Powershell change extension - powershell

I have a problem with change extension of a file. I need to write a script which is replicating data, but data have two files. Filename is not a string, so we can't use normal -replace
I need to get from
this form
We try to use a split, but this command show us things like below
Thanks for any ideas,


You probably want something like the -replace operator:
'filename.number.extension' -replace 'extension$','otherextension'
The $ is regular expression syntax meaning end of line. This should ensure that the -replace does not match "extension" appearing elsewhere in the filename.

A simple Utility Function
# Renames all files under the given path (recursively) whose extension matches $OldExtension.
# Changes the extension to $NewExtension
function ChangeFileExtensions([string] $Path, [string] $OldExtension, [string] $NewExtension) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "*.$OldExtension" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $_.Directory.FullName -ChildPath $_.Name.Replace($OldExtension, $NewExtension)
Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Destination -Force
ChangeFileExtensions -Path "c:\myfolder\mysubfolder" -OldExtension "extension" -NewExtension "otherextension"
But it can do more than just this. If you had the following files in the same folder as your script
this script would rename all the .sample.csv files to .txt files in the given folder and all subfolders and overwrite any existing files with those names.
# Replaces all .sample.csv files with .txt extensions in c:\myfolder and in c:\myfolder\mysubfolder
ChangeFileExtensions -Path "c:\myfolder" -OldExtension "sample.csv" -NewExtension "txt"
If you don't want it to be recursive (affecting subfolders) just change
"*.$OldExtension" -Recurse | ForEach-Object
"*.$OldExtension" | ForEach-Object

This could work:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\text files\more text\*' *.txt | rename-item -newname { [io.path]::ChangeExtension($_.name, "doc") }

You can remove the last item with the the [0..-1] slice and add the new extension to that
(("filename.number.extension" -split "\.")[0..-1] -join '.') +".otherextension"


Bulk renaming files with different extensions in order using powershell

is there a way to bulk rename items such that a folder with the items arranged in order would have their name changed into numbers with zero padding regardless of extension?
for example, a folder with files named:
would end up like this:
i had a script i found somewhere that can rename files in alphabetical order. however, it seems to only accepts conventionally bulk renamed files (done by selecting all the files, and renaming them such that they read "file (1).jpg" etc), which messes up the ordering when dealing with differing file extensions. it also doesn't seem to rename files with variations in their file names. here is what the code looked like:
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Directory -Filter file* | % {
$matched = $_.BaseName -match "\((?<number>\d+)\)"
if (-not $matched) {break;}
[int]$number = $Matches["number"]
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName "$($number.ToString("000"))$($_.Extension)"
If your intent is to rename the files based on the ending digits of their BaseName you can use Get-ChildItem in combination with Where-Object for filtering them and then pipe this result to Rename-Item using a delay-bind script block.
Needles to say, this code does not handle file collision. If there is more than one file with the same ending digits and the same extension this will error out.
Get-ChildItem -Filter file* | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match '\d+$' } |
Rename-Item -NewName {
$basename = '{0:00}' -f [int][regex]::Match($_.BaseName, '\d+$').Value
$basename + $_.Extension
To test the code you can use the following:
'# -split '\r?\n' -as [System.IO.FileInfo[]] | ForEach-Object {
$basename = '{0:00}' -f [int][regex]::Match($_.BaseName, '\d+$').Value
$basename + $_.Extension
You could just use the number of files found in the folder to create the appropriate 'numbering' format for renaming them.
$files = (Get-ChildItem -Path 'D:\Test' -File) | Sort-Object Name
# depending on the number of files, create a formating template
# to get the number of leading zeros correct.
# example: 645 files would create this format: '{0:000}{1}'
$format = '{0:' + '0' * ($files.Count).ToString().Length + '}{1}'
# a counter for the index number
$index = 1
# now loop over the files and rename them
foreach ($file in $files) {
$file | Rename-Item -NewName ($format -f $index++, $file.Extension) -WhatIf
The -WhatIf switch is a safety measure. With this, no file gets actually renamed, you will only see in the console what WOULD happen. Once you are content with that, remove the -WhatIf switch from the code and run again to rename all your files in the folder

