Audit accesses to a JPA entity - jpa

I have a JPA entity, with its attibutes and several NamedQueries.
I'm trying to log some information "any time the entity is used for something", i.e.:
any time any of its NamedQueries is invoked
any time the entity is used in a Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT....FROM thisEntity a, otherEntity b WHERE.....");
any time any of its attributes is accessed
The information i want to log must include the invoker class name and invoker method, among other.
I guess this must be achieved through interceptors, but i'm not sure for example if interceptors allow me to intercept the accesses to the class throw its NamedQueries.

You could achieve that using callback methods like #PrePersist, #PostPersist, #PostLoad, #PreUpdate, #PostUpdate, #PreRemove, #PostRemove inside the entity classes.
For example
public class EntityA {
public void beforePersist(){
//Log information
Additionally you could use that callback methods in listener classes.
public class EntityListenerA{
public void beforePersist(EntityA ob) {
//Log information
public class EntityA {
In your case I supose you must use the callback #PostLoad depending on the query.
Hope this help


How to know if a class is an #Entity (javax.persistence.Entity)?

How can I know if a class is annotated with javax.persistence.Entity?
Person (Entity)
#Table(name = "t_person")
public class Person {
public class PersonManager {
protected EntityManager em;
public Person findById(int id) {
Person person = this.em.find(Person.class, id);
return person;
I try to do it with instance of as the following
PersonManager manager;
Object o = manager.findById(1);
o instanceof Entity // false
however the result is false, shouldn't it be true?
While the existing answers provide a (somehow) working solution, some things should be noted:
Using an approach based on Reflection implies (a) Performance Overhead and (b) Security Restrictions (see Drawbacks of Reflection).
Using an ORM-specific (here: Hibernate) approach risks portability of the code towards other execution environments, i.e., application containers or other customer-related settings.
Luckily, there is a third JPA-only way of detecting whether a certain Java class (type) is a (managed) #Entity. This approach makes use of standardized access to the javax.persistence.metamodel.MetaModel. With it you get the method
Set < EntityType > getEntities();
It only lists types annotated with #Entity AND which are detected by the current instance of EntityManager you use. With every object of EntityType it is possible to call
Class< ? > getJavaType();
For demonstration purposes, I quickly wrote a method which requires an instance of EntityManager (here: em), either injected or created ad-hoc:
private boolean isEntity(Class<?> clazz) {
boolean foundEntity = false;
Set<EntityType<?>> entities = em.getMetamodel().getEntities();
for(EntityType<?> entityType :entities) {
Class<?> entityClass = entityType.getJavaType();
if(entityClass.equals(clazz)) {
foundEntity = true;
return foundEntity;
You can provide such a method (either public or protected) in a central place (such as a Service class) for easy re-use by your application components. The above example shall just give a direction of what to look for aiming at a pure JPA approach.
For reference see sections 5.1.1 (page 218) and 5.1.2 (page 219f) of the JPA 2.1 specification.
Hope it helps.
If the statement
sessionFactory.getClassMetadata( HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy( Person.class ) ) != null;
is true, than it is an entity.
#NiVer's answer is valid. But, if you don't have a session or sessionFactory at that point you could use Reflection. Something like:
o.getClass().getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null;

How to intercept a SELECT query

I am exploring Entity Framework 7 and I would like to know if there is a way to intercept a "SELECT" query. Every time an entity is created, updated or deleted I stamp the entity with the current date and time.
FROM MyTable
I would like all my SELECT queries to exclude deleted data (see WHERE clause above). Is there a way to do that using Entity Framework 7?
I am not sure what your underlying infrastructure looks like and if you have any abstraction between your application and Entity Framework. Let's assume you are working with DbSet<T> you could write an extension method to exclude data that has been deleted.
public class BaseEntity
public DateTime? DeletedOn { get; set; }
public static class EfExtensions
public static IQueryable<T> ExcludeDeleted<T>(this IDbSet<T> dbSet)
where T : BaseEntity
return dbSet.Where(e => e.DeletedOn == null);
context.Set<BaseEntity>().ExcludeDeleted().Where(...additional where clause).
I have somewhat same issue. I'm trying to intercept read queries like; select, where etc in order to look into the returned result set. In EF Core you don't have an equivalent to override SaveChanges for read queries, unfortunately.
You can however, still i Entity Framework Core, hook into commandExecuting and commandExecuted, by using
var listener = _context.GetService<DiagnosticSource>();
(listener as DiagnosticListener).SubscribeWithAdapter(new CommandListener());
and creating a class with following two methods
public class CommandListener
public void OnCommandExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandMethod executeMethod, Guid commandId, Guid connectionId, bool async, DateTimeOffset startTime)
//do stuff.
public void OnCommandExecuted(object result, bool async)
//do stuff.
However these are high lewel interceptors and hence you won't be able to view the returned result set (making it useless in your case).
I recommend two things, first go to and cast a vote on the implementation of "Hooks to intercept and modify queries on the fly at high and low level" at:
Second you can use PostSharp (a commercial product) by using interceptors like; LocationInterceptionAspect on properties or OnMethodBoundaryAspect for methods.

