I've recently upgraded PowerShell to version 7.3.0 version and now, when I type a command, I see its suggestions like when I'm typing pip it adds list like in this image. Or when I type start of the command it suggests its full name.
The problem is that when I press Tab it doesn't complete the command, instead it just starts listing current directories, i.e. here is an image after pressing Tab once.
Also even when I start typing the full name of the command like pip li it still shows the ending, but when pressing Tab it just does nothing.
I expected this to complete the current command with the suggestion after Tab is pressed.
I've tried to google this problem but haven't found the exact same case I have with 7.3.0 version.
Just press -> (right arrow) key
If you want to change key bindings:
source: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/announcing-psreadline-2-1-with-predictive-intellisense/
Key Bindings for Predictions
Key bindings control cursor movement and additional features within the prediction. To support users running Predictive IntelliSense on multiple platforms, key bindings are user-settable from the command line or your profile script.
PSReadLine contains functions to navigate and accept predictions. As an example, to accept a displayed prediction, PSReadLine contains functions:
AcceptSuggestion – Accept the current inline suggestion
AcceptNextSuggestionWord – Accept the next word of the inline suggestion
AcceptSuggestion is built within ForwardChar, which by default is bound to RightArrow. Pressing RightArrow accepts an inline suggestion when the cursor is at the end of the current line.
AcceptNextSuggestionWord is built within the function ForwardWord, which can be bound with Ctrl+f by Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord "Ctrl+f" -Function ForwardWord. Pressing Ctrl+f accepts the next word of an inline suggestion when the cursor is at the end of current editing line.
As a user, you can bound other keys to AcceptSuggestion and AcceptNextSuggestionWord for similar functionalities. Search for ForwardCharAndAcceptNextSuggestionWord in SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1 for an example to make RightArrow accept the next word from inline suggestion, instead of the whole suggestion line.
List of additional suggested key bindings defined in PSReadLine SamplePSReadLineProfile.ps1
How do I discover Elm's REPL in VS Code?
Specifically, I have no clue how to get up and running with Elm and VS Code.
My past experience involves using F# and Visual Studio.
How do I send instructions to Elm's REPL?
Where is Elm's REPL located within VS Code's IDE?
Any suggestions?
Once you've installed the Elm package, you can use the Elm: REPL - Start command to start a REPL session.
(You access this command the same way as you access other commands in VS Code: by opening the Command Palette. This can be done through the View menu (View -> Command Palette) or with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P, depending on whether you use Windows or Mac).
Once the session has started, you can send lines or selections to the REPL. Type a line into your editor, then run the Elm: REPL - Send Line command to send it to the REPL. There is a default keyboard shortcut for this (Alt + /) as well.
If you want to send more than a line, highlight the thing you'd like to send (probably a function or value definition), and run the Elm: REPL - Send Selection command. Again, there's a keyboard shortcut: Alt + Enter.
Note that the REPL does not support type annotations; sending type annotations to the REPL will result in an error. You can still annotate your function and value definitions in your code, but when you highlight the definitions to send to the REPL, just make sure not to highlight the type annotations.
If you're just looking to play around in the Elm repl, just do this:
1) install Elm globally (using npm, or using an installer from elm-lang.org)
2) open VS Code, then press CTRL + ` (or Cmd + ` on a Mac); this opens VS Code's built-in terminal
3) type elm-repl -- this starts elm's repl, and you can try out snippets, etc
However since your real question is about getting up and running w/ Elm in VS Code, here's a start:
1) download/install elm-format from https://github.com/avh4/elm-format
2) install VS Code
3) install VS Code extension "elm" (it's by a Sascha Brink); add "elm.formatOnSave": true to your VS Code settings
Now when you create/edit a .elm file you'll get code coloring, etc.
If your Elm code is for an app (as opposed to repl snippets), you'll want to see results in elm-reactor. So start a VS Code terminal (see above), type elm-reactor, and your app should be served at http://localhost:8000
In short; You don't want to use vscode (yet) for Elm development. Either go with Atom (Elmjutsu) or IntelliJ (CE works fine with the elm-plugin).
You get support for refactoring and fast navigation. The reason I don't recommend using vscode is because the elm-plugin is underdeveloped.
Unfortunately, the elm-plugin with IntelliJ also is a little underdeveloped, since it does not underline-highlight errors in your sourcecode – so tracking errors does have a cognitive tax.
I know that this question is related to the elm-repl and the possibility to send your selection to the repl is a nice one. But it only saves you two shortcuts (copy selection, send to repl vs copy selection, alt-tab to repl, paste and enter). The way lines are formatted (in elm-format) renders send-single-line as mostly a not-properly-thougth-through feature.
What I do is open a terminal and open elm-repl there, and I split my screen so I always have the output available.
IPython's history-search-backward feature is one of my favorite features. history-search-backward allows you to type part of a command and then search backward through your readline history for commands that began with that part of the command. By default (I believe) these are bound to UpArrow or Ctrl+P and DownArrow or Ctrl+N (for backward and forward respectively).
They are not working for me. Instead they just go linearly through my history instead of taking into account the characters I've already typed to (allgedly) filter my history.
I'm running IPython 0.13.2 (with Python 2 and 3) on Arch Linux from within XTerm.
If I hit Escape, Ctrl+P, then UpArrow and DownArrow work exactly as I want them to.
Additionally if I change my ipython_config.py to include
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.readline_parse_and_bind = ['"\\e[B": history-search-forward', '"\\e[A": history-search-backward']
then I can just do Escape UpArrow for the desired behaviour. (Here's the rest of my config file.)
Ctrl+V UpArrow produces ^[[A as I expect. I have the python readline library installed (which seems to fix common problems with macs running IPython).