Match string with specific numbers from array

I want to create a script that searches through a directory for specific ".txt" files with the Get-ChildItem cmdlet and after that it copies the ".txt" to a location I want. The hard part for me is to extract specific .txt files string from the array. So basically I need help matching specific files names in the array. Here is an example of the array I'm getting back with the following cmdlet:
$arrayObject = (Get-ChildItem -recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "*.txt"}).Name
The arrayobject variable is something like this:
$arrayobject = "test.2.5.0.txt", "test.1.0.0.txt", "test.1.0.1.txt",
"test.0.1.0.txt", "test.0.1.1.txt", "test.txt"
I want to match my array so it returns the following:
test.2.5.0.txt, test.1.0.0.txt, test.1.0.1.txt
Can someone help me with Regex to match the above file names from the $arrayObject?
As you already add the -Recurse parameter to Get-ChildItem, you can also use the -Include parameter like this:
$findThese = "test.2.5.0.txt", "test.1.0.0.txt", "test.1.0.1.txt"
$filesFound = (Get-ChildItem -Path 'YOUR ROOTPATH HERE' -Recurse -File -Include $findThese).Name
P.S. without the -Recurse parameter you need to add \* to the end of the rootfolder path to be able to use -Include
Maybe something like:
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -path C:\TEMP -Include *.txt -Recurse
$TxtFiles = 'test1.txt', 'test3.txt', 'test9.txt'
Foreach ($txt in $TxtFiles) {
if ($FileList.name -contains $txt) {Write-Host File: $Txt is present}
A general rule: Filter as left as possible! Less objects to be processed, less resources to be used, faster to be processed!
Hope it helps!
Please try to clarify what the regex should match.
I created a regex which matches out of the given filenames only the files you wanted to retrieve:
You can tryout the small check I wrote.
ForEach($file in $arrayobject){
if($file -LIKE "*.[1-9].[0-9].[0-9].txt"){
Write-Host $file
I think the "-LIKE" operator would be better to check if a string matches a regex.
Let me know if this helps.
Sorry for the late reply. Just got back in the office today. My question has been misinterpreted but that's my fault. I wasn't clear what I really want to do.
What I want to do is search through a directory and retrieve/extract in my case the (major)version of a filename. So in my case file "test.2.5.0.txt" would be version 2.5.0. After that I will get the MajorVersion and that's 2. Then in an If statement I would check if it's greater or equal to 1 and then copy it to a specific destination. To add some context to it. It's nupkg files and not txt. But I figured it out. This is code:
$sourceShare = "\\server1name\Share\txtfilesFolder"
destinationShare = "\\server2name\Share\txtfilesFolder"
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceShare `
-Recurse `
-Include "*.txt" `
-Exclude #("*.nuspec", "*.sha512") `
| Foreach-Object {
$fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_)
[Int]$majorVersion = (([regex]::Match($fileName,"(\d+(.\d+){1,})" )).Value).Split(".")[0]
if ($majorVersion -ge 1)
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName `
-Destination $destinationShare `
If you have anymore advice. Let me know. I would be great to extract the major version without using the .Split method

concatenate columnar output in PowerShell

I want to use PowerShell to generate a list of commands to move files from one location to another. (I'm sure PowersSell could actually do the moving, but I'd like to see the list of commands first ... and yes I know about -WhatIf).
The files are in a series of subfolders one layer down, and need moved to a corresponding series of subfolders on another host. The subfolders have 8-digit identifiers. I need a series of commands like
move c:\certs\40139686\22_05_2018_16_23_Tyre-Calligraphy.jpg \\vcintra2012\images\40139686\Import\22_05_2018_16_23_Tyre-Calligraphy.jpg
move c:\certs\40152609\19_02_2018_11_34_Express.JPG \\vcintra2012\images\40152609\Import\19_02_2018_11_34_Express.JPG
The file needs to go into the \Import subdirectory of the corresponding 8-digit-identifier folder.
The following Powershell will generate the data that I need
dir -Directory |
Select -ExpandProperty Name |
dir -File |
Select-Object -Property Name, #{N='Parent';E={$_.Directory -replace 'C:\\certs\\', ''}}
40139686 22_05_2018_16_23_Tyre-Calligraphy.jpg
40152609 19_02_2018_11_34_Express.JPG
40152609 Express.JPG
40180489 27_11_2018_11_09_Appointment tuesday 5th.jpg
but I am stuck on how to take that data and generate the concatenated string which in PHP would look like this
move c:\certs\$Parent\$Name \\vcintra2012\images\$Parent\Import\$Name
(OK, the backslashes would likely need escaped but hopefully it is clear what I want)
I just don't know to do this sort of concatenation of columnar output - any SO refs I look at e.g.
How do I concatenate strings and variables in PowerShell?
are not about how to do this.
I think I need to pipe the output to an expression that effects the concatenation, perhaps using -join, but I don't know how to refer to $Parent and $Name on the far side of the pipe?
Pipe your output into a ForEach-Object loop where you build the command strings using the format operator (-f):
... | ForEach-Object {
'move c:\certs\{0}\{1} \\vcintra2012\images\{0}\Import\{1}' -f $_.Parent, $_.Name
Another approach:
$source = 'C:\certs'
$destination = '\\vcintra2012\images'
Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Depth 1 -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
$targetPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($destination, $_.Directory.Name , 'Import')
if (!(Test-Path -Path $targetPath -PathType Container)) {
New-Item -Path $targetPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $targetPath

