IPython's history-search-backward not working as desired - ipython

IPython's history-search-backward feature is one of my favorite features. history-search-backward allows you to type part of a command and then search backward through your readline history for commands that began with that part of the command. By default (I believe) these are bound to UpArrow or Ctrl+P and DownArrow or Ctrl+N (for backward and forward respectively).
They are not working for me. Instead they just go linearly through my history instead of taking into account the characters I've already typed to (allgedly) filter my history.
I'm running IPython 0.13.2 (with Python 2 and 3) on Arch Linux from within XTerm.
If I hit Escape, Ctrl+P, then UpArrow and DownArrow work exactly as I want them to.
Additionally if I change my ipython_config.py to include
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.readline_parse_and_bind = ['"\\e[B": history-search-forward', '"\\e[A": history-search-backward']
then I can just do Escape UpArrow for the desired behaviour. (Here's the rest of my config file.)
Ctrl+V UpArrow produces ^[[A as I expect. I have the python readline library installed (which seems to fix common problems with macs running IPython).
I have these lines in my .bashrc
bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
and they work exactly as I want them to within bash.
I have no idea what else to try next, so I've come here. Please help, I hope I've included enough information and done enough research.

The culprit was set keymap vi set in my .inputrc. I removed that and IPython history went back to what I expected. Thanks to #Thomas K!


Difference among Emacs org-mode in GUI, gnome-terminal and Guake terminal? [duplicate]

I am trying to use org-mode and whenever I press Crtl+return emacs does C-J instead. I know this because when I use c-h k and then press crtl+return, emacs shows:
"It is bound to C-j."
Is there anyway I can make it register ctrl+return so I can insert headings?
I am using emacs23 through the terminal on ubuntu 12.04 x64. When I do this on my windows machine it does insert a new heading.
Possibly. As #phils says, C-Enter is usually not a valid sequence for the vast majority of terminal emulators. This is because when you press a key, or key combination, the terminal sends a sequence of characters to the relevant application. Pressing a sends a, whereas Enter sends CR - carriage return (otherwise known as ^M, \r or \015).
What sequences are actually implemented in modern terminals is mostly just a hang-over from the earlier, physical, terminals that they emulate (notably the VT-100). These machines didn't allow the use of Ctrl in conjunction with every key, such as the function keys, for example, so C-F1 was not possible and didn't have an escape sequence defined. Similarly, there is no control sequence for C-Enter, so when you press it, the terminal ignores the Ctrl and just sees the Enter.
You may, however, be able to define your own escape sequences in your terminal, which you can then bind to the correct key combinations in emacs. See here, for example. I was able to use this method to be able to use C-Enter. Unfortunately, this is still a bit of a pain, as it requires a lot of configuration and you may still be unable to use some sequences (C-M-% doesn't work in konsole for me). As with #phils, I've taken to using the GUI, but I'd love to have better integration with my terminal.
That's not a valid sequence for most terminals, I'm afraid, so they simply can't send it to Emacs.
If you run GUI Emacs instead, the key bindings will work.
Thomas Dickey's xterm is the only terminal software I know of which can (I think) support all the normal Emacs bindings. If you're okay with compiling that, then you could try it with the following .Xdefaults-(hostname) (or .Xresources if you re-merge after editing) to get basic support working:
XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
XTerm*modifier: meta
XTerm*modifyOtherKeys: 1
You actually need XTerm*modifyOtherKeys: 2 to fully extend the sequences (otherwise you still can't type the likes of C-M-%), but by default that setting will break most key sequences, and right now I couldn't tell you how to configure things correctly for that setting (the only example I've seen -- xterm-extras.el as mentioned on the wiki and available in the easymacs download -- didn't work for me).
I mostly use GUI Emacs, but I'd love to get this working properly, so if anyone has had success with xterm-extras.el or similar, please do speak up.
If you're willing to install an Emacs package and configure your terminal, I wrote an Emacs package which can teach Emacs and terminals how to properly recognize all PC keyboard keys and modifier key combinations:
Its default configuration enables encoding the CtrlReturn combination, which allows Emacs to distinguish it from CtrlJ.

