Rename bulk files - powershell

I want to rename files in bulk using PowerShell for example:
my-file-name-photo.jpg to my-file-name-new-photo.jpg
this file name photo.jpg to this file name new photo.jpg
this is best image.jpg to this is best new image.jpg
"new" is for ex. word I want to add in file name.

$names = 'my-file-name-photo.jpg', #'my-file-name-new-photo.jpg'
'this file name photo.jpg', #'this file name new photo.jpg
'this is best image.jpg' #this is best new image.jpg
$names | ForEach { $_ -replace '(.)(photo|image)', '$1new$1$2' }
This will do the string replacements you describe. It looks for any character (space or dash) followed by 'photo' or 'image' and puts 'new' in front, with the same separator.
Use with Rename-Item (Martin Brandl's answer) to rename files, e.g. at the PowerShell prompt:
cd c:\users\yourname\Documents\Photos
Get-ChildItem | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '(.)(photo|image)', '$1new$1$2' }

Use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to retrieve the files and pipe them to the Rename-Item cmdlet. Example which using spaces (as requested in your comment):
Get-ChildItem 'c:\tmp' |
Rename-Item -NewName {('{0} new{1}' -f $_.BaseName, $_.Extension) }


Search and replace files and folders names with txt file support

I have many folders and inside these different files. Each folder and their children files have the same name and different extension, so in the ABC folder there are the ABC.png, ABC.prj, ABC.pgw files, in the DEF folder there are the DEF.png, DEF.prj, DEF.pgw files and so on.
With a script I have created a txt file with the list of png file names. Then I put in row 2 a new name for the name in row1, in row 4 a new name for the name in row 3, and so on.
Now I'm searching a powershell script that:
- scan all folder for the name in row 1 and replace it with name in row2
- scan all folder for the name in row 3 and replace it with name in row4 and so on
I have try with this below, but it doesn't work.
Have you some suggestions? Thank you
do {
$find=Get-Content C:\1\Srv\MapsName.txt | Select -Index $0
$repl=Get-Content C:\1\Srv\MapsName.txt | Select -Index $1
Get-ChildItem C:\1\newmaps -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace $find, $repl} -verbose
until ($0 -eq "")
I believe there are several things wrong with your code and also the code Manuel gave you.
Although you have a list of old filenames and new filenames, you are not using that in the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, but instead try and replace all files it finds.
Using -replace uses a Regular Expression replace, that means the special character . inside the filename is regarded as Any Character, not simply a dot.
You are trying to find *.png files, but you do not add a -Filter with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, so now it will return all filetypes.
Anyway, I have a different approach for you:
If your input file C:\1\Srv\MapsName.txt looks anything like this:
The following code will use that to build a lookup Hashtable so it can act on the files mentioned in the input file and leave all others unchanged.
$mapsFile = 'C:\1\Srv\2_MapsName.txt'
$searchPath = 'C:\1\NewMaps'
# Read the input file as an array of strings.
# Every even index contains the file name to search for.
# Every odd index number has the new name for that file.
$lines = Get-Content $mapsFile
# Create a hashtable to store the filename to find
# as Key, and the replacement name as Value
$lookup = #{}
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $lines.Count -1; $index += 2) {
$lookup[$lines[$index]] = $lines[$index + 1]
# Next, get a collection of FileInfo objects of *.png files
# If you need to get multiple extensions, remove the -Filter and add -Include '*.png','*.jpg' etc.
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $searchPath -Filter '*.png' -File -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files) {
# If the file name can be found as Key in the $lookup Hashtable
$find = $file.Name
if ($lookup.ContainsKey($find)) {
# Rename the file with the replacement name in the Value of the lookup table
Write-Host "Renaming '$($file.FullName)' --> $($lookup[$find])"
$file | Rename-Item -NewName $lookup[$find]
If the input text file 'C:\1\Srv\MapsName.txt' does NOT contain filenames including their extension, change the final foreach loop into this:
foreach ($file in $files) {
# If the file name can be found as Key in the $lookup Hashtable
# Look for the file name without extension as it is not given in the 'MapsName.txt' file.
$find = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file.Name)
if ($lookup.ContainsKey($find)) {
# Rename the file with the replacement name in the Value of the lookup table
# Make sure to add the file's extension if any.
$newName = $lookup[$find] + $file.Extension
Write-Host "Renaming '$($file.FullName)' --> '$newName'"
$file | Rename-Item -NewName $newName
Hope that helps
The problem in your snippet is that it never ends.
I tried it and it works but keeps looping forever.
I created a folder with the files a.txt, b.txt and c.txt.
And in the map.txt I have this content:
Running the following script I managed to rename every file to be as expected.
$find=Get-Content D:\map.txt | Select -Index $0
while($find) {
$find=Get-Content D:\map.txt | Select -Index $0
$repl=Get-Content D:\map.txt | Select -Index $1
if(!$find -Or !$repl) {
Get-ChildItem D:\Files -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace $find, $repl} -verbose

