How should I name a delegate method that returns a "continue" flag? - swift

In my Swift code, I have a few methods that look like this:
protocol EditorDelegate {
// ...
func didStartSearch(query: String) -> Bool
class Editor: UIViewController {
func search(sender: AnyObject) {
let wasHandled = self.delegate?.didStartSearch(query) ?? false
if !wasHandled {
// do default searching behavior
This works, but it's not self-documenting. The didStartSearch method doesn't really communicate that it's returning a flag indicating whether the default behavior should be skipped.
What are some good options for handling this?

I tried to think of a better way to name the delegate function, below is what I came up with that makes the most sense to me. Enums are very powerful in swift, using them can make code more understandable at a glance. Also I like to think of things in terms of different states, which can be clearly defined with enums.
enum SearchStatus {
case Ready
case Processing
case Complete(result: String)
protocol EditorDelegate: class {
func statusForSearch(with query: String) -> SearchStatus
class Editor: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: EditorDelegate?
func search(sender: AnyObject) {
let query = "some input.."
guard let status = delegate?.statusForSearch(with: query) else {
// delegate not set
switch status {
case .Ready:
// actually do your search
case .Processing:
// search in progress
case .Complete(let result):
// do something with result
print("result = \(result)")

Think about the relationship between the delegating object and the object being delegated to, and the "message" (in high-level semantics, not just code) that a call to the delegate method is about. That is, does a delegate method call mean, "hey, in case you're interested, this thing happened," or, "this thing happened, what should I do about it?". If the delegate returns a value to the delegating object, you're probably in the second category.
Per Coding Guidelines for Cocoa, delegate methods should:
Start by identifying the delegating object (e.g. the tableView in tableView:didSelectRow: or the window in windowWillClose:). This is important because delegation can be a many-to-one relationship β€” if you have a delegate property (or setDelegate method) on one class, there's nothing preventing one object from being the delegate of many others, and indeed that can be a useful pattern for whoever adopts your delegate protocol.
If the method asks something of the delegate, either name the thing being asked (e.g. cellForRowAtIndexPath), or for Boolean conditions, describe the consequence of a positive value β€” this usually involves language like "should" (e.g. windowShouldClose, tableView:shouldSelectRowAtIndexPath:).
In your case, it's not entirely clear what "should" happen as a result of the delegate returning true or false, but here's a guess:
protocol EditorDelegate {
func editor(_ editor: Editor, shouldShowDefaultResultsForSearch query: String) -> Bool

The use of return flags is often considered problematic for many reasons. See this link for one of many explanations of the arguments for and against. Nevertheless, one solution that might help in this case would be to use a typealias.
typealias useDefaultBehaviour = Bool
protocol EditorDelegate {
func didStartSearch(query: String) -> useDefaultBehaviour


Are you required to call the a super class's implementation from each and every subclass's function