Can I write a generic repository with the db first scenario to dynamically get me an entity by id?

I'd like to know how to create a method that will allow me to generically do this...
public class Repo<T> : IGenericRepo<T> where T : class
protected PteDotNetEntities db;
public T Get(int id)
//how do I dynamically get to the correct entity object and select it by
Yes you can. If you know that all your entities will have simple primary key property of type int and name Id you can do simply this:
public interface IEntity
int Id { get; }
All your entities must implement this interface. Next you can simply do:
public class Repo<T> : IGenericRepo<T> where T : class, IEntity
protected PteDotNetEntities db;
public T Get(int id)
return db.CreateObjectSet<T>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);
This is the simplest possible solution. There are better solutions using GetObjectByKey but they are more complex. The difference between FirstOrDefault and GetObjectByKey is repeatable execution. FirstOrDefault always executes DB query whereas GetObjectByKey first checks if the entity with the same key was already loaded / attached to the context and returns it without querying the database. As reference for version using GetObjectByKey you can check similar questions:
Entity Framework Simple Generic GetByID but has differents PK Name
Generic GetById for complex PK
You can simplify those examples if you know the name of the key property upfront (forced by the interface).
In case of using code first / DbContext API you can also check this question:
Generic repository EF4 CTP5 getById

Generic repository implementation with EF

For a simple repository
public interface ISimpleRepository<T>
IApplicationState AppState { get; set; }
void Add(T instance);
void Delete(T instance);
void Delete(Guid rowGuid);
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
T Load(Guid rowGuid);
void SaveChanges();
void Update(T instance);
my implementation of the Load() method for specific repository for class Product might look like this:
public Product Load(Guid rowid)
return (from c in _ctx.Products where == rowid select c).FirstOrDefault();
Now this is assumed when my repository implementation class looks like this:
public class EntityFrameworkProductsProvider : IRepository<Product> ...
What if I had like dozens or hundreds of this small and simple entities that would all use the same behaviour when doing CRUDs (use the same implementation of methods)? I certainly don't want to go and create a class to implement IRepository for each one of them..
I want something like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> ...
but I don't know how to implement the LINQ Select expression then because of course I can't write from e in _ctx.T where e... or do I?
I haven't run into this scenario yet because so far I only had very specific entities with custom repository implementation.
Because you tagged your question with entity-framework and entity-framework-4 I assume you are using ObjectContext API. ObjectContext offers method CreateObjectSet<T> which is equivalent of Set<T> on DbContext.
This question is actually duplicate of either:
Generic GetById with DbContext
Generic GetById with ObjectContext
Instead of writing _ctx.Products, you can write _ctx.Set<T>. That takes care of half of the problem (you need to add a generic constraint where T: class to your repository)
Then, if rowid is the object's key, you can use _ctx.Set<T>.Find(rowid) instead of a LINQ query to retrieve by Id.
Alternatively, you can create a base interface IHaveId (or a BaseEntity class, whatever you like) which has the Id property, and then add that as an generic constraint on T, so you can use it in your queries.
If you're using EF 4.1, see the sample generic repository here:
I know that this is possible in EF4.1 with the DbContext API, where you have a "Set" method on the context that gets you the entity set corresponding to the type T. this way, you could have your repository like this:
public class EntityFrameworkDefaultProvider<T> : IRepository<T> where T:class
public T Load(Guid rowId)
return _context.Set<T>().Find(rowId);
one more remark: I think you could use this syntax :
return _ctx.Products.FirstOrDefault(c=> == rowid);
to get the entity you want instead of using the (from... in...). it's clearer (in my opinion) :)
Hope this helps

Custom Logic and Proxy Classes in ADO.NET Data Services

I've just read "Injecting Custom Logic in ADO.NET Data Services" and my next question is, How do you get your [WebGet] method to show up in the client-side proxy classes? Sure, I can call this directly (RESTfully) with, say, WebClient but I thought the strong typing features in ADO.NET Data Services would "hide" this from me auto-magically.
So here we have:
public class MyService : DataService<MyDataSource>
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(IDataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("Customers", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("CustomersInCity", ServiceOperationRights.All);
public IQueryable<MyDataSource.Customers> CustomersInCity(string city)
return from c in this.CurrentDataSource.Customers
where c.City == city
select c;
How can I get CustomersInCity() to show up in my client-side class defintions?
When you see your Odata in browser, you will see link ...
e.g. http://localhost:1234/odataService.svc
just write your method name after the link
for your method it will be something like this...