Powershell change extension

I have a problem with change extension of a file. I need to write a script which is replicating data, but data have two files. Filename is not a string, so we can't use normal -replace
I need to get from
this form
We try to use a split, but this command show us things like below
Thanks for any ideas,
You probably want something like the -replace operator:
'filename.number.extension' -replace 'extension$','otherextension'
The $ is regular expression syntax meaning end of line. This should ensure that the -replace does not match "extension" appearing elsewhere in the filename.
A simple Utility Function
# Renames all files under the given path (recursively) whose extension matches $OldExtension.
# Changes the extension to $NewExtension
function ChangeFileExtensions([string] $Path, [string] $OldExtension, [string] $NewExtension) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "*.$OldExtension" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $_.Directory.FullName -ChildPath $_.Name.Replace($OldExtension, $NewExtension)
Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Destination -Force
ChangeFileExtensions -Path "c:\myfolder\mysubfolder" -OldExtension "extension" -NewExtension "otherextension"
But it can do more than just this. If you had the following files in the same folder as your script
this script would rename all the .sample.csv files to .txt files in the given folder and all subfolders and overwrite any existing files with those names.
# Replaces all .sample.csv files with .txt extensions in c:\myfolder and in c:\myfolder\mysubfolder
ChangeFileExtensions -Path "c:\myfolder" -OldExtension "sample.csv" -NewExtension "txt"
If you don't want it to be recursive (affecting subfolders) just change
"*.$OldExtension" -Recurse | ForEach-Object
"*.$OldExtension" | ForEach-Object
This could work:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\text files\more text\*' *.txt | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($, "doc") }
You can remove the last item with the the [0..-1] slice and add the new extension to that
(("filename.number.extension" -split "\.")[0..-1] -join '.') +".otherextension"

Windows cmd command for stripping versions from filenames?

Need Windows cmd command to rename files to names without version numbers, e.g.:
filename.exa.1 => filename.exa
filename_a.exb.23 => filename_a.exb
filename_b.exc.4567 => filename_b.exc
Filenames are variable in number of characters, and the primary extension is always 3 characters.
I once had a Solaris script "stripv" to accomplish this. I could enter "stripv *" in a directory and get a nice clean set of non-versioned files. If the command would result in duplicate filenames because multiple versions exist, then it would just skip the operation altogether.
Don't know how to do it in CMD, but here is some Powershell that would work for you:
# Quick way to get an array of filenames. You could also create a proper array,
# or read each line into an array from a file.
$filepaths = #"
"# -Split "`n"
# For each path in $filepaths
$filepaths | Foreach-Object {
$path = $_
# Split-Path -Leaf gets only the filename
# -Replace expression just means to match on the ".number" at the end of the
# filename and replace it with an empty string (effectively removing it)
$newFilename = ( Split-Path -Leaf $path ) -Replace '\.\d+$', ''
# Warning output
Write-Warning "Renaming '${path}' to '${newFilename}'"
# Rename the file to the new name
Rename-Item -Path $path -NewName $newFilename
Basically, this code creates an array of full paths to files. For each path, it strips the filename from the full path and replaces the .number pattern at the end with nothing, which removes it from the filename. Now that we have the new filename, we use Rename-Item to rename the file to the new name.
Supply the folder name to this script block's $Folder variable, and it will enumerate the items within that folder, locate the last '.' character within the file name, and rename it as everything prior to the '.'.
E.g.: Filename.123.wrcrw.txt.123 would be renamed as Filename.123.wrcrw.txt or in your case, your files would lose the extraneous characters from the final '.' onwards. If the new name for the file already exists, it will write a warning stating that it could not rename the file, and continue on without trying.
$Folder = "C:\ProgramData\Temp"
Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder | Foreach {
$NewName = $_.Name.Substring(0,$_.Name.LastIndexOf('.'))
IF (!(Test-Path $Folder\$NewName))
Rename-Item $Folder\$_ -NewName $NewName
Write-Warning "$($_.Name) cannot be renamed, $NewName already exists."
This should effectively mimic the behaviour you described for stripv *. This could easily be turned into a function with name stripv and added to your PowerShell profile to make it available at the command-line interactively and used in the same way as your Solaris script.