Complete command from history in ipython

For reasons outside of my control I'm stuck using python 2.6.6 and IPython 0.10.2. I also normally use the tcsh shell, and have gotten quite used to completing a command from the history using <A-p> (i.e. pressing the ALT key and p). However, this doesn't work in IPython. I know I can press <C-r> and then start typing a command, but what inevitably is happening is that I start a command, press <A-p>, get a colon indicating some weird state, then exit out of that state, delete my command, press <C-r> then search for my command. It's getting rather irritating. Is there any way to make <A-p> complete my already started command by relying on the history?
Ouch, this is an old version of IPython, Python (and pip). The bad news is I don't have much experience with such an old version of IPython, the good new is; it was way simpler at that time.
Most of the shortcut and feature are provided using readline, and the python bindings of stdlib. Meaning that most likely what you are trying to configure is readline itself and not only IPython; so you can find more information on that outside of IPython !
The secret is to grep in the source-code for parse_and_bind, then you'll find the following example configuration, leading me to change the ~/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.py to be like so at around line 99 (all indented an extra 4 space to be in the main() function):
import readline
readline.parse_and_bind('set completion-query-items 1000')
readline.parse_and_bind('set page-completions no')
rlopts = """\
tab: complete
"\C-l": possible-completions
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
"\C-o": tab-insert
"\M-i": " "
"\M-o": "\d\d\d\d"
"\M-I": "\d\d\d\d"
"\C-r": reverse-search-history
"\C-s": forward-search-history
"\C-p": history-search-backward
"\C-n": history-search-forward
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\C-k": kill-line
"\C-u": unix-line-discard"""
for cmd in rlopts.split('\n'):
The repetition of commands make me think that what \C,\M or [e mean might be system dependant. I would bet on \C being Control, and \M being Meta (Alt, Opt), but at least one of these line did the trick for me (and also now tab allows to complete). See also man readline for the list of commands you can bind to what, and enjoy! Hoping you can upgrade to Python 3 and IPython 6 at some point.
See Eric Carlsen second comment under this answer for how it was resolved.

Emacs adds something on the top of every file

When I open files with emacs it adds 12;rgb:1c1c/1c1c/1c1c on the top. How can I prevent this?
I have installed emacs on a clean reinstalled debian system.
Emacs: GNU Emacs 24.4.1
Terminal Emulator: MobaXterm Personal Edition v7.7
System (local): Windows 7 Ultimate
System (remote): Debian 8.0 "jessie" stable
As noted, "MobaXterm" is not "xterm". According to its webpage it is
Based on PuTTY/MinTTY with antialiased fonts and macro support
Lacking a detailed change history, and the problem reported by the OP, it seems that MobaXterm is based on PuTTY from a while back, and does not implement all of the control sequences which PuTTY does, much less those of xterm.
The particular sequence which is not recognized (referring to XTerm Control Sequences) may be this:
OSC Ps ; Pt ST
Ps = 1 2 -> Change text cursor color to Pt.
That is part of a group of controls predating ANSI color support in xterm, referred to as dynamic colors.
Based on comments in other places, it seems that the problem could lie within the OP's Emacs configuration, by using scripts which do an ad hoc test of TERM to decide if it can do colors, rather than inspecting the terminal capabilities. See Terminal emacs colors only work with TERM=xterm-256color where someone worked around this problem by modifying their init.el to add special cases for rxvt and xterm.
Emacs of course is capable of doing colors in different terminals. See emacs colors based on $TERM environment variable for comments. And TERM=xterm on Debian has provided color for quite a while. So in a typical configuration, color should "just work".
However, there are different ways to configure Emacs. Attempting to reuse some 256-color script can fall into the hole dug by developers who assume that every terminal is just like the one in front of them. See the Emacs wiki page X Term Colors for an example.
Looks like your terminal settings are out of sync. The settings of your terminal need to agree with the termcap/terminfo settings on the server. Try to set the TERM variable in the shell on the server to a value which better matches the terminal emulation capabilities of your terminal (common values are xterm, xterm-color, vt520, and vt102) or correspondingly change the settings of the terminal to match the current TERM value. (If the terminal is buggy, you may need some trial and error to find a mode which works well for you.)
VT220 works fine; Edit Session / Terminal Settings / Type: vt220