Make temporary backup files in the same folder structure

Below is a full path to some files that have a specific file pattern I'm looking for. The files are not all located in the same location, however, I would like to change the ".gen" to ".tmp" for a short period of time while still maintaining ".gen" in its entirety.
What I would like to do:
I've tried so far:
Get-ChildItem *.config.gen | ForEach {
$NewName = $_.Name -replace ".config.gen$", ".config.tmp"
Copy-Item $_ $NewName
Is what I'm trying to do more easier to do with xcopy or robocopy versus Copy-Item? If so, how would I go about using something other than Copy-Item.
Since you want the destination items renamed Get-ChildItem/Copy-Item is the better approach here. Something like this should work:
Get-ChildItem *.config.gen -Recurse |
Copy-Item -Destination { Join-Path $_.Directory ($_.BaseName + '.tmp') }

Powershell script to copy and rename files in a loop

I have a number of files with extension .psa in my Prevalidation folder and I want to:
copy them one by one into my working folder
rename the .psa file to psaload.csv
run a set of commands against the file to load it to my db
and then delete the csv file from my working folder.
This will be repeated for all the .psa files I have on my source folder.
So, the question is how do I execute the set of commands in a loop over as many .psa files as present.
Here's my piece of code testing for only one file in my Prevalidation folder -
Copy-Item C:\Downloads\PreValidation\*.psa C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP
Rename-Item 'C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\abc 1234.psa' 'psaload1.csv'
Get-Content C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload1.csv | ForEach-Object { $_.replace("\,"," ") } | Set-Content C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload.csv
Remove-Item C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload1.csv
<run the psaload.csv to load to my db>
This is what I intend to do -
Consider multiple .psa files in my C:\Downloads\Prevalidation folder.
For each C:\Downloads\PreValidation\*.psa
Copy-Item C:\Downloads\PreValidation\aaaa.psa C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\aaaa.psa
Rename-Item 'C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\aaaa.psa' 'psaload1.csv'
Get-Content C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload1.csv | ForEach-Object { $_.replace("\,"," ") } | Set-Content C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload.csv
Remove-Item C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\psaload1.csv
I am looking for the syntax to run these set of commands for each files one by one as present in my /prevalidation folder.
Since all the other answers were quite horrible code and not very idiomatic PowerShell, here is my take (though untested):
# Get all .psa files
Get-ChildItem C:\Downloads\PreValidation\*.psa |
ForEach-Object {
# Load the file's contents, replace commas with spaces
(Get-Content $_) -replace ',', ' ' |
# and write it to the correct folder and file name
Out-File C:\Downloads\WIP\psaload.csv
# I guess you'd run whatever you're doing against the file here,
# not after the loop
Remove-Item C:\Downloads\WIP\psaload.csv
You can use foreach with Get-Item to do the loop. Get-Item will return a FileInfo
object that you can use to get the file name (and other info) from. So you could do something like:
foreach($file in (Get-Item .\*.psa))
Copy-Item $file.FullName "C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\$($file.Name)";
Try this:
$a = Get-Item .\*.psa
foreach($file in $a)
Copy-Item $file.FullName "C:\Downloads\Validation\WIP\$($file.Name.replace(".psa",".psload.csv)";
remove-item $file