e.g. you have a subclass defined which overrides a function f in its superclass. Inside the override, are you required to call the superclass's f function.
The answer to this question is not really related to Swift but it's related to all OOP languages.
The simple answer is: No, you are not required to call the superclass implementation.
Whether you should call the superclass implementation or not should be stated in the documentation. When you are not sure, you should generally always call the super implementation.
You have to consider the fact that the superclass does something inside the method and if you don't call the superclass implementation, the subclass doesn't have to work properly.
Not calling the superclass implementation means that you want to prevent the superclass implementation from happening and that usually means your whole inheritance model is flawed.
One notable exception is the situation when the superclass provides some default implementation which you want to replace inside your subclass (e.g. UIViewController.loadView). That's not a very common use case though.
There are also other obvious exceptions, for example getters. When you are overriding a getter to return a custom object, there is usually no need to call super. However, again, even getters can technically initialize some structures in the superclass and it might be needed to call super.
The answer is false, you don't need to call the superclass method you are overriding in Swift or in OOP in general. That would be a horrible limitation if you did! There are times when you should in fact not call it and perhaps the most common example is when you create a UIViewController programmatically and have to override loadView() without calling super.loadView().
The default is that you call super, unless you know you're not breaking that function.
I've created a gist. You can copy it to your own playground and play around with it. But the answer is:
I had this exact confusion of yours. You're basically asking what's the difference between extending behavior vs. overriding behavior.
Swift doesn't do a good a job of telling your their difference.
What they both share is that both need to mark the function with override, but sometimes you're doing something in addition to the superclass's implementation (extending), and sometimes you're just completely rewriting it (overriding)
Suppose we have the following class:
class Person {
var age : Int?
func incrementAge() {
guard age != nil else {
age = 1
age! += 1
func eat() {
print("eat popcorn")
We can just initialize it and do:
var p1 = Person()
p1.incrementAge() // works fine
Now suppose we did this:
class Boy : Person{
override func incrementAge() {
age! += 2
var b1 = Boy()
What do you think is going to happen?!
It will crash. Because in the super class, we're doing a nil check for age, but in our subclass we never call super
To make it work we have to call super.
class GoodBoy : Person{
override func incrementAge() {
age! += 2
var b2 = GoodBoy()
b2.incrementAge() // works fine.
We could get away without calling super directly.
class AlternateGoodBoy : Person{
override func incrementAge() {
guard age != nil else {
age = 1
age! += 2
var b3 = AlternateGoodBoy()
b3.incrementAge() // works fine.
^^ The above works, yet the superclass's implementation is not always known to us. A real example is UIKit. We don't know what happens really when viewDidLoad is called. Hence we must call super.viewDidLoad
That being said sometimes we could just not call super and be totally fine because we know what super does or maybe just don't care and want to completely get rid of it. e.g. :
class Girl : Person{
override func eat() {
print("eat hotdog")
var g1 = Girl() // doesn't crash, even though you overrode the behavior. It doesn't crash because the call to super ISN'T critical
Yet the most common case is that you call super, but also add something on top of it.
class Dad : Person {
var moneyInBank = 0
override func incrementAge() {
func addMoneyToRetirementFunds() {
moneyInBank += 2000
var d1 = Dad()
print(d1.moneyInBank) // 2000
Pro tip:
Unlike most overrides where you first call super then the rest, for a tearDown function, it’s best to call super.tearDown() at the end of the function. In general, for any 'removal' functions, you'd want to call super at the end. e.g. viewWillDisAppear/viewDidDisappear

In Swift, can you write an extension which returns a typed instance of the class the extension is on?

This is one of those things that seems simple enough, but doesn't work as you'd expect.
I'm working on a 'fluent/chaining'-style API for my classes to allow you to set properties via functions which can be chained together so you don't have to go crazy with initializers. Plus, it makes it more convenient when working with functions like map, filter and reduce which share the same kind of API.
Consider this RowManager extension...
extension RowManager
public func isVisible(_ isVisible:Bool) -> RowManager
self.isVisible = isVisible
return self
This works exactly as one would expect. But there's a problem here... if you're working with a subclass of RowManager, this downcasts the object back to RowManager, losing all of the subclass-specific details.
"No worries!" I thought. "I'll just use Self and self to handle the type!" so I changed it to this...
extension RowManager
public func isVisible(_ isVisible:Bool) -> Self // Note the capitalization representing the type, not instance
self.isVisible = isVisible
return self // Note the lowercase representing the instance, not type
...but that for some reason won't even compile giving the following error...
Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Doing more research, this seems to be because our code both is in, and also uses, dynamic libraries. Other questions here on SO also talk about that specific error in those cases. Perhaps this is a bug with the compiler because as others have correctly pointed out, this code works fine in a stand-alone test but as soon as the change is made in our code, the segmentation fault shows up.
Remembering something similar with class functions that return an instance of that type, I recalled how you had to use a private generic function to do the actual cast, so I tried to match that pattern with the following...
extension RowManager
public func isVisible(_ isVisible:Bool) -> Self // Note the capitalization
self.isVisible = isVisible
return getTypedSelf()
private func getTypedSelf<T:RowManager>() -> T
guard let typedSelfInstance = self as? T
fatalError() // Technically this should never be reachable.
return typedSelfInstance
Unfortunately, that didn't work either.
For reference, here's the class-based code I attempted to base that off of (className is another extension that simply returns the string-representation of the name of the class you called it on)...
extension UITableViewCell
/// Attempts to dequeue a UITableViewCell from a table, implicitly using the class name as the reuse identifier
/// Returns a strongly-typed optional
class func dequeue(from tableView:UITableView) -> Self?
return self.dequeue(from:tableView, withReuseIdentifier:className)
/// Attempts to dequeue a UITableViewCell from a table based on the specified reuse identifier
/// Returns a strongly-typed optional
class func dequeue(from tableView:UITableView, withReuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier:String) -> Self?
return self.dequeue_Worker(tableView:tableView, reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier)
// Private implementation
private class func dequeue_Worker<T:UITableViewCell>(tableView:UITableView, reuseIdentifier:String) -> T?
return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: reuseIdentifier) as? T
At WWDC Apple confirmed this was a Swift compiler issue that something else In our codebase was triggering, adding there should never be a case where you get a Seg11 fault in the compiler under any circumstances, so this question is actually invalid. Closing it now, but I will report back if they ever address it.