Would it be possible to jump between prev/next Terminal command prompts?

I'm using zsh in OS X Terminal.app and for quite a while, I've been longing for a way to jump back and forth between prev/next prompts in the terminal's output.
One convenience with this would be to be able to review (and track errors at) the end of each command's output; eg. when you building stuff from source with ./configure; make; make install. Note: I'm obviously not referring to jumping back and forth in the command-history, but for a way to take a peek at the endings of each command's output.
Has anyone heard of such functionality in the *nix (preferrably also Mac) world? Would it require some sort of OS-centric Terminal plugin, or can it be programmatically done via a shell script which can be tied to a keyboard shortcut? Maybe I'm the only one thinking about this? :)
Edit: Here's an example scenario: Let's say I want to compile and install some program (using standard ./configure && make && make install procedure) and after the make command, I run into some errors. Now, the way I understand it (I may be completely wrong), the crucial error causing the make command to fail usually shows up in the last line(s) in the output, no? Anyway, at this point, I might do something like cat INSTALL to read up on the INSTALL document to check whether there's something I've missed. NOW, if I want to go back to see what the error was, that caused my initial make command to fail, I then have to manually scroll up to that position again, since my cat INSTALL command printed a ton of text after it.
I don't know if this scenario is the most elucidative – but there are many other situations where I wish I could just "jump" back to previous prompt lines and check up on previous command output; whether it was a simple ls command, make, git status, or whatever it was – swapping positions in the window by means of using prompt lines as "bookmark" positions seems an interesting idea to me.
command + left or right goes between tabs in iterm. is this what you are asking?
Emacs has a shell-mode that runs a shell inside the Emacs editor, providing a rich environment of additional commands for navigating and working with shell commands. This includes commands for going to the previous/next prompt, and deleting the output from commands so you can "clean up" and issue another command.
If you aren't familiar with Emacs: to start a shell inside Emacs, run emacs from the shell, then type Esc-x (or Meta-x, if you have "Use option as meta key" enabled in Terminal > Preferences > Settings > [profile] > Keyboard). This will ask for a command to execute. Enter shell.
To see a list of commands you can use in Shell Mode, enter Control-h m. Here are the ones for moving the cursor to the previous/next prompt:
C-c C-n comint-next-prompt
C-c C-p comint-previous-prompt
These commands would also be useful:
C-c C-r comint-show-output
C-c C-o comint-delete-output

how to do file selection using mouse with emacs cedet?

I am using emacs 23.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 & Windows XP along with cedet extention. Cedet seems to work fine but I could not select the file using mouse. Rather I need to use the Key press to select the file from cedet (placed at left side)..
how to do file selection using mouse with emacs cedet? Any clue shall be appreciated...
CEDET is a collection of features, so I'm not sure specifically which one you're talking about, but are you left-clicking or middle-clicking the mouse? The middle mouse button is more commonly bound to an 'open file' command in Emacs modes.
In any case, you can always use C-h m to list the help for the active major mode in a buffer, along with any minor modes. Key bindings are frequently listed in this help text.
Finally, as you know a working key binding, you can trivially find out what else is bound to the same command: C-h k <working binding> will tell you which command that key is bound to, as well as any other bindings for the same command. If there are no other bindings that are to your liking, then you can always define your own.