Powershell add suffix to filenames, based on prefix

I have a directory that consists of a number of text files that have been named:
I am trying to create powershell script that will rename the files to a more logical:
The prefix can be anything from 1 digit to 3 digits.
As I am new to powershell, I really don't know how I can achieve this. Any help much appreciated.
The most straigth forward way is a gci/ls/dir
with a where matching only BaseNames starting with a number with a
RegEx and piping to
Rename-Item and building the new name from submatches.
ls |? BaseName -match '^(\d+)([^0-9].*)$' |ren -new {"{0}{1}{2}" -f $matches[2],$matches[1],$_.extension}
The same code without aliases
Get-ChildItem |Where-Obect {$_.BaseName -match '^(\d+)([^0-9].*)$'} |
Rename-Item -NewName {"{0}{1}{2}" -f $matches[2],$matches[1],$_.extension}
Here is one way to do it:
Get-ChildItem .\Docs -File |
ForEach-Object {
if($_.Name -match "^(?<Number>\d+)(?<Type>\w+)\.\w+$")
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName "$($matches.Type)$($matches.Number)$($_.Extension)"
The line:
$_.Name -match "^(?<Number>\d+)(?<Type>\w+)\.\w+$")
takes the file name (e.g. '23Suppliers.txt') and perform a pattern match on it, pulling out the number part (23) and the 'type' part ('Suppliers'), naming them 'Number' and 'Type' respectively. These are stored by PowerShell in its automatic variable $matches, which is used when working with regular expressions.
We then reconstruct the new file using details from the original file, such as the file's extension ($_.Extension) and the matched type ($matches.Type) and number ($matches.Number):
I'm sure there's a nicer way to do this with regex, but the following is a quick first go at it:
$prefix = "Customer"
Get-ChildItem C:\folder\*$prefix.txt | Rename-Item -NewName {$prefix + ($_.Name -replace $prefix,'')}

Renaming a file name to exclude the first couple parts Powershell

I have over a million files like such: First_Last_MI_DOB_ and lots more information. Is there a way I can run a rename script that can remove just the first, last, Mi, and DOB from the file name, but keep the stuff after that? Thank you.
Edited from my answer to this question: Parse and Switch Elements of Folder Names using Powershell
# Path to folder
$Path = '.\'
# Regex to match "ID_000000..."
$Regex = 'ID_\d+.*$'
# Get all objects in path
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path |
# Select only objects that are not directory and name matches regex
Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -match $Regex} |
# For each such object
ForEach-Object {
# Rename object
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $Matches[0]
UPDATE #1 : It seems that you need to write a regex that will match a required part of the name and then use it in to rename a document.
Assuming that file name is x-John_Doe_._DOB_01-11-1990_M_ID_000000_TitleofDocument_DateofDocument_Docpagenu‌​mber_, here is couple of the examples:
Regex ( (ID_\d+.*)$ - will match ID_{ONE_OR_MORE_DIGITS}{ANY_CHARACTERS}
Regex ( \d{4}_(M|F)_(.*)$ - will match {4_DIGITS}_M_{or}_F_ and capture everything after that in capture group.
1st match - M
2nd match (the one to use) - ID_000000_TitleofDocument_DateofDocument_Docpagenu‌​mber_
All the names in each file are different, a long with different ID's.
For example: John_Doe_DOB_01/01/01_ID_000000 and the next file name
could be: John_Smith_DOB_01/02/01_ID_100000 and so on. I am thinking I
would just want to read the file name in as a string, split it by _
and then make the new file name the stuff from [4] and after. Is there
a way to do that?
Sure, you can do that, but I'd recommend a regex approach, because it would work for every filename that has ID_0xxxx string, no matter of what. I've modified my initial example with first regex, so it should work for you.
But if you'd like to try splitting approach, here is how to do it:
# Path to folder
$Path = '.\'
# Filename separator
$Separator = '_'
# Get all objects in path
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path |
# Select only objects that are not directory and name matches regex
Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} |
# For each such object
ForEach-Object {
# Generate new name
$NewName = ($_.Name -split $Separator | Select-Object -Skip 4) -join $Separator
# Rename object
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $NewName