How send generic value through the function? [duplicate]

I have code that follows the general design of:
protocol DispatchType {}
class DispatchType1: DispatchType {}
class DispatchType2: DispatchType {}
func doBar<D:DispatchType>(value:D) {
print("general function called")
func doBar(value:DispatchType1) {
print("DispatchType1 called")
func doBar(value:DispatchType2) {
print("DispatchType2 called")
where in reality DispatchType is actually a backend storage. The doBarfunctions are optimized methods that depend on the correct storage type. Everything works fine if I do:
let d1 = DispatchType1()
let d2 = DispatchType2()
doBar(value: d1) // "DispatchType1 called"
doBar(value: d2) // "DispatchType2 called"
However, if I make a function that calls doBar:
func test<D:DispatchType>(value:D) {
doBar(value: value)
and I try a similar calling pattern, I get:
test(value: d1) // "general function called"
test(value: d2) // "general function called"
This seems like something that Swift should be able to handle since it should be able to determine at compile time the type constraints. Just as a quick test, I also tried writing doBar as:
func doBar<D:DispatchType>(value:D) where D:DispatchType1 {
print("DispatchType1 called")
func doBar<D:DispatchType>(value:D) where D:DispatchType2 {
print("DispatchType2 called")
but get the same results.
Any ideas if this is correct Swift behavior, and if so, a good way to get around this behavior?
Edit 1: Example of why I was trying to avoid using protocols. Suppose I have the code (greatly simplified from my actual code):
protocol Storage {
// ...
class Tensor<S:Storage> {
// ...
For the Tensor class I have a base set of operations that can be performed on the Tensors. However, the operations themselves will change their behavior based on the storage. Currently I accomplish this with:
func dot<S:Storage>(_ lhs:Tensor<S>, _ rhs:Tensor<S>) -> Tensor<S> { ... }
While I can put these in the Tensor class and use extensions:
extension Tensor where S:CBlasStorage {
func dot(_ tensor:Tensor<S>) -> Tensor<S> {
// ...
this has a few side effects which I don't like:
I think dot(lhs, rhs) is preferable to Convenience functions can be written to get around this, but that will create a huge explosion of code.
This will cause the Tensor class to become monolithic. I really prefer having it contain the minimal amount of code necessary and expand its functionality by auxiliary functions.
Related to (2), this means that anyone who wants to add new functionality will have to touch the base class, which I consider bad design.
Edit 2: One alternative is that things work expected if you use constraints for everything:
func test<D:DispatchType>(value:D) where D:DispatchType1 {
doBar(value: value)
func test<D:DispatchType>(value:D) where D:DispatchType2 {
doBar(value: value)
will cause the correct doBar to be called. This also isn't ideal, as it will cause a lot of extra code to be written, but at least lets me keep my current design.
Edit 3: I came across documentation showing the use of static keyword with generics. This helps at least with point (1):
class Tensor<S:Storage> {
// ...
static func cos(_ tensor:Tensor<S>) -> Tensor<S> {
// ...
allows you to write:
let result = Tensor.cos(value)
and it supports operator overloading:
let result = value1 + value2
it does have the added verbosity of required Tensor. This can made a little better with:
typealias T<S:Storage> = Tensor<S>
This is indeed correct behaviour as overload resolution takes place at compile time (it would be a pretty expensive operation to take place at runtime). Therefore from within test(value:), the only thing the compiler knows about value is that it's of some type that conforms to DispatchType – thus the only overload it can dispatch to is func doBar<D : DispatchType>(value: D).
Things would be different if generic functions were always specialised by the compiler, because then a specialised implementation of test(value:) would know the concrete type of value and thus be able to pick the appropriate overload. However, specialisation of generic functions is currently only an optimisation (as without inlining, it can add significant bloat to your code), so this doesn't change the observed behaviour.
One solution in order to allow for polymorphism is to leverage the protocol witness table (see this great WWDC talk on them) by adding doBar() as a protocol requirement, and implementing the specialised implementations of it in the respective classes that conform to the protocol, with the general implementation being a part of the protocol extension.
This will allow for the dynamic dispatch of doBar(), thus allowing it to be called from test(value:) and having the correct implementation called.
protocol DispatchType {
func doBar()
extension DispatchType {
func doBar() {
print("general function called")
class DispatchType1: DispatchType {
func doBar() {
print("DispatchType1 called")
class DispatchType2: DispatchType {
func doBar() {
print("DispatchType2 called")
func test<D : DispatchType>(value: D) {
let d1 = DispatchType1()
let d2 = DispatchType2()
test(value: d1) // "DispatchType1 called"
test(value: d2) // "DispatchType2 called"

