UIButton position depending on device and orientation - swift

I have an UIView in which I load some UIButtons programmatically at certain positions (via plist). The positions are based on the screen size of an 9.7" iPad and landscape orientation.
But naturally the buttons don't stay where they belong when you change the orientation or use it on an 12.9" iPad.
What would be the best solution to handle that issue?
I did it with tow scale factors, one for orientation and one for the device size. I works quite good.


Rotating UIView and background to landscape mode

The initial root view controller is 9 (3x3) buttons with a custom background in portrait mode. When the device is rotated into landscape mode the last row of buttons (of course) are cut off and the background (which is 320x480) doesn't fill the width of the screen.
What is the proper way of handling this? Do I need to move and resize the buttons myself? Do I have multiple Nibs? How do I resize/rotate the background?
Use shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation and/or deviceDidRotateSelector in your viewController to reposition / layout & scale your views programmatically as you require.
If you set the auto-resizing masks on the buttons to have flexible margins in all directions they should reposition themselves appropriately when you rotate the device. You can do this either in code, or in Interface Builder (which has a nice little simulator demonstrating the effect)
With regards the background, what I prefer to do is to make the image the combination of the maximum proportions of each orientation, and then center it. For instance, make your image 480 x 480, make the view that houses it the same size and then use the appropriate auto-resizing masks to achieve the desired effect.

different theme for landscape and portrait mode

Let me explain what I am creating and it will be nice if someone could tell me a better approach.
I am creating an app that supports all orientations. The app is like a power point presentation with several slides with several images and basic functionality in each slide. the functionality is very simple such as showing an image or moving an image when a button is pressed for example. So creating the app is not the problem. Since this app has to support all orientations when the device enters portrait mode I need to move the content in order to make it fit for the portrait orientation. And I would have to do the same thing if it enters landscape mode. Because there is so much content in every slide I need to change the content very much when changing orientation. so an image in portrait mode might have cords (20,5) and on landscape mode that image will have totally different coordinates.
So is there a way that I can set the IBOutlets have specific cords on landscape and specific cords on portrait with xcode. It takes me forever to store the cords of every IBOutlet in an array since I have so many IBOutles in each slide. I have to store the CGPoints in an array with the cords of IBOutlets in landscape and portrait mode and then if the device enters landsape mode set it's center equal to the array elemets. THIS IS SIMPLE BUT IT TAKES FOREVER!
Moreover I am creating many xib files and treat each xib as a different slide in my app.
With what you are saying, you need two xibs for each "slide". One that describes the portrait orientation, and one that describes the landscape orientation.

Forcing keyboard and sub-view orientation on iOS (iPad / iPhone)

We are just putting user input into our game so the user can enter email address etc. The entire game is Gl with no iOS UI at all. The EAGLView does not change orientation, it is always in portrait, however the game is in landscape and we handle this with a camera transform.
We want to bring up the iOS keyboard and overlay a UITextView for the text input. The UITextView is a subview of the EAGLView. Obviously it, and the keyboard, shows up in portrait as the EAGLView is in portrait.
Without having to change the EAGLView to landscape is there any way I can force the UITextView and the keyboard to show up in landscape orientation?
If I do change the orientation of the EAGLView to landscape to get this working, is there any hit on performance? I have read several times that orienting a GL view in anything other than the default portrait view will give a performance hit, although I can't find any solid evidence of this.
We think we have come up with a solution for this. We are doing two things, one for the keyboard and the other for the UITextView.
For the keyboard we are setting the status bar orientation. The keyboard follows when set.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
And to get the UITextView to orient correctly we apply a transform to subviews of our EAGLView, which in this case is only the UITextView, as follows.
CGAffineTransform aTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI / 2);
[glView UpdateSubViewTransforms:aTransform];
This literally adds a 90 degree rotation to the view.
This has been tested on iPad & iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3, and on iPhone 3G with iOS 3.13.

Changing interfaceOrientation based on image dimensions

I'm looking to change the phone's rotation based on the size of an image. is there a way to detect if the image has 480px x 300px dimensions then use landscape rotation and vice versa?
I have many photos some of which are best view landscape and other best viewed in portrait mode.
thanks for any help.
Think hard about whether you want to rotate the whole UIView that the image is on, versus just doing a rotation transform on the image, so it's turned 90 degrees inside a view that's still portrait mode. When I came up against this issue myself recently, I chose the latter. The whole rest of my app is locked in portrait mode, and to have this one view re-orient its whole thing to be landscape was just weird. Instead I float the image out in a UIView up on top of everything else, and rotate it if that's the best-fit orientation of the image.

how to change orientation of a particular portion of a View iPhone

I would like to change orientation of lower half of my view similar to stock app in which when we change the orientation of device only the Graph view of the same rotates. Please let me know how I would achieve the same functionality.
You can apply a CAAffineTransform to any view independently causing it to rotate to any arbitrary degree regardless of the device orientation.
However, system views such a the keyboard appear rotated with the device and not the view i.e. if you rotate a text field, the keyboard will appear in the device orientation not the text fields transformed orientation.