I have these lines in my .bashrc
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
and they work exactly as I want them to within bash.
I have no idea what else to try next, so I've come here. Please help, I hope I've included enough information and done enough research.
The culprit was set keymap vi set in my .inputrc. I removed that and IPython history went back to what I expected. Thanks to #Thomas K!
When we're using ctags in vim and want to go to particular definition of variable or function we press ctrl + ], when we want to go back we press ctrl + T.
When we want to autocomplete a name of a variable we press ctrl + N and from a little violet window we can choose the right word.
Is it possible to improve go to definition so that we won't jump in the document, but only the little window with the function or variable definition will appear?
thank you
You want a way to see the function's signature without actually jumping to its definition?
I know about two plugins supposed to provide exactly this feature:
Tag Signature Balloons
The last time I tried echofunc it didn't work for JavaScript, at least for me, but it worked well for the few PHP files I've tested it with. I didn't try the other one because it's GVim-only and I use the CLI version almost as often as the GUI version.
But you can also use TagList and/or TagBar: two very useful plugins providing great code navigation based on ctags. Both will display the signature of the tag under your cursor if you hit <Space>.
I know there is a trick that when you type quickly code in Eclipse, you can hit some secret keys and it will auto-complete the missing parts. Who knows them?
example: I have someVeryLongVariablesWhichIWantToTypeFast and I start typing someVeryLongVa but nothing happens. Only when I type method names a yellow box appears that wants to help me.
Ctrl + Space is the autocomplete shortcut
All shortcuts you can find under Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
As mentioned the command is Ctrl+Space to auto complete.
You can speed it up using camelCase...so in your example:
you could start typing sVL then Ctrl+Space should auto complete or list all variables that match.
CamelCase also works for specify classes, searching for classes etc.
Others I like/use:
type sysCtrl+Space to get System.out.println statement (or err)
type foreCtrl+Space after an array/list line to foreach it
Click on an argument to a method and Ctrl+1 to create a field for it and assign it, great for constructors
Ctrl+1 on any local variable to convert to field, split declaration, or inline it
if you have
selecting object.method() and type Ctrl+1 to assign to a field or local variable, then you get
Object objLocal=object.method()
//Can now select objLocal.method2() and do the same again
My favourites:
Ctrl + Space - auto complete
Ctrl + 1 - show quick fix options when you are over an error / warning
Shift + Ctrl + L - list short cuts
One trick that I love in Eclipse for Java is writing backwards (meaning you write the client before the code it calls). We typically think of autocomplete to help us with methods and variables that already exist. This is okay, but even cooler is when a method/class does not exist.
Try typing this code into a method (anywhere, really):
Who who = new Who();
who.whatUpMan("hi", 32);
Now left-click on the Who at the beginning. It will give you the choice to create a class, interface, enum, etc.
Now left-click on the whatUpMan. It will prompt you to create the method with the right parameter types and everything.
These are called "Quick Fixes" in Eclipse and they give you total freedom to code from the client "backwards" to classes it utilizes. And when you've already got the method, of course, control-space and control-shift-space (to see parameters for methods) are your friends.
Some more time savers that don't seem to be mentioned:
Ctrl+3 'Quick Access' which basically let's you reach anything without clicking around too much. E.g. type 'nav' in the popup dialog, rather than Window | Show View | General | Navigator or wherever it is.
Ctrl+O 'Quick Outline': when editing Java (and some other things), pops up a lighweight dialog so that you find anything in the file by a few keystrokes
Shift+Alt+T 'Refactoring', and things below that menu - look for shortcuts there, use 'Rename', 'Move', 'Extract method', 'Change method signature' often
Alt+Up/Down move blocks of code up/down without cut/paste
Alt+Shift+Up/Down select various levels of code (expressions,statements, methods, class) easily
Ctrl+1 on the selected code offers you cool stuff eg. Extract to variable/constant/method; Split variable declaration -- see others above, or just try it on anything
Ctrl+Shift+R find any file in the workspace, similar to Ctrl+Shift+T to find types
Ctrl + Shift + O : resolve all dependances automaticall. In Java, it's a life saver as it cleans old packages and add the required one without a single line to write.
"Right click" then "refactor" : all the features are handy, but I espacially love "rename" (Ctrl + Shift + R, c.f comments) because it will apply the changes to all the project. No more tricky find / replace wit regexp to do ensure you breal nothing else :-)
"Right click" then "source" : equally useful, with a special mention to "generate getter and setter" and "implement methods"
Ctrl + D : delete a line. Kinda cool.
I kind of remember CTRL+SPACE was the shortcut for autocomplete.
Another time-saver is formatting the code automatically using Ctrl + Shift + F.
Formatter preferences http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/5866/eclipseformatter.png
General Eclipse tips
Get rid of all the crap that you'll never use
if you do web-dev ... install the database, php, pydev, modules and plugins
install svn/cvs/git plugin
use Trac
have different code enviornments for different code types, i.e. one for python-dev, c++, and so on.
wait a few weeks to months before updating
i have about 100 premade mini scripts that i use frequently.
learn to develop your own plugins, as it's easy and fun.
For some applications, the answer is to generate the code using EMF. But the EMF learning curve is significant.
I would suggest go to Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Keys and to configure your own keyboard shortcuts for all common tasks so that you can have custom keybindings that are perfect for you.
Probably this might not exactly answer your question but it is very relevant to your question title.
You can define templates in Eclipse to magically type and get a bunch of code typed for you. For instance you may type something like syso or sout to get System.out.println() in your Java code.
This can be done by following Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Templates. You can also add a Template View, which you find at Window -> Show View -> Other -> Search for Templates.
Here is an image to clarify
* Original related answer in here as well.
Hope it is helpful to someone :)