Swift: Overriding Self-requirement is allowed, but causes runtime error. Why?

I just started to learn Swift (v. 2.x) because I'm curious how the new features play out, especially the protocols with Self-requirements.
The following example is going to compile just fine, but causes arbitrary runtime effects to happen:
// The protocol with Self requirement
protocol Narcissistic {
func getFriend() -> Self
// Base class that adopts the protocol
class Mario : Narcissistic {
func getFriend() -> Self {
return self;
// Intermediate class that eliminates the
// Self requirement by specifying an explicit type
// (Why does the compiler allow this?)
class SuperMario : Mario {
override func getFriend() -> SuperMario {
return SuperMario();
// Most specific class that defines a field whose
// (polymorphic) access will cause the world to explode
class FireFlowerMario : SuperMario {
let fireballCount = 42
func throwFireballs() {
print("Throwing " + String(fireballCount) + " fireballs!")
// Global generic function restricted to the protocol
func queryFriend<T : Narcissistic>(narcissistic: T) -> T {
return narcissistic.getFriend()
// Sample client code
// Instantiate the most specific class
let m = FireFlowerMario()
// The call to the generic function is verified to return
// the same type that went in -- 'FireFlowerMario' in this case.
// But in reality, the method returns a 'SuperMario' and the
// call to 'throwFireballs' will cause arbitrary
// things to happen at runtime.
You can see the example in action on the IBM Swift Sandbox here.
In my browser, the output is as follows:
Throwing 32 fireballs!
(instead of 42! Or rather, 'instead of a runtime exception', as this method is not even defined on the object it is called on.)
Is this a proof that Swift is currently not type-safe?
EDIT #1:
Unpredictable behavior like this has to be unacceptable.
The true question is, what exact meaning the keyword Self (capital first letter) has.
I couldn't find anything online, but there are at least these two possibilities:
Self is simply a syntactic shortcut for the full class name it appears in, and it could be substituted with the latter without any change in meaning. But then, it cannot have the same meaning as when it appears inside a protocol definition.
Self is a sort of generic/associated type (in both protocols and classes) that gets re-instantiated in deriving/adopting classes. If that is the case, the compiler should have refused the override of getFriend in SuperMario.
Maybe the true definition is neither of those. Would be great if someone with more experience with the language could shed some light on the topic.
Yes, there seems to be a contradiction. The Self keyword, when used as a return type, apparently means 'self as an instance of Self'. For example, given this protocol
protocol ReturnsReceived {
/// Returns other.
func doReturn(other: Self) -> Self
we can't implement it as follows
class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Self {
return other // Error
because we get a compiler error ("Cannot convert return expression of type 'Return' to return type 'Self'"), which disappears if we violate doReturn()'s contract and return self instead of other. And we can't write
class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Return { // Error
return other
because this is only allowed in a final class, even if Swift supports covariant return types. (The following actually compiles.)
final class Return: ReturnsReceived {
func doReturn(other: Return) -> Return {
return other
On the other hand, as you pointed out, a subclass of Return can 'override' the Self requirement and merrily honor the contract of ReturnsReceived, as if Self were a simple placeholder for the conforming class' name.
class SubReturn: Return {
override func doReturn(other: Return) -> SubReturn {
// Of course this crashes if other is not a
// SubReturn instance, but let's ignore this
// problem for now.
return other as! SubReturn
I could be wrong, but I think that:
if Self as a return type really means 'self as an instance of
Self', the compiler should not accept this kind of Self requirement
