to a paying customer (level #1, for example) using a "Subscr Modification Button" carefully following s2Member's instructions.
In particular, I wanted the user's status to be changed due to the checkout in PayPal.
But the PROBLEM was that instead, the user kept on being redirected (after the PayPal process) to REGISTER for a new username for the site!!! The original existing user who started the process remained a "Free Subscriber" (and the new username, btw, would have a "level #1" access if created, but this is NOT what I wanted -- I wanted to MODIFY the existing user).
p.s. I'm using PayPal in SandBox mode, a feature which s2Member claims to support.
I assume your question is has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, my answer is "yes."
I just tried following the instructions demonstrated by the official video tutorial on my local WordPress installation with PayPal in sandbox mode. I logged in to my local WordPress site as a Level 0 (free) Subscriber and immediately after clicking the "Subscription Modification Button" that I created, I was asked to login to a PayPal sandbox test account. After logging in and paying to upgrade on my PayPal sandbox store, I was returned to my local WordPress install and greeted with the news that my Level 0 user account was not upgraded and this message which appears to indicate that testing subscription modification in sandbox mode is not possible because it requires email confirmation:
link to image
I went ahead and notified s2Member support of this predicament to see if they have anything to say on the matter.
Lastly, I think this question would be better suited on WordPress Answers.