overriding, because it makes it possible to return instances which
are not self; otherwise,
if Self as a return type must be simply a placeholder with no further implications, then in our example the compiler should already allow overriding the Self requirement in the Return class.
That said, and here any choice about the precise semantics of Self is not bound to change things, your code illustrates one of those cases where the compiler can easily be fooled, and the best it can do is generate code to defer checks to run-time. In this case, the checks that should be delegated to the runtime have to do with casting, and in my opinion one interesting aspect revealed by your examples is that at a particular spot Swift seems not to delegate anything, hence the inevitable crash is more dramatic than it ought to be.
Swift is able to check casts at run-time. Let's consider the following code.
let sm = SuperMario()
let ffm = sm as! FireFlowerMario
Here we create a SuperMario and downcast it to FireFlowerMario. These two classes are not unrelated, and we are assuring the compiler (as!) that we know what we are doing, so the compiler leaves it as it is and compiles the second and third lines without a hitch. However, the program fails at run-time, complaining that it
Could not cast value of type
'SomeModule.SuperMario' (0x...) to
'SomeModule.FireFlowerMario' (0x...).
when trying the cast in the second line. This is not wrong or surprising behaviour. Java, for example, would do exactly the same: compile the code, and fail at run-time with a ClassCastException. The important thing is that the application reliably crashes at run-time.
Your code is a more elaborate way to fool the compiler, but it boils down to the same problem: there is a SuperMario instead of a FireFlowerMario. The difference is that in your case we don't get a gentle "could not cast" message but, in a real Xcode project, an abrupt and terrific error when calling throwFireballs().
In the same situation, Java fails (at run-time) with the same error we saw above (a ClassCastException), which means it attempts a cast (to FireFlowerMario) before calling throwFireballs() on the object returned by queryFriend(). The presence of an explicit checkcast instruction in the bytecode easily confirms this.
Swift on the contrary, as far as I can see at the moment, does not try any cast before the call (no casting routine is called in the compiled code), so a horrible, uncaught error is the only possible outcome. If, instead, your code produced a run-time "could not cast" error message, or something as gracious as that, I would be completely satisfied with the behaviour of the language.
The issue here seems to be a violation in contract:
You define getFriend() to return an instance of receiver (Self). The problem here is that SuperMario does not return self but it returns a new instance of type SuperMario.
Now, when FireFlowerMario inherits that method the contract says that the method should return a FireFlowerMario but instead, the inherited method returns a SuperMario! This instance is then treated as if it were a FireFlowerMario, specifically: Swift tries to access the instance variable fireballCount which does not exist on SuperMario and you get garbage instead.
You can fix it like this:
class SuperMario : Mario {
required override init() {
override func getFriend() -> SuperMario {
// Dynamically create new instance of the same type as the receiver.
let myClass = self.dynamicType
return myClass.init()
Why does the compiler allow it? It has a hard time catching something like this, I guess. For SuperMario, the contract is still valid: the method getFriend does return an instance of the same class. The contract breaks when you create the subclass FireFlowerMario: should the compiler notice that a superclass might violate the contract? This would be an expensive check and probably more suited for a static analyzer, IMHO (Also, what happens if the compiler doesn't have access to SuperMario's source? What happens if that class is from a library?)
So it's actually SuperMario's duty to ensure that the contract is still valid when subclassing.

Can a Swift class be extended multiple times with the same methods?

I am designing a framework that uses protocols and extensions to allow for third-parties to add support for my framework to their existing classes.
I'd also like to include some built-in extensions for known classes like UIView, but I don't want to prevent users from defining their own additional support for the same classes.
My question is is there any way that I can extend the same class twice, and override the same (protocol) method in that class both times, while still having some way to call the other if the first one fails.
Elaboration: I really have three goals here I want to achieve:
I want to allow users of my framework to provide their own extensions for their own (or any) UIView subclasses.
I also need some way to allow general behavior that can apply to all UIViews as a fallback option (i.e. if the specific class extension can't handle it, fall back on the generic UIView extension).
I'd also like to separate out my own implementation, by providing some built-in generic view handling, but in such a way that it doesn't prevent third parties from also defining their own additional generic handling. (If I can't do this, it's not a big deal, the first two parts are the most important.)
I have part 1 working already. The problem is how to get this fallback behavior implemented. If I do it all with extensions, the subclass will override the superclass's implementation of the protocol method. It could call super.method, but I'd like to avoid putting that responsibility on the subclass (in case the author forgets to call super).
I'd like to do this all from the framework code: first, call the object's protocol method. If it returns false, I'd like to somehow call the generic UIView handler.
Now that I'm typing it all out, I'm wondering if I can just use a different method for the generic fallback and be done with it. I just figured it would be elegant if I could do it all with one method.
No! It can't be extended multiple times.
extension Int {
var add: Int {return self + 100} // Line A
extension Int {
var add: Int {return self + 105} //Line B
Doing so would create a compile time error ( on Line B) indicating: Invalid redeclaration of 'add'
Swift is a static typing language and helps you find these sorts of errors before runtime
In Objective-C you can write this and still not get an error, however the result would be undefined, because you wouldn't know which method gets loaded first during runtime.
Overriding a single protocol method twice in 2 separate extensions wouldn't work, because the protocol method names would collide. Once compiled, they're all just methods on the same class. With that in mind, perhaps put all the protocol methods in their own extension & call them from within the other ones?
The following could be one general option. Could get messy if you decide to keep adding additional extension functionality.
class baseClass {
extension baseClass: myProtocol {
override func myProtocolMethod(args) -> returnType {
//Repeat this in a separate extension & your method names collide
var status: Bool
//protocol method code sets status as appropriate...
return status = true ? optOne(status) : optTwo(status)
func optOne(status:Bool) -> returnType{
//do the 'true' thing
return returnType
func optTwo(status:Bool) -> returnType{
//do the 'false' thing
return returnType
extension baseClass {
var oneExtension = myProtocolMethod(someArg)
extension baseClass {
var twoExtension = myProtocolMethod(someArg)
I realize this Question is over a year old and the original poster has probably moved on to other things, but I'd like to share an idea anyways and perhaps get some feedback.
You say that you want a method that can be overwritten multiple times. The short answer, like many in this thread have given is no, but the long answer is yes.
We can solve the issue with a bit of generic magic.
class MyView: UIView {
var customizer: MyProtocol<MyView> = Defaults()
func willCallCustomizer() {
// Use this class as if it were a protocol
class MyProtocol<T: UIView>: NSObject {
func coolMethod(_ view: T) {}
// Class inherits from the "protocol"
class Defaults: MyProtocol<MyView> {
override func coolMethod(_ view: MyView) {
// Some default behavior
/// on the clients end...
class CustomerCustomizer: MyProtocol<MyView> {
override func coolMethod(_ view: MyView) {
// customized behavior
So if the client wants to use their own customizer they can just set it, otherwise it will just use the default one.
myViewInstance.customizer = CustomerCustomizer()
The benefit of this approach is that the client can change the customizer object as many times as they want. Because MyProtocol is generic, it may be used for other UIView's as well; thus fulfilling the